Sections 1 through 5 of this act shall be known and may be cited as the "Oklahoma Online Bidding Act".
Added by Laws 2003, c. 60, § 1, eff. July 1, 2003.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§74-2. May remove officers appointed.
§74-2.1. Filing of Gubernatorial appointments with Senate.
§74-2.2. Vacancies requiring legislative confirmation - Interim appointments.
§74-2.3. "Congressional district" defined.
§74-2.4. Change in number of congressional districts - Conflicts in board membership requirements.
§74-3.1. Recording of official acts
§74-4. Military record to be kept.
§74-6. May employ counsel for State.
§74-7. Maintenance of Governor's mansion.
§74-8. Governor - Incapacity - Devolution of powers and duties.
§74-9.2. SECTION 74-9.2 Other necessary committees - Expenses.
§74-9.23. Director - Appointment, duties and compensation of employees
§74-9.25. Assistance of Governor's advisory committees.
§74-9.26. Governor's Advisory Committee to the Office of Disability Concerns.
§74-9.27. Rules and regulations.
§74-9.27A. Client Assistance Program.
§74-9.29. The Governor's Advisory Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities - Creation.
§74-9.30. Purpose of act - Cooperation with other agencies.
§74-9.32. Executive committee.
§74-9.33. Office of Disability Concerns Revolving Fund.
§74-9.34. Gifts, donations, bequests or grants.
§74-9.35. Nonpartisan and nonprofit character of Committee.
§74-10. Compensation when acting as Governor.
§74-10.3. Cabinet system to be created.
§74-18. Attorney General as chief law officer.
§74-18b. See the following versions:
§74-18d. District attorneys, aiding and requiring aid of.
§74-18e. Criminal actions - Quo warranto - Appearance before grand juries.
§74-18g. Appearance not waiver of immunity of State.
§74-18l. Collection of fees for legal services from certain agencies.
§74-18n-1. Insurance Fraud Unit.
§74-18n-2. Power of Attorney General to investigate insurance fraud – Confidentiality of records.
§74-18p-1. Victims Services Unit.
§74-18p-2. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advisory Council.
§74-18p-5. Statewide telephone communication service for victims.
§74-18p-8. Oversight by Attorney General - Collection and confidentiality of information records.
§74-18p-9. Crime victim and witness notification and victim protective order system.
§74-18p-10. Oklahoma Witness Protection Program.
§74-18q. State Reserved Powers Protection Unit.
§74-18r. Human Trafficking Response Unit.
§74-19.1. Attorney General's Law Enforcement Revolving Fund.
§74-19.2. Attorney General's Workers' Compensation Fraud Unit Revolving Fund.
§74-19.3. Attorney General’s Insurance Fraud Unit Revolving Fund.
§74-19a. Disbursements - Audits.
§74-20f. State officer or employee - Legal defense services.
§74-20g. Defense duties - Evidence
§74-20k. Justice Reinvestment Grant Program.
§74-20l. Collection of information by the Office of Attorney General.
§74-21b. Assistant Attorneys General - Other employees - Appointments - Duties and compensation.
§74-28. First Assistant Attorney General.
§74-28c. Appointment of assistants and employees - Term.
§74-28d. Certain offices not affected by this act.
§74-29. Designation as Natural Gas Curtailment and Regulation Hearings Counsel.
§74-30.1. Short title - Oklahoma Commission on Opioid Abuse Act.
§74-30.2. Creation of Commission – Members - Duties.
§74-30.3. Short title - Political Subdivisions Opioid Abatement Grants Act.
§74-30.6. Oklahoma Opioid Abatement Revolving Fund.
§74-30.7. Oklahoma Opioid Abatement Board.
§74-30.8. Disbursement of grants.
§74-30a. Legislative findings.
§74-30d. Termination of Board.
§74-51.1. Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security.
§74-51.1a. Interoperable public safety communications planning.
§74-51.2. Oklahoma Homeland Security Revolving Fund.
§74-51.2a. Emergency preparedness grants.
§74-51.2b. Oklahoma School Security Grant Program Act.
§74-51.2c. Oklahoma School Security Revolving Fund.
§74-51.2d. Oklahoma School Security Institute.
§74-51.3. Regional advisory councils.
§74-61.3. Experts and assistants.
§74-61.8. Reduction of property owned and leased by the state.
§74-62.5. Special cash fund - Creation.
§74-62.6. List of surplus property - Authorization to sell, trade or redistribute.
§74-62.8. Acquisition of fire protection equipment or vehicles.
§74-63. General powers and authority of Office of Management and Enterprise Services.
§74-63.1. Building and Facility Revolving Fund.
§74-63.2. Asbestos Abatement Revolving Fund.
§74-63.4. State Surplus Auction petty cash fund.
§74-63.6. Alternative process for certain business operations - Academic health centers
§74-66. Restrictions - Interest in other business or in state contracts.
§74-71. Taking of rebates by officer of Office of Management and Enterprise Services a felony.
§74-72. Monuments and markers.
§74-74.1. Regional service offices - Assistance to state agencies - Priority of buildings used.
§74-75. Capitol Cafeteria Revolving Fund - Establishment - Use.
§74-75a. Capitol cafeteria petty cash fund.
§74-76. Mailing service - Interagency communications and deposit of state mail.
§74-76a. Appropriations for mailing service - Statement of operations.
§74-76b. Financial statement of mailing service.
§74-76c. Postal Services Revolving Fund.
§74-77d. Oklahoma War Veterans Commission - Assignment of building.
§74-78a. Requisition of motor vehicles.
§74-78b. State agencies - Notice of disposal of vehicles - When disposal permitted.
§74-78c. State Fleet Management Fund.
§74-78e. Fleet Management Division.
§74-78f. Compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling stations.
§74-80.1. Fleet Management Division – Exchange of information.
§74-85.1. Short title - Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.
§74-85.3A. Exempted entities - State purchasing contracts advisory committee.
§74-85.5. Powers and duties of State Purchasing Director.
§74-85.5.1. Privatization Projects.
§74-85.5a. State purchase card program.
§74-85.6. Grade and quality of acquisitions.
§74-85.7. Acquisition initiation – Submission of requisition.
§74-85.12. Act not to affect nonconflicting procedures — Acquisitions excluded.
§74-85.12b. Leasing, chartering or contracting for aircraft.
§74-85.17A. Bidding preferences - Reciprocity - Awarding contracts.
§74-85.22. Competitive bid or contract for goods or services – Form of certification.
§74-85.33. Registration of State Vendors Revolving Fund.
§74-85.33A. Contract Management Revolving Fund.
§74-85.39. Agency internal purchasing procedures.
§74-85.40. Travel expenses to be included in bid, proposal, or quotation.
§74-85.41. Professional services contracts.
§74-85.41A. Emergency acquisitions.
§74-85.42. One-year limitation on entering contracts with certain persons - Exceptions.
§74-85.43. Annual report of acquisitions.
§74-85.44B. Payment for goods or services pursuant to contract.
§74-85.44D.1. Sole source or sole brand acquisition.
§74-85.44E. Disabled Veteran Businesses – Bonus preference.
§74-85.45. Oklahoma Minority Business Enterprise Assistance Act.
§74-85.45a. Legislative intent.
§74-85.45c. Bid-preference program.
§74-85.45d. Inability to award contract under preference program.
§74-85.45e. Certification as minority business enterprise.
§74-85.45f. Report on contracts awarded to minority business.
§74-85.45g. Assignment of contracts.
§74-85.45h. Prohibited acts - Penalty.
§74-85.45i. Studies to determine disparity in minority business.
§74-85.45j.11. Oklahoma Supplier Diversity Initiative.
§74-85.45k. State Travel Office.
§74-85.45l. Trip Optimizer system – Purpose and application - Exceptions.
§74-85.47b. Administrator - Powers and duties.
§74-85.47c. Small Business Surety Bond Guaranty Fund.
§74-85.47d. Guaranty capabilities of program - Terms of guaranty - Establishment of indemnity fund.
§74-85.47e. Requirements to obtain surety bond guaranty - Applications.
§74-85.47f. Premiums and fees.
§74-85.47g. Administration of program.
§74-85.47h. Prohibited acts - Penalties.
§74-85.47i. Implementation of act - Rules and regulations.
§74-85.47j. Liability of state limited.
§74-85.52. Intent of Legislature - Implementation of act - Exemptions.
§74-85.54. Division and Director - Duties and responsibilities.
§74-85.55. Public entities - Powers, duties and responsibilities.
§74-85.55a. Information clearinghouse - Joint agreements and contracts - Interstate transactions.
§74-85.56. State Recycling Revolving Fund - Use of revenues from sale of waste materials.
§74-85.58B. Risk management insurance coverage - Fire protection.
§74-85.58C. Risk management insurance coverage - Rural gas districts.
§74-85.58D. Risk Management Fire Protection Revolving Fund.
§74-85.58E. Risk management insurance coverage - Transportation for the elderly and handicapped.
§74-85.58F. Tort liability coverage for counties providing juvenile detention facilities.
§74-85.58G. Risk Management Elderly and Handicapped Transportation Revolving Fund.
§74-85.58I. Conservation districts - Participation in the Risk Management Program.
§74-85.58J. Foster family homes - Property and casualty insurance.
§74-85.58K. Risk Management Revolving Fund.
§74-85.58L. Risk Management Political Subdivision Participation Revolving Fund.
§74-85.58N. Quick Settlement Account.
§74-85.58P. Risk Management Public Transit Revolving Fund.
§74-85.58Q. Purchase of blanket bond for state officers and employees - Bond exclusive.
§74-85.58R. Elective state officers - Blanket bond.
§74-85.58S. Classification of officers and employees for coverage under bond.
§74-85.58T. Schedule of amounts of surety required.
§74-85.58U. Statutorily required bonds.
§74-85.58V. Purchasing Division to purchase all bonds - Payment of premiums - Approval.
§74-88.2. Report of deviation.
§74-90.2. Payment of postal expense.
§74-90.4. Installation cost and rental fees - Payment.
§74-90.6. Purchase of imported beef by state agencies and political subdivision prohibited.
§74-95. Trade or transfer of products of state institutions.
§74-109.1. Renumbered as § 320 of Title 61 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 32, eff. July 1, 2013.
§74-110.1. Inventory by Office of Management and Enterprise Services.
§74-110.2. Inventory records of departments, boards, etc.
§74-110.3. State agencies - Inventory record of motor vehicles.
§74-110.4. Higher Education Facilities Revolving Fund – Accounts and purpose.
§74-111. Office of State Printer abolished - Duties transferred - Letting contracts.
§74-121. Contract for auditing of books of state commissions or departments.
§74-123f. Convict-made goods - Sale or distribution prohibited - Exceptions.
§74-130. Alternative fuels - Transfer of powers, duties and responsibilities.
§74-130.3. Conversion of school and government vehicles to operate on alternative fuel.
§74-130.4. Oklahoma Alternative Fuels Conversion Fund.
§74-130.6. Fund expenditures not deemed debt of government entity.
§74-130.7. Compliance with Act.
§74-130.8. Pricing and selling of transportation fuels not to be regulated by governmental entity.
§74-130.9. Rules and regulations.
§74-130.25. Compressed Natural Gas Conversion Safety and Regulation Fund.
§74-150.3. State Bureau of Investigation Commission.
§74-150.4. Commission - Powers and duties.
§74-150.5. Investigations - Persons to initiate request.
§74-150.6. Director - Qualifications
§74-150.7. Director - Powers and duties.
§74-150.7a. Motor vehicle theft unit.
§74-150.7b. Disclosure of motor vehicle theft or insurance fraud - Definitions.
§74-150.7e. Liability of insurer.
§74-150.7f. Violations - Penalties.
§74-150.8a. Employee performance recognition program - Awards.
§74-150.9b. National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact.
§74-150.10. Uniform crime reporting system.
§74-150.11. Evidentiary property – Disposition.
§74-150.12. Mandatory reporting of fingerprint and criminal history information.
§74-150.12B. Forms for reporting domestic abuse - Report of incidents.
§74-150.13. Rangers - Appointment.
§74-150.13A. Oil and gas industry crimes - Special officers.
§74-150.16. Rental or charter of aircraft.
§74-150.17a. Transfers of Criminal Justice Resource Center functions.
§74-150.19a. OSBI Revolving Fund.
§74-150.21. Legal division established - Duties - Restrictions.
§74-150.21a. Crimes information unit.
§74-150.21b. OSBI reports concerning use of deadly force.
§74-150.22. Special motor carrier enforcement officers - Transfer to State Bureau of Investigation.
§74-150.26. Information transmittal - Forms and procedures.
§74-150.27a. OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database.
§74-150.28a. Statewide electronic tracking system for sexual assault evidence collection kits.
§74-150.28b. Standardized sexual assault evidence kit.
§74-150.28c. Priority protocol for testing untested sexual assault evidence kits.
§74-150.30. Audits of petty cash fund.
§74-150.31. Business operations - Rules and procedures - Accounts receivable.
§74-150.32. Firearms Laboratory Improvement Fund.
§74-150.34. Judicial background investigations.
§74-150.35. Forensic Science Improvement Revolving Fund – Creation - Use of fund
§74-150.37. Definitions - Accreditation - Evidence in criminal trials.
§74-150.38. Child Abuse Response Team (CART) - Employees - Qualifications - Report.
§74-151.1. Internet Crimes Against Children unit - Local cooperative agreements.
§74-151.3. Unidentified persons – Missing persons – Data procedures.
§74-152.3. Additional powers and duties of Bureau.
§74-152.4. Oil reclamation - Inspections.
§74-152.5. Disposition of monies - Reports - Oil and Gas Theft Recovery Revolving Fund.
§74-152.7. Failure to stop vehicle or permit inspection - Penalties - Disposition of monies.
§74-152.9. Seizure and forfeiture proceedings.
§74-152.10. Additional employees for investigation of oil field theft and fraud.
§74-152.11. Bill of sale or invoice – Records - Violation.
§74-166.1. Creation - Director - Contracts.
§74-166.2. Commission for Rehabilitation Services - Powers and duties.
§74-166.3. Meetings - Secretary - Employees - Office.
§74-166.4. Transfer of Rehabilitation Services Division of Department of Human Services.
§74-166.7. Rehabilitation Services Disbursing Fund.
§74-166.9. Donations of tax refunds to School for the Blind/School for the Deaf – Revolving fund.
§74-166.10. Short title - Purpose.
§74-166.11. Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program.
§74-168.1. Travis Leon Harris Building - Designation.
§74-168.2. Travis Leon Harris Building - Marker.
§74-174. Investigation of state eleemosynary institutions.
§74-175. Report to Governor of investigation.
§74-177. Investigation of complaints against hospitals and homes.
§74-188. Inspection of domiciliary facilities.
§74-190. Transfer of employees to State Commissioner of Health - Status.
§74-191. Transfer of employees from other state agencies - Status.
§74-192. Inspection of city and county jails - Standards.
§74-193. Right of entry - Report of inspection.
§74-194. Deficient facility - Closing.
§74-195. Contracts for incarceration of prisoners.
§74-197. Administrative Procedures Act - Application.
§74-212.2. Contracting with counties for development of uniform computer systems.
§74-212.3. Form for joint school district millage certifications.
§74-212.4. Assistants to State Auditor and Inspector.
§74-212A. Audits of government entities.
§74-212B. Format of electronic submissions to State Auditor and Inspector.
§74-213. Examination of public institutions - Quality control reviews - Special audits.
§74-213.2. Performance Audit Division.
§74-216. Annual report to governor - Other reports.
§74-219A. Education and training of staff members.
§74-223. Report of irregularities and derelictions - Prosecution by Attorney General.
§74-225. Reports as additional - Public Records.
§74-227.3. Deposit of revenue into fund.
§74-227.6. Payments into fund - Disbursements.
§74-227.8. Payment for services by state agencies - Agreements - Deposits.
§74-227.9. State Auditor and Inspector Revolving Fund.
§74-228. Internal audits - Supervisory responsibility.
§74-229. Internal audit reports.
§74-232. Direction and supervision.
§74-238. Located at university.
§74-241. Survey created - Supervision - Object and duties.
§74-245. Survey created - Director - Object and duties - Copies - Report.
§74-250.4. State officers - Salaries.
§74-250.4a. Legislators - Salary or emoluments.
§74-250.7. Corporation Commission members - Chairman.
§74-255. Appointments and tenure - Citizenship - Exceptions.
§74-271. Senate and House of Representatives - Powers as to employees.
§74-283. Salaries fixed by statute are maximum salaries - No claim for excess above appropriation.
§74-284.2. Pay increase funds - Prohibition of expenditure for contracted private employees.
§74-291.1. Legislators - Per diem.
§74-291.1a. Legislators - Mileage and per diem.
§74-291.1b. Legislators - Reimbursable trips.
§74-291.3. Advice to Legislature - Travel expenses.
§74-291.10. Staff Review Committee of the Senate - Membership - Clerk.
§74-291.11. Meetings - Duties.
§74-291.19. Incentive bonuses.
§74-292.2. Permanent employees of House of Representatives - Salaries and emoluments.
§74-292.2a. Temporary employees of House of Representatives - Compensation.
§74-292.12. Implementation and administration of direct deposit system.
§74-314. Investigation of fires - Report to fire marshal - Record of fires.
§74-315. May take testimony - Causing arrest - Report to Insurance Commissioner.
§74-317.2. Churches - Temporary overnight accommodations.
§74-318. Penalty for failure of duty.
§74-320. Engagement in other duties prohibited.
§74-324.1. State Fire Marshal Commission - Membership - Tenure.
§74-324.2. Chairman - Rules - Quorum and meetings - Minutes - Reports.
§74-324.4. State Fire Marshal – Assistant State Fire Marshal.
§74-324.5. Office of State Fire Marshal agents.
§74-324.7a. Assistance and cooperation of State Fire Marshal.
§74-324.8. Uniform force and effect - Authority of cities, towns and counties.
§74-324.9. Investigations - Reports - Fees, fines and administrative penalties.
§74-324.10. Additional powers of Fire Marshal.
§74-324.11c. Removable coverings over emergency escape and rescue openings in residences.
§74-324.12. Transfer of powers and duties to Fire Marshal.
§74-324.13. Administrative procedures.
§74-324.19. Violations – Penalties - Hearings.
§74-324.20. Collection and disposition of funds.
§74-324.20b. State Fire Marshal Revolving Fund.
§74-324.21. Certified copy of fire investigation report - Fee.
§74-325.1. Firefighter Training Advisory Committee.
§74-325.2. Incident Command Site Task Force.
§74-325.4. Firefighter Training Revolving Fund.
§74-326.5. “FSC” mark – Provision of certification copies to wholesalers and agents - Inspection.
§74-326.6. Violation of act – Penalties – Forfeiture – Action by Fire Marshal or Attorney General.
§74-326.7. Rules – Tax Commission inspection.
§74-326.8. Examination of documents.
§74-326.9. Cigarette Fire Safety Standard and Firefighter Protection Act Fund.
§74-326.10. Sale of cigarettes outside state or United States.
§74-357.4. Transfer to United States as National Monument or National Military Park.
§74-357.6. Designation as Fort Arbuckle, Oklahoma.
§74-357.7. Discontinuation of use of other name.
§74-360.17. Jurisdiction of campus police officers - Authority of campus police departments.
§74-360.18. Establishment of campus police departments — Commission of campus police officers.
§74-360.19. Employment of security personnel.
§74-360.20. Municipal and county sheriff departments - Jurisdictional agreements.
§74-360.21. Collection of fines, penalties, etc. - Prosecution of offenses.
§74-362. Custody of public money.
§74-364. Accounts with counties.
§74-365. Receipt of warrants as payment - Redemption and cancellation.
§74-366. Interest on warrants persented and not redeemed - Termination of interest.
§74-369. Examination of monies and books.
§74-370. Warrants and accounts to be paid in full.
§74-371. Treasurer to pay loss caused by negligence.
§74-372. Deposits with State Treasurer by city treasurer.
§74-373. Consolidation of the State Bond Advisor.
§74-427. Functions of commission.
§74-428. Reports - No compensation - Expenses.
§74-429. Joint governmental agency.
§74-450. Legislative Council Abolished - Reports.
§74-452.4. Performance post audits.
§74-452.5. Assistance and cooperation of state entities.
§74-452.8. Proposals for use of federal monies - Public hearings.
§74-452.13. Review of audit by legislative committees.
§74-456.2. Joint committees of Legislature may be established.
§74-456.3. Per diem and mileage for legislators when Legislature not in session.
§74-464. Electronic filing required.
§74-464.1. State agency contracts and other agreements to be open for inspection by Legislature.
§74-471. Advisory committee created - Members - Duties.
§74-472. Participation in national conference.
§74-473. Holding other office - Honorary members - No compensation - Expenses.
§74-474. Cumulative character - Repeals.
§74-476. Recognition of Dr. Merrill as lifetime commissioner.
§74-477. Continuation of payment of expenses - Vacancies.
§74-480. Creation - Composition - Terms - Officers - Travel reimbursement - Quorum.
§74-481. Meetings - Public hearings - Staff assistance.
§74-483. Compensation and expenses.
§74-484. Annual report issued - Recommendations.
§74-485. Study of future regulatory activities - Rulemaking - Recommendations.
§74-500.2. Reimbursable expenses of state officials, employees and certain others.
§74-500.3. Authority for travel - Claims or vouchers - Limitations.
§74-500.4. Mode of travel - Approval - Rate of reimbursement.
§74-500.5. Travel by rented automobile.
§74-500.6A. Use of state aircraft - Travel logs.
§74-500.7. Travel status for meals and lodging.
§74-500.8. Method of computing per diem.
§74-500.9. Overnight lodging - Out-of-state trips.
§74-500.9A. Expenses provided for in contract or grant.
§74-500.10. Limitation on out of state travel.
§74-500.11. Reimbursement for out of state transportation costs.
§74-500.12. Miscellaneous travel expenses.
§74-500.13. Registration fees.
§74-500.14. Rejection of travel claims or vouchers.
§74-500.15. Claims - Submission.
§74-500.16. Methods for submitting claims.
§74-500.16A. Payment of claims pursuant to State Travel Reimbursement Act - Procedure.
§74-500.18. Provisions mandatory - Exemptions.
§74-500.20. Governor, Lieutenant Governor and spouses - Reimbursement for travel expenses.
§74-500.37. Direct deposit of travel reimbursements.
§74-500.51. Transferred employees - Partial payment of moving expenses.
§74-500.53. Services included.
§74-500.54. Requisition - Competitive bids.
§74-500.55. Compliance with act required - Violations - Penalties.
§74-585. Use of state property only for official business - Penalty.
§74-588.1. Cost analysis – Report - Finding.
§74-589. Notification to employees of intent to privatize – Employee cost-saving recommendations.
§74-591. Filing with Secretary of State.
§74-592. Examination of bonds - Certified copies.
§74-593. Bonds required of appointees and employees - Conditions - Premiums.
§74-594. Bonds for persons responsible for custody and control of special or nonstate funds.
§74-602. Filing in office of Secretary of State.
§74-603. Approval by Attorney General.
§74-604. Withdrawal from office of Secretary of State.
§74-605. Termination of obligation.
§74-606. Exceptions from application of act.
§74-661.1. Positions subject to Merit System – Exceptions.
§74-662. Display areas - Preservation of historical documents.
§74-662.1. Transfer of Great Seal to Logan County Courthouse in Guthrie.
§74-664. Transmittal of Executive Order to legislative leadership.
§74-664.1. Refund of erroneous collections.
§74-665. Declaration of legislative intent.
§74-666. Creation - Membership.
§74-669.1. Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women Revolving Fund.
§74-772. Administration of oaths to witnesses.
§74-773. Attendance of witnesses and production of evidence.
§74-775. Powers denied by rules or resolutions.
§74-805.3. Nurse practitioners and nurse-midwives - Classification.
§74-840-1.1. Short title - Content of act.
§74-840-1.6. Office of Management and Enterprise Services - Organization.
§74-840-1.6A. Office of Management and Enterprise Services - Personnel administration.
§74-840-1.16. Conflicts with federal requirements.
§74-840-1.17. Agreements with municipalities to furnish services and facilities.
§74-840-1.18. Payment for services – Citizen actions – Employee actions.
§74-840-1.20. Human Capital Management Revolving Fund - Petty cash.
§74-840-2.7. Central payroll system - State agencies required to utilize.
§74-840-2.9. Discrimination and other prohibited acts.
§74-840-2.10. State Employee Assistance Program.
§74-840-2.10a. Violent or traumatic workplace events - Debriefing and counseling services.
§74-840-2.11. State employee personal information - Confidentiality.
§74-840-2.13. Personnel Management Information System.
§74-840-2.14. Management of costs of human resources.
§74-840-2.15. Overtime, holiday and compensatory time.
§74-840-2.15A. State Employee Compensation Program.
§74-840-2.15B. State employee compensation program.
§74-840-2.16. Minimum annualized salary.
§74-840-2.17. See the following versions:
§74-840-2.17v1. Raises - Salary adjustments.
§74-840-2.17v2. Raises - Salary adjustments.
§74-840-2.18. Longevity pay plan.
§74-840-2.20. Leave benefits - Emergency and permanent rules.
§74-840-2.20A. Agency closings and reductions in services - Employee leave or relocation.
§74-840-2.20B. Leaves of absence for state employees serving as donors.
§74-840-2.20C. Written notice of furlough to state employees.
§74-840-2.21. Leave without pay.
§74-840-2.22. Family and medical leave.
§74-840-2.23. State leave-sharing program eligibility – Leave of Last Resort Bank.
§74-840-2.23A. National disaster leave.
§74-840-2.24. Participation in specialized disaster relief services - Leave with pay.
§74-840-2.26. Flextime attendance policies and alternative work schedules.
§74-840-2.27C. Reduction-in-force plan.
§74-840-2.27D. Severance benefits.
§74-840-2.27E. Separation agreement.
§74-840-2.28A. Reimbursement for voluntary buyout expenditures - Procedures.
§74-840-2.28B. Voluntary Buyout Agency Reimbursement Revolving Fund.
§74-840-3.1. Training programs for supervisory personnel.
§74-840-3.1A. Authorization for agencies to establish education and training programs.
§74-840-4.17. Employee performance and pay evaluation system.
§74-840-5.3. Certain persons not considered state employees.
§74-840-7.1. Leasing of state employees by Indian tribe or nation.
§74-842. Access of product vendors to employees.
§74-846. One-year commitment of service for positions critical to public safety.
§74-854. Oklahoma Industrial Finance Authority – Membership - Public meetings - Executive sessions.
§74-857. Loans to industrial development agencies - Conditions.
§74-858. Loan applications - Contents.
§74-859. Hearings on loan applications - Granting of loan - Limitation.
§74-859.1. Moveable machinery loans - Limitations.
§74-860. Industrial Development Loan Fund.
§74-861. Governing board - Officers - Quorum - Powers.
§74-863. Interest in contracts or agreements.
§74-864. Cooperation with Federal agencies.
§74-868. Payment of administrative expenses.
§74-869. Loans upon leasehold estates - Terms.
§74-870. Agreement not to evict.
§74-871. Purpose - Regulations governing lending.
§74-872. Agency not holding title to real estate comprising industrial development project - Loans.
§74-873. Power of Authority to purchase notes and mortgages.
§74-875. Public trusts qualified to borrow money from Authority.
§74-876. Issuance and sale of additional state industrial finance bonds.
§74-878. Maximizing amount of capital available for industrial financing.
§74-901. Purpose – Establishment as qualified governmental retirement plan under federal law.
§74-903. System created - Body corporate - Powers.
§74-904. Suits - Service of process - Persons aggrieved - Hearings.
§74-906. Board meetings - Quorum - Compensation.
§74-907. Offices - Record of proceedings - Financial statement - Audits.
§74-907.1. Electronic data processing equipment.
§74-909. Policies and rules for general administration.
§74-909.2. Duties of fiduciaries.
§74-910. Eligible employers - Procedure for joining System - Withdrawal.
§74-910.1a. Service credit for employment with Oklahoma Employment Security Commission.
§74-910.3. Oklahoma Housing Finance Authority - Participating employer.
§74-910.5. Transfer of contributions.
§74-912. Consolidation of other systems.
§74-912.1. Termination of Plan - Rights of participants - Distribution of assets.
§74-913.1. District court reporters - Credit for prior service.
§74-913.1a. Nonclassified optional education personnel - Service credit.
§74-913.2. Rights of Justices or Judges not affected - Prohibition on becoming members.
§74-913.4. Elected officials - Election to participate in plan - Computation factor - Benefits.
§74-913.8. Military service credit - payment.
§74-913.9. Retirement – Annual leave and sick leave.
§74-913b. Purchase of incentive credit.
§74-913e. Purchase of service credit.
§74-915. Amount of retirement benefit.
§74-915.3. Alternate retirement benefit option.
§74-916. Death of member before retirement.
§74-916.1. Payments upon death - Waiver of probate procedures.
§74-917. Termination of employment - Payment - Vested benefits.
§74-918. Retirement benefit payment options.
§74-918.1. Distribution of benefits.
§74-919.1. Employee contribution – Rate – Deduction – Remittance - Picked up contributions – Refund.
§74-920. Employer's contribution.
§74-920A. Counties and municipalities - Employer and employee contributions.
§74-920B. Remittance of retirement contributions.
§74-923. Protection of vested rights - Exemption of benefits from legal process - Offset.
§74-924. False statements - Errors.
§74-925. Membership as condition of employment.
§74-929. Vending stand operators and managers - Eligibility and enrollment in system.
§74-930.3. Increase in retirement benefits.
§74-930.4. Additional retirement benefit.
§74-930.5. Cost of living adjustment - Calculation.
§74-930.6. Calculation of retirement benefit increase.
§74-930.7. Increase in benefits - Amount.
§74-930.8. Public Employees Retirement System - Increase of benefits.
§74-930.9. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2006.
§74-930.10. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2008.
§74-930.11. Increase in benefits – July 1, 2020 - Offset.
§74-931.1. Reissuance of canceled warrants.
§74-932. Confidential information.
§74-935. Statewide organization - General mailings to retired members.
§74-935.1. Short title - Retirement Freedom Act.
§74-935.2. Defined contribution system establishment.
§74-935.3. Internal Revenue Service recognition.
§74-935.4. Employee contribution percentages.
§74-935.6. Employer payments – Salary deductions – Administration costs.
§74-935.7. Employee vesting – Investment options.
§74-935.8. Picked-up contributions.
§74-935.9. Investment options – Service providers.
§74-935.10. Deposit of remitted funds.
§74-935.11. Rights of employees and beneficiaries – Qualified domestic orders.
§74-942. Duties of Commission - Reports - Management consultants - Fiduciary duties.
§74-943. Oklahoma State Pension Commission Revolving Fund.
§74-954. Discrimination in state employment.
§74-1004. Agreements authorized.
§74-1005. Filing of agreements - Status - Actions.
§74-1006. Approval of agreements.
§74-1007. Appropriation of funds - Personnel or services.
§74-1008. Contracts for governmental services.
§74-1052. Governor as ex officio member - Assistant.
§74-1053. Expenditures - Appropriations.
§74-1108a. Establishment of boundaries for planning regions.
§74-1121. Indian Cultural Center Revolving Fund.
§74-1151. Inclusion of state as part of economic development region.
§74-1152. Establishment of multistate regional commission or commissions.
§74-1153. Oklahoma members of commission - Participation in activities - Reimbursement for expenses.
§74-1206. Transfer of powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities.
§74-1207. Oklahoma Native American Liaison.
§74-1222. Joint Committee on State-Tribal Relations.
§74-1222A. State-Tribal Litigation Revolving Fund.
§74-1223. Agency responsible for monitoring Indian gaming compacts.
§74-1225. Sale to Northeast Eight Inter-Tribal Council - Restrictions and covenants.
§74-1226.1. Revenue bonds - Obligation.
§74-1226.4. Powers and duties.
§74-1226.4A. Native American Cultural and Educational Authority - Contractual agreements.
§74-1226.5. Issuance of revenue bonds - Use of proceeds - Definitions.
§74-1226.6. Trust agreements for securing revenue bonds.
§74-1226.7. Compensation for use of projects - Sinking fund - Use of monies.
§74-1226.8. Monies received held as trust funds.
§74-1226.9. Bondholders - Protection and enforcement of rights.
§74-1226.10. Exercise of powers.
§74-1226.11. Bonds as securities - Investment of funds.
§74-1226.12. Project maintenance - Transfer of property.
§74-1226.13. Issuance of revenue refunding bonds - Use of proceeds.
§74-1226.14. Endowment fund - Scholarships - Expenditure limitations.
§74-1226.15. Financial condition report.
§74-1226.17. Native American Cultural and Educational Authority Fund.
§74-1226.18. Transfer of property to American Indian Cultural Center and Museum Trust Authority.
§74-1226.20. American Indian Cultural Center and Museum Completion Fund.
§74-1226.22. American Indian Cultural Center and Museum Postcompletion Revolving Fund.
§74-1251. Intergovernmental cooperation.
§74-1253. Temporary interchange of employees authorized.
§74-1254. Status of employees of sending agency.
§74-1255. Travel expenses - Per diem.
§74-1256. State acting as receiving agency.
§74-1257. Payment of travel expenses by receiving agency.
§74-1301. Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Act.
§74-1304.1. Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Board.
§74-1305.2. Fiduciaries - Duties, powers and responsibilities.
§74-1306.1. Board - Right of subrogation in certain cases - Extent - Release of responsible party.
§74-1306.2. Information regarding utilization review - Submission to Commissioner.
§74-1306.5. Amendment of network provider facility or physician contracts - Mutual consent.
§74-1306.6. Administration of Medical Expense Liability Revolving Fund.
§74-1307. Specifications - Limitations on benefits - Exceptions.
§74-1307.1. Change of primary care physician within HMO.
§74-1307.2. Diabetes treatment - Equipment, supplies and services.
§74-1307.3. Payment for services provided by out-of-state providers.
§74-1308.1. Educational entities - Extension of health, dental and life insurance plans.
§74-1308.2. Persons not subject to preexisting condition exclusion.
§74-1308.3. Basic health plan – Opting out.
§74-1309.1. Coverage for dependents up to age of 25.
§74-1310.1. Certified employees - Payment of health and dental insurance premiums.
§74-1310.2. Health care coverage under school district plan - Cost of premium payable by district.
§74-1311.1. Deduction of contributions from monthly disability benefits.
§74-1312. Health and Dental Insurance Reserve Fund.
§74-1312.2. Life Insurance Reserve Fund.
§74-1312.3. Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Clearing Fund.
§74-1314. Officers and employees exempt - Options.
§74-1314.4. Supplemental health insurance.
§74-1314.5. Procurement of supplemental health insurance - Self-insurance.
§74-1315.1. Participation by county election board secretaries.
§74-1316.1. Continuance or purchase of life insurance benefits - Election.
§74-1317. Blind vending stand operators and managing operators - Eligibility.
§74-1318. Maximum for which reemployed former employee may be insured.
§74-1321. Determination of rates, benefits, and premiums.
§74-1322. Confidentiality of information - Inspection of files.
§74-1323. Fraud - Penalties - Audits.
§74-1324. Coverage for side effects associated with prostate-related conditions.
§74-1325. Changes in reimbursement rates or methodology - Hearing.
§74-1328. Reimbursement of claims within certain time period.
§74-1329. Health Savings Account - Contributions.
§74-1329.1. Mutual accountability incentive program – Contractual requirement.
§74-1333. State Employees Disability Insurance Reserve Fund.
§74-1335. County or city participation.
§74-1344.1. Enrollment materials from vendors with authorized payroll deductions.
§74-1346. Flexible Benefit Revolving Fund.
§74-1351. Corporations authorized - Manner of incorporation.
§74-1352. County, city, town incorporation.
§74-1366. Flexible benefits plan - Awarding of contracts - Employee's salary adjustment agreement.
§74-1366.1. Contracts relating to plan year beginning January 1, 2003 - Duties of Board.
§74-1368. Benefits Council Administration Revolving Fund.
§74-1369. Eligibility to participate.
§74-1370. Flexible benefit allowance.
§74-1372. Claims for flexible spending account benefits - Notice of denial - Hearing.
§74-1373. Coverage for side effects associated with prostate-related conditions.
§74-1375. High deductible health plan.
§74-1383. Wellness Council - Duties - Wellness Coordinating Committee.
§74-1384. Wellness Program Fund.
§74-1561. Priority for fire protection training and education programs.
§74-1604. State Employee Suggestion Program.
§74-1705. The Oklahoma State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan Fund.
§74-1706. Separate employee pension plans.
§74-1707. Oklahoma State Employees Deferred Savings Incentive Plan.
§74-1734. Reimbursement due to termination of service or fewer than required hours of service.
§74-1735. Short title - Quality Workforce for Oklahoma's Heroes Act.
§74-1735.1. Education and training programs - Repayment.
§74-1735.2. Reimbursement of license fees.
§74-1811.4. State Capitol Park - Definition - Maintenance and operation.
§74-1811.4E. Renumbered as § 2-140 of Title 47 by Laws 1998, c. 32,
§74-1910. Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame Board of Directors.
§74-2007.2. Supervision of international activities of state agencies.
§74-2007.3. Lieutenant Governor - Participation in international activities.
§74-2009.1. International development - Travel expenses.
§74-2104. Director - Powers and duties.
§74-2105. Investments and participation by banks.
§74-2121. International trade processing - Definitions.
§74-2201. Creation of Commission and Department.
§74-2202. Purpose of Commission and Department.
§74-2203. Commission membership - Appointment and tenure.
§74-2204. Powers, rights and duties of Department.
§74-2205. Report on activities of Department.
§74-2206. Executive Director as chief executive officer.
§74-2207. Duties of Executive Director.
§74-2208. Use of revolving fund.
§74-2209. Aid and assistance for development of community recreation programs.
§74-2210. Employment of attorney - Duty of Attorney General.
§74-2212. Powers, rights and privileges of Commission.
§74-2213. Contracts for feasibility study regarding property.
§74-2214. Contractors - Lessees - Performance bonds.
§74-2215. Division of State Parks - Duties.
§74-2216. Park rangers - Duties.
§74-2217. Public access and use of state parks - Prohibitions.
§74-2217.1. Boat rental businesses operating in a state park.
§74-2218. Regulation of waterways.
§74-2219. Oil and gas leases - Mining leases - Sale and execution.
§74-2220. Rates and fees for services, facilities and commodities.
§74-2221. Promotion of state facilities.
§74-2222. Sale of surplus real estate within Cedar Creek area of Hochatown State Park.
§74-2223. Sale of property within Texoma State Park - Replacement of campground land.
§74-2224. Transfer of property to cities, counties or agencies.
§74-2225. Not-for-profit foundations - Support of state parks.
§74-2226. Roads and parking areas.
§74-2227. State parks as state game refuges.
§74-2228. Hunting in designated state parks.
§74-2229. Turner Falls State Park.
§74-2229.1B. Quartz Mountain – Transfer to the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department.
§74-2230. Travel Promotion Division.
§74-2230.1. Henry J. Heflin Pavilion.
§74-2231. Confidential lists and information.
§74-2232. Annual statewide tourism and recreation industry conference.
§74-2233. Preparation and distribution of publicity, advertising and informational materials.
§74-2234. Administration of matching funds for allowable expenses of multicounty organizations.
§74-2235. Deduction of obligations to state from multicounty organization matching funds.
§74-2236. Oklahoma Film and Music Office.
§74-2238. Oklahoma Today Magazine Foundation.
§74-2239. Exemptions from The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.
§74-2240. Cost and revenue reporting system - Department audit - Prohibited acts and penalties.
§74-2242. Positions in unclassified service.
§74-2243. Limitation on fund expenditures.
§74-2244. Purchases exempt from statewide contract requirement.
§74-2245. Uncollectible accounts receivable.
§74-2246. Liability insurance.
§74-2247. Lessee contract performance bond - Waiver.
§74-2248. Treasurer - Resolutions.
§74-2249. Disbursement of monies - Bond of officers, agents and employees.
§74-2250. Contracts, documents and records - Public inspection.
§74-2251. Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department Revolving Fund.
§74-2252. Oklahoma Today Magazine Revolving Fund.
§74-2253. Tourism and Recreation Environmental Loan Proceeds Revolving Fund.
§74-2254. State Park System Improvement Revolving Fund.
§74-2254.1. Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department Capital Expenditure Revolving Fund
§74-2254.2. Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department Reimbursement and Donation Fund.
§74-2257. Refund of outstanding series of revenue bonds.
§74-2258. Validity of bonds - Signatures.
§74-2259. Revenues for payment of bonds - Improvement bonds - Tourism information center bonds.
§74-2260. Default - Remedies - Jurisdiction of courts.
§74-2261. Issuance of bonds - Attorney General approval and certificate.
§74-2262. Mortgages and encumbrances not authorized.
§74-2263. Commission property - Exemption from forced sale.
§74-2264. Exemption from taxation.
§74-2266. Institutions permitted to invest in bonds - Bonds as collateral security.
§74-2269. Deposit of revenues - Separate fund.
§74-2271. Authority to issue revenue notes and bonds - Guaranties and insurance.
§74-2273. Certified copy of issuance proceedings to be submitted to Attorney General.
§74-2274. Notes and bonds not to be debt of state or any political subdivision.
§74-2275. Notes and bonds as investment securities - Collateral security.
§74-2276. Blanket bond coverage.
§74-2276.1. Oklahoma State Park Trust Fund.
§74-2276.3. Fiduciaries – Prohibited acts.
§74-2280. State trails system - Uniform marker - Planning and designation.
§74-2281. Duties and powers of Commission.
§74-2282. State trails on federal lands - Coordination with National Trails System.
§74-2283. Prohibitions and restrictions - Penalties.
§74-2294. Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture.
§74-2301. Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department - Water Quality Disclosure Duties.
§74-2302. Educational programs for schools.
§74-2400. Short title - Oklahoma Golf Trail Creation Act.
§74-2401. Oklahoma Golf Trail Commission.
§74-2402. Commission members - Authority.
§74-2403. Powers, rights, and duties.
§74-2900.2. Rent assistance programs - Funding.
§74-2901.2. Oklahoma Housing Trust Fund.
§74-2901.3. Oklahoma Housing Trust Fund - Advisory committee - Rules.
§74-2901.4. Statewide affordable housing strategy – Annual Reports.
§74-3001. State Use Advisory Council- Members - Purpose.
§74-3001.1. State Purchasing Director – Authority and responsibility.
§74-3004. Procurement schedule.
§74-3004.1. Contracts for products or services – Management fee or levy.
§74-3004.2. State Use Advisory Council Revolving Fund.
§74-3005. Determination of fair market price.
§74-3006. Authority to contract with nonprofit agency.
§74-3007. State or agency to procure a product or service at fair market price.
§74-3008. Exceptions - Competitive bid requirement not applicable – Annual pricing review.
§74-3009. Rules - Requirements – Annual strategic plan .
§74-3101. Briefing of newly appointed members of governing bodies as to duties and responsibilities.
§74-3104. Filing and distribution of reports.
§74-3105. Information to be included in certain reports.
§74-3106.1. Publications officers for state agencies.
§74-3106.2. Public meetings – Posting of schedules and agenda on Internet.
§74-3106.3. Oklahoma Government Website Information Act.
§74-3106.4. Public bodies - Required posting of information on website.
§74-3110. Utility bills exempt.
§74-3111. Use of Social Security numbers by state or subdivision prohibited - Exceptions.
§74-3113. Disclosure of information indexed by social security numbers prohibited - Exceptions.
§74-3113.1. Disclosure of breach of security of computerized personal information.
§74-3116. Heroic Oklahoman Award.
§74-3118. Written response at time of denial of permit, license or tax exemption.
§74-3119. State employee membership - Department of Corrections - General mailing list.
§74-3121. Short title - Government Transparency Act of 2019.
§74-3122. Agency reports of all Memorandums of Understanding or Memorandums of Agreement.
§74-3200.1. Short title - Health Care Workforce Resources Center.
§74-3200.2. Health Care Workforce Resources Board.
§74-3302. Legislature as sole creating authority during session.
§74-3303. Creation by Executive Order during interim.
§74-3304. Requisites of Executive Order.
§74-3305. Continuation of agency created by Executive Order - Legislation.
§74-3315.2. Potential areas for inclusion in State Register - Characteristics.
§74-3315.3. Duties of Oklahoma Biological Survey.
§74-3315.4. Evaluation of recommended areas - Criteria.
§74-3316. CompSource purchasing exemption pilot program.
§74-3317. CompSource Oklahoma compliance exemptions.
§74-3361.1. Abolition of Department of Energy.
§74-3403. Giving of kickback by holder of contract prohibited.
§74-3404. Making or receiving a kickback prohibited - Penalty.
§74-3405. Recovery of kickback.
§74-3406. Presumptions - Exemplary damages.
§74-3407. Attorney General to appear for state.
§74-3458. Limitation of liability of owners of land used for recreational purposes.
§74-3601.1. Employee defined - Maximum number of full-time-equivalent employees.
§74-3601.2. Chief executive officers - Minimum and maximum salaries.
§74-3603. Increase in personnel or expenditure of funds.
§74-3605. Contingency Review Board.
§74-3911. Re-creation of statutory entity - Status of members.
§74-3914. Hearings - Burden of establishing public need - Information to be provided.
§74-3915. Evaluation criteria.
§74-3916. Information to be provided by State Auditor and Inspector.
§74-3917. Term of statutory entity - Monitoring new statutory entities.
§74-3918. Authority to terminate at earlier date.
§74-3920. Status and compensation of employees of terminated statutory entity.
§74-3921. Termination of advisory bodies.
§74-4102. Creation - Responsibilities.
§74-4103. Membership - Term - Officers - Support services.
§74-4104. Powers and responsibilities of Commission.
§74-4105. Capitol Architect and Curator - Duties - Compensation.
§74-4106. Cooperation between Commission and branches of state government.
§74-4107. Accomplishment of work and acquisitions - Compliance with administrative requirements.
§74-4110. Ten Commandments display monument.
§74-4110.1. Bill of Rights Monument Display Act
§74-4111. Short title - Incentive Awards for State Employees Act.
§74-4114. Agencies authorized to participate in incentive awards program.
§74-4115. Contents of incentive awards program.
§74-4119. Awards exempt from retirement contributions – Funding source.
§74-4121. On-the-job employee performance recognition program.
§74-4122. Employee productivity program.
§74-4190. Child care centers - Administration – Priority in eligibility - Rates.
§74-4191. Child care - Contracts - Required provider qualifications - Parental responsibility.
§74-4192. Child Care Revolving Fund.
§74-4252. Appearance on floor of Legislature.
§74-4253. Registration forms not confidential.
§74-4254. State officers and employees - Additional compensation for lobbying prohibited.
§74-4256. Penalties for violation of campaign reporting rules.
§74-4257. Employment of former or ex officio state board or commission members.
§74-4258. Ethics Commission Fund.
§74-4258.1. Political subdivisions enforcement fund.
§74-4258.2. Ethics Commission Online Filing Revolving Fund.
§74-4261. Political subdivisions - Forms required for compliance.
§74-4262. Political subdivisions enforcement division.
§74-5002.7. Abolition of Oklahoma Futures.
§74-5003.2. Statement of needs - Oklahoma Department of Commerce created - Status.
§74-5003.3. Mission of Oklahoma Department of Commerce.
§74-5003.5. Director of Department of Commerce.
§74-5003.6. Powers and duties of Department.
§74-5003.7. Five-year economic development plan and updates.
§74-5003.9. Program performance review - Report.
§74-5003.10. Oklahoma Department of Commerce - Powers and authority.
§74-5003.10a. Termination of office outside state.
§74-5003.10b. Administration of federal funds to develop trade center and industrial park.
§74-5003.10e. Work-based Learning Program.
§74-5003.10f. Short title - Oklahoma Research and Development Attraction Act.
§74-5003.10g. Research and Development Attraction Program.
§74-5003.10h. Promulgation of rules.
§74-5003.11. Establishment of community development strategy and plan – Authority of Department.
§74-5003.15. 2nd Century Entrepreneurship Center.
§74-5003.21. Oklahoma Department of Commerce - Accessing economic and tax incentives.
§74-5010.1. Purpose of act - Finding of Legislature.
§74-5010.5. Certification program for women-owned businesses.
§74-5012. Oklahoma Department of Commerce Revolving Fund.
§74-5012.1. Program service fees - Amount, collection and disposition.
§74-5013. Community Planning Project Revolving Fund.
§74-5013.1. Minority Business Development Program Fund.
§74-5013.2. Expenditures from Minority Business Development Program Fund - Contracts.
§74-5013.3. Capital Improvement Program Revolving Fund.
§74-5015. Filing of comprehensive plans and amendments - Comments and recommendations.
§74-5017. Department of Commerce - Additional functions and responsibilities.
§74-5017.2. Purpose of Sections 5017.2 to 5017.5.
§74-5017.4. Department - Powers and duties.
§74-5017.8. Financial assistance program for the employment of part-time city managers or planners.
§74-5020.1. Community Development Centers Program Fund.
§74-5023. Federal block grant programs - Equal access to programs and services - Proposals.
§74-5024. Professional auditing services.
§74-5025. Department of Commerce - Negotiation of certain contracts.
§74-5028. County Jail Improvement Fund.
§74-5029. Application for county jail improvement funds.
§74-5030. Weatherization Revolving Fund.
§74-5032. Administration of weatherization funds of Low-Income Energy Assistance Block Grant.
§74-5034. Purpose of Sections 5035 through 5040.
§74-5036. Community action agency defined - Evaluation of service areas and agencies.
§74-5037. Community action agencies - Boards of directors.
§74-5038. Designating community action agencies.
§74-5039. Rescission of designation of community action agency.
§74-5040.1. Transfer of real or personal property to community action agency.
§74-5040.21. Oklahoma Certified Retirement Communities Program.
§74-5040.22. Eligibility and certification.
§74-5040.23. Review of applications - Criteria.
§74-5040.24. Issuance of certificate - Re-certification.
§74-5044. Counties not required to participate in certain districts and agencies.
§74-5045. Political subdivisions not required to participate in substate planning districts.
§74-5045.1. Substate planning districts - Hiring registered professional engineers.
§74-5054. Limits on use of funds.
§74-5058.4. Business License Information Office.
§74-5058.5. Operating plan for automated master application system.
§74-5058.6. Cooperation of state agencies - Business license coordinators.
§74-5058.7. Services optional - Authority of licensing agency.
§74-5060.1a. Goals - Oklahoma Science and Technology Research and Development Board.
§74-5060.3. Mission and purposes of Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology.
§74-5060.5. Relationship with Oklahoma Futures and Department of Commerce.
§74-5060.6. Board of directors.
§74-5060.7. Executive director and other officers - Meetings - Conflicts of interest - Liability.
§74-5060.8. Annual business plan - Five-year strategic plan.
§74-5060.10. Commercial application of results of research as condition of assistance.
§74-5060.11. Research Support Revolving Fund.
§74-5060.12. Centers of excellence.
§74-5060.13. Challenge funding of research.
§74-5060.14. Oklahoma Health Research Committee.
§74-5060.15. Evaluation of health research projects.
§74-5060.16. Duties of Center relating to health research.
§74-5060.18. Annual conference on commercial application of results of health research projects.
§74-5060.20a. Technology business financing program - Specifications.
§74-5060.20b. Cooperation between the Commercialization Center and technology transfer offices.
§74-5060.21. Seed-Capital Revolving Fund - Authorized investments - Investment committee.
§74-5060.22. Reports - Funding review and recommendations - Funding priorities.
§74-5060.23. Acquiring ownership of corporation or partnership prohibited - Exceptions.
§74-5060.24. Administration and Data Processing Revolving Fund.
§74-5060.25. Working with OAME to foster competitiveness in national and international markets.
§74-5060.27. Annual business plan - Annual report.
§74-5060.29. Allocation of funds to technology-business incubator.
§74-5060.30. Oklahoma Technology Trust Fund.
§74-5060.40. Science and Technology Council.
§74-5060.41. Science and Technology Council Revolving Fund.
§74-5060.43. Oklahoma Nanotechnology Applications Project.
§74-5060.52. Compensation and expenses.
§74-5060.53. Use of monies from Research Support Revolving Fund.
§74-5062.2. Statement of need - Oklahoma Development Finance Authority created - Status
§74-5062.3. Mission of Oklahoma Development Finance Authority - Public policy.
§74-5062.4. Relationship with Oklahoma Futures - Annual business plan.
§74-5062.6. Oklahoma Development Finance Authority and Oklahoma Industrial Finance Authority.
§74-5062.7. President - Appointment - Powers and duties.
§74-5062.8. See the following versions:
§74-5062.8v1. Powers of authority.
§74-5062.8v2. Powers of authority.
§74-5062.9. Liability of Authority personnel - Indemnification of legal expenses.
§74-5062.11. Tax exemption for bonds.
§74-5062.13. Investment in securities of Oklahoma Development Finance Authority.
§74-5062.14. Authority - State tax exemption.
§74-5062.15. Pledge against limitation or alteration of rights of bond owners.
§74-5062.16. Covenant and consent to inclusion of interest on bonds in gross income.
§74-5062.17. Construction of act.
§74-5062.19. Annual report - Matters included - Compliance with G.A.O. auditing standards.
§74-5062.20. Annual report - Publication - Distribution - Contents - Recommendations.
§74-5062.21. Evaluation of Authority's performances.
§74-5062.22. Cooperation and services of other state officers and agencies.
§74-5062.31. Legislative findings.
§74-5062.33. Loan program - Funding for issuers.
§74-5062.35. Appropriations - Repayment - Bonds.
§74-5062.36. Military Base Protection and Expansion Bond Fund - Separate accounts.
§74-5063.4a. Portfolio mix categories.
§74-5063.4b. Small Business Credit Enhancement Program - Creation - Requirements.
§74-5063.4c. Security requirements.
§74-5063.4d. Limitations on principal amount of underlying loan.
§74-5063.4h. Debt-service reserve.
§74-5063.4i. Allocation to the Quality Jobs Investment Program.
§74-5063.5. Assets of Fund to be maintained in separate accounts.
§74-5063.6. Deposit of certain revenues into Fund.
§74-5063.7. Deposit of certain gifts, grants, loans and other aid into Fund.
§74-5063.8. Deposit of general obligation bond proceeds into Fund.
§74-5063.9. Investment interest and earnings as part of Fund.
§74-5063.10. Depositories for Fund assets.
§74-5063.11. General obligation bonds - Authority to issue - Written plan for issuance.
§74-5063.12. Term of bonds - Direct or private placement sale - Notice of sale - Bids and bidding.
§74-5063.13. Resolution of board of directors - Trust indentures.
§74-5063.14. Signing bond - Seal - Delivery.
§74-5063.15. Sale of bonds - Fiscal agents and legal counsel.
§74-5063.16. Bonds as general obilgation of state.
§74-5063.17. Debt service - Appropriations - Reserve funds.
§74-5063.18. State tax exemption.
§74-5063.19. Investment in securities of Oklahoma Development Finance Authority.
§74-5063.22. Beginning Agricultural Producer Pool Program.
§74-5063.23. Borrower eligibility criteria.
§74-5063.24. Publication and distribution of information - Interagency agreements.
§74-5064.2. Legislative findings.
§74-5064.4. Program - Establishment - Purposes.
§74-5064.6. Proposals - Contracts.
§74-5064.7. Incentives for inventors and businesses.
§74-5064.8. Inventors and Entrepreneurs Program Fund.
§74-5066.3. Product development assistance program.
§74-5066.4. Authority of Department of Commerce.
§74-5066.5. Agreement to pay royalty fee.
§74-5066.6. Product Development Program Fund.
§74-5074. Director - Powers and duties.
§74-5075. State income tax exemption for sponsor.
§74-5076. Application to become sponsor.
§74-5077. Responsibilities and duties of sponsor - Not-for-profit enterprises as tenants.
§74-5078. State income tax exemption for tenant.
§74-5079. Annual report to Legislature.
§74-5085.2. Statement of need - Oklahoma Capital Investment Board - Certification by Governor.
§74-5085.3. Mission of Oklahoma Capital Investment Board.
§74-5085.4. Business plan - Submission to Oklahoma Futures - Distribution of plan.
§74-5085.8. Investment of capital.
§74-5085.9. Annual report - Evaluation by Oklahoma Futures.
§74-5085.10. Spending authority.
§74-5085.11. Oklahoma Capital Formation Revolving Fund.
§74-5085.12. Construction of act.
§74-5085.15. Distribution of remaining monies - General revenue fund.
§74-5102. Short title - Purpose - Definitions.
§74-5103. Pooling issuer - Authority.
§74-5104. Pooling issuer - Primary activities.
§74-5151. Short title - Oklahoma Public and Private Facilities and Infrastructure Act.
§74-5154. Partnership Committee - Office of Public-Private Partnerhship - Scope of authority.
§74-5155. Selection of projects - Public-sector comparators.
§74-5157. Exemption from taxation and assessments.
§74-5158. Services from outside providers to carry out the Director's powers and duties.
§74-5161. Short title - Oklahoma Local Public and Private Facilities and Infrastructure Act.
§74-5164. Authority to execute contracts - Public purpose.
§74-5165. Approved Partnership Procurement process - Contract terms and conditions.
§74-5166. Signature requirement - Receipt and deposit of money received under contracts.
§74-5167. Services from outside providers to carry out the governmental entity's powers and duties.
§74-5171. Short title - Oklahoma Consumer Energy Choice Act.
§74-5203. Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority – Purpose, function, and responsibility.
§74-5204. Powers of Authority.
§74-5208. Treasurer of Authority – Disbursement of funds – Depositories - Investments.
§74-5208.1. Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority Revolving Fund.
§74-5208.2. Oklahoma Spaceport Management Fund.
§74-5209. Powers and duties of board.
§74-5210. Acquisition of property by purchase or condemnation - Compensation.
§74-5213. Geographic area for establishment of spaceport territory.
§74-5215. Roads – Acquisition, construction, sale or lease – Lease-purchase agreements.
§74-5217. Exclusive jurisdiction and power within spaceport territory – Limitations on power.
§74-5219. Additional powers of Board – Limitation on powers.
§74-5222. Acceptance of federal and other monies.
§74-5223. Issuance of bonds – Disposition of proceeds.
§74-5225. Bond proceeds and revenue deemed to be trust funds.
§74-5226. Enforcement of rights by bondholder or trustee.
§74-5227. Bonds made investment securities.
§74-5231. Projects declared essential governmental functions – Exemption from taxation.
§74-5232. Application for designation of spaceport territory as foreign trade zone.
§74-5233. Disclosure of interest in contracts – Statement by board members.
§74-5234. Remedies to ensure compliance with act – Injunction.
§74-5236. Conflict with other provisions – Act controls.
§74-5237. Construction of act.
§74-5301. Oklahoma Military Base Closure Prevention Task Force – Established.
§74-5401. Creation – Members – Meetings – Sunset – Authority of members.
§74-6002. Designations of technology transfer centers.
§74-6105. Red River Boundary Compact – Adoption of compact..
§74-6107. Negotiations to resolve differences.
§74-6108. Implementation of compact.
§74-6109. Relation to other law and litigation.
§74-6110. Red River Boundary Commission.
§74-6111. Appointment of chairperson.
§74-6112. Coordination with representatives from Texas – Report concerning joint action.
§74-6113. Termination of Commission.
§74-6114. Request to Texas to appoint representatives.
§74-6201. Lease agreement with Greater Sand Springs Trust Authority.
§74-6202. Hissom Memorial Treatment Center Oversight Committee.
§74-6203. Hissom Memorial Treatment Center Surplus Fund.
§74-6204. Lease-purchase agreement authority - Funding.
§74-7002. State Charitable Campaign.
§74-7004. Administration of Campaign - Legal compliance.
§74-7008. Reimbursement cost of administration of local campaigns - Limit.
§74-7009. Participating agencies - Qualifications - Criteria - Applications.
§74-7009.1. Voluntary charitable agencies with budget of less than $50,000 - No audit required.
§74-7010. Admission of agencies to campaign - State presence test - Exemptions.
§74-8000.1. Tulsa Race Riot – Legislative findings and intent.
§74-8101. Legislative findings and declarations.
§74-8104. Duties and responsibilities.
§74-8206. Operation and maintenance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot Memorial of Reconciliation.
§74-8207. Tulsa Race Riot Centennial Memorial Revolving Fund
§74-8223. Greenwood Area Redevelopment Authority – Board of Trustees.
§74-8224. Powers of Authority.
§74-8225. Long-term development plan.
§74-8226. Assistance to Authority by other entities.
§74-8301. Contributions for construction of World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.
§74-8303. Rural Action Partnership Program – Duties – Annual evaluation - Purpose.
§74-8304. Rural Action Partnership Program – Advisory team.
§74-8402. Korean War Veterans Memorial.
§74-9030.1. Legislative findings - Purpose - Administering agency.
§74-9030.3. Administration of act - Art in Public Places Oversight Committee.
§74-9030.6. Commissioning of Art in Public Places Revolving Fund.
§74-9030.8. Transfer to Oklahoma Arts Council.
§74-9050. Short title - February 2021 Unregulated Utility Consumer Protection Act.
§74-9051. Legislature recognition.
§74-9053. Authority and powers.
§74-9054. Application for determination and approval.
§74-9056. Unregulated Utility Consumer Protection Fund.
§74-9057. Application to Oklahoma Supreme Court for approval of bonds.
§74-9059. Limit on authority of Commission.
§74-9060. Short title - Oklahoma Emergency Energy Availability Act of 2022 – Emergency energy plans.
§74-9070. Short title - February 2021 Regulated Utility Consumer Protection Act.
§74-9071. Legislature recognition.
§74-9073. Determination of extreme purchase or extraordinary costs.
§74-9075. Rights and interests to revenues – Securitization property right.
§74-9076. Authorities and powers.
§74-9077. Agreements to receive securitization property – Proceeds of bond issuance.
§74-9078. Audit of amounts received from customers.
§74-9079. Application to Oklahoma Supreme Court for approval of ratepayer-backed bonds.
§74-9081. Constitution amendments and alterations.
§74-9082. Report on audits or true-ups.
§74-9100. Unified State Law Enforcement Commission.
§74-9101. Mental Wellness Division for public safety personnel.
§74-9102. Mental Wellness Division Revolving Fund.
§74-9103. Not-for-profit foundation.
§74-9200. Short title - Oklahoma Rural Broadband Expansion Act.
§74-9202. Broadband Governing Board.
§74-9203. Broadband Expansion Council.
§74-9204. Oklahoma Broadband Office.
§74-9205. Oklahoma Broadband Office – Duties - Authority.
§74-9206. Public entities and Internet service providers to provide information.
§74-9207. Transfer of programs, personnel and assets from other government entities.
§74-9208. Expenditure of funds.
§74-9209. State Broadband Grant Program Revolving Fund.
§74-9210. Private providers network area coverage map data.
§74-11000. Interagency transfers – Commissioned law enforcement officers.
§74-12001. Short title - Energy Discrimination Elimination Act of 2022.
§74-12003. List of financial companies that boycott energy companies.
§74-12004. Annual publicly available report by government entities.