Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 5 - Nutrient Management and Odor Management
Section 506 - Nutrient management plans

(a) Concentrated animal operations.--Concentrated animal operations are those agricultural operations where the animal density exceeds two AEUs per acre on an annualized basis. Beginning October 1, 2002, the commission, in consultation with the department, the board, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Cooperative Extension Service, shall review the criteria used to identify concentrated animal operations and make appropriate changes to the definition of concentrated animal operations by regulation.
(b) Development of nutrient management plans.--The operator of any concentrated animal operation shall develop and implement a nutrient management plan consistent with the requirements of this section.
(c) Certification of plans.--All plans and plan amendments shall be developed by nutrient management specialists who shall certify that the plans are in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and the regulations promulgated under this chapter.
(d) Review procedure.--Nutrient management plans required by this section shall be submitted for review in accordance with the following schedule:
(1) For a concentrated animal operation in existence on October 1, 1997, by October 1, 1998.
(2) For a concentrated animal operation which comes into existence after October 1, 1997, by the later of:
(i) January 1, 1998; or
(ii) commencement of operations.
(3) For an agricultural operation which, because of expansion, meets the criteria for a concentrated animal operation, within three months after the date of expansion.
(e) Plan review and approval.--Plans or plan amendments required under this chapter shall be submitted to local conservation districts for review and approval or alternatively to the commission for agricultural operations located in counties not delegated administrative authority under section 504 (relating to powers and duties of commission). Any person performing the plan review must be certified in accordance with section 508 (relating to nutrient management certification program and odor management certification program). Within 90 days of receipt of a nutrient management plan or plan amendment, the reviewing agency shall either approve, modify or disapprove the plan or plan amendment. Approvals shall only be granted for those plans or plan amendments which satisfy the requirements of this chapter and the regulations promulgated under this chapter. Notice of determination to approve, modify or disapprove a plan or plan amendment shall be provided in writing to the person submitting same. Notice of a determination to modify or disapprove shall include an explanation specifically stating the reasons for modification or disapproval. If a plan or plan amendment is disapproved, the person submitting a plan or plan amendment for the first time shall have 90 days after receipt of notice of disapproval to resubmit a revised plan or plan amendment. An agricultural operation that submits a complete plan or plan amendment is authorized to implement the same if the reviewing agency fails to act within 90 days of submittal. Where the reviewing agency fails to so act and the plan or plan amendment is resubmitted and the reviewing agency again fails to act within 90 days of resubmittal, it shall be deemed approved.
(f) Amendments due to unforeseen circumstances.--Amendments to plans or to implementation of plans made after initial development or filing which satisfy the criteria established under section 504(1)(vii) shall be certified by a nutrient management specialist prior to implementation and submitted to the district within 30 days of implementation.
(g) Implementation.--A person required to develop a nutrient management plan pursuant to subsection (b) shall fully implement such plan within three years of the date such plan is approved or is deemed approved or for which implementation is otherwise authorized pursuant to subsection (e), unless extended for cause shown or by a plan amendment. The three-year implementation schedule shall be extended an additional two years for individual substantial capital improvements required under an approved plan for an operation required to submit a plan under subsection (d)(1) if:
(1) the owner or operator demonstrates that the cost of all or part of the individual improvements for which the extension is applicable cannot be financed through available funding mechanisms; and
(2) a sum of $2,000,000 or more has not been appropriated for grants and loans to the Nutrient Management Fund created under section 512 (relating to Nutrient Management Fund), above and beyond any Chesapeake Bay nonpoint source pollution abatement moneys that may be appropriated to the fund, before October 1, 1998.
(h) Voluntary plans.--Any agricultural operation which is not a concentrated animal operation may voluntarily develop a nutrient management plan and have it reviewed pursuant to this section. To the extent possible, the commission, the Cooperative Extension Service, the department, the Department of Environmental Protection and conservation districts shall assist and promote the development of voluntary plans.
(i) Financial assistance.--Any agricultural operation receiving financial assistance under the Chesapeake Bay Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement Program or otherwise receiving financial assistance under this chapter for the development of a nutrient management plan shall agree to develop and implement a nutrient management plan as a condition for receiving this financial assistance.
(j) Compliance plans.--Any agricultural operation found to be in violation of the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as The Clean Streams Law, may be required to submit a nutrient management plan within three months of notification thereof and implement the plan in order to prevent or abate such pollution.
(k) Transferability of plans.--A plan approved under this section shall be transferable to a subsequent owner of an agricultural operation upon notification thereof to the district unless the transfer results in operational changes requiring plan modification pursuant to the criteria established under section 504(1)(vi).
(l) Construction of section.--The density criteria for concentrated animal operations as identified in subsection (a) or as it may be subsequently modified by the commission shall only be utilized to identify those agricultural operations for which the planning requirements of this section shall apply and shall not be construed to prohibit the development or expansion of agricultural operations meeting or exceeding such criteria.

Cross References. Section 506 is referred to in sections 503, 504 of this title.