The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"AEU." Animal equivalent unit.
"AEU per acre." An animal equivalent unit per acre of cropland or acre of land suitable for application of animal manure.
"Agricultural operations." The management and use of farming resources for the production of crops, livestock or poultry.
"Animal equivalent unit." One thousand pounds live weight of livestock or poultry animals, regardless of the actual number of individual animals comprising the unit.
"Animal housing facility." A roofed structure or facility, or any portion thereof, used for occupation by livestock or poultry.
"Best management practice" or "BMP." A practice or combination of practices determined by the commission to be effective and practicable (given technological, economic and institutional considerations) to manage nutrients to protect surface water and groundwater, taking into account applicable nutrient requirements for crop utilization. The term includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Conservation tillage.
(2) Crop rotation.
(3) Soil testing.
(4) Manure testing.
(5) Diversions.
(6) Manure storage facilities.
(7) Storm water management practices.
(8) Nutrient application.
"Board." The Nutrient Management Advisory Board created by section 510 (relating to Nutrient Management Advisory Board).
"Commission." The State Conservation Commission established by the act of May 15, 1945 (P.L.547, No.217), known as the Conservation District Law.
"Concentrated animal feeding operation." An agricultural operation that meets the criteria established by the Department of Environmental Protection under authority of the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as The Clean Streams Law.
"Concentrated animal operation." Agricultural operations meeting the criteria established under this chapter.
"Conservation district." Any county conservation district established under the act of May 15, 1945 (P.L.547, No.217), known as the Conservation District Law.
"Cooperative extension." The Cooperative Extension Service of The Pennsylvania State University.
"Department." The Department of Agriculture of the Commonwealth.
"Fund." The Nutrient Management Fund.
"Manure management facility." A manure storage facility, including a permanent structure or facility, or a portion of a structure or facility, utilized for the primary purpose of containing manure. The term includes liquid manure structures, manure storage ponds, component reception pits and transfer pipes, containment structures built under a confinement building, permanent stacking and composting facilities and manure treatment facilities. The term does not include the animal confinement areas of poultry houses, horse stalls, free stall barns or bedded pack animal housing systems.
"Nutrient." A substance or recognized plant nutrient, element or compound which is used or sold for its plant nutritive content or its claimed nutritive value. The term includes, but is not limited to, livestock and poultry manures, compost as fertilizer, commercially manufactured chemical fertilizers, sewage sludge or combinations thereof.
"Nutrient management plan." A written site-specific plan which incorporates best management practices to manage the use of plant nutrients for crop production and water quality protection consistent with the criteria established in sections 504 (relating to powers and duties of commission) and 506 (relating to nutrient management plans).
"Nutrient management specialist." A person satisfying the certification requirements of section 508 (relating to nutrient management certification program and odor management certification program).
"Odor management plan." A written site-specific plan identifying the practices, technologies, standards and strategies to be implemented to manage the impact of odors generated from animal housing or manure management facilities located or to be located on the site.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 5 - Nutrient Management and Odor Management
Section 502 - Declaration of legislative purpose
Section 504 - Powers and duties of commission
Section 505 - Powers and duties of Department of Environmental Protection
Section 506 - Nutrient management plans
Section 507 - Manure application setbacks and buffers
Section 508 - Nutrient management certification program and odor management certification program
Section 509 - Odor management plans
Section 510 - Nutrient Management Advisory Board
Section 511 - Financial assistance
Section 512 - Nutrient Management Fund
Section 513 - Unlawful conduct
Section 514 - Civil penalties and remedies
Section 515 - Limitation of liability
Section 516 - Enforcement authority; enforcement orders
Section 517 - Appealable actions
Section 518 - Powers reserved under existing laws
Section 519 - Preemption of local ordinances