Oklahoma Statutes
Title 74E. Ethics Rules
Rule 2.104. Report by political party committee

State political party committees shall file a Statement of Organization in July of any odd-numbered year. The Statement of Organization shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: (1) The names of the Chair, Treasurer and, if applicable, Deputy Treasurer of the committee; (2) the full name of the committee; (3) the mailing address and, if applicable, residence address, electronic mailing address, telephone numbers and Internet website , if applicable, of the committee, the Chair, Treasurer and, if applicable, Deputy Treasurer and (4) the full name and address of each depository in which the committee will maintain an account. The Treasurer shall be responsible for notifying the Commission of any change in information provided on the Statement of Organization by filing an Amended Statement of Organization within ten (10) days of a change being made. An Amended Statement of Organization shall contain the same information as the Statement of Organization. Congressional District, county and precinct political party committees and any other political party committee officially recognized by the party’s bylaws or similar governing document, shall file a Statement of Organization containing the same information prior to filing a Report of Contributions and Expenditures as required hereafter. Congressional District, county and precinct political party committees and any other political party committee officially recognized by the party’s bylaws or similar governing document, shall be required to file a Report of Contributions and Expenditures in any year the committee makes an independent expenditure, an electioneering communication or a contribution to a candidate for state office. The Report of Contributions and Expenditures shall be made at the quarterly reporting period next following the making of the independent expenditure, electioneering communication or contribution to a candidate for state office. The Report shall cover the period beginning January 1 of the year in which the report is filed (or January 1 of the immediately preceding calendar year for a quarterly report filed in January) or the end of the last preceding reporting period filed by the committee during the same calendar year, if the committee has filed a prior report in the same calendar year, and ending on the last day of the month prior to the month in which the quarterly report is filed.

A Report of Contributions and Expenditures by a political party committee shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
A. (1) the name of the committee and the time period covered by the report;
(2) the total of all monetary contributions accepted during the time period covered by the report, and the aggregate total of all monetary contributions accepted during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(3) the total of all monetary contributions from political action committees accepted during the time period covered by the report, and the aggregate total of all monetary contributions from political action committees accepted during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(4) the total of all other funds accepted during the time period covered by the report, including transfers from a federal, state, district, county or precinct party committee, and the aggregate total of all such other funds accepted during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(5) the total of all monetary contributions or funds accepted from any source during the time period covered by the report, and the aggregate total of all monetary contributions or funds accepted during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(6) the total value of all in-kind contributions accepted during the time period covered by the report, and the aggregate total value of all in-kind contributions accepted during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(7) the total of all expenditures made during the time period covered by the report, and the aggregate total of all expenditures made during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(8) the total of all refunds made during the time period covered by the report, and the aggregate total of all refunds made during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(9) the total of all transfers made to a federal, state, district, county or precinct party committee during the time period covered by the report and the date of each transfer, and the aggregate total of all such transfers made during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(10) the beginning balance of the committee account for the reporting period, and the closing balance of the committee account at the end of the reporting period;
B. (1) The name, address, occupation and employer of any person other than a political action committee making a contribution or contributions exceeding Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in value in the aggregate; the date and amount of any monetary or in-kind contributions made during the time period covered by the report; and the aggregate total of all contributions accepted from the person during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(2) the total of all contributions accepted during the time period covered by the report from contributors making contributions of no more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in the aggregate, and the aggregate total of all such contributions during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(3) the name and Commission identification number of a political action committee or candidate committee making a contribution or contributions, the date and amount of any monetary or in-kind contributions made during the time period covered by the report, and the aggregate total of all contributions accepted from the political action committee during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(4) the name, address, occupation and employer, if applicable, of a contributor to whom a refund was made during the time period covered by the report; the date and amount of the refund; and the aggregate total of all contributions refunded to the contributor during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(5) loans made to the committee during the time period covered by the report, including loans by commercial financial institutions; the name, address and, if applicable, occupation and employer, of the person making the loan; the amount of the loan, the date the loan was made, the interest rate for the loan, the repayment terms for the loan and the total of all loans made to the committee; any payments on loans during the time period covered by the report, the amount of the payment, the date the payment was made and the remaining balance of the loan following the payment; and the total of all payments made on all loans to the committee and the remaining balance on all loans to the committee during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;
(6) the name and address of any person or entity to whom an expenditure of more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) in the aggregate was made during the time period covered by the report, a description of the goods or services purchased with the expenditure, and the aggregate total of all expenditures made to the person or entity during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report. Split purchasing for the purpose of evading reporting an expenditure shall be prohibited. Expenditures made to compensate political consultants and similar consultants shall be reported by identifying the type of services provided to the campaign by the consultants. Expenditures made by political consultants and other third parties on behalf of the committee shall be reported as if the expenditures were made by the committee. Expenditures made by using a credit card shall be reported by itemizing each individual expenditure of more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00).
Contributions accepted from a limited liability company shall be reported as contributions from the individual members of the limited liability company in proportions equal to their ownership interest in the limited liability company. Contributions accepted from a partnership shall be reported as contributions from the individual partners of the partnership in proportions equal to their ownership interest in the partnership. Transfers between a federal, state, district, county or precinct party committee shall not be considered as contributions or expenditures.
Promulgated by Ethics Commission January 10, 2014; effective upon Legislature’s sine die adjournment May 23, 2014; operative January 1, 2015.
Amendment promulgated by Ethics Commission January 9, 2015; effective upon sine die adjournment of the Legislature May 22, 2015; operative May 22, 2015.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 74E. Ethics Rules

Rule 1.1. Purpose of Ethics Rules.

Rule 1.2. Purpose of Rule 1.

Rule 1.3. Definition.

Rule 1.4. Determination of Timely Filing.

Rule 1.5. Political Activity of Ethics Commissioners.

Rule 1.6. Ethics Commissioners Disqualification.

Rule 1.7. Advisory Opinions.

Rule 1.8. Forms and Publications

Rule 1.9. Section Headings.

Rule 2.1. Purpose of Rule 2.

Rule 2.2. Definitions.

Rule 2.3. Use of public funds

Rule 2.4. Prohibited Uses of Public Funds to Influence Elections.

Rule 2.5. Elective Officer Prohibited From Soliciting Contributions from Employees.

Rule 2.6. Political Fund

Rule 2.7. Prohibition on distribution of campaign materials on state property

Rule 2.8. Use of Public Property for Political Purposes

Rule 2.9. Prohibitions on Activities of State Officers and Employees Designed to Influence Elections.

Rule 2.10. Use of Public Facilities for Voter Registration.

Rule 2.11. Newsletters and Informational Materials by Elected State Officers.

Rule 2.12. Posting of Material by Elected State Officers Indicating Positions on Issues.

Rule 2.13. State Employees Maintaining Schedule for Elected Officers.

Rule 2.14. Prohibition on Use of State Owned Equipment and Resources for Campaigns.

Rule 2.15. Prohibition on Use of State Owned Equipment to Make a Campaign Contribution.

Rule 2.16. Use of Social Media Account by State Officer.

Rule 2.17. General Rule for Contributions.

Rule 2.18. Contribution in Name of Another.

Rule 2.19. Cash Contributions.

Rule 2.20. Anonymous Contributions.

Rule 2.21. Contribution Deemed Accepted if Not Returned.

Rule 2.22. Deposit of Contributions.

Rule 2.23. Corporate and Labor Union Contributions Prohibited.

Rule 2.24. Contributions by Limited Liability Companies.

Rule 2.25. Contributions by Partnerships.

Rule 2.26. Use of Corporate Funds for Political Action Committees.

Rule 2.27. Use of Labor Union Funds for Political Action Committees.

Rule 2.28. Payroll Deduction.

Rule 2.29. Corporate and Labor Union Communications Not Considered as Contributions.

Rule 2.30. Candidate Committee Prohibited from Receiving Federal Candidate Committee Contributions.

Rule 2.31. Contributions to Political Party.

Rule 2.32. Contributions by Political Party Committee.

Rule 2.33. Contributions to and by Limited Committee.

Rule 2.34. Contributions by Limited Committees Registered for Less than One Year or Fewer than Twenty

Rule 2.35. Contributions to and by Unlimited Committee.

Rule 2.36. Contributions to State Question Committee.

Rule 2.37. Contributions to candidate committees

Rule 2.38. Candidate Contributions to Own Committee.

Rule 2.39. Personal Use of Contributions Prohibited.

Rule 2.40. Political Party Expenditures.

Rule 2.41. Limited Committee Expenditures.

Rule 2.42. Unlimited Committee Expenditures.

Rule 2.43. Candidate Committee Expenditures.

Rule 2.44. Officeholder Expenses.

Rule 2.45. Calculation of Travel Expenditures.

Rule 2.46. Political Party Committee Surplus Funds.

Rule 2.47. Political Action Committee Surplus Funds.

Rule 2.48. Candidate Committee Surplus Funds.

Rule 2.49. Candidate Committee Prohibition on Independent Expenditures.

Rule 2.50. Unlimited Independent Expenditures.

Rule 2.51. Electioneering Communications by Candidate Committees.

Rule 2.52. Unlimited Electioneering Communications.

Rule 2.53. Political Party Electronic Advertisement Disclosure Requirements.

Rule 2.54. Political Party Printed Advertisement Disclosure Requirements.

Rule 2.55. Candidate Committee Electronic Advertisement Disclosure Requirements.

Rule 2.56. Candidate Committee Printed Advertisements Disclosure Requirements.

Rule 2.57. Independent Expenditure and Electioneering Communication Electronic Advertisement Disclosure Requirements.

Rule 2.58. Independent Expenditure and Electioneering Communication Printed Advertisement Disclosure Requirements.

Rule 2.59. Joint Candidate Fund

Rule 2.60. Hosting Fundraisers in Residence.

Rule 2.61. Hosting Fund

Rule 2.62. Golf Fund

Rule 2.63. Fund

Rule 2.64. Free Campaign Related Goods or Services and Sale of Campaign Related Goods or Services.

Rule 2.65. Loans to Committees by Commercial Financial Institutions.

Rule 2.66. Loans to Political Party or Political Action Committees by Non

Rule 2.67. Loans to Candidate Committees by Candidate and Other Non

Rule 2.68. Designation of Candidate Committee.

Rule 2.69. Permissible number of candidate committees

Rule 2.70. When to File a Candidate Committee Statement of Organization.

Rule 2.71. Candidate Committee Officers

Rule 2.72. Vacancy in Treasurer Office

Rule 2.73. Candidate Committee Treasurer Responsibilities.

Rule 2.74. Filling Candidate Committee Officer Vacancy.

Rule 2.75. Candidate Committee Statement of Organization Requirements.

Rule 2.76. Executive Director Authority to Require Additional Information.

Rule 2.77. Judicial Candidates Exclusively Responsible for Compliance with Rules.

Rule 2.78. Exploratory Activities.

Rule 2.79. Political Action Committee Definition.

Rule 2.80. Statement of Organization

Rule 2.81. Political Action Committee Officers.

Rule 2.82. Vacancy in Treasurer Office

Rule 2.83. Political Action Committee Treasurer Responsibilities.

Rule 2.84. Filling Political Action Committee Office Vacancy.

Rule 2.85. Political Action Committee Statement of Organization Requirements.

Rule 2.86. Political Action Committee Statement of Organization Additional Requirements for Affiliated Entities.

Rule 2.87. Limitations on Solicitations by Political Action Committee Affiliated with Corporation.

Rule 2.88. Limitation on Solicitation by Political Action Committee Affiliated with Membership Organization.

Rule 2.89. Limitations on Solicitations by Political Action Committee Affiliated with Labor Union.

Rule 2.90. Solicitations by Non

Rule 2.91. Contributions to Be Voluntary.

Rule 2.92. Registration Requirements for Out of State Political Action Committee.

Rule 2.93. Executive Director

Rule 2.94. Campaign Depository in Financial Institution.

Rule 2.95. Campaign Depository Account Requirements.

Rule 2.96. Political Action Committee Registered with Federal Election Commission.

Rule 2.97. Payment of Costs of Affiliated Limited Committee.

Rule 2.98. Reports for Political Action Committee Registered with Federal Election Committee.

Rule 2.99. Reports for Out of State Political Action Committees.

Rule 2.100. Quarterly Report of Contributions and Expenditures

Rule 2.101. Candidate committees

Rule 2.102. Continuing Reports by Candidate Committee Between Pre

Rule 2.103. First Report for Candidate Committee or Political Action Committee.

Rule 2.104. Report by political party committee

Rule 2.105. Report Requirements for Political Action Committee.

Rule 2.106. Report Requirements for Candidate Committee.

Rule 2.107. Independent expenditure reports

Rule 2.108. Electioneering communication reports

Rule 2.110. Campaign Communications Received on State Equipment by State Officer or Employee.

Rule 2.111. Use of Personal Resources for Volunteer Campaign Communications.

Rule 2.112. Use of Commercial Resources for Campaign Communications.

Rule 2.113. Website Development

Rule 2.114. Dissolution of Political Party Committee.

Rule 2.115. Dissolution of Political Action Committee.

Rule 2.116. Dissolution of Candidate Committee.

Rule 2.117. Resolution of Committee Debt.

Rule 2.118. Final report of contributions and expenditures

Rule 2.119. Special purpose committees

Rule 2.120. Litigation Funds.

Rule 2.121. Special Committee Reports.

Rule 2.122. Electronic Filing.

Rule 3.15. Financial disclosure statements

Rule 3.16. Financial disclosure by elected or appointed state officers.

Rule 4.1. Purpose of Rule 4.

Rule 4.2. Definitions.

Rule 4.3. Rules or Policies More Restrictive than Ethics Rules.

Rule 4.4. Misuse of Office.

Rule 4.5. Misuse of Authority.

Rule 4.6. State Officer or Employee Emergency Relief Efforts.

Rule 4.7. State Officer Impartiality.

Rule 4.8. Gifts from Vendors to Persons Engaged in Purchasing Decisions.

Rule 4.9. Gifts from Successful Vendors.

Rule 4.10. Gifts to State Officers or Employees from Regulated and Licensed Entities.

Rule 4.11. Gratuities Offered at Seminars

Rule 4.12. Modest Items of Food and Refreshments

Rule 4.13. Acceptance of Meals

Rule 4.14. Acceptance of Meals

Rule 4.15. Benefits arising from presenting information at a conference or other event

Rule 4.16. Acceptance of meals for professional

Rule 4.17. Gifts to Superiors by State Officers or Employees.

Rule 4.18. State Officer or Employee Representation of Others in Transactions involving the State.

Rule 4.19. State Officer or Employee Representation of Others Before Employing Agency.

Rule 4.20. Acceptance of Things of Value When Representing the State in an Official Capacity.

Rule 4.21. Representation of Constituents by Governor and Legislature.

Rule 4.23. State Officer or Employee Violation of Rules through Indirect Action.

Rule 5.1. Purpose of Rule 5.

Rule 5.2. Definitions

Rule 5.3. Annual Registration for Legislative Liaison and Legislative Lobbyist.

Rule 5.4. Expiration or Termination of Registration for Legislative Liaison and Legislative Lobbyist.

Rule 5.5. Annual Registration and Termination of Registration for Executive Lobbyist.

Rule 5.6. Nothing of value to be provided or accepted except as provided in these Rules

Rule 5.7. Meal Limits for Legislative Liaisons or Legislative Lobbyist.

Rule 5.8. Gift Limits for Legislative Liaison or LegislativeLobbyist.

Rule 5.9. Meals Provided by Non

Rule 5.10. Meal Limits for Executive Lobbyist.

Rule 5.11. Gift Limits for Executive Lobbyist.

Rule 5.12. Modest Items of Food and Refreshments.

Rule 5.13. Lobbyist Principal Gifts for Public Service to Individual State Officer or Employee.

Rule 5.14. Food and Beverage Provided by a Lobbyist Principal to an Event to Which All Members of Legislature are Invited.

Rule 5.15. Food and Beverage Provided by a Lobbyist Principal to a Political Caucus.

Rule 5.16. Food and beverage for events at the Capitol building to which all members of a committee or subcommittee of the Legislature are invited

Rule 5.17. Food and Beverage Provided by a Lobbyist Principal for Out of State Events.

Rule 5.18. Lobbyist Principal Purchase of Tickets or Sponsorship of Bona Fide Community

Rule 5.19. Legislative Liaison and Legislative Lobbyist Report Deadlines.

Rule 5.20. Executive Lobbyist Report Deadlines.

Rule 5.21. Legislative Lobbyist Report Required Information.

Rule 5.22. Executive Lobbyist Report Required Information.

Rule 5.23. Legislative Liaison

Rule 5.24. Executive Director Authority to Require Additional Information.

Rule 5.25. Waiver based on preexisting relationships

Rule 5.26. Legislative Liaison

Rule 5.27. Lobbying Activity Disclosure Requirements.

Rule 5.28. State Officer or Employee Prohibition on Legislative or Executive Lobbying.

Rule 5.29. Lobbyist or Legislative Liaison Violation of Rules through Indirect Action

Rule 6.1. Purpose of Rule 6

Rule 6.2. Definitions

Rule 6.3. Source of a complaint

Rule 6.4. Blackout Period.

Rule 6.5. Preliminary Investigation of Complaint.

Rule 6.6. Commission Review of Complaint or Investigation.

Rule 6.7. Formal Investigation.

Rule 6.8. Subpoena Power.

Rule 6.9. Confidentiality of Complaint or Investigation.

Rule 6.10. Commission Action During Formal Investigation.

Rule 6.11. Commission Transmittal of Information to Appropriate Authorities.

Rule 6.12. Civil Lawsuits for Violation of Rules.

Rule 6.13. Civil Penalties for Violation of Rules.

Rule 6.14. Other Remedies.

Rule 6.15. Monetary Liability for Violation of Rules.

Rule 6.16. Monetary Liability Assessed by District Court.

Rule 6.17. Separate Liability Assessed by District Court.

Rule 6.18. Settlement Agreements.

Rule 6.19. Late filing fees