The term "fresh pursuit" as used in this act shall include fresh pursuit as defined by the common law, and also the pursuit of a person who has committed a felony or who is reasonably suspected of having committed a felony. It shall also include the pursuit of a person suspected of having committed a supposed felony, though no felony has actually been committed, if there is a reasonable ground for believing that felony has been committed. Fresh pursuit as used herein shall not necessarily imply instant pursuit, but pursuit without unreasonable delay.
Laws 1949, p. 212, § 5.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§22-2. Indictment or information necessary, except when.
§22-4A. "Court", "courts of the state", "courts in the state" and "court clerk" defined.
§22-5. Writing includes printing.
§22-6. Oath includes affirmation.
§22-8. Application of statutes.
§22-9. Common law prevails, when.
§22-10. Criminal action defined.
§22-11. Prosecution is by state against person charged.
§22-13. Right to speedy trial, counsel and witnesses.
§22-15. Testimony against one's self - Restraint during trial and prior to conviction.
§22-17. Custody and distribution of proceeds from sale of rights arising from criminal act.
§OS. 22-18. See the following versions:
§22-18a. Petition to Expunge Records and Order to Expunge Records.
§22-18v1. Expungement of records - Persons authorized.
§22-18v2. Expungement of records - Persons authorized.
§22-19. Sealing and unsealing of records - Procedure.
§22-19b. Oklahoma Identity Theft Passport Program.
§22-20. Incarceration of single custodial parents - Child placement.
§22-21. Eyewitness identification procedures.
§22-32. Resistance by party to be injured.
§22-33. Resistance by other person.
§22-34. Intervention by officers.
§22-34.1. Peace officers using excessive force - Definition - Adoption of policies and guidelines.
§22-34.3. Racial profiling prohibited.
§22-34.4. Stop or arrest resulting from racial profiling.
§22-35. Persons assisting officers.
§22-36.1. Police dog handlers - Civil liability.
§22-36.2. National Park Service rangers - Arrest authority and immunity from suit.
§22-37. Distinctive uniforms for police officers - Exceptions.
§22-37.1. Off-duty law enforcement officers - Powers and duties- Liability.
§22-39. Benefits for citizens who aid.
§22-40.2. Victim protection order - Victims not to be discouraged from pressing charges.
§22-40.3. Emergency temporary order of protection.
§22-40.6. Record of reported incidents of domestic abuse - Reports.
§22-40.7. Expert testimony - Admissibility.
§22-41. Information of threat.
§22-42. Magistrate must issue warrant.
§22-43. Proceedings when charge is controverted.
§22-46. When bond is or is not given.
§22-47. Discharge on giving bond.
§22-48. Undertaking sent to district court.
§22-49. Assault or threat in presence of magistrate.
§22-50. Person must appear in district court.
§22-51. Discharge when complainant fails to appear.
§22-52. Proceedings when parties appear.
§22-53. Breach of bond, what constitutes.
§22-54. Prosecution on breach.
§22-58. Mandatory reporting of domestic abuse - Exceptions.
§22-59. Immunity from liability – Presumption of good faith.
§22-60.1. See the following versions:
§22-60.2. Protective order - Petition - Complaint requirement for certain stalking victims - Fees.
§22-60.3. Emergency ex parte order and hearing - Emergency temporary ex parte order of protection.
§22-60.5. Access to protective orders by law enforcement agencies.
§22-60.6. Violation of emergency temporary, ex parte or final protective order - Penalties.
§22-60.7. Statewide and nationwide validity of orders.
§22-60.8. Seizure and forfeiture of weapons used to commit act of domestic abuse.
§22-60.11. Protective order – Statement required - Validity.
§22-60.14. Address confidentiality program.
§22-60.18. Expungement of victim protective orders.
§22-60.19. Emergency protective order - Confidentiality.
§22-60.20. Domestic violence, substance abuse, addiction and mental health training.
§22-60.23. Judicial enforcement of foreign protection order.
§22-60.24. Nonjudicial enforcement of foreign protection order.
§22-60.25. Registration of foreign orders - Certified copy - Inaccurate orders - Affidavits - Fee.
§22-60.26. Immunity from liability.
§22-60.28. Uniformity of application and construction.
§22-60.29. Application to orders issued before November 1, 2008.
§22-60.30. Integrated domestic violence docket pilot program.
§22-60.31. Family justice centers.
§22-61. Domestic violence court program.
§22-70. Use of Force for the Protection of the Unborn Act.
§22-73. Deadly force to protect unborn justified - Circumstances.
§22-91. Officer may command assistance.
§22-92. Officer must report names of resisters.
§22-93. Refusal to assist officer a misdemeanor.
§22-94. Assistance from other counties.
§22-95. Governor to furnish military force, when.
§22-102. Proceedings if assembly does not disperse - Commanding aid of others.
§22-104. Neglect of officer respecting unlawful assembly a misdemeanor.
§22-105. Officers may disperse assembly and arrest offenders - Commanding aid.
§22-106. Precautions before endangering life.
§22-107. Offenses during riot or insurrection.
§22-112. Referral of complaints - Guidelines.
§22-114. Restitution agreements.
§22-115. District attorney's staff to perform certain duties.
§22-121. Offenses commenced outside and consummated within the state.
§22-122. Jurisdiction in case of death from duel outside state.
§22-123. Evasion of statutes relative to dueling and challenges, jurisdiction.
§22-124. Offense committed in two counties.
§22-125. Offense committed near boundary of county.
§22-125.1. Venue for enforcement of Section 425 of Title 21.
§22-126. Kidnapping, enticing away children and similar offenses, jurisdiction.
§22-128. Stolen property moved, jurisdiction.
§22-129. Accessory, jurisdiction in case of.
§22-130. Conviction or acquittal outside state or county a bar.
§22-131. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another.
§22-132. Escape, jurisdiction of prosecution for.
§22-133. Stealing property in another state - Receiving such stolen property.
§22-134. Murder or manslaughter, jurisdiction in certain cases.
§22-135. Principal not present, jurisdiction.
§22-151. Limitations – Murder, first and second degree manslaughter.
§22-152. Statute of limitations.
§22-153. Absence from state, limitation does not run.
§22-171. Complaint - Issuance of warrant of arrest.
§22-171.1. Arrest warrant for escaped prisoner.
§22-171.3. Custody of persons subject to immigration detainer request.
§22-173. Requisites of warrant.
§22-174. Warrant directed to whom.
§22-175. County in which warrant may be served - Who may serve.
§22-176. Taking defendant before magistrate in felony cases - Use of closed circuit television.
§22-177. Taking defendant before magistrate in misdemeanor cases - Use of closed circuit television.
§22-178. Proceedings when bail is taken.
§22-179. When bail is not given.
§22-180. Magistrate absent - Taking defendant before another.
§22-181. Delay in taking before magistrate not permitted.
§22-182. Complaint when defendant taken before magistrate other than one issuing warrant.
§22-183. Offense triable in another county - Proceedings for arrest.
§22-184. Offense triable in another county - Taking defendant before magistrate.
§22-190.1. Custody of person arrested without warrant for nonbailable offense.
§22-191. Restraint which is permissible.
§22-192. Officer must show warrant.
§22-193. Resistance, means to overcome.
§22-194. Officer may break open door or window, when.
§22-195. Officer's breaking door or window to liberate himself or another arrester.
§22-196. Arrest without warrant by officer.
§22-197. Arrest without warrant, breaking door or window.
§22-198. Nighttime, arrest of suspected felon.
§22-199. Authority must be stated on arrest without warrant, when.
§22-200. Arrest by bystander - Officer may take defendant before magistrate.
§22-201. Offense committed in presence of magistrate.
§22-202. Arrest by private person.
§22-203. Private person must inform person of cause of arrest.
§22-204. Private person may break door or window.
§22-205. Private person making arrest must take defendant to magistrate or officer.
§22-206. Disarming person arrested.
§22-207. Pursuit and arrest of escaped prisoner.
§22-208. Breaking door or window to arrest person escaping.
§22-209. Citation to appear - Issuance - Summons - Failure to appear.
§22-210. Felony arrest – DNA testing required.
§22-211.1. DNA information inadmissible post-expungement date.
§22-221. Authority of officers of another state.
§22-222. Taking prisoner before magistrate.
§22-223. Arrests otherwise lawful.
§22-224. State includes District of Columbia.
§22-225. Fresh pursuit defined.
§22-231. Misdemeanors - Warrant for arrest - Complaint submitted to district attorney - Cost bond.
§22-234. Discretion to charge as misdemeanor.
§22-251. Magistrate must inform defendant of charge and rights.
§22-252. Defendant allowed counsel - Messages to counsel - Change of venue.
§22-253. Defendant to be examined.
§22-254. Adjournment of examination.
§22-255. Disposition of defendant on adjournment.
§22-256. Commitment for examination.
§22-257. Duty of magistrate on examination - Subpoenas for witnesses.
§22-258. Preliminary examinations and proceedings thereon.
§22-260. Magistrate to keep depositions - Inspection.
§22-261. Depositions, violation of provisions regarding.
§22-262. Discharge of defendant, when.
§22-263. Costs taxed against complainant, when.
§22-264. Defendant held to answer.
§22-265. Commitment when offense is not bailable.
§22-266. When offense is bailable.
§22-267. If bail is not taken.
§22-270. Witnesses to give undertaking.
§22-271. Sureties may be required for witness.
§22-273. Witness not giving undertaking committed, when.
§22-274. Subsequent security may be demanded - Arrest of witness.
§22-275. Arrested witness may be confined.
§22-276. Magistrate discharging or holding defendant must return papers and record to court.
§22-301. Manner of prosecution of offenses.
§22-303. Subscription, endorsement and verification of information - Excusing endorsement.
§22-304. Information may be amended.
§22-305.1. Deferred prosecution programs - Guidelines - Factors considered.
§22-305.2. District attorney deferred prosecution.
§22-305.3. Termination of deferred prosecution agreement.
§22-305.4. Completion of program - Records.
§22-305.6. District Attorneys Council - Duties.
§22-305.7. Restorative justice pilot program.
§22-311.1. Petition for convening grand jury - Warning.
§22-312. Challenge of grand jury.
§22-313. Grounds for challenge to panel.
§22-314. Jury discharged if challenge allowed.
§22-315. Grounds for challenge to juror.
§22-316. Challenge may be oral or written - How tried.
§22-318. Effect of challenge allowed.
§22-319. Violation, where challenge allowed.
§22-320. Challenge to be made before jury is sworn - Exception.
§22-321. New grand jury in certain cases.
§22-323. Court to appoint foreman.
§22-325. Oath to other jurors.
§22-326. Charge to grand jury.
§22-328. Grand jury must appoint clerk.
§22-329. Discharge of grand juror.
§22-330. Discharge of grand jury.
§22-331. General powers and duties of grand jury.
§22-332. Foreman to swear witness.
§22-333. Evidence before grand jury.
§22-335. Evidence for the accused - Procuring additional evidence.
§22-336. Indictment to be found, when.
§22-337. Members to give evidence.
§22-338. Subjects for inquiry by grand jury.
§22-339. Access to prisons and records.
§22-341. Proceedings kept secret.
§22-342. Juror may disclose proceedings, when.
§22-343. Privilege of grand juror.
§22-344. Interpreter - Appointment - Compensation.
§22-345. Restrictions on sessions before and after elections.
§22-346. Reports of investigations of public offices or institutions.
§22-350. Multicounty Grand Jury Act - Conflicting provisions.
§22-351. Verified application - Order - Authority of district attorney.
§22-352. Regular term - Extension.
§22-354. Powers - Document copies or reproductions.
§22-355. Disclosures - Witness right to assistance of counsel.
§22-356. Jurisdictional limits - Investigations.
§22-357. Presentation of evidence - Power to prosecute.
§22-358. Venue - Consolidation of indictment.
§22-359. Prospective juror list - Numbers and qualifications.
§22-363. Compensation and reimbursement.
§22-381. Indictment may be found by nine - Endorsement.
§22-382. Charge dismissed, when.
§22-383. Resubmission of charge.
§22-384. Names of witnesses endorsed on indictment.
§22-385. Presentment and filing of indictment - Prohibition against disclosure.
§22-386. Proceedings where defendant at large.
§22-387. Forms and rules of pleading.
§22-388. Indictment or information is first pleading.
§22-401. Requisites of indictment or information.
§22-402. Indictment or information must be certain and direct.
§22-403. Designation of defendant by fictitious name.
§22-404. Single offense to be charged - Different counts.
§22-406. Misdescription of person injured or intended to be injured.
§22-407. Words, how construed.
§22-408. Statute not strictly pursued.
§22-409. Indictment or information, when sufficient.
§22-411. Matters which need not be stated.
§22-413. Pleading private statute.
§22-421. Arson - Omission or error in designating owner or occupant.
§22-422. Libel, indictment or information for.
§22-423. Forgery, misdescription of forged instrument immaterial, when.
§22-424. Perjury, indictment or information for.
§22-425. Larceny or embezzlement, indictment or information for.
§22-426. Obscene literature, indictment or information for handling.
§22-432. Accessories and principals in felony.
§22-433. Accessory tried independently of principal.
§22-434. Compounding a crime - Separate prosecution.
§22-436. Charging of two or more defendants in same indictment or information - Counts.
§22-437. Singular to include the plural.
§22-438. Trial of two or more indictments or informations.
§22-439. Relief from prejudicial joinder.
§22-440. Repeal of conflicting laws.
§22-441. Indictments - When and where transferred.
§22-442. Records to be certified to proper court - Costs.
§22-443. Entry on docket - Process and trial.
§22-444. Retransfer in case of error.
§22-445. Transfer to county of proper venue.
§22-452. Defendant must appear personally, when.
§22-453. Officer to bring defendant before court.
§22-454. Bench warrant to issue, when.
§22-455. Bench warrant may issue into one or more counties.
§22-456. Bench warrant, form of, in case of felony.
§22-456A. Bench warrant, fee for issuance of.
§22-457. Bench warrant in case of misdemeanor or bailable felony.
§22-458. Court to fix amount of bail - Endorsement.
§22-459. Defendant held when offense not bailable.
§22-460. Bench warrant served in any county.
§22-461. Taking bail in another county.
§22-462. Defendant committed or bail increased after indictment or information.
§22-463. Commitment order, execution of.
§22-465. Arraignment made, how.
§22-467. Proceedings when defendant gives no other name.
§22-468. Proceedings where another name given.
§22-469. Necessity for filing information after preliminary examination.
§22-470. Time for arraignment upon charge of felony.
§22-471.1. Authorization of drug court programs.
§22-471.2. Eligibility and request for drug court program.
§22-471.4. Eligibility criteria - Investigation.
§22-471.5. Admissibility of statements or evidence.
§22-471.7. Monitoring of treatment progress.
§22-471.8. Use of program as disciplinary sanction.
§22-471.9. Successful completion of program.
§22-471.10. Promulgation of rules.
§22-471.11. Deferred prosecution programs.
§22-472. Anna McBride Act – Mental health courts.
§22-491. Time to answer indictment or information.
§22-492. Pleading to indictment or information.
§22-493. Indictment or information set aside, when.
§22-494. Hearing on motion to set aside indictment or information.
§22-495. Witnesses on hearing to set aside indictment or information.
§22-496. Objection to indictment or information waived, when.
§22-497. Motion to set aside indictment or information heard, when.
§22-498. Defendant to answer indictment, when.
§22-499. Motion sustained - Defendant discharged, or bail exonerated, when.
§22-500. Resubmission of case - Bail.
§22-501. Setting aside indictment or information not a bar.
§22-502. Defendant's pleadings.
§22-503. Defendant to plead in open court.
§22-504. Demurrer to indictment or information.
§22-505. Demurrer to indictment or information, requisites of.
§22-508. Demurrer sustained, effect of.
§22-509. Demurrer sustained - Defendant discharged or bail exonerated, when.
§22-510. Proceedings if case resubmitted.
§22-511. Demurrer overruled, defendant to plead.
§22-512. Certain objections, how taken.
§22-513. Pleas to indictment or information.
§22-514. Pleas to be oral - Entry.
§22-517. Plea of guilty may be withdrawn.
§22-518. Plea of not guilty, issues on.
§22-519. Plea of not guilty, evidence under.
§22-520. Acquittal, what does not constitute.
§22-521. Acquittal, what constitutes.
§22-522. Former acquittal or conviction as bar.
§22-524. Preliminary hearing on felony indictment - Time for request - Witnesses - Dismissal.
§22-562. Change of venue - Proceedings - Costs and expenses.
§22-563. Disposition of defendant on change of venue.
§22-564. Change of venue - Court may require bail.
§22-565. Change of venue - Recognizance of witnesses.
§22-566. Trial on change of venue - Records and papers.
§22-576. Trial before judge other than one who conducted preliminary examination.
§22-581. Issue of fact arises, when.
§22-582. Issue of fact, how tried.
§22-583. Defendant must be present, when.
§22-584. Postponement for cause.
§22-585. Postponement for investigation of claimed alibi.
§22-591. Same jurors in both civil and criminal actions.
§22-592. Trial jury - How formed.
§22-593. Clerk to prepare and deposit ballots.
§22-594. Names of panel called, when - Attachment for absent jurors.
§22-595. Manner of drawing jury from box.
§22-596. Disposition of ballots.
§22-597. Disposition of ballots - After jury discharged.
§22-598. Disposition of ballot - When juror is absent or excused.
§22-599. Jurors summoned to complete jury - Treated as original panel.
§22-601. Number of jurors - Oaths - Fines not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars.
§22-601a. Alternate jurors - Challenges - Oath or affirmation - Attendance upon trial.
§22-601b. Protracted deliberations - Sequestration of alternate jurors.
§22-622. Several defendants - Challenges.
§22-633. Causes for challenge to panel.
§22-634. When taken - Form and requisites.
§22-635. Issue on the challenge - Trying sufficiency.
§22-636. Challenge and exception may be amended or withdrawn.
§22-637. Denial of challenge - Trial of fact questions.
§22-639. Bias of officer, challenge for.
§22-640. Procedure after decision of challenge.
§22-651. Defendant to be informed of right to challenge.
§22-652. Classes of challenge to individual.
§22-653. When challenge taken.
§22-654. Peremptory challenge defined.
§22-655. Peremptory challenges - Number allowed.
§22-657. Challenges for cause classified.
§22-658. Causes for challenge, in general.
§22-659. Particular causes - Implied bias - Actual bias.
§22-660. Implied bias, challenge for.
§22-661. Right of exemption from service not cause for challenge.
§22-663. Exception to the challenge.
§22-665. Trial of challenge - Examining jurors.
§22-691. Challenges to individual jurors.
§22-692. Order of challenges for cause.
§22-693. Peremptory challenges.
§22-701. Defendant a competent witness - Comment on failure to testify - Presumption.
§22-704. Magistrate may issue subpoena.
§22-705. District attorney to issue subpoenas for grand jury.
§22-706. Issuing subpoenas for trial.
§22-707. Defendant's subpoenas.
§22-709. Continuances, witness must take notice of.
§22-710. Subpoena duces tecum.
§22-711. Service of subpoena by whom - Return.
§22-712. Service, manner of - Cost.
§22-715. Witness residing outside county – Subpoena of court clerks.
§22-716. Disobedience to subpoena.
§22-717. Disobeying defendant's subpoena - Forfeiture.
§22-718. Witnesses - Fees and mileage.
§22-719. Persons held as material witnesses to be informed of constitutional rights - Fees.
§22-720. Detainment of person as material witness.
§22-722. Summoning witness in this state to testify in another state.
§22-723. Witness from another state summoned to testify in this state.
§22-724. Exemption from arrest and service of process.
§22-725. Uniformity of interpretation.
§22-732. Transfer order - Additional conditions - Expenses of return of witness - Effective date.
§22-733. Act inapplicable to certain persons.
§22-735. Order directing compliance with terms and conditions of order from another state.
§22-736. Immunity from arrest and civil or criminal process.
§22-741. Overt act in conspiracy.
§22-742. Accomplice, testimony of.
§22-743. False pretenses, evidence of.
§22-744. Seduction, corroboration of prosecutrix.
§22-745. Murder, burden of proof in mitigation of.
§22-746. Bigamy, proof on trial for.
§22-747. Forgery of bill or note of corporation or bank, proof on trial for.
§22-748. Perjury in court, evidence as to.
§22-751.1. DNA profile - Use as evidence - Notification of defendant.
§22-761. Conditional examination of witnesses.
§22-762. Conditional examinations in certain cases.
§22-762.1. Order for conditional examination of witnesses.
§22-763. Affidavit on application for conditional examination.
§22-764. Application made to court or judge - Notice.
§22-765. Order for examination - Testimony by alternative method.
§22-766. Examination before magistrate or certified court reporter.
§22-767. When examination shall not proceed.
§22-768. Attendance of witness enforced, how.
§22-769. Taking and authentication of testimony.
§22-770. Deposition read in evidence, when - Objections to questions therein.
§22-771. Prisoner, deposition of - Oath.
§22-781. Witness out of state.
§22-782. Nonresident witness - Application for commission to take testimony.
§22-783. Affidavit on application.
§22-784. Notice of application.
§22-785. Issuance of commission - Continuance.
§22-786. Interrogatories and cross-interrogatories.
§22-788. Execution of commission.
§22-789. Delivery of returned commission by agent.
§22-790. Delivery when agent is incapacitated.
§22-791. Filing commission and return.
§22-792. Commission and return open to inspection.
§22-793. Reading deposition on trial.
§22-812.1. Right to speedy trial – Time limits.
§22-812.2. Right to speedy trial – Review process.
§22-814. Effect of dismissing action.
§22-815. Dismissal by court or on district attorney's application.
§22-816. Nolle prosequi abolished.
§22-817. Dismissal not a bar to another prosecution.
§22-831. Order of trial proceedings.
§22-832. Court to decide the law.
§22-833. Province of jury in libel case.
§22-834. Jury limited to questions of fact.
§22-835. Restriction of argument - Number of counsel.
§22-836. Defendant presumed innocent - Reasonable doubt of guilt requires acquittal.
§22-837. Doubt as to degree of guilt.
§22-839. Discharge of defendant that he may testify for state.
§22-840. Discharge of defendant that he may testify for codefendant.
§22-841. Higher offense than charged, existence of - Jury discharged.
§22-842. Discharge of jury not a former acquittal.
§22-843. Trial on original indictment, when.
§22-844. Jury may be discharged, when.
§22-845. Disposition of prisoner on discharge of jury.
§22-846. Disposition of prisoner where jurisdiction in another county.
§22-847. Disposition of prisoner where defendant not arrested on warrant from proper county.
§22-848. Disposition of prisoner - Proceedings if arrested.
§22-849. Duty of court where no offense charged.
§22-850. Court may advise jury to acquit.
§22-851. Jury may view place - Custody of sworn officer.
§22-852. Juror must declare knowledge of case.
§22-853. Custody and conduct of jury before submission - Separation - Sworn officer.
§22-853.1. Jurors - Protective orders.
§22-854. Court must admonish jury as to conduct.
§22-855. Sickness or death of juror - New juror sworn.
§22-857. Jury after the charge.
§22-858. Defendant admitted to bail may be committed during trial.
§22-859. Substitute for district attorney failing or unable to attend trial or disqualified.
§22-860.1. Second or subsequent offenses – Trial procedure.
§22-861. Formal exceptions to rulings or orders unnecessary.
§22-891. Jury room - Expenses of providing, a county charge.
§22-894. Jury brought into court for information - Presence of, or notice to, parties.
§22-896. Discharge after agreement on verdict or showing of inability to agree.
§22-897. Retrial after discharge at same or other term.
§22-911. Return of jury into court upon agreement - Discharge on failure of some jurors to appear.
§22-913. Proceedings when jury appear.
§22-915. Degree of crime must be found.
§22-916. Included offense or attempt may be found.
§22-917. Several defendants - Verdict as to part - Retrial as to defendants not agreed on.
§22-918. Jury may reconsider verdict of conviction for mistake of law - Return of same verdict.
§22-919. Informal verdict to be reconsidered.
§22-920. Judgment when jury persist in informal verdict.
§22-924. Commitment upon conviction.
§22-925. Claim of insanity - Duty of court and jury - Commitment to institution.
§22-926.1. Assessment of punishment by jury.
§22-927.1. Punishment assessed by court.
§22-928.1. Excess punishment to be disregarded by court.
§22-929. Remand for vacation of sentence - New sentencing proceeding - Construction of section.
§22-951. New trial defined - Proceedings on new trial - Former verdict no bar - Capital cases.
§22-952. Grounds for new trial - Affidavits and testimony.
§22-953. Time for applying for new trial - Limitations.
§22-954. Motion in arrest of judgment - Definition - Grounds - Time for.
§22-955. Court may arrest on its own motion - Effect of allowing motion.
§22-956. Proceedings after motion for arrest of judgment sustained.
§22-961. Court appoints time for pronouncing judgment.
§22-962. Time for pronouncing verdict specified.
§22-963. Defendant may be absent, when.
§22-964. Officer may be directed to produce prisoner.
§22-965. Warrant for defendant not appearing - Forfeiture of bond or bail money.
§22-966. Clerk to issue bench warrant - Several counties.
§22-966A. Bench warrant, fee for issuance of.
§22-967. Form of bench warrant.
§22-968. Service of bench warrant, mode of.
§22-969. Defendant to be arrested.
§22-970. Defendant informed of proceedings.
§22-971. Defendant may show cause against judgment - Grounds - Proceedings.
§22-972. Rendition of judgment where cause against it not shown.
§22-973. Court may hear further evidence, when.
§22-973a. Mitigating factor for veterans – PTSD.
§22-974. Testimony - How presented - Deposition of sick or infirm witness.
§22-975. Other evidence in aggravation or mitigation of punishment prohibited.
§22-976. Concurrent sentences.
§22-979a. Payment of jail costs by inmate.
§22-980. Duty of sheriff when defendant sentenced to state prison.
§22-982. Presentence investigation.
§22-983a. Authority to waive fines, costs and fees.
§22-983b. Released persons – Hearing to determine ability to pay fines, fees and costs.
§22-985. Short title - Justice Safety Valve Act.
§22-985.1. Departure from mandatory minimum sentencing – Requirements - Exceptions.
§22-988.2. Definitions — Duties of Chief Judge.
§22-988.4. Mandatory local system.
§22-988.5. Community sentencing system planning councils.
§22-988.6. Planning council duties.
§22-988.8. Community services and sentencing options.
§22-988.10. Resource-limited system.
§22-988.11. Performance-based evaluations.
§22-988.12. Custody of offenders – Medical expenditures.
§22-988.13. Local administrator.
§22-988.14. State agency - Creation.
§22-988.15. Duties of state agency.
§22-988.16. Community sentencing system budgeting.
§22-988.17. Development and use of community sentence assessment and evaluation tests.
§22-988.18. Assessment and evaluation of defendants.
§22-988.20. Disciplinary sanctions or incentives.
§22-988.22. Completion of community sentence.
§22-988.23. Immunity from liability.
§22-990.1. Uniform supervision form - Requisites.
§22-990a-1.1. Sentencing procedures.
§22-991a. See the following versions:
§22-991a-2. Nonviolent felony offenders - County jail imprisonment - Fines and costs.
§22-991a-3. Restitution of buyer of property unlawfully obtained.
§22-991a-4.1. Community Service Sentencing Program.
§22-991a-16. Offenses to which program applies.
§22-991a-17. Enhancement of sentence.
§22-991a-18. Restitution to victim – Modification or revocation of sentence.
§22-991a-20. Second and subsequent offenses.
§22-991b. Revocation of suspended sentence – Intermediate sanction process – Technical violations.
§22-991f-1.0. Restitution and Diversion Program - Short title.
§22-991h. Order of no contact.
§22-994. Suspension of judgment and sentence after appeal.
§22-996. Short title - Regimented Inmate Discipline (RID) Program.
§22-996.2. Implementation and scope of program.
§22-1001. Judgment of death - Warrant.
§22-1001.1. Execution of judgment - Time - Stay of execution.
§22-1002. Governor to be informed of proceedings.
§22-1003. Governor may require opinion of appellate judges.
§22-1004. Reprieve and suspension of execution - Authority of officers.
§22-1005.1. Mentally incompetent to be executed – Motion – Hearing - Examination.
§22-1010. Pregnancy of prisoners - Judicial investigation.
§22-1014. Manner of inflicting punishment of death.
§22-1015. Place of execution of judgment - Persons who may witness.
§22-1016. Warden's return upon death warrant.
§22-1053. Appeals taken by state or municipality – Allowable cases.
§22-1053.1. Automatic appeal of judgments holding statutes unconstitutional in criminal actions.
§22-1054.1. Perfecting appeal without filing motion for new trial.
§22-1056. Appeal by state not to suspend judgment.
§22-1065. Defendants may appeal jointly or severally.
§22-1066. Power of appellate court - Return by clerk of lower court when new trial granted.
§22-1067. Order when no offense committed - When indictment defective.
§22-1069. Appeal not dismissed for informality.
§22-1070. Judgment to be executed on affirmance.
§22-1071. Opinions to be recorded.
§22-1071.1. Court of Criminal Appeals – Online publication of opinions.
§22-1076. Notice to defendant of his right to appeal - Stay of execution of judgment.
§22-1078. Amount of bond - Time to make appeal bond - Stay pending appeal - Additional bond.
§22-1079. Denial of bail - Review by habeas corpus.
§22-1080. Post-Conviction Procedure Act - Right to challenge conviction or sentence.
§22-1080.1. Limitation period.
§22-1081. Commencement of proceeding.
§22-1082. Court costs and expenses of representation.
§22-1083. Response by state - Disposition of application.
§22-1084. Evidentiary hearing - Findings of fact and conclusions of law.
§22-1085. Finding in favor of applicant.
§22-1086. Subsequent application.
§22-1087. Appeal to Court of Criminal Appeals.
§22-1088.1. Post-conviction relief applications - Reasonable inquiry - Sanctions.
§22-1089. Capital cases - Post - conviction relief - Grounds for appeal.
§22-1089.1. State may appeal certain adverse rulings or orders.
§22-1089.2. Notice of intent to appeal - Application to appeal.
§22-1089.3. Waiver of right to appeal.
§22-1089.5. Preliminary hearing - Review of record in light most favorable to state.
§22-1089.6. Erroneous ruling or order - Remand.
§22-1089.7. Appeal to Court of Criminal Appeals - Bail - Review.
§22-1092. Legislative findings, declarations, and intent.
§22-1093. Execution and form of Compact.
§22-1094. Oklahoma State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision.
§22-1095. Compact administrator.
§22-1101. Offenses bailable - Who may take bail.
§22-1101.1. Offenses relating to prostitution bailable.
§22-1102. Bail when crime is punishable by death.
§22-1104. Qualifications of bail - Justification.
§22-1105. Defendant discharged on giving bail - Exceptions.
§22-1105.1. Pretrial Release Act - Short title.
§22-1105.2. Pretrial Release Act - Setting of bail – Schedule – Electronic monitoring.
§22-1105.3. Pretrial Release Act - Pretrial release programs - Persons eligible - Minimum criteria.
§22-1107. Arrest of defendant by bail - Commitment of defendant and exoneration of bail.
§22-1109. Additional security may be required.
§22-1110. Jumping bail - Penalties.
§22-1111.1. Return of operator's license.
§22-1111.2. Failure to appear for arraignment.
§22-1114.3A. Citations - Delivery of Complaint Information and Abstract of Court Record.
§22-1115. Short title - Application.
§22-1115.1. Release on personal recognizance - Arraignment - Plea - Failure to plead or appear.
§22-1115.4. Court clerk not liable on dishonored check - Bench warrant and arrest of issuer.
§22-1121. Rewards from fugitives of justice.
§22-1122. Reward for arrest and conviction of person committing felony.
§22-1123. Extradition - Delivery of accused.
§22-1134. Costs of returning fugitives.
§22-1135. Foreign arrests - Fees or rewards forbidden.
§22-1136. Foreign arrests - Misdemeanors.
§22-1141.3. Requisites of demand - Accompanying papers.
§22-1141.4. Investigation and report.
§22-1141.5. Agreement for return to other state - Surrender of person leaving state involuntarily.
§22-1141.6. Surrender of persons not fleeing from demanding state.
§22-1141.7. Warrant of arrest of Governor.
§22-1141.8. Authority conferred by warrant.
§22-1141.9. Authority to command assistance.
§22-1141.10. Notice of demand to allege fugitive - Counsel - Habeas corpus.
§22-1141.11. Disobedience of preceding section.
§22-1141.12. Confinement of prisoner in jail.
§22-1141.13. Issuance of warrant of arrest by judge or magistrate.
§22-1141.14. Arrest without warrant.
§22-1141.15. Commitment by judge or magistrate.
§22-1141.17. Discharge or recommitment.
§22-1141.18. Forfeiture of bail.
§22-1141.19. Demand for person against whom prosecution pending.
§22-1141.20. Inquiry into guilt or innocence.
§22-1141.21. Recalling warrant - New warrant.
§22-1141.22. Warrant to agent to receive person demanded.
§22-1141.23. Application to Governor by prosecuting attorney for requisition.
§22-1141.24. Immunity from civil process.
§22-1141.25. Waiver of proceedings and consent to return to demanding state.
§22-1141.26. Rights of state not deemed waived.
§22-1141.27. Trial for other offenses than that specified.
§22-1141.28. Uniformity of construction.
§22-1141.29. Partial invalidity.
§22-1145.4. Disposal of criminal charge at request of defendant.
§22-1145.5. Relief available - Effect of judgment - Act as supplemental.
§22-1145.6. Procedures, rules and regulations.
§22-1151. Habeas corpus for person to testify or be surrendered on bail.
§22-1163. Sanity hearing - Criminal trial to be suspended.
§22-1164. Order of trial of sanity.
§22-1165. Rules governing sanity trial.
§22-1166. Sanity hearing - Trial or judgment to proceed if defendant sane.
§22-1167. Finding of insanity - Suspension of trial or judgment - Commitment to state hospital.
§22-1168. Commitment in sanity hearing exonerates bail.
§22-1169. Restoration to sanity.
§22-1170. Expense of keeping insane defendant.
§22-1175.3. Hearing - Date - Evidence - Orders - Examination of accused - Instructions to physician.
§22-1175.5. Questions to be answered in determining competency.
§22-1175.6. Disposition orders - Placement in secure ward.
§22-1175.8. Resumption of competency.
§22-1176. Raising issue of mental illness or insanity at time of offense.
§22-1181. Causes for removal of officers.
§22-1181.1. Removal for acts of commission, omission, neglect.
§22-1181.2. Allegations or charges.
§22-1182. Accusation by grand jury.
§22-1183. Requisites of accusation.
§22-1184. Proceedings on accusation.
§22-1185. Defendant to appear.
§22-1186. Requisites of answer.
§22-1187. Objection to accusation.
§22-1188. Denial of accusation.
§22-1189. Defendant to answer, when.
§22-1190. Judgment of conviction or trial.
§22-1192. Removal if convicted.
§22-1193. Accusation against district attorney.
§22-1194. County commissioners or judge and treasurer may present accusation, when - Proceedings.
§22-1196. Judgment of removal.
§22-1197. Members of legislature not affected.
§22-1221. Search warrant defined.
§22-1222. Grounds for issuance of search warrant - Seizure of property.
§22-1223. Probable cause must be shown.
§22-1223.1. Electronically recorded oral statement - Transcription.
§22-1224.1. Oral testimony supplemental to affidavit.
§22-1224.2. Filing and indexing of documents.
§22-1225. Requisites of search warrant - Issuing magistrate.
§22-1226. Form of search warrant.
§22-1227. Service of search warrant.
§22-1229. Execution of search warrant - Liberating person detained.
§22-1230. When search warrant may be served.
§22-1231. Search warrant void after ten days – Forensic, scientific, or digital analysis exception.
§22-1232. Disposition of property recovered.
§22-1233. Return of search warrant.
§22-1234. Inventory to be furnished, when.
§22-1235. Hearing on issuance of warrant.
§22-1236. Testimony on hearing for warrant.
§22-1237. Restoration of property to person searched.
§22-1238. Papers returned to district court.
§22-1239. Procuring search warrant without cause.
§22-1240. Officer exceeding his authority.
§22-1241. Search of defendant for weapons or evidence.
§22-1261. Seized property - Report and disposition.
§22-1262. Seized property - Officer guilty of penalty, when.
§22-1263. Penalty for sale of seized liquor by officer.
§22-1264. False affidavit by officer - Penalty.
§22-1272. Affidavits or depositions need not be entitled.
§22-1273. Informalities or errors not fatal if not prejudicial.
§22-1274. Informer to pay costs, when.
§22-1275. Clerk to keep record of indictments, informations and bonds.
§22-1276. Record of indictments, informations and bonds not public.
§22-1278. Interpreters for deaf mutes - Appointment - Oath - Compensation.
§22-1301. Information against corporation - Summons.
§22-1304. Examination of charge.
§22-1305. Certificate of magistrate after hearing.
§22-1306. Certificate of sufficient cause - Proceedings by grand jury or district attorney.
§22-1307. Appearance and plea by corporation.
§22-1308. Conviction of corporation - Fine collected, how.
§22-1321. Custody and return of stolen or embezzled property.
§22-1322. Stolen property - Magistrate to order delivery, when.
§22-1323. Magistrate to deliver stolen property, when.
§22-1324. Trial court may deliver stolen property.
§22-1326. Receipts for property taken from defendant.
§22-1327. Disposition of exhibits.
§22-1331. Reward for arrest of horse thief.
§22-1334. Littering upon highways or dumping trash on public or private property - Rewards - Claims.
§22-1342. Peace officers - Arrest without warrant.
§22-1343. Detention of suspect - Purposes.
§22-1344. Concealing unpurchased merchandise - Presumption.
§22-1346. Appropriate court - Definition.
§22-1347. Interstate Agreement on Detainers.
§22-1348. Enforcement of agreement.
§22-1349. Central administrator and information agent.
§22-1355. Short title - Creation of System.
§22-1355.1. Oklahoma Indigent Defense System Board.
§22-1355.3. Board - Powers and duties.
§22-1355.4. Executive Director.
§22-1355.6. Responsibility of System to indigent defendant.
§22-1355.7. Conflicts of interest - Appointment of private attorney.
§22-1355.9. Main office and satellite offices.
§22-1355.13. Death penalty cases - Compensation of court-appointed attorneys.
§22-1355.13A. Death penalty cases - Compensation of attorneys appointed prior to July 1, 1991.
§22-1355.14. Payment of costs of representation - Fee schedule.
§22-1355.15. Contempt citations - Payment of reasonable court costs.
§22-1355A. Application for representation by the System.
§22-1356. Appeals and post-conviction proceedings.
§22-1358. Reassignment of cases.
§22-1360. Postconviction proceedings - Representation.
§22-1362. Transmission of records.
§22-1363. Filing of jurisdictional documents.
§22-1364. Notice - Appointment to perfect appeal - Transfer of documents.
§22-1366. Time period for appointment of counsel.
§22-1367. Volunteers - Liability for professional services.
§22-1368. Indigent Defense System Revolving Fund.
§22-1369. Contract Retention Revolving Fund.
§22-1370.1. Forensic Testing Revolving Fund.
§22-1371. Short title - Program duration.
§22-1372. Biological evidence preservation – Definitions.
§22-1373. Short title - Postconviction DNA Act.
§22-1373.2. Motion requesting testing.
§22-1373.4. Hearing - Testing.
§22-1373.6. Agreement to conduct testing.
§22-1404. Penalties for violating Section 1403 - Persons authorized to institute proceedings.
§22-1405. Criminal forfeiture procedures.
§22-1407. Action which may be taken by district court after entry of judgment.
§22-1408. Criminal fines and penalties under act not exclusive.
§22-1410. Disposal of forfeited property.
§22-1413. Duties of trustee on filing of lien notice - Liability.
§22-1414. Foreign corporations - Applicability of act.
§22-1415. Investigation of conduct constituting violation of Section 1403 of title.
§22-1416. Civil action in federal court authorized.
§22-1417. Judicial education and training.
§22-1418. Audit of monies received by state or local government under act.
§22-1419. Construction of act in conformity with federal law.
§22-1514. Purposes and policies of the criminal justice and corrections systems.
§22-1517. Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation - Duties.
§22-1518. Oklahoma Criminal Justice Resource Revolving Fund.
§22-1519. Criminal Justice Computer Assistance Act - Offender Data Information System.
§22-1601. Creation – Powers and duties.
§22-1603. Collection of data relating to victim protective orders.
§22-2001. Short title - Scope.