The commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Before July 19, 1995, and periodically thereafter, to promulgate regulations, in consultation with the department, the Department of Environmental Protection and the board, establishing minimum criteria for nutrient management plans developed in accordance with section 506 (relating to nutrient management plans) and other regulatory requirements to implement this chapter. In establishing such criteria, the commission shall consult the Manure Management for Environmental Protection Manual of the Department of Environmental Protection, the Pennsylvania Agronomy Guide published by The Pennsylvania State University and the Pennsylvania Technical Guide for Soil and Water Conservation published by the United States Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation Service. The criteria to be established pursuant to this section shall include the following:
(i) An identification of nutrients as defined by this chapter. Unless otherwise appropriate pursuant to specific criteria which shall be established by the commission, there shall be a presumption that nitrogen is the nutrient of primary concern.
(ii) The establishment of procedures to determine proper application rates of nutrients to be applied to land based on conditions of soil and levels of existing nutrients in the soil and the type of agricultural, horticultural or floricultural production to be conducted on the land.
(iii) An identification of best management practices to be utilized for proper nutrient management.
(iv) The establishment of recordkeeping requirements related to land application and distribution of nutrients.
(v) The establishment of minimum standards of construction, location, storage capacity and operation of facilities intended to be used for storage of animal manure.
(vi) The establishment of conditions under which amendments to nutrient management plans are required to be made after initial development or filing.
(vii) The establishment of special criteria which may be utilized for manure handling in emergency situations where there is an outbreak of a contagious disease.
(viii) The establishment of conditions under which changes due to unforeseen circumstances render the plan amendment process set forth in section 506(e) impracticable. Where such conditions exist, the owner or operator of an agricultural operation shall follow the procedures set forth in section 506(f).
(1.1) Within two years following the effective date of this section and periodically thereafter, to promulgate regulations, in consultation with the department, the Department of Environmental Protection and the board, establishing practices, technologies, standards, strategies and other requirements for odor management plans developed in accordance with section 509 (relating to odor management plans). The commission shall consider the following in promulgating the regulations under this paragraph:
(i) Site-specific factors such as proximity to adjoining landowners, land use of the surrounding area, type of structures proposed, species of animals, local topography and direction of the prevailing winds.
(ii) Reasonably available technology, practices, standards and strategies to manage odor impacts, considering both the practical and economic feasibility of installation and operation and the potential impacts from the facilities. Only those technologies, practices, standards and strategies that are necessary to address the offsite impacts of odors associated with these new facilities will be required to be included in the odor management plans.
(2) Prior to the adoption of regulations under paragraph (1.1), to establish interim guidelines for the operations identified in section 509.
(3) To continually evaluate emerging practices, methods and technology for utilization as best management practices and to so identify the practices, where appropriate, pursuant to paragraph (1)(iii).
(4) Beginning October 1, 2002, to evaluate the criteria for concentrated animal operations in this Commonwealth and to make appropriate changes in those criteria by regulation. Any such regulatory change related to concentrated animal operations shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the commission.
(5) Prior to the adoption of regulations under paragraph (1), to recommend, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Protection, the department and the board, interim criteria for the sole purpose of facilitating the initial development of the nutrient management certification program established by this chapter.
(6) Before July 19, 1995, to develop and implement, in cooperation with the department, the board, the Cooperative Extension Service and conservation districts, a program to provide education and technical assistance to the agricultural community and, to the extent funds are available, to provide financial assistance to existing agricultural operations for implementation of proper methods, practices, facilities and techniques for the utilization and management of nutrients on the farm to prevent the pollution of groundwater and surface water.
(7) To consult with the board as provided in section 510 (relating to Nutrient Management Advisory Board).
(8) To issue orders and take actions as are necessary to administer and enforce this chapter.
(9) To delegate administration or enforcement authority, or both, under this chapter to county conservation districts that have an adequate program and sufficient resources to accept and implement this delegation.
Cross References. Section 504 is referred to in sections 503, 506, 509, 510 of this title.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 5 - Nutrient Management and Odor Management
Section 502 - Declaration of legislative purpose
Section 504 - Powers and duties of commission
Section 505 - Powers and duties of Department of Environmental Protection
Section 506 - Nutrient management plans
Section 507 - Manure application setbacks and buffers
Section 508 - Nutrient management certification program and odor management certification program
Section 509 - Odor management plans
Section 510 - Nutrient Management Advisory Board
Section 511 - Financial assistance
Section 512 - Nutrient Management Fund
Section 513 - Unlawful conduct
Section 514 - Civil penalties and remedies
Section 515 - Limitation of liability
Section 516 - Enforcement authority; enforcement orders
Section 517 - Appealable actions
Section 518 - Powers reserved under existing laws
Section 519 - Preemption of local ordinances