Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5164 | Medicaid State Plan Services
Section 5164.95 | Standards for Payments for Telehealth Services; Eligible Practitioners.

Effective: March 23, 2022
Latest Legislation: House Bill 122 - 134th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "telehealth service" means a health care service delivered to a patient through the use of interactive audio, video, or other telecommunications or electronic technology from a site other than the site where the patient is located.
(B) The department of medicaid shall establish standards for medicaid payments for health care services the department determines are appropriate to be covered by the medicaid program when provided as telehealth services. The standards shall be established in rules adopted under section 5164.02 of the Revised Code.
In accordance with section 5162.021 of the Revised Code, the medicaid director shall adopt rules authorizing the directors of other state agencies to adopt rules regarding the medicaid coverage of telehealth services under programs administered by the other state agencies. Any such rules adopted by the medicaid director or the directors of other state agencies are not subject to the requirements of division (F) of section 121.95 of the Revised Code.
(C)(1) To the extent permitted under rules adopted under section 5164.02 of the Revised Code and applicable federal law, the following practitioners are eligible to provide telehealth services covered pursuant to this section:
(a) A physician licensed under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatric medicine and surgery;
(b) A psychologist or school psychologist licensed under Chapter 4732. of the Revised Code or under rules adopted in accordance with sections 3301.07 and 3319.22 of the Revised Code;
(c) A physician assistant licensed under Chapter 4730. of the Revised Code;
(d) A clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner licensed under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code;
(e) An independent social worker, independent marriage and family therapist, or professional clinical counselor licensed under Chapter 4757. of the Revised Code;
(f) An independent chemical dependency counselor licensed under Chapter 4758. of the Revised Code;
(g) A supervised practitioner or supervised trainee;
(h) An audiologist or speech-language pathologist licensed under Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code;
(i) An audiology aide or speech-language pathology aide, as defined in section 4753.072 of the Revised Code, or an individual holding a conditional license under section 4753.071 of the Revised Code;
(j) An occupational therapist or physical therapist licensed under Chapter 4755. of the Revised Code;
(k) An occupational therapy assistant or physical therapist assistant licensed under Chapter 4755. of the Revised Code.
(l) A dietitian licensed under Chapter 4759. of the Revised Code;
(m) A chiropractor licensed under Chapter 4734. of the Revised Code;
(n) A pharmacist licensed under Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code;
(o) A genetic counselor licensed under Chapter 4778. of the Revised Code;
(p) An optometrist licensed under Chapter 4725. of the Revised Code to practice optometry under a therapeutic pharmaceutical agents certificate;
(q) A respiratory care professional licensed under Chapter 4761. of the Revised Code;
(r) A certified Ohio behavior analyst certified under Chapter 4783. of the Revised Code;
(s) A practitioner who provides services through a medicaid school program;
(t) Subject to section 5119.368 of the Revised Code, a practitioner authorized to provide services and supports certified under section 5119.36 of the Revised Code through a community mental health services provider or community addiction services provider;
(u) Any other practitioner the medicaid director considers eligible to provide telehealth services.
(2) In accordance with division (B) of this section and to the extent permitted under rules adopted under section 5164.02 of the Revised Code and applicable federal law, the following provider types are eligible to submit claims for medicaid payments for providing telehealth services:
(a) Any practitioner described in division (C)(1) of this section, except for those described in divisions (C)(1)(g), (i), and (k) of this section;
(b) A professional medical group;
(c) A federally qualified health center or federally qualified health center look-alike, as defined in section 3701.047 of the Revised Code;
(d) A rural health clinic;
(e) An ambulatory health care clinic;
(f) An outpatient hospital;
(g) A medicaid school program;
(h) Subject to section 5119.368 of the Revised Code, a community mental health services provider or community addiction services provider that offers services and supports certified under section 5119.36 of the Revised Code;
(i) Any other provider type the medicaid director considers eligible to submit the claims for payment.
(D)(1) When providing telehealth services under this section, a practitioner shall comply with all requirements under state and federal law regarding the protection of patient information. A practitioner shall ensure that any username or password information and any electronic communications between the practitioner and a patient are securely transmitted and stored.
(2) When providing telehealth services under this section, every practitioner site shall have access to the medical records of the patient at the time telehealth services are provided.
Last updated January 27, 2022 at 4:27 PM

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 51 | Public Welfare

Chapter 5164 | Medicaid State Plan Services

Section 5164.01 | Definitions.

Section 5164.02 | Rules to Implement Chapter.

Section 5164.03 | Mandatory and Optional Services.

Section 5164.05 | Coverage of Services Provided by Outpatient Health Facilities.

Section 5164.06 | Medicaid Coverage of Occupational Therapy Services.

Section 5164.061 | Chiropractic Services.

Section 5164.07 | Coverage of Inpatient Care and Follow-Up Care for a Mother and Her Newborn.

Section 5164.08 | Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening.

Section 5164.09 | Equivalent Coverage for Orally and Intravenously Administered Cancer Medications.

Section 5164.091 | Coverage for Opioid Analgesics.

Section 5164.10 | Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Medications and Services.

Section 5164.14 | Medicaid Coverage for Health Care Service Provided by Pharmacist.

Section 5164.15 | Mental Health Services.

Section 5164.16 | Coverage of One or More State Plan Home and Community-Based Services.

Section 5164.17 | Medicaid Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Services.

Section 5164.20 | Medicaid Not to Cover Drugs for Erectile Dysfunction.

Section 5164.25 | Recipient With Developmental Disability Who Is Eligible for Medicaid Case Management Services.

Section 5164.26 | Healthcheck Component.

Section 5164.29 | Revised Medicaid Provider Enrollment System.

Section 5164.291 | Provider Credentialing Committee.

Section 5164.30 | Provider Agreement With Department Required.

Section 5164.301 | Medicaid Provider Agreements for Physician Assistants.

Section 5164.31 | Funding for Implementing the Provider Screening Requirements.

Section 5164.32 | Expiration of Medicaid Provider Agreements.

Section 5164.33 | Denying, Terminating, and Suspending Provider Agreements.

Section 5164.34 | Criminal Records Check of Provider Personnel, Owners and Officers.

Section 5164.341 | Criminal Records Check by Independent Provider.

Section 5164.342 | Criminal Records Checks by Waiver Agencies.

Section 5164.35 | Provider Offenses.

Section 5164.36 | Credible Allegation of Fraud or Disqualifying Indictment; Suspension of Provider Agreement.

Section 5164.37 | Suspension of Provider Agreement Without Notice.

Section 5164.38 | Adjudication Orders of Department.

Section 5164.39 | Hearing Not Required Unless Timely Requested.

Section 5164.44 | Employee Status of Independent Provider.

Section 5164.45 | Contracts for Examination, Processing, and Determination of Medicaid Claims.

Section 5164.46 | Electronic Claims Submission Process; Electronic Fund Transfers.

Section 5164.47 | Contracting for Review and Analysis, Quality Assurance and Quality Review.

Section 5164.471 | Summary Data Regarding Perinatal Services.

Section 5164.48 | Medicaid Payments Made to Organization on Behalf of Providers.

Section 5164.55 | Final Fiscal Audits.

Section 5164.56 | Lien for Amount Owed by Provider.

Section 5164.57 | Recovery of Medicaid Overpayments.

Section 5164.58 | Agency Action to Recover Overpayment to Provider.

Section 5164.59 | Deduction of Incorrect Payments.

Section 5164.60 | Interest on Medicaid Provider Excess Payments.

Section 5164.61 | Scope of Available Remedies for Recovery of Excess Payments.

Section 5164.70 | Limitations on Medicaid Payments for Services.

Section 5164.71 | Payments for Freestanding Medical Laboratory Charges.

Section 5164.72 | Limitations on Payments for Inpatient Hospital Care.

Section 5164.721 | Claims by Freestanding Birthing Centers.

Section 5164.73 | Division of Payments Between Physician or Podiatrist and Nurse.

Section 5164.74 | Reimbursement of Graduate Medical Education Costs.

Section 5164.741 | Payment for Graduate Medical Education Costs to Noncontracting Hospitals.

Section 5164.75 | Medicaid Payment for a Drug Subject to a Federal Upper Reimbursement Limit.

Section 5164.751 | State Maximum Allowable Cost Program.

Section 5164.752 | Determining Maximum Dispensing Fee.

Section 5164.753 | Dispensing Fee.

Section 5164.754 | Agreement for Multiple-State Drug Purchasing Program.

Section 5164.755 | Supplemental Drug Rebate Program.

Section 5164.756 | Drug Rebate Agreement or Supplemental Drug Rebate Agreement for Medicaid Program Not Subject to Public Records Law.

Section 5164.757 | E-Prescribing Applications.

Section 5164.758 | Adoption of Rules for Implementation of Coordinated Services Program for Medicaid Users Who Abuse Prescription Drugs.

Section 5164.759 | Outpatient Drug Use Review Program.

Section 5164.7510 | Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.

Section 5164.7511 | Medication Synchronization for Medicaid Recipients.

Section 5164.7512 | Definitions for Sections 5164.7512 to 5164.7514.

Section 5164.7514 | Step Therapy Exemption Process.

Section 5164.7515 | Annual Benchmark for Prescribed Drug Spending Growth.

Section 5164.76 | Manner of Payment for Community Mental Health Service Providers or Facilities and Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services.

Section 5164.761 | Beta Testing of Updates to Billing Codes or Payment Rates.

Section 5164.78 | Medicaid Payment Rates for Certain Neonatal and Newborn Services.

Section 5164.80 | Public Notice for Changes to Payment Rates for Medicaid Assistance.

Section 5164.82 | Payment for Provider-Preventable Condition.

Section 5164.85 | Enrolling in Group Health Plan.

Section 5164.86 | Qualified State Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program.

Section 5164.88 | Coordinated Care Through Health Homes.

Section 5164.881 | Health Home Services.

Section 5164.89 | Case Management of Nonemergency Transportation Services.

Section 5164.90 | Transition of Medicaid Recipients to Community Settings.

Section 5164.91 | Integrated Care Delivery System.

Section 5164.911 | Integrated Care Delivery System Evaluation.

Section 5164.912 | Integrated Care Delivery System Standardized Claim Form.

Section 5164.92 | Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Services Coverage Under Medicaid Program.

Section 5164.93 | Incentive Payments for Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Record Technology.

Section 5164.94 | Delivery of Services in Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Manners.

Section 5164.95 | Standards for Payments for Telehealth Services; Eligible Practitioners.

Section 5164.951 | Standards for Medicaid Payments for Services Provided Through Teledentistry.