Oklahoma Statutes
Title 22. Criminal Procedure
§22-991av2. Sentencing powers of court - Alcohol and drug assessment and evaluation - Restitution, fines, or incarceration - Victim impact statements - Probation and monitoring - DNA samples.

A. Except as otherwise provided in the Elderly and Incapacitated Victim's Protection Program, when a defendant is convicted of a crime and no death sentence is imposed, the court shall either:

1. Suspend the execution of sentence in whole or in part, with or without probation. The court, in addition, may order the convicted defendant at the time of sentencing or at any time during the suspended sentence to do one or more of the following:
However, any such order for restitution, community service, payment to a local certified crime stoppers program, payment to the Oklahoma Reward System or confinement in the county jail, or a combination thereof, shall be made in conjunction with probation and shall be made a condition of the suspended sentence.
However, unless under the supervision of the district attorney, the offender shall be required to pay Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month to the district attorney during the first two (2) years of probation to compensate the district attorney for the costs incurred during the prosecution of the offender and for the additional work of verifying the compliance of the offender with the rules and conditions of his or her probation. The district attorney may waive any part of this requirement in the best interests of justice. The court shall not waive, suspend, defer or dismiss the costs of prosecution in its entirety. However, if the court determines that a reduction in the fine, costs and costs of prosecution is warranted, the court shall equally apply the same percentage reduction to the fine, costs and costs of prosecution owed by the offender;
2. Impose a fine prescribed by law for the offense, with or without probation or commitment and with or without restitution or service as provided for in this section, Section 991a-4.1 of this title or Section 227 of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
3. Commit such person for confinement provided for by law with or without restitution as provided for in this section;
4. Order the defendant to reimburse the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for costs incurred by that agency during its investigation of the crime for which the defendant pleaded guilty, nolo contendere or was convicted including compensation for laboratory, technical or investigation services performed by the Bureau if, in the opinion of the court, the defendant is able to pay without imposing manifest hardship on the defendant, and if the costs incurred by the Bureau during the investigation of the defendant's case may be determined with reasonable certainty;
5. Order the defendant to reimburse the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for all costs incurred by that agency for cleaning up an illegal drug laboratory site for which the defendant pleaded guilty, nolo contendere or was convicted. The court clerk shall collect the amount and may retain five percent (5%) of such monies to be deposited in the Court Clerk's Revolving Fund to cover administrative costs and shall remit the remainder to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to be deposited in the OSBI Revolving Fund established by Section 150.19a of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
6. In the case of nonviolent felony offenses, sentence such person to the Community Service Sentencing Program;
7. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a person convicted of operating or being in control of a motor vehicle while the person was under the influence of alcohol, other intoxicating substance or a combination of alcohol or another intoxicating substance, or convicted of operating a motor vehicle while the ability of the person to operate such vehicle was impaired due to the consumption of alcohol, require such person:
8. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a person convicted of prostitution pursuant to Section 1029 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, require such person to receive counseling for the behavior which may have caused such person to engage in prostitution activities. Such person may be required to receive counseling in areas including but not limited to alcohol and substance abuse, sexual behavior problems or domestic abuse or child abuse problems;
9. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a person convicted of any crime related to domestic abuse, as defined in Section 60.1 of this title, the court may require the defendant to undergo the treatment or participate in the counseling services necessary to bring about the cessation of domestic abuse against the victim. The defendant may be required to pay all or part of the cost of the treatment or counseling services;
10. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, the court, in the case of a sex offender sentenced after November 1, 1989, and required by law to register pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act, shall require the defendant to participate in a treatment program designed specifically for the treatment of sex offenders, if available. The treatment program will include polygraph examinations specifically designed for use with sex offenders for the purpose of supervision and treatment compliance, provided the examination is administered by a certified licensed polygraph examiner. The treatment program must be approved by the Department of Corrections or the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Such treatment shall be at the expense of the defendant based on the ability of the defendant to pay;
11. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, the court, in the case of a person convicted of abuse or neglect of a child, as defined in Section 1-1-105 of Title 10A of the Oklahoma Statutes, may require the person to undergo treatment or to participate in counseling services. The defendant may be required to pay all or part of the cost of the treatment or counseling services;
12. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, the court, in the case of a person convicted of cruelty to animals pursuant to Section 1685 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, may require the person to pay restitution to animal facilities for medical care and any boarding costs of victimized animals;
13. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, a sex offender who is habitual or aggravated as defined by Section 584 of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes and who is required to register as a sex offender pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act shall be supervised by the Department of Corrections for the duration of the registration period and shall be assigned to a global position monitoring device by the Department of Corrections for the duration of the registration period. The cost of such monitoring device shall be reimbursed by the offender;
14. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a sex offender who is required by law to register pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act, the court may prohibit the person from accessing or using any Internet social networking website that has the potential or likelihood of allowing the sex offender to have contact with any child who is under the age of eighteen (18) years;
15. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a sex offender who is required by law to register pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act, the court shall require the person to register any electronic mail address information, instant message, chat or other Internet communication name or identity information that the person uses or intends to use while accessing the Internet or used for other purposes of social networking or other similar Internet communication; or
16. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, and pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written plea agreement, the court may prohibit the defendant from entering, visiting or residing within the judicial district in which the defendant was convicted until after completion of his or her sentence; provided, however, the court shall ensure that the defendant has access to those services or programs for which the defendant is required to participate as a condition of probation. When seeking to enter the prohibited judicial district for personal business not related to his or her criminal case, the defendant shall be required to obtain approval by the court.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person who is found guilty of a violation of any provision of Section 761 or 11-902 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes or any person pleading guilty or nolo contendere for a violation of any provision of such sections shall be ordered to participate in, prior to sentencing, an alcohol and drug assessment and evaluation by an assessment agency or assessment personnel certified by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services for the purpose of evaluating the receptivity to treatment and prognosis of the person. The court shall order the person to reimburse the agency or assessor for the evaluation. The fee shall be the amount provided in subsection C of Section 3-460 of Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes. The evaluation shall be conducted at a certified assessment agency, the office of a certified assessor or at another location as ordered by the court. The agency or assessor shall, within seventy-two (72) hours from the time the person is assessed, submit a written report to the court for the purpose of assisting the court in its final sentencing determination. No person, agency or facility operating an alcohol and drug substance abuse evaluation program certified by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services shall solicit or refer any person evaluated pursuant to this subsection for any treatment program or alcohol and drug substance abuse service in which such person, agency or facility has a vested interest; however, this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the court from ordering participation in or any person from voluntarily utilizing a treatment program or alcohol and drug substance abuse service offered by such person, agency or facility. If a person is sentenced to the custody of the Department of Corrections and the court has received a written evaluation report pursuant to this subsection, the report shall be furnished to the Department of Corrections with the judgment and sentence. Any evaluation report submitted to the court pursuant to this subsection shall be handled in a manner which will keep such report confidential from the general public's review. Nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the court from ordering judgment and sentence in the event the defendant fails or refuses to comply with an order of the court to obtain the evaluation required by this subsection.
C. When sentencing a person convicted of a crime, the court shall first consider a program of restitution for the victim, as well as imposition of a fine or incarceration of the offender. The provisions of paragraph 1 of subsection A of this section shall not apply to defendants being sentenced upon their third or subsequent to their third conviction of a felony or, beginning January 1, 1993, to defendants being sentenced for their second or subsequent felony conviction for violation of Section 11-902 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes, except as otherwise provided in this subsection. In the case of a person being sentenced for his or her second or subsequent felony conviction for violation of Section 11-902 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes, the court may sentence the person pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of subsection A of this section if the court orders the person to submit to electronically monitored home detention administered and supervised by the Department of Corrections pursuant to subparagraph e of paragraph 7 of subsection A of this section. Provided, the court may waive these prohibitions upon written application of the district attorney. Both the application and the waiver shall be made part of the record of the case.
D. When sentencing a person convicted of a crime, the judge shall consider any victim impact statements if submitted to the jury, or the judge in the event a jury is waived.
E. Probation, for purposes of subsection A of this section, is a procedure by which a defendant found guilty of a crime, whether upon a verdict or plea of guilty or upon a plea of nolo contendere, is released by the court subject to conditions imposed by the court and subject to supervision by the Department of Corrections, a private supervision provider or other person designated by the court. Such supervision shall be initiated upon an order of probation from the court, and shall not exceed two (2) years, unless a petition alleging a violation of any condition of deferred judgment or seeking revocation of the suspended sentence is filed during the supervision, or as otherwise provided by law. In the case of a person convicted of a sex offense, supervision shall begin immediately upon release from incarceration or if parole is granted and shall not be limited to two (2) years. Provided further, any supervision provided for in this section may be extended for a period not to exceed the expiration of the maximum term or terms of the sentence upon a determination by the court or the Division of Probation and Parole of the Department of Corrections that the best interests of the public and the release will be served by an extended period of supervision.
F. The Department of Corrections, or such other agency as the court may designate, shall be responsible for the monitoring and administration of the restitution and service programs provided for by subparagraphs a, c and d of paragraph 1 of subsection A of this section, and shall ensure that restitution payments are forwarded to the victim and that service assignments are properly performed.
G. 1. The Department of Corrections is hereby authorized, subject to funds available through appropriation by the Legislature, to contract with counties for the administration of county Community Service Sentencing Programs.
2. Any offender eligible to participate in the Program pursuant to this section shall be eligible to participate in a county Program; provided, participation in county-funded Programs shall not be limited to offenders who would otherwise be sentenced to confinement with the Department of Corrections.
3. The Department shall establish criteria and specifications for contracts with counties for such Programs. A county may apply to the Department for a contract for a county-funded Program for a specific period of time. The Department shall be responsible for ensuring that any contracting county complies in full with specifications and requirements of the contract. The contract shall set appropriate compensation to the county for services to the Department.
4. The Department is hereby authorized to provide technical assistance to any county in establishing a Program, regardless of whether the county enters into a contract pursuant to this subsection. Technical assistance shall include appropriate staffing, development of community resources, sponsorship, supervision and any other requirements.
5. The Department shall annually make a report to the Governor, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House on the number of such Programs, the number of participating offenders, the success rates of each Program according to criteria established by the Department and the costs of each Program.
H. As used in this section:
1. "Ignition interlock device" means a device that, without tampering or intervention by another person, would prevent the defendant from operating a motor vehicle if the defendant has a blood or breath alcohol concentration of two-hundredths (0.02) or greater;
2. "Electronically monitored home detention" means incarceration of the defendant within a specified location or locations with monitoring by means of a device approved by the Department of Corrections that detects if the person leaves the confines of any specified location; and
3. "Victims impact panel program" means a program conducted by a corporation registered with the Secretary of State in Oklahoma for the sole purpose of operating a victims impact panel program. The program shall include live presentations from presenters who will share personal stories with participants about how alcohol, drug abuse, the operation of a motor vehicle while using an electronic communication device or the illegal conduct of others has personally impacted the lives of the presenters. A victims impact panel program shall be attended by persons who have committed the offense of driving, operating or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substance, operating a motor vehicle while the ability of the person to operate such vehicle was impaired due to the consumption of alcohol or any other substance or operating a motor vehicle while using an electronic device or by persons who have been convicted of furnishing alcoholic beverage to persons under twenty-one (21) years of age, as provided in Sections 6-101 and 6-120 of Title 37A of the Oklahoma Statutes. Persons attending a victims impact panel program shall be required to pay a fee of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) to the provider of the program. A certificate of completion shall be issued to the person upon satisfying the attendance and fee requirements of the victims impact panel program. The certificate of completion shall contain the business identification number of the program provider. A certified assessment agency, certified assessor or provider of an alcohol and drug substance abuse course shall be prohibited from providing a victims impact panel program and shall further be prohibited from having any proprietary or pecuniary interest in a victims impact panel program. The provider of the victims impact panel program shall carry general liability insurance and maintain an accurate accounting of all business transactions and funds received in relation to the victims impact panel program. Beginning October 1, 2020, and each October 1 thereafter, the provider of the victims impact panel program shall provide to the District Attorneys Council the following:
I. A person convicted of a felony offense or receiving any form of probation for an offense in which registration is required pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act, shall submit to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing for law enforcement identification purposes in accordance with Section 150.27 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes and the rules promulgated by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for the OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database. Subject to the availability of funds, any person convicted of a misdemeanor offense of assault and battery, domestic abuse, stalking, possession of a controlled substance prohibited under the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act, outraging public decency, resisting arrest, escape or attempting to escape, eluding a police officer, Peeping Tom, pointing a firearm, threatening an act of violence, breaking and entering a dwelling place, destruction of property, negligent homicide or causing a personal injury accident while driving under the influence of any intoxicating substance, or any alien unlawfully present under federal immigration law, upon arrest, shall submit to DNA testing for law enforcement identification purposes in accordance with Section 150.27 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes and the rules promulgated by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for the OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database. Any defendant sentenced to probation shall be required to submit to testing within thirty (30) days of sentencing either to the Department of Corrections or to the county sheriff or other peace officer as directed by the court. Defendants who are sentenced to a term of incarceration shall submit to testing in accordance with Section 530.1 of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes, for those defendants who enter the custody of the Department of Corrections or to the county sheriff, for those defendants sentenced to incarceration in a county jail. Convicted individuals who have previously submitted to DNA testing under this section and for whom a valid sample is on file in the OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database at the time of sentencing shall not be required to submit to additional testing. Except as required by the Sex Offenders Registration Act, a deferred judgment does not require submission to DNA testing.
Any person who is incarcerated in the custody of the Department of Corrections after July 1, 1996, and who has not been released before January 1, 2006, shall provide a blood or saliva sample prior to release. Every person subject to DNA testing after January 1, 2006, whose sentence does not include a term of confinement with the Department of Corrections shall submit a blood or saliva sample. Every person subject to DNA testing who is sentenced to unsupervised probation or otherwise not supervised by the Department of Corrections shall submit for blood or saliva testing to the sheriff of the sentencing county.
J. Samples of blood or saliva for DNA testing required by subsection I of this section shall be taken by employees or contractors of the Department of Corrections, peace officers, or the county sheriff or employees or contractors of the sheriff's office. The individuals shall be properly trained to collect blood or saliva samples. Persons collecting blood or saliva for DNA testing pursuant to this section shall be immune from civil liabilities arising from this activity. All collectors of DNA samples shall ensure the collection of samples are mailed to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation within ten (10) days of the time the subject appears for testing or within ten (10) days of the date the subject comes into physical custody to serve a term of incarceration. All collectors of DNA samples shall use sample kits provided by the OSBI and procedures promulgated by the OSBI. Persons subject to DNA testing who are not received at the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center shall be required to pay a fee of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) to the agency collecting the sample for submission to the OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database. Any fees collected pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited in the revolving account or the service fee account of the collection agency or department.
K. When sentencing a person who has been convicted of a crime that would subject that person to the provisions of the Sex Offenders Registration Act, neither the court nor the district attorney shall be allowed to waive or exempt such person from the registration requirements of the Sex Offenders Registration Act.
Added by Laws 1968, c. 204, § 1, emerg. eff. April 22, 1968. Amended by Laws 1970, c. 312, § 1; Laws 1971, c. 90, § 1, emerg. eff. April 16, 1971; Laws 1976, c. 160, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1976; Laws 1978, c. 223, § 1; Laws 1979, c. 66, § 1, emerg. eff. April 16, 1979; Laws 1981, c. 124, § 1; Laws 1982, c. 8, § 1, emerg. eff. March 15, 1982; Laws 1983, c. 23, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1983; Laws 1985, c. 59, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1985; Laws 1986, c. 240, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1986; Laws 1987, c. 224, § 11, eff. Nov. 1, 1987; Laws 1988, c. 150, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1988; Laws 1989, c. 197, § 11, eff. Nov. 1, 1989; Laws 1990, c. 152, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1990; Laws 1991, c. 200, § 3, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1991, c. 335, § 8, emerg. eff. June 15, 1991; Laws 1992, c. 136, § 4, eff. July 1, 1992; Laws 1992, c. 382, § 3, emerg. eff. June 9, 1992; Laws 1993, c. 10, § 3, emerg. eff. March 21, 1993; Laws 1993, c. 166, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1993; Laws 1993, c. 339, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1993; Laws 1994, c. 2, § 9, emerg. eff. March 2, 1994; Laws 1994, c. 308, § 1, emerg. eff. June 7, 1994; Laws 1996, c. 153, § 4, emerg. eff. May 7, 1996; Laws 1997, c. 150, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1997; Laws 1997, c. 420, § 1, emerg. eff. June 13, 1997; Laws 1999, 1st Ex. Sess., c. 4, § 31, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2000, c. 112, § 1, emerg. eff. April 20, 2000; Laws 2000, c. 349, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2000; Laws 2001, c. 437, § 17, eff. July 1, 2001; Laws 2002, c. 22, § 10, emerg. eff. March 8, 2002; Laws 2002, c. 235, § 1, emerg. eff. May 9, 2002; Laws 2002, c. 464, § 1, emerg. eff. June 5, 2002; Laws 2003, c. 178, § 1, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2003, c. 474, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2003; Laws 2004, c. 5, § 11, emerg. eff. March 1, 2004; Laws 2004, c. 143, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2004; Laws 2004, c. 418, § 2, eff. July 1, 2004; Laws 2005, c. 188, § 2, emerg. eff. May 17, 2005; Laws 2005, c. 441, § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2006; Laws 2006, c. 16, § 3, emerg. eff. March 29, 2006; Laws 2006, c. 294, § 1, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2007, c. 1, § 16, emerg. eff. Feb. 22, 2007; Laws 2007, c. 30, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2007; Laws 2007, c. 182, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2007; Laws 2008, c. 3, § 19, emerg. eff. Feb. 28, 2008; Laws 2009, c. 218, § 2, emerg. eff. May 19, 2009; Laws 2010, c. 2, § 10, emerg. eff. March 3, 2010; Laws 2010, c. 37, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2010; Laws 2010, c. 237, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2010; Laws 2013, c. 80, § 1; Laws 2013, c. 175, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws 2014, c. 157, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2014; Laws 2017, c. 313, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2017; Laws 2018, c. 304, § 10, emerg. eff. May 10, 2018; Laws 2020, c. 46, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2020; Laws 2021, c. 317, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2021; Laws 2021, c. 469, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2021.
NOTE: Laws 1991, c. 17, § 1 repealed by Laws 1991, c. 335, § 37, emerg. eff. June 15, 1991. Laws 1992, c. 379, § 2 repealed by Laws 1993, c. 10, § 16, emerg. eff. March 21, 1993. Laws 1993, c. 325, § 19 repealed by Laws 1994, c. 2, § 34, emerg. eff. March 2, 1994. Laws 1994, c. 40, § 1 and Laws 1994, c. 188, § 2 repealed by Laws 1997, c. 133, § 605, emerg. eff. April 22, 1997. Laws 1997, c. 9, § 2 repealed by Laws 1997, c. 260, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1997. Laws 1997, c. 133, § 65 and Laws 1997, c. 260, § 9 repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex. Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. July 1, 1999. Laws 2000, c. 39, § 3 repealed by Laws 2000, c. 334, § 10, emerg. eff. June 5, 2000 and by Laws 2000, c. 349, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 2000. Laws 2000, c. 334, § 2 repealed by Laws 2001, c. 5, § 7, emerg. eff. March 21, 2001. Laws 2001, c. 170, § 1 and Laws 2001, c. 225, § 2 repealed by Laws 2002, c. 22, § 34, emerg. eff. March 8, 2002. Laws 2003, c. 306, § 1 repealed by Laws 2004, c. 5, § 12, emerg. eff. March 1, 2004. Laws 2003, c. 363, § 2 repealed by Laws 2004, c. 5, § 13, emerg. eff. March 1, 2004. Laws 2005, c. 183, § 1 repealed by Laws 2006, c. 16, § 4, emerg. eff. March 29, 2006. Laws 2006, c. 284, § 6 repealed by Laws 2007, c. 1, § 17, emerg. eff. Feb. 22, 2007. Laws 2007, c. 261, § 21 repealed by Laws 2008, c. 3, § 20, emerg. eff. Feb. 28, 2008. Laws 2009, c. 234, § 132 repealed by Laws 2010, c. 2, § 11, emerg. eff. March 3, 2010. Laws 2021, c. 273, § 3 repealed by Laws 2021, c. 469, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2021.
NOTE: Laws 2017, c. 194, § 2 was purportedly repealed by Laws 2018, c. 304, § 11 but without reference to Laws 2018, c. 128, § 10, which amended it. Laws 2018, c. 128, § 10 was subsequently amended by Laws 2019, c. 453, § 1, eff. July 1, 2019.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 22. Criminal Procedure

§22-1. Title of code.

§22-2. Indictment or information necessary, except when.

§22-3. Code not retroactive.

§22-4. Construction of words.

§22-4A. "Court", "courts of the state", "courts in the state" and "court clerk" defined.

§22-5. Writing includes printing.

§22-6. Oath includes affirmation.

§22-7. Signature.

§22-8. Application of statutes.

§22-9. Common law prevails, when.

§22-10. Criminal action defined.

§22-11. Prosecution is by state against person charged.

§22-12. Party defendant.

§22-13. Right to speedy trial, counsel and witnesses.

§22-14. Former jeopardy.

§22-15. Testimony against one's self - Restraint during trial and prior to conviction.

§22-17. Custody and distribution of proceeds from sale of rights arising from criminal act.

§OS. 22-18. See the following versions:

§22-18a. Petition to Expunge Records and Order to Expunge Records.

§22-18v1. Expungement of records - Persons authorized.

§22-18v2. Expungement of records - Persons authorized.

§22-19. Sealing and unsealing of records - Procedure.

§22-19a. Arrest or charge as result of identity theft - Expungement on motion of court, district attorney or defendant.

§22-19b. Oklahoma Identity Theft Passport Program.

§22-19c. Arrest or charge as result of human trafficking – Expungement on motion of court or defendant.

§22-20. Incarceration of single custodial parents - Child placement.

§22-21. Eyewitness identification procedures.

§22-22. Policy requiring electronic recording of custodial interrogation of homicide or felony sex offense suspects.

§22-31. Who may resist.

§22-32. Resistance by party to be injured.

§22-33. Resistance by other person.

§22-34. Intervention by officers.

§22-34.1. Peace officers using excessive force - Definition - Adoption of policies and guidelines.

§22-34.2. Reporting incidents of excessive force - Contents of report - Failure to report or making materially false statements.

§22-34.3. Racial profiling prohibited.

§22-34.4. Stop or arrest resulting from racial profiling.

§22-34.5. Attorney General's Office of Civil Rights Enforcement to establish procedures for filing racial profiling complaint - Annual report of complaints.

§22-35. Persons assisting officers.

§22-36. Civil and criminal immunity for private citizens aiding police officers - Federal law enforcement officers.

§22-36.1. Police dog handlers - Civil liability.

§22-36.2. National Park Service rangers - Arrest authority and immunity from suit.

§22-37. Distinctive uniforms for police officers - Exceptions.

§22-37.1. Off-duty law enforcement officers - Powers and duties- Liability.

§22-38. Representation of law enforcement officers by district attorney in civil actions resulting from riot activity.

§22-39. Benefits for citizens who aid.

§22-40. Definitions.

§22-40.2. Victim protection order - Victims not to be discouraged from pressing charges.

§22-40.3. Emergency temporary order of protection.

§22-40.3A. Reporting of rape, sodomy, or sexual assault incidents –Referral of victim to services programs – Production of records to law enforcement officers.

§22-40.5. Short Title.

§22-40.6. Record of reported incidents of domestic abuse - Reports.

§22-40.7. Expert testimony - Admissibility.

§22-41. Information of threat.

§22-42. Magistrate must issue warrant.

§22-43. Proceedings when charge is controverted.

§22-44. Discharge, when.

§22-45. Bond required, when.

§22-46. When bond is or is not given.

§22-47. Discharge on giving bond.

§22-48. Undertaking sent to district court.

§22-49. Assault or threat in presence of magistrate.

§22-50. Person must appear in district court.

§22-51. Discharge when complainant fails to appear.

§22-52. Proceedings when parties appear.

§22-53. Breach of bond, what constitutes.

§22-54. Prosecution on breach.

§22-55. Allegation and proof.

§22-56. Limitation.

§22-57. Costs.

§22-58. Mandatory reporting of domestic abuse - Exceptions.

§22-59. Immunity from liability – Presumption of good faith.

§22-60. Short title.

§22-60.1. See the following versions:

§22-60.1v1. Definitions.

§22-60.1v2. Definitions.

§22-60.2. Protective order - Petition - Complaint requirement for certain stalking victims - Fees.

§22-60.3. Emergency ex parte order and hearing - Emergency temporary ex parte order of protection.

§22-60.4. Service of emergency ex parte order or emergency temporary order, petition for protective order and notice of hearing - Full hearing - Final protective order.

§22-60.5. Access to protective orders by law enforcement agencies.

§22-60.6. Violation of emergency temporary, ex parte or final protective order - Penalties.

§22-60.7. Statewide and nationwide validity of orders.

§22-60.8. Seizure and forfeiture of weapons used to commit act of domestic abuse.

§22-60.9. Warrantless arrest.

§22-60.11. Protective order – Statement required - Validity.

§22-60.12. Foreign protective orders – Presumption of validity – Peace officers immune from liability.

§22-60.14. Address confidentiality program.

§22-60.16. Domestic abuse victims not to be discouraged from pressing charges - Warrantless arrests of certain persons - Emergency temporary order of protection.

§22-60.17. Consideration of certain victims' safety prior to release of defendant on bond - Emergency protective and restraining orders - GPS monitoring.

§22-60.18. Expungement of victim protective orders.

§22-60.19. Emergency protective order - Confidentiality.

§22-60.20. Domestic violence, substance abuse, addiction and mental health training.

§22-60.21. Short title.

§22-60.22. Definitions.

§22-60.23. Judicial enforcement of foreign protection order.

§22-60.24. Nonjudicial enforcement of foreign protection order.

§22-60.25. Registration of foreign orders - Certified copy - Inaccurate orders - Affidavits - Fee.

§22-60.26. Immunity from liability.

§22-60.27. Remedies.

§22-60.28. Uniformity of application and construction.

§22-60.29. Application to orders issued before November 1, 2008.

§22-60.30. Integrated domestic violence docket pilot program.

§22-60.31. Family justice centers.

§22-61. Domestic violence court program.

§22-70. Use of Force for the Protection of the Unborn Act.

§22-71. Legislative findings.

§22-72. Definitions.

§22-73. Deadly force to protect unborn justified - Circumstances.

§22-91. Officer may command assistance.

§22-92. Officer must report names of resisters.

§22-93. Refusal to assist officer a misdemeanor.

§22-94. Assistance from other counties.

§22-95. Governor to furnish military force, when.

§22-101. Unlawful assemblage.

§22-102. Proceedings if assembly does not disperse - Commanding aid of others.

§22-103. Refusal to assist.

§22-104. Neglect of officer respecting unlawful assembly a misdemeanor.

§22-105. Officers may disperse assembly and arrest offenders - Commanding aid.

§22-106. Precautions before endangering life.

§22-107. Offenses during riot or insurrection.

§22-111. Creation - Staff.

§22-112. Referral of complaints - Guidelines.

§22-113. Notice of complaint.

§22-114. Restitution agreements.

§22-115. District attorney's staff to perform certain duties.

§22-116. Annual reports.

§22-121. Offenses commenced outside and consummated within the state.

§22-122. Jurisdiction in case of death from duel outside state.

§22-123. Evasion of statutes relative to dueling and challenges, jurisdiction.

§22-124. Offense committed in two counties.

§22-125. Offense committed near boundary of county.

§22-125.1. Venue for enforcement of Section 425 of Title 21.

§22-126. Kidnapping, enticing away children and similar offenses, jurisdiction.

§22-128. Stolen property moved, jurisdiction.

§22-129. Accessory, jurisdiction in case of.

§22-130. Conviction or acquittal outside state or county a bar.

§22-131. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another.

§22-132. Escape, jurisdiction of prosecution for.

§22-133. Stealing property in another state - Receiving such stolen property.

§22-134. Murder or manslaughter, jurisdiction in certain cases.

§22-135. Principal not present, jurisdiction.

§22-136. Acceptance of plea of guilty or nolo contendere upon waiver of venue and consent thereto - Judgments.

§22-151. Limitations – Murder, first and second degree manslaughter.

§22-152. Statute of limitations.

§22-153. Absence from state, limitation does not run.

§22-161. Magistrate defined.

§22-162. Who are magistrates.

§22-171. Complaint - Issuance of warrant of arrest.

§22-171.1. Arrest warrant for escaped prisoner.

§22-171.2. Determination of citizenship status of persons confined in jail - Verification of status - Presumption of flight risk.

§22-171.3. Custody of persons subject to immigration detainer request.

§22-172. Form of warrant.

§22-173. Requisites of warrant.

§22-174. Warrant directed to whom.

§22-175. County in which warrant may be served - Who may serve.

§22-176. Taking defendant before magistrate in felony cases - Use of closed circuit television.

§22-177. Taking defendant before magistrate in misdemeanor cases - Use of closed circuit television.

§22-178. Proceedings when bail is taken.

§22-179. When bail is not given.

§22-180. Magistrate absent - Taking defendant before another.

§22-181. Delay in taking before magistrate not permitted.

§22-182. Complaint when defendant taken before magistrate other than one issuing warrant.

§22-183. Offense triable in another county - Proceedings for arrest.

§22-184. Offense triable in another county - Taking defendant before magistrate.

§22-185. Offense triable in another county - Taking defendant before magistrate in misdemeanor cases.

§22-186. Arrest defined.

§22-187. Arrest made by whom.

§22-188. Aid to officer.

§22-189. Arrest, when made.

§22-190. Arrest, how made.

§22-190.1. Custody of person arrested without warrant for nonbailable offense.

§22-191. Restraint which is permissible.

§22-192. Officer must show warrant.

§22-193. Resistance, means to overcome.

§22-194. Officer may break open door or window, when.

§22-195. Officer's breaking door or window to liberate himself or another arrester.

§22-196. Arrest without warrant by officer.

§22-197. Arrest without warrant, breaking door or window.

§22-198. Nighttime, arrest of suspected felon.

§22-199. Authority must be stated on arrest without warrant, when.

§22-200. Arrest by bystander - Officer may take defendant before magistrate.

§22-201. Offense committed in presence of magistrate.

§22-202. Arrest by private person.

§22-203. Private person must inform person of cause of arrest.

§22-204. Private person may break door or window.

§22-205. Private person making arrest must take defendant to magistrate or officer.

§22-206. Disarming person arrested.

§22-207. Pursuit and arrest of escaped prisoner.

§22-208. Breaking door or window to arrest person escaping.

§22-209. Citation to appear - Issuance - Summons - Failure to appear.

§22-210. Felony arrest – DNA testing required.

§22-211.1. DNA information inadmissible post-expungement date.

§22-221. Authority of officers of another state.

§22-222. Taking prisoner before magistrate.

§22-223. Arrests otherwise lawful.

§22-224. State includes District of Columbia.

§22-225. Fresh pursuit defined.

§22-227. Partial invalidity.

§22-228. Short Title.

§22-231. Misdemeanors - Warrant for arrest - Complaint submitted to district attorney - Cost bond.

§22-232. Form of cost bond.

§22-233. Judgment on bond.

§22-234. Discretion to charge as misdemeanor.

§22-251. Magistrate must inform defendant of charge and rights.

§22-252. Defendant allowed counsel - Messages to counsel - Change of venue.

§22-253. Defendant to be examined.

§22-254. Adjournment of examination.

§22-255. Disposition of defendant on adjournment.

§22-256. Commitment for examination.

§22-257. Duty of magistrate on examination - Subpoenas for witnesses.

§22-258. Preliminary examinations and proceedings thereon.

§22-259. Order of witnesses.

§22-260. Magistrate to keep depositions - Inspection.

§22-261. Depositions, violation of provisions regarding.

§22-262. Discharge of defendant, when.

§22-263. Costs taxed against complainant, when.

§22-264. Defendant held to answer.

§22-265. Commitment when offense is not bailable.

§22-266. When offense is bailable.

§22-267. If bail is not taken.

§22-268. Commitment.

§22-269. Form of commitment.

§22-270. Witnesses to give undertaking.

§22-271. Sureties may be required for witness.

§22-273. Witness not giving undertaking committed, when.

§22-274. Subsequent security may be demanded - Arrest of witness.

§22-275. Arrested witness may be confined.

§22-276. Magistrate discharging or holding defendant must return papers and record to court.

§22-301. Manner of prosecution of offenses.

§22-302. Indictment defined.

§22-303. Subscription, endorsement and verification of information - Excusing endorsement.

§22-304. Information may be amended.

§22-305.1. Deferred prosecution programs - Guidelines - Factors considered.

§22-305.2. District attorney deferred prosecution.

§22-305.3. Termination of deferred prosecution agreement.

§22-305.4. Completion of program - Records.

§22-305.5. Information - Release or disclosure - Confidentiality - Admissibility as evidence - Violations - Penalties.

§22-305.6. District Attorneys Council - Duties.

§22-305.7. Restorative justice pilot program.

§22-311. Grand jury defined.

§22-311.1. Petition for convening grand jury - Warning.

§22-312. Challenge of grand jury.

§22-313. Grounds for challenge to panel.

§22-314. Jury discharged if challenge allowed.

§22-315. Grounds for challenge to juror.

§22-316. Challenge may be oral or written - How tried.

§22-317. Ruling on challenge.

§22-318. Effect of challenge allowed.

§22-319. Violation, where challenge allowed.

§22-320. Challenge to be made before jury is sworn - Exception.

§22-321. New grand jury in certain cases.

§22-322. Special grand jury.

§22-323. Court to appoint foreman.

§22-324. Oath to foreman.

§22-325. Oath to other jurors.

§22-326. Charge to grand jury.

§22-327. Jury to retire.

§22-328. Grand jury must appoint clerk.

§22-329. Discharge of grand juror.

§22-330. Discharge of grand jury.

§22-331. General powers and duties of grand jury.

§22-332. Foreman to swear witness.

§22-333. Evidence before grand jury.

§22-335. Evidence for the accused - Procuring additional evidence.

§22-336. Indictment to be found, when.

§22-337. Members to give evidence.

§22-338. Subjects for inquiry by grand jury.

§22-339. Access to prisons and records.

§22-340. Advice of court or district attorney – Reproduction or disclosure of transcript - Who may be present.

§22-341. Proceedings kept secret.

§22-342. Juror may disclose proceedings, when.

§22-343. Privilege of grand juror.

§22-344. Interpreter - Appointment - Compensation.

§22-345. Restrictions on sessions before and after elections.

§22-346. Reports of investigations of public offices or institutions.

§22-350. Multicounty Grand Jury Act - Conflicting provisions.

§22-351. Verified application - Order - Authority of district attorney.

§22-352. Regular term - Extension.

§22-353. Jurisdiction.

§22-354. Powers - Document copies or reproductions.

§22-355. Disclosures - Witness right to assistance of counsel.

§22-356. Jurisdictional limits - Investigations.

§22-357. Presentation of evidence - Power to prosecute.

§22-358. Venue - Consolidation of indictment.

§22-359. Prospective juror list - Numbers and qualifications.

§22-360. Summons for service.

§22-361. Foreman.

§22-362. Costs and expenses.

§22-363. Compensation and reimbursement.

§22-381. Indictment may be found by nine - Endorsement.

§22-382. Charge dismissed, when.

§22-383. Resubmission of charge.

§22-384. Names of witnesses endorsed on indictment.

§22-385. Presentment and filing of indictment - Prohibition against disclosure.

§22-386. Proceedings where defendant at large.

§22-387. Forms and rules of pleading.

§22-388. Indictment or information is first pleading.

§22-401. Requisites of indictment or information.

§22-402. Indictment or information must be certain and direct.

§22-403. Designation of defendant by fictitious name.

§22-404. Single offense to be charged - Different counts.

§22-405. Allegation of time.

§22-406. Misdescription of person injured or intended to be injured.

§22-407. Words, how construed.

§22-408. Statute not strictly pursued.

§22-409. Indictment or information, when sufficient.

§22-411. Matters which need not be stated.

§22-412. Pleading a judgment.

§22-413. Pleading private statute.

§22-421. Arson - Omission or error in designating owner or occupant.

§22-422. Libel, indictment or information for.

§22-423. Forgery, misdescription of forged instrument immaterial, when.

§22-424. Perjury, indictment or information for.

§22-425. Larceny or embezzlement, indictment or information for.

§22-426. Obscene literature, indictment or information for handling.

§22-431. Several defendants.

§22-432. Accessories and principals in felony.

§22-433. Accessory tried independently of principal.

§22-434. Compounding a crime - Separate prosecution.

§22-436. Charging of two or more defendants in same indictment or information - Counts.

§22-437. Singular to include the plural.

§22-438. Trial of two or more indictments or informations.

§22-439. Relief from prejudicial joinder.

§22-440. Repeal of conflicting laws.

§22-441. Indictments - When and where transferred.

§22-442. Records to be certified to proper court - Costs.

§22-443. Entry on docket - Process and trial.

§22-444. Retransfer in case of error.

§22-445. Transfer to county of proper venue.

§22-451. Arraignment.

§22-452. Defendant must appear personally, when.

§22-453. Officer to bring defendant before court.

§22-454. Bench warrant to issue, when.

§22-455. Bench warrant may issue into one or more counties.

§22-456. Bench warrant, form of, in case of felony.

§22-456A. Bench warrant, fee for issuance of.

§22-457. Bench warrant in case of misdemeanor or bailable felony.

§22-458. Court to fix amount of bail - Endorsement.

§22-459. Defendant held when offense not bailable.

§22-460. Bench warrant served in any county.

§22-461. Taking bail in another county.

§22-462. Defendant committed or bail increased after indictment or information.

§22-463. Commitment order, execution of.

§22-465. Arraignment made, how.

§22-466. Name of defendant.

§22-467. Proceedings when defendant gives no other name.

§22-468. Proceedings where another name given.

§22-469. Necessity for filing information after preliminary examination.

§22-470. Time for arraignment upon charge of felony.

§22-471. Short title.

§22-471.1. Authorization of drug court programs.

§22-471.2. Eligibility and request for drug court program.

§22-471.3. Initial hearing.

§22-471.4. Eligibility criteria - Investigation.

§22-471.5. Admissibility of statements or evidence.

§22-471.6. Final eligibility hearing - Acceptance into program - Duration of participation - Costs and fees - Driving privileges.

§22-471.7. Monitoring of treatment progress.

§22-471.8. Use of program as disciplinary sanction.

§22-471.9. Successful completion of program.

§22-471.10. Promulgation of rules.

§22-471.11. Deferred prosecution programs.

§22-472. Anna McBride Act – Mental health courts.

§22-491. Time to answer indictment or information.

§22-492. Pleading to indictment or information.

§22-493. Indictment or information set aside, when.

§22-494. Hearing on motion to set aside indictment or information.

§22-495. Witnesses on hearing to set aside indictment or information.

§22-496. Objection to indictment or information waived, when.

§22-497. Motion to set aside indictment or information heard, when.

§22-498. Defendant to answer indictment, when.

§22-499. Motion sustained - Defendant discharged, or bail exonerated, when.

§22-500. Resubmission of case - Bail.

§22-501. Setting aside indictment or information not a bar.

§22-502. Defendant's pleadings.

§22-503. Defendant to plead in open court.

§22-504. Demurrer to indictment or information.

§22-504.1. Motion to quash for insufficient evidence - Proof - Setting aside of indictment or information - Double jeopardy - Denial of motion.

§22-505. Demurrer to indictment or information, requisites of.

§22-506. Hearing on demurrer.

§22-507. Ruling on demurrer.

§22-508. Demurrer sustained, effect of.

§22-509. Demurrer sustained - Defendant discharged or bail exonerated, when.

§22-510. Proceedings if case resubmitted.

§22-511. Demurrer overruled, defendant to plead.

§22-512. Certain objections, how taken.

§22-513. Pleas to indictment or information.

§22-514. Pleas to be oral - Entry.

§22-515. Form of plea.

§22-516. Plea of guilty.

§22-517. Plea of guilty may be withdrawn.

§22-518. Plea of not guilty, issues on.

§22-519. Plea of not guilty, evidence under.

§22-520. Acquittal, what does not constitute.

§22-521. Acquittal, what constitutes.

§22-522. Former acquittal or conviction as bar.

§22-523. Refusal to plead.

§22-524. Preliminary hearing on felony indictment - Time for request - Witnesses - Dismissal.

§22-561. Change of venue - When granted - Application - Affidavits and evidence - Removal as to part of defendants.

§22-562. Change of venue - Proceedings - Costs and expenses.

§22-563. Disposition of defendant on change of venue.

§22-564. Change of venue - Court may require bail.

§22-565. Change of venue - Recognizance of witnesses.

§22-566. Trial on change of venue - Records and papers.

§22-576. Trial before judge other than one who conducted preliminary examination.

§22-581. Issue of fact arises, when.

§22-582. Issue of fact, how tried.

§22-583. Defendant must be present, when.

§22-584. Postponement for cause.

§22-585. Postponement for investigation of claimed alibi.

§22-591. Same jurors in both civil and criminal actions.

§22-592. Trial jury - How formed.

§22-593. Clerk to prepare and deposit ballots.

§22-594. Names of panel called, when - Attachment for absent jurors.

§22-595. Manner of drawing jury from box.

§22-596. Disposition of ballots.

§22-597. Disposition of ballots - After jury discharged.

§22-598. Disposition of ballot - When juror is absent or excused.

§22-599. Jurors summoned to complete jury - Treated as original panel.

§22-600. Drawing the jury.

§22-601. Number of jurors - Oaths - Fines not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars.

§22-601a. Alternate jurors - Challenges - Oath or affirmation - Attendance upon trial.

§22-601b. Protracted deliberations - Sequestration of alternate jurors.

§22-602. Affirmation.

§22-621. Challenges classed.

§22-622. Several defendants - Challenges.

§22-631. Panel defined.

§22-632. Challenge to panel.

§22-633. Causes for challenge to panel.

§22-634. When taken - Form and requisites.

§22-635. Issue on the challenge - Trying sufficiency.

§22-636. Challenge and exception may be amended or withdrawn.

§22-637. Denial of challenge - Trial of fact questions.

§22-638. Trial of challenge.

§22-639. Bias of officer, challenge for.

§22-640. Procedure after decision of challenge.

§22-651. Defendant to be informed of right to challenge.

§22-652. Classes of challenge to individual.

§22-653. When challenge taken.

§22-654. Peremptory challenge defined.

§22-655. Peremptory challenges - Number allowed.

§22-656. Challenge for cause.

§22-657. Challenges for cause classified.

§22-658. Causes for challenge, in general.

§22-659. Particular causes - Implied bias - Actual bias.

§22-660. Implied bias, challenge for.

§22-661. Right of exemption from service not cause for challenge.

§22-662. Cause for challenge must be stated - Form and entry of challenge - Juror not disqualified for having formed opinion, when.

§22-663. Exception to the challenge.

§22-664. Trial of challenges.

§22-665. Trial of challenge - Examining jurors.

§22-666. Other witnesses.

§22-667. Ruling on challenge.

§22-691. Challenges to individual jurors.

§22-692. Order of challenges for cause.

§22-693. Peremptory challenges.

§22-701. Defendant a competent witness - Comment on failure to testify - Presumption.

§22-703. Subpoena defined.

§22-704. Magistrate may issue subpoena.

§22-705. District attorney to issue subpoenas for grand jury.

§22-706. Issuing subpoenas for trial.

§22-707. Defendant's subpoenas.

§22-708. Form of subpoena.

§22-709. Continuances, witness must take notice of.

§22-710. Subpoena duces tecum.

§22-711. Service of subpoena by whom - Return.

§22-712. Service, manner of - Cost.

§22-715. Witness residing outside county – Subpoena of court clerks.

§22-716. Disobedience to subpoena.

§22-717. Disobeying defendant's subpoena - Forfeiture.

§22-718. Witnesses - Fees and mileage.

§22-719. Persons held as material witnesses to be informed of constitutional rights - Fees.

§22-720. Detainment of person as material witness.

§22-721. Definitions.

§22-722. Summoning witness in this state to testify in another state.

§22-723. Witness from another state summoned to testify in this state.

§22-724. Exemption from arrest and service of process.

§22-725. Uniformity of interpretation.

§22-726. Short title.

§22-727. Constitutionality.

§22-728. Short Title.

§22-729. Definitions.

§22-730. Certificate from another state to compel witness to appear and testify - Notice, order and hearings.

§22-731. Transfer order - Determinations necessary - Copy of certificate attached - Directions and prescriptions - Responsibilities of requesting jurisdiction.

§22-732. Transfer order - Additional conditions - Expenses of return of witness - Effective date.

§22-733. Act inapplicable to certain persons.

§22-734. Certificate from this state to another state to compel prisoner to appear and testify - Contents - Presentation - Notice to attorney general of other state.

§22-735. Order directing compliance with terms and conditions of order from another state.

§22-736. Immunity from arrest and civil or criminal process.

§22-737. Construction of act.

§22-741. Overt act in conspiracy.

§22-742. Accomplice, testimony of.

§22-743. False pretenses, evidence of.

§22-744. Seduction, corroboration of prosecutrix.

§22-745. Murder, burden of proof in mitigation of.

§22-746. Bigamy, proof on trial for.

§22-747. Forgery of bill or note of corporation or bank, proof on trial for.

§22-748. Perjury in court, evidence as to.

§22-749. Sworn statements taken by district attorney or peace officer of persons having knowledge of criminal offense - Use.

§22-751. Admission of findings - Laboratory and medical examiner's reports - Release of controlled dangerous substances - Compelled attendance in court of report preparers.

§22-751.1. DNA profile - Use as evidence - Notification of defendant.

§22-761. Conditional examination of witnesses.

§22-762. Conditional examinations in certain cases.

§22-762.1. Order for conditional examination of witnesses.

§22-763. Affidavit on application for conditional examination.

§22-764. Application made to court or judge - Notice.

§22-765. Order for examination - Testimony by alternative method.

§22-766. Examination before magistrate or certified court reporter.

§22-767. When examination shall not proceed.

§22-768. Attendance of witness enforced, how.

§22-769. Taking and authentication of testimony.

§22-770. Deposition read in evidence, when - Objections to questions therein.

§22-771. Prisoner, deposition of - Oath.

§22-781. Witness out of state.

§22-782. Nonresident witness - Application for commission to take testimony.

§22-783. Affidavit on application.

§22-784. Notice of application.

§22-785. Issuance of commission - Continuance.

§22-786. Interrogatories and cross-interrogatories.

§22-787. Manner of return.

§22-788. Execution of commission.

§22-789. Delivery of returned commission by agent.

§22-790. Delivery when agent is incapacitated.

§22-791. Filing commission and return.

§22-792. Commission and return open to inspection.

§22-793. Reading deposition on trial.

§22-812.1. Right to speedy trial – Time limits.

§22-812.2. Right to speedy trial – Review process.

§22-814. Effect of dismissing action.

§22-815. Dismissal by court or on district attorney's application.

§22-816. Nolle prosequi abolished.

§22-817. Dismissal not a bar to another prosecution.

§22-831. Order of trial proceedings.

§22-832. Court to decide the law.

§22-833. Province of jury in libel case.

§22-834. Jury limited to questions of fact.

§22-835. Restriction of argument - Number of counsel.

§22-836. Defendant presumed innocent - Reasonable doubt of guilt requires acquittal.

§22-837. Doubt as to degree of guilt.

§22-839. Discharge of defendant that he may testify for state.

§22-840. Discharge of defendant that he may testify for codefendant.

§22-841. Higher offense than charged, existence of - Jury discharged.

§22-842. Discharge of jury not a former acquittal.

§22-843. Trial on original indictment, when.

§22-844. Jury may be discharged, when.

§22-845. Disposition of prisoner on discharge of jury.

§22-846. Disposition of prisoner where jurisdiction in another county.

§22-847. Disposition of prisoner where defendant not arrested on warrant from proper county.

§22-848. Disposition of prisoner - Proceedings if arrested.

§22-849. Duty of court where no offense charged.

§22-850. Court may advise jury to acquit.

§22-851. Jury may view place - Custody of sworn officer.

§22-852. Juror must declare knowledge of case.

§22-853. Custody and conduct of jury before submission - Separation - Sworn officer.

§22-853.1. Jurors - Protective orders.

§22-854. Court must admonish jury as to conduct.

§22-855. Sickness or death of juror - New juror sworn.

§22-856. Requisites of charge of court - Presentation of written charge - Request to charge - Endorsement of disposition on charge presented - Partial refusal.

§22-857. Jury after the charge.

§22-858. Defendant admitted to bail may be committed during trial.

§22-859. Substitute for district attorney failing or unable to attend trial or disqualified.

§22-860.1. Second or subsequent offenses – Trial procedure.

§22-861. Formal exceptions to rulings or orders unnecessary.

§22-891. Jury room - Expenses of providing, a county charge.

§22-893. Jury may have written instructions, forms of verdict and documents injury room - Copies of public or private documents.

§22-894. Jury brought into court for information - Presence of, or notice to, parties.

§22-895. Illness of juror after retirement - Accident or cause preventing keeping together - Discharge.

§22-896. Discharge after agreement on verdict or showing of inability to agree.

§22-897. Retrial after discharge at same or other term.

§22-898. Court during jury's retirement - Sealed verdicts - Final adjournment for term discharges jury.

§22-911. Return of jury into court upon agreement - Discharge on failure of some jurors to appear.

§22-912. Presence of defendant required in felony cases when verdict received - Discretionary in misdemeanor cases.

§22-913. Proceedings when jury appear.

§22-914. Form of verdict.

§22-915. Degree of crime must be found.

§22-916. Included offense or attempt may be found.

§22-917. Several defendants - Verdict as to part - Retrial as to defendants not agreed on.

§22-918. Jury may reconsider verdict of conviction for mistake of law - Return of same verdict.

§22-919. Informal verdict to be reconsidered.

§22-920. Judgment when jury persist in informal verdict.

§22-921. Polling jury.

§22-922. Recording and reading verdict - Disagreement of jurors entered upon minutes - Discharge if no disagreement.

§22-923. Defendant discharged on acquittal - Variance resulting in acquittal may authorize new charges.

§22-924. Commitment upon conviction.

§22-925. Claim of insanity - Duty of court and jury - Commitment to institution.

§22-926.1. Assessment of punishment by jury.

§22-927.1. Punishment assessed by court.

§22-928.1. Excess punishment to be disregarded by court.

§22-929. Remand for vacation of sentence - New sentencing proceeding - Construction of section.

§22-951. New trial defined - Proceedings on new trial - Former verdict no bar - Capital cases.

§22-952. Grounds for new trial - Affidavits and testimony.

§22-953. Time for applying for new trial - Limitations.

§22-954. Motion in arrest of judgment - Definition - Grounds - Time for.

§22-955. Court may arrest on its own motion - Effect of allowing motion.

§22-956. Proceedings after motion for arrest of judgment sustained.

§22-961. Court appoints time for pronouncing judgment.

§22-962. Time for pronouncing verdict specified.

§22-963. Defendant may be absent, when.

§22-964. Officer may be directed to produce prisoner.

§22-965. Warrant for defendant not appearing - Forfeiture of bond or bail money.

§22-966. Clerk to issue bench warrant - Several counties.

§22-966A. Bench warrant, fee for issuance of.

§22-967. Form of bench warrant.

§22-968. Service of bench warrant, mode of.

§22-969. Defendant to be arrested.

§22-970. Defendant informed of proceedings.

§22-971. Defendant may show cause against judgment - Grounds - Proceedings.

§22-972. Rendition of judgment where cause against it not shown.

§22-973. Court may hear further evidence, when.

§22-973a. Mitigating factor for veterans – PTSD.

§22-974. Testimony - How presented - Deposition of sick or infirm witness.

§22-975. Other evidence in aggravation or mitigation of punishment prohibited.

§22-976. Concurrent sentences.

§22-977. Entry of judgment of conviction - Papers to be filed by clerk - Obtaining date of birth and social security number of defendant.

§22-978. Certified copy of judgment furnished to officer - Officer authorized to execute judgment except of death.

§22-979. Execution of judgment by sheriff in certain cases - Delivery to proper officer in other cases.

§22-979a. Payment of jail costs by inmate.

§22-980. Duty of sheriff when defendant sentenced to state prison.

§22-981. Authority of officer while conveying prisoner - Assistance of citizens - Penalty for refusing assistance.

§22-982. Presentence investigation.

§22-982a. Judicial review.

§22-983. Imprisonment or recommendation of suspension of driving privileges for failure to pay fines, costs, fees or assessments - Hearing - Installments.

§22-983a. Authority to waive fines, costs and fees.

§22-983b. Released persons – Hearing to determine ability to pay fines, fees and costs.

§22-985. Short title - Justice Safety Valve Act.

§22-985.1. Departure from mandatory minimum sentencing – Requirements - Exceptions.

§22-985.2. Departures report.

§22-988.1. Short title.

§22-988.2. Definitions — Duties of Chief Judge.

§22-988.3. Purpose of act.

§22-988.4. Mandatory local system.

§22-988.5. Community sentencing system planning councils.

§22-988.6. Planning council duties.

§22-988.7. Local system plan.

§22-988.8. Community services and sentencing options.

§22-988.9. Fees and costs.

§22-988.10. Resource-limited system.

§22-988.11. Performance-based evaluations.

§22-988.12. Custody of offenders – Medical expenditures.

§22-988.13. Local administrator.

§22-988.14. State agency - Creation.

§22-988.15. Duties of state agency.

§22-988.16. Community sentencing system budgeting.

§22-988.17. Development and use of community sentence assessment and evaluation tests.

§22-988.18. Assessment and evaluation of defendants.

§22-988.19. Sentencing.

§22-988.20. Disciplinary sanctions or incentives.

§22-988.21. Earned credits.

§22-988.22. Completion of community sentence.

§22-988.23. Immunity from liability.

§22-988.24. Community sentencing program pilot projects for persons whose suspended sentences have been revoked.

§22-990.1. Uniform supervision form - Requisites.

§22-990a-1.1. Sentencing procedures.

§22-991a. See the following versions:

§22-991a-2. Nonviolent felony offenders - County jail imprisonment - Fines and costs.

§22-991a-3. Restitution of buyer of property unlawfully obtained.

§22-991a-4.1. Community Service Sentencing Program.

§22-991a-13. Short title.

§22-991a-14. Purpose.

§22-991a-15. Definitions.

§22-991a-16. Offenses to which program applies.

§22-991a-17. Enhancement of sentence.

§22-991a-18. Restitution to victim – Modification or revocation of sentence.

§22-991a-19. Seizure of property – Forfeiture for sale – Notice and hearing – Petition for return – Release of property.

§22-991a-20. Second and subsequent offenses.

§22-991b. Revocation of suspended sentence – Intermediate sanction process – Technical violations.

§22-991c. Deferred sentence.

§22-991d. Supervision fee.

§22-991f. Definitions.

§22-991f-1.0. Restitution and Diversion Program - Short title.

§22-991f-1.1. Restitution and Diversion Program - Evaluation of criminal complaints for deferred prosecution - Restitution agreement - Definitions.

§22-991g. Local crimestoppers programs - Qualification for repayment of rewards - Audits - Certification - Use of funds.

§22-991h. Order of no contact.

§22-994. Suspension of judgment and sentence after appeal.

§22-996. Short title - Regimented Inmate Discipline (RID) Program.

§22-996.1. Definitions.

§22-996.2. Implementation and scope of program.

§22-996.3. Powers of court - Specialized offender accountability plan - Objection and hearing - Effect of court order - Probation or confinement.

§22-1001. Judgment of death - Warrant.

§22-1001.1. Execution of judgment - Time - Stay of execution.

§22-1002. Governor to be informed of proceedings.

§22-1003. Governor may require opinion of appellate judges.

§22-1004. Reprieve and suspension of execution - Authority of officers.

§22-1005.1. Mentally incompetent to be executed – Motion – Hearing - Examination.

§22-1010. Pregnancy of prisoners - Judicial investigation.

§22-1011. Execution of judgment - Suspension when defendant pregnant - Execution when pregnancy ceases.

§22-1014. Manner of inflicting punishment of death.

§22-1015. Place of execution of judgment - Persons who may witness.

§22-1016. Warden's return upon death warrant.

§22-1051. Right of appeal - Review - Corrective jurisdiction - Procedure - Scope of review on certiorari.

§22-1052. How governed.

§22-1053. Appeals taken by state or municipality – Allowable cases.

§22-1053.1. Automatic appeal of judgments holding statutes unconstitutional in criminal actions.

§22-1054. Time for perfecting appeal - Original record and transcript - Notice to transmit - Indigent defendants.

§22-1054.1. Perfecting appeal without filing motion for new trial.

§22-1056. Appeal by state not to suspend judgment.

§22-1058. Conditions of bond - Surrender by sureties - Stay of execution - Confinement of defendant when crime not bailable.

§22-1062. Exceptions.

§22-1065. Defendants may appeal jointly or severally.

§22-1066. Power of appellate court - Return by clerk of lower court when new trial granted.

§22-1067. Order when no offense committed - When indictment defective.

§22-1069. Appeal not dismissed for informality.

§22-1070. Judgment to be executed on affirmance.

§22-1071. Opinions to be recorded.

§22-1071.1. Court of Criminal Appeals – Online publication of opinions.

§22-1072. Record and enforcement of mandate or order in lower court - Return by clerk of lower court to clerk of Criminal Court of Appeals.

§22-1076. Notice to defendant of his right to appeal - Stay of execution of judgment.

§22-1077. Bail allowable.

§22-1078. Amount of bond - Time to make appeal bond - Stay pending appeal - Additional bond.

§22-1079. Denial of bail - Review by habeas corpus.

§22-1080. Post-Conviction Procedure Act - Right to challenge conviction or sentence.

§22-1080.1. Limitation period.

§22-1081. Commencement of proceeding.

§22-1082. Court costs and expenses of representation.

§22-1083. Response by state - Disposition of application.

§22-1084. Evidentiary hearing - Findings of fact and conclusions of law.

§22-1085. Finding in favor of applicant.

§22-1086. Subsequent application.

§22-1087. Appeal to Court of Criminal Appeals.

§22-1088. Short title.

§22-1088.1. Post-conviction relief applications - Reasonable inquiry - Sanctions.

§22-1089. Capital cases - Post - conviction relief - Grounds for appeal.

§22-1089.1. State may appeal certain adverse rulings or orders.

§22-1089.2. Notice of intent to appeal - Application to appeal.

§22-1089.3. Waiver of right to appeal.

§22-1089.4. Review of record.

§22-1089.5. Preliminary hearing - Review of record in light most favorable to state.

§22-1089.6. Erroneous ruling or order - Remand.

§22-1089.7. Appeal to Court of Criminal Appeals - Bail - Review.

§22-1091. Short title.

§22-1092. Legislative findings, declarations, and intent.

§22-1093. Execution and form of Compact.

§22-1094. Oklahoma State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision.

§22-1095. Compact administrator.

§22-1101. Offenses bailable - Who may take bail.

§22-1101.1. Offenses relating to prostitution bailable.

§22-1102. Bail when crime is punishable by death.

§22-1104. Qualifications of bail - Justification.

§22-1105. Defendant discharged on giving bail - Exceptions.

§22-1105.1. Pretrial Release Act - Short title.

§22-1105.2. Pretrial Release Act - Setting of bail – Schedule – Electronic monitoring.

§22-1105.3. Pretrial Release Act - Pretrial release programs - Persons eligible - Minimum criteria.

§22-1106. Deposit for bail.

§22-1107. Arrest of defendant by bail - Commitment of defendant and exoneration of bail.

§22-1108. Forfeiture of bail.

§22-1108.1. Own recognizance bonds - Requirements for posting - Forfeiture action and collection of forfeiture.

§22-1109. Additional security may be required.

§22-1110. Jumping bail - Penalties.

§22-1111. Bail for violating water safety law, Wildlife Conservation Code or other bail laws - Deposit of operator’s license in lieu of bail.

§22-1111.1. Return of operator's license.

§22-1111.2. Failure to appear for arraignment.

§22-1113. Plea of guilty.

§22-1114.3. Traffic citation - Delivery of complaint information and abstract of court record - Citation as information.

§22-1114.3A. Citations - Delivery of Complaint Information and Abstract of Court Record.

§22-1115. Short title - Application.

§22-1115.1. Release on personal recognizance - Arraignment - Plea - Failure to plead or appear.

§22-1115.1A. Release on personal recognizance for traffic violation – Arraignment – Plea – Failure to plead or appear.

§22-1115.2. Posting bail after release on personal recognizance for traffic violation - Failure to appear - Person ineligible for release on personal recognizance - Juveniles.

§22-1115.2B. Posting bail after release on personal recognizance for traffic violation – Failure to appear – Person ineligible for release on personal recognizance - Juveniles.

§22-1115.3. State traffic-related offenses - State wildlife-related or water safety-related offenses - Bail.

§22-1115.4. Court clerk not liable on dishonored check - Bench warrant and arrest of issuer.

§22-1115.5. Department of Public Safety - Power and duties relative to suspension of driving privilege.

§22-1121. Rewards from fugitives of justice.

§22-1122. Reward for arrest and conviction of person committing felony.

§22-1123. Extradition - Delivery of accused.

§22-1134. Costs of returning fugitives.

§22-1135. Foreign arrests - Fees or rewards forbidden.

§22-1136. Foreign arrests - Misdemeanors.

§22-1141.1. Definitions.

§22-1141.2. Duty of Governor.

§22-1141.3. Requisites of demand - Accompanying papers.

§22-1141.4. Investigation and report.

§22-1141.5. Agreement for return to other state - Surrender of person leaving state involuntarily.

§22-1141.6. Surrender of persons not fleeing from demanding state.

§22-1141.7. Warrant of arrest of Governor.

§22-1141.8. Authority conferred by warrant.

§22-1141.9. Authority to command assistance.

§22-1141.10. Notice of demand to allege fugitive - Counsel - Habeas corpus.

§22-1141.11. Disobedience of preceding section.

§22-1141.12. Confinement of prisoner in jail.

§22-1141.13. Issuance of warrant of arrest by judge or magistrate.

§22-1141.14. Arrest without warrant.

§22-1141.15. Commitment by judge or magistrate.

§22-1141.16. Bail.

§22-1141.17. Discharge or recommitment.

§22-1141.18. Forfeiture of bail.

§22-1141.19. Demand for person against whom prosecution pending.

§22-1141.20. Inquiry into guilt or innocence.

§22-1141.21. Recalling warrant - New warrant.

§22-1141.22. Warrant to agent to receive person demanded.

§22-1141.23. Application to Governor by prosecuting attorney for requisition.

§22-1141.24. Immunity from civil process.

§22-1141.25. Waiver of proceedings and consent to return to demanding state.

§22-1141.26. Rights of state not deemed waived.

§22-1141.27. Trial for other offenses than that specified.

§22-1141.28. Uniformity of construction.

§22-1141.29. Partial invalidity.

§22-1141.30. Short title.

§22-1145.1. Short title.

§22-1145.2. Purpose of act.

§22-1145.3. Definitions.

§22-1145.4. Disposal of criminal charge at request of defendant.

§22-1145.5. Relief available - Effect of judgment - Act as supplemental.

§22-1145.6. Procedures, rules and regulations.

§22-1151. Habeas corpus for person to testify or be surrendered on bail.

§22-1161. Acts committed by persons in a state of mental illness or defect - Sentencing - Appeal - Examination – Treatment.

§22-1162. Jury to try sanity.

§22-1163. Sanity hearing - Criminal trial to be suspended.

§22-1164. Order of trial of sanity.

§22-1165. Rules governing sanity trial.

§22-1166. Sanity hearing - Trial or judgment to proceed if defendant sane.

§22-1167. Finding of insanity - Suspension of trial or judgment - Commitment to state hospital.

§22-1168. Commitment in sanity hearing exonerates bail.

§22-1169. Restoration to sanity.

§22-1170. Expense of keeping insane defendant.

§22-1175.1. Definitions.

§22-1175.2. Application for determination of competency - Service - Notice - Suspension of criminal proceedings.

§22-1175.3. Hearing - Date - Evidence - Orders - Examination of accused - Instructions to physician.

§22-1175.4. Post-examination competency hearing - Evidence - Presumptions - Jury trial - Presence of accused - Witnesses - Instructions.

§22-1175.5. Questions to be answered in determining competency.

§22-1175.6. Disposition orders - Placement in secure ward.

§22-1175.6a. Person capable of achieving competence within reasonable time - Suspension of criminal proceedings - Civil commitment.

§22-1175.6b. Incompetence due to intellectual disability - Suspension of criminal proceedings - Placement - Conditional release.

§22-1175.6c. Person incompetent for reasons other than needed treatment or due to intellectual disability - Dangerous to self or others - Placement.

§22-1175.7. Persons incompetent but capable of achieving competency within reasonable time - Treatment order - Medical supervisor - Commitment - Private treatment - Involuntary commitment to Department of Human Services prohibited.

§22-1175.8. Resumption of competency.

§22-1176. Raising issue of mental illness or insanity at time of offense.

§22-1181. Causes for removal of officers.

§22-1181.1. Removal for acts of commission, omission, neglect.

§22-1181.2. Allegations or charges.

§22-1182. Accusation by grand jury.

§22-1183. Requisites of accusation.

§22-1184. Proceedings on accusation.

§22-1185. Defendant to appear.

§22-1186. Requisites of answer.

§22-1187. Objection to accusation.

§22-1188. Denial of accusation.

§22-1189. Defendant to answer, when.

§22-1190. Judgment of conviction or trial.

§22-1191. Method of trial.

§22-1192. Removal if convicted.

§22-1193. Accusation against district attorney.

§22-1194. County commissioners or judge and treasurer may present accusation, when - Proceedings.

§22-1195. Suspension from office - Time for trial - Change of judge or venue - Continuances - Filling vacancy temporarily - Voluntary suspension of county officers.

§22-1196. Judgment of removal.

§22-1197. Members of legislature not affected.

§22-1221. Search warrant defined.

§22-1222. Grounds for issuance of search warrant - Seizure of property.

§22-1223. Probable cause must be shown.

§22-1223.1. Electronically recorded oral statement - Transcription.

§22-1224.1. Oral testimony supplemental to affidavit.

§22-1224.2. Filing and indexing of documents.

§22-1225. Requisites of search warrant - Issuing magistrate.

§22-1226. Form of search warrant.

§22-1227. Service of search warrant.

§22-1228. Execution of search warrant without warning or notice – Forced entry – Exigent circumstances.

§22-1229. Execution of search warrant - Liberating person detained.

§22-1230. When search warrant may be served.

§22-1231. Search warrant void after ten days – Forensic, scientific, or digital analysis exception.

§22-1232. Disposition of property recovered.

§22-1233. Return of search warrant.

§22-1234. Inventory to be furnished, when.

§22-1235. Hearing on issuance of warrant.

§22-1236. Testimony on hearing for warrant.

§22-1237. Restoration of property to person searched.

§22-1238. Papers returned to district court.

§22-1239. Procuring search warrant without cause.

§22-1240. Officer exceeding his authority.

§22-1241. Search of defendant for weapons or evidence.

§22-1261. Seized property - Report and disposition.

§22-1262. Seized property - Officer guilty of penalty, when.

§22-1263. Penalty for sale of seized liquor by officer.

§22-1264. False affidavit by officer - Penalty.

§22-1272. Affidavits or depositions need not be entitled.

§22-1273. Informalities or errors not fatal if not prejudicial.

§22-1274. Informer to pay costs, when.

§22-1275. Clerk to keep record of indictments, informations and bonds.

§22-1276. Record of indictments, informations and bonds not public.

§22-1277. Prosecutions of offenses committed by inmates of penal institutions - Habeas corpus - Costs, expenses, fees.

§22-1278. Interpreters for deaf mutes - Appointment - Oath - Compensation.

§22-1301. Information against corporation - Summons.

§22-1302. Form of summons.

§22-1303. Service of summons.

§22-1304. Examination of charge.

§22-1305. Certificate of magistrate after hearing.

§22-1306. Certificate of sufficient cause - Proceedings by grand jury or district attorney.

§22-1307. Appearance and plea by corporation.

§22-1308. Conviction of corporation - Fine collected, how.

§22-1321. Custody and return of stolen or embezzled property.

§22-1322. Stolen property - Magistrate to order delivery, when.

§22-1323. Magistrate to deliver stolen property, when.

§22-1324. Trial court may deliver stolen property.

§22-1325. Unclaimed property or money in possession of sheriff's office or campus police agency - Disposition - Procedure.

§22-1326. Receipts for property taken from defendant.

§22-1327. Disposition of exhibits.

§22-1331. Reward for arrest of horse thief.

§22-1333. Clerk's fees.

§22-1334. Littering upon highways or dumping trash on public or private property - Rewards - Claims.

§22-1341. Definitions.

§22-1342. Peace officers - Arrest without warrant.

§22-1343. Detention of suspect - Purposes.

§22-1344. Concealing unpurchased merchandise - Presumption.

§22-1345. Citation.

§22-1346. Appropriate court - Definition.

§22-1347. Interstate Agreement on Detainers.

§22-1348. Enforcement of agreement.

§22-1349. Central administrator and information agent.

§22-1355. Short title - Creation of System.

§22-1355.1. Oklahoma Indigent Defense System Board.

§22-1355.2. Definitions.

§22-1355.3. Board - Powers and duties.

§22-1355.4. Executive Director.

§22-1355.6. Responsibility of System to indigent defendant.

§22-1355.7. Conflicts of interest - Appointment of private attorney.

§22-1355.8. Award of contracts - Compensation - Appointment of attorneys for indigents not entitled to representation by the System.

§22-1355.9. Main office and satellite offices.

§22-1355.13. Death penalty cases - Compensation of court-appointed attorneys.

§22-1355.13A. Death penalty cases - Compensation of attorneys appointed prior to July 1, 1991.

§22-1355.14. Payment of costs of representation - Fee schedule.

§22-1355.15. Contempt citations - Payment of reasonable court costs.

§22-1355A. Application for representation by the System.

§22-1356. Appeals and post-conviction proceedings.

§22-1358. Reassignment of cases.

§22-1360. Postconviction proceedings - Representation.

§22-1362. Transmission of records.

§22-1363. Filing of jurisdictional documents.

§22-1364. Notice - Appointment to perfect appeal - Transfer of documents.

§22-1365. Costs and fees.

§22-1366. Time period for appointment of counsel.

§22-1367. Volunteers - Liability for professional services.

§22-1368. Indigent Defense System Revolving Fund.

§22-1369. Contract Retention Revolving Fund.

§22-1370.1. Forensic Testing Revolving Fund.

§22-1371. Short title - Program duration.

§22-1371.1. DNA Forensic Testing Program purpose - Authority of the Oklahoma Indigent Defense System - Claim priority.

§22-1371.2. Indigent person may request services of Oklahoma Indigent Defense System DNA Forensic Testing Program.

§22-1372. Biological evidence preservation – Definitions.

§22-1373. Short title - Postconviction DNA Act.

§22-1373.1. Definitions.

§22-1373.2. Motion requesting testing.

§22-1373.3. Pro se referrals.

§22-1373.4. Hearing - Testing.

§22-1373.5. Results - Relief.

§22-1373.6. Agreement to conduct testing.

§22-1373.7. Appeals.

§22-1401. Short title.

§22-1402. Definitions.

§22-1403. Participation in pattern of racketeering activity or collection of unlawful debt prohibited - Investment of funds prohibited - Conspiracy to violate prohibition - Venue of actions.

§22-1404. Penalties for violating Section 1403 - Persons authorized to institute proceedings.

§22-1405. Criminal forfeiture procedures.

§22-1406. Action which may be taken by district court after filing of indictment of information and hearing.

§22-1407. Action which may be taken by district court after entry of judgment.

§22-1408. Criminal fines and penalties under act not exclusive.

§22-1409. Civil proceedings.

§22-1410. Disposal of forfeited property.

§22-1411. Certain proceeds of forfeitures to be deposited with State Treasury to cover cost of investigation and prosecution - Expenditure.

§22-1412. Lien notice.

§22-1413. Duties of trustee on filing of lien notice - Liability.

§22-1414. Foreign corporations - Applicability of act.

§22-1415. Investigation of conduct constituting violation of Section 1403 of title.

§22-1416. Civil action in federal court authorized.

§22-1417. Judicial education and training.

§22-1418. Audit of monies received by state or local government under act.

§22-1419. Construction of act in conformity with federal law.

§22-1514. Purposes and policies of the criminal justice and corrections systems.

§22-1517. Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation - Duties.

§22-1518. Oklahoma Criminal Justice Resource Revolving Fund.

§22-1519. Criminal Justice Computer Assistance Act - Offender Data Information System.

§22-1601. Creation – Powers and duties.

§22-1602. Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board - Administrative assistance from Office of the Attorney General.

§22-1603. Collection of data relating to victim protective orders.

§22-2001. Short title - Scope.

§22-2002. Disclosure of evidence - Continuing duty to disclose - Time of discovery - Regulation of discovery - Reasonable cost of copying, duplicating, and videotaping.

§22-410. Immaterial informalities to be disregarded.

§22-991av1. Sentencing powers of court - Alcohol and drug assessment and evaluation - Restitution, fines or incarceration - Victim impact statements - Probation and monitoring - DNA samples.

§22-991av2. Sentencing powers of court - Alcohol and drug assessment and evaluation - Restitution, fines, or incarceration - Victim impact statements - Probation and monitoring - DNA samples.