Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 11 - Powers, Duties and Rights of Appointed Officers and Employees
Section 1171 - Appointments of police and fire apparatus operators

(a) Nonapplicability of subchapter.--This subchapter shall not apply to:
(1) a borough that has a police force of less than three members;
(2) a borough that has a police force of three or more members if those members in excess of two are appointed on a temporary basis through a federally funded program;
(3) a volunteer fire department or company that employs its own operators; or
(4) a borough that has less than three salaried fire apparatus operators.
(b) Compensation.--This subchapter is subject to the power of council to determine compensation.
(c) Appointments and promotions.--An appointment to and promotion in the police force or as fire apparatus operator paid directly by a borough and in the borough shall be made only according to qualifications and fitness, to be ascertained by examinations which shall be competitive as provided in this part.
(d) Suspension, removal and reduction in rank.--No person shall be suspended, removed or reduced in rank as a paid employee in any police force or as a paid fire apparatus operator of a borough, except in accordance with this subchapter.
(e) Retirement.--Nothing in this subchapter shall apply to retirement, nor shall anything in this subchapter be construed to prevent a borough from adopting a compulsory retirement age for its employees or for any class of employees and from retiring all employees automatically when they reach that age.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 11 - Powers, Duties and Rights of Appointed Officers and Employees

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 1101 - Compensation, hours and days of work and outside employment

Section 1102 - Accounts

Section 1103 - Bonds

Section 1104 - Appointments and incompatible offices

Section 1105 - Compensation of certain employees

Section 1105.1 - Retirement benefits of employees transferred to authorities

Section 1106 - Bond and duties

Section 1107 - Assistant treasurer

Section 1111 - Duties

Section 1112 - Assistant secretary

Section 1113 - Records open to inspection

Section 1116 - Solicitor to have control of legal matters

Section 1117 - Duties of solicitor and outside counsel

Section 1118 - Assistant solicitor

Section 1121 - Council's powers concerning police

Section 1122 - Police serving under cooperative agreement or contract

Section 1123 - Police badge

Section 1123.1 - Mayor's powers concerning police

Section 1124 - Suspension by mayor

Section 1125 - Compensation

Section 1127 - School crossing guards

Section 1131 - Police pension fund

Section 1132 - Private police pension funds and optional transfers

Section 1141 - Borough manager created by ordinance and election

Section 1142 - Powers and duties

Section 1143 - Other offices not incompatible

Section 1170 - Definitions

Section 1171 - Appointments of police and fire apparatus operators

Section 1172 - Civil service commission

Section 1173 - Offices incompatible with civil service commissioner

Section 1174 - Organization of commission

Section 1175 - Clerks, supplies and solicitor

Section 1176 - Rules and regulations

Section 1177 - Minutes and records

Section 1178 - Investigations

Section 1179 - Subpoenas

Section 1180 - Annual report

Section 1181 - General provisions relating to examinations

Section 1182 - Application for examination

Section 1183 - Rejection of applicant and hearing

Section 1184 - Eligibility list and manner of filling appointments

Section 1185 - Age and residency of applicants

Section 1186 - Probationary period

Section 1187 - Provisional appointments

Section 1188 - Promotions

Section 1189 - Physical and psychological medical examination

Section 1190 - Removals

Section 1191 - Hearings on dismissals and reductions

Section 1192 - Employees exempted

Section 1193 - Discrimination on account of political or religious affiliations

Section 1194 - Penalty