Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 5 - Nutrient Management and Odor Management
Section 507 - Manure application setbacks and buffers

(a) General rule.--Unless the commission establishes a stricter requirement by regulation, no concentrated animal operation or other agricultural operation receiving manure from a concentrated animal operation directly or indirectly through a broker or other person may mechanically land apply manure within 100 feet of surface water unless a vegetated buffer no less than 35 feet in width and meeting standards established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service is used to prevent manure runoff into the surface water.
(b) Definition.--As used in this section, the term "surface water" means a perennial or intermittent stream with a defined bed and bank, a lake or a pond.

Effective Date. Section 5(1) of Act 38 provided that section 507 shall take effect in 180 days.