Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5164 | Medicaid State Plan Services
Section 5164.35 | Provider Offenses.

Effective: September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "owner" means any person having at least five per cent ownership in a medicaid provider.
(B)(1) No medicaid provider shall do any of the following:
(a) By deception, obtain or attempt to obtain payments under the medicaid program to which the provider is not entitled pursuant to the provider's provider agreement, or the rules of the federal government or the medicaid director relating to the program;
(b) Willfully receive payments to which the provider is not entitled;
(c) Willfully receive payments in a greater amount than that to which the provider is entitled;
(d) Falsify any report or document required by state or federal law, rule, or provider agreement relating to medicaid payments.
(2) A medicaid provider engages in "deception" for the purpose of this section when the provider, acting with actual knowledge of the representation or information involved, acting in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the representation or information involved, or acting in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the representation or information involved, deceives another or causes another to be deceived by any false or misleading representation, by withholding information, by preventing another from acquiring information, or by any other conduct, act, or omission that creates, confirms, or perpetuates a false impression in another, including a false impression as to law, value, state of mind, or other objective or subjective fact. No proof of specific intent to defraud is required to show, for purposes of this section, that a medicaid provider has engaged in deception.
(C) Any medicaid provider who violates division (B) of this section shall be liable, in addition to any other penalties provided by law, for all of the following civil penalties:
(1) Payment of interest on the amount of the excess payments at the maximum interest rate allowable for real estate mortgages under section 1343.01 of the Revised Code on the date the payment was made to the provider for the period from the date upon which payment was made, to the date upon which repayment is made to the state;
(2) Payment of an amount equal to three times the amount of any excess payments;
(3) Payment of a sum of not less than five thousand dollars and not more than ten thousand dollars for each deceptive claim or falsification;
(4) All reasonable expenses which the court determines have been necessarily incurred by the state in the enforcement of this section.
(D) In addition to the civil penalties provided in division (C) of this section, the medicaid director, upon the conviction of, or the entry of a judgment in either a criminal or civil action against, a medicaid provider or its owner, officer, authorized agent, associate, manager, or employee in an action brought pursuant to section 109.85 of the Revised Code, shall terminate the provider's provider agreement and stop payment to the provider for medicaid services rendered from the date of conviction or entry of judgment. No such medicaid provider, owner, officer, authorized agent, associate, manager, or employee shall own or provide medicaid services to any other medicaid provider or risk contractor or arrange for, render, or order medicaid services for medicaid recipients, nor shall such provider, owner, officer, authorized agent, associate, manager, or employee receive direct payments under the medicaid program or indirect payments of medicaid funds in the form of salary, shared fees, contracts, kickbacks, or rebates from or through any other medicaid provider or risk contractor. The provider agreement shall not be terminated, and payment shall not be terminated, if the medicaid provider or owner can demonstrate that the provider or owner did not directly or indirectly sanction the action of its authorized agent, associate, manager, or employee that resulted in the conviction or entry of a judgment in a criminal or civil action brought pursuant to section 109.85 of the Revised Code. Nothing in this division prohibits any owner, officer, authorized agent, associate, manager, or employee of a medicaid provider from entering into a provider agreement if the person can demonstrate that the person had no knowledge of an action of the medicaid provider the person was formerly associated with that resulted in the conviction or entry of a judgment in a criminal or civil action brought pursuant to section 109.85 of the Revised Code.
Nursing facility and ICF/IID providers whose provider agreements are terminated pursuant to this section may continue to receive medicaid payments for up to thirty days after the effective date of the termination if the provider makes reasonable efforts to transfer medicaid recipients to another facility or to alternate care and if federal financial participation is provided for the payments.
(E) The attorney general on behalf of the state may commence proceedings to enforce this section in any court of competent jurisdiction; and the attorney general may settle or compromise any case brought under this section with the approval of the department of medicaid. Notwithstanding any other provision of law providing a shorter period of limitations, the attorney general may commence a proceeding to enforce this section at any time within six years after the conduct in violation of this section terminates.
(F) All moneys collected by the state pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 51 | Public Welfare

Chapter 5164 | Medicaid State Plan Services

Section 5164.01 | Definitions.

Section 5164.02 | Rules to Implement Chapter.

Section 5164.03 | Mandatory and Optional Services.

Section 5164.05 | Coverage of Services Provided by Outpatient Health Facilities.

Section 5164.06 | Medicaid Coverage of Occupational Therapy Services.

Section 5164.061 | Chiropractic Services.

Section 5164.07 | Coverage of Inpatient Care and Follow-Up Care for a Mother and Her Newborn.

Section 5164.08 | Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening.

Section 5164.09 | Equivalent Coverage for Orally and Intravenously Administered Cancer Medications.

Section 5164.091 | Coverage for Opioid Analgesics.

Section 5164.10 | Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Medications and Services.

Section 5164.14 | Medicaid Coverage for Health Care Service Provided by Pharmacist.

Section 5164.15 | Mental Health Services.

Section 5164.16 | Coverage of One or More State Plan Home and Community-Based Services.

Section 5164.17 | Medicaid Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Services.

Section 5164.20 | Medicaid Not to Cover Drugs for Erectile Dysfunction.

Section 5164.25 | Recipient With Developmental Disability Who Is Eligible for Medicaid Case Management Services.

Section 5164.26 | Healthcheck Component.

Section 5164.29 | Revised Medicaid Provider Enrollment System.

Section 5164.291 | Provider Credentialing Committee.

Section 5164.30 | Provider Agreement With Department Required.

Section 5164.301 | Medicaid Provider Agreements for Physician Assistants.

Section 5164.31 | Funding for Implementing the Provider Screening Requirements.

Section 5164.32 | Expiration of Medicaid Provider Agreements.

Section 5164.33 | Denying, Terminating, and Suspending Provider Agreements.

Section 5164.34 | Criminal Records Check of Provider Personnel, Owners and Officers.

Section 5164.341 | Criminal Records Check by Independent Provider.

Section 5164.342 | Criminal Records Checks by Waiver Agencies.

Section 5164.35 | Provider Offenses.

Section 5164.36 | Credible Allegation of Fraud or Disqualifying Indictment; Suspension of Provider Agreement.

Section 5164.37 | Suspension of Provider Agreement Without Notice.

Section 5164.38 | Adjudication Orders of Department.

Section 5164.39 | Hearing Not Required Unless Timely Requested.

Section 5164.44 | Employee Status of Independent Provider.

Section 5164.45 | Contracts for Examination, Processing, and Determination of Medicaid Claims.

Section 5164.46 | Electronic Claims Submission Process; Electronic Fund Transfers.

Section 5164.47 | Contracting for Review and Analysis, Quality Assurance and Quality Review.

Section 5164.471 | Summary Data Regarding Perinatal Services.

Section 5164.48 | Medicaid Payments Made to Organization on Behalf of Providers.

Section 5164.55 | Final Fiscal Audits.

Section 5164.56 | Lien for Amount Owed by Provider.

Section 5164.57 | Recovery of Medicaid Overpayments.

Section 5164.58 | Agency Action to Recover Overpayment to Provider.

Section 5164.59 | Deduction of Incorrect Payments.

Section 5164.60 | Interest on Medicaid Provider Excess Payments.

Section 5164.61 | Scope of Available Remedies for Recovery of Excess Payments.

Section 5164.70 | Limitations on Medicaid Payments for Services.

Section 5164.71 | Payments for Freestanding Medical Laboratory Charges.

Section 5164.72 | Limitations on Payments for Inpatient Hospital Care.

Section 5164.721 | Claims by Freestanding Birthing Centers.

Section 5164.73 | Division of Payments Between Physician or Podiatrist and Nurse.

Section 5164.74 | Reimbursement of Graduate Medical Education Costs.

Section 5164.741 | Payment for Graduate Medical Education Costs to Noncontracting Hospitals.

Section 5164.75 | Medicaid Payment for a Drug Subject to a Federal Upper Reimbursement Limit.

Section 5164.751 | State Maximum Allowable Cost Program.

Section 5164.752 | Determining Maximum Dispensing Fee.

Section 5164.753 | Dispensing Fee.

Section 5164.754 | Agreement for Multiple-State Drug Purchasing Program.

Section 5164.755 | Supplemental Drug Rebate Program.

Section 5164.756 | Drug Rebate Agreement or Supplemental Drug Rebate Agreement for Medicaid Program Not Subject to Public Records Law.

Section 5164.757 | E-Prescribing Applications.

Section 5164.758 | Adoption of Rules for Implementation of Coordinated Services Program for Medicaid Users Who Abuse Prescription Drugs.

Section 5164.759 | Outpatient Drug Use Review Program.

Section 5164.7510 | Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.

Section 5164.7511 | Medication Synchronization for Medicaid Recipients.

Section 5164.7512 | Definitions for Sections 5164.7512 to 5164.7514.

Section 5164.7514 | Step Therapy Exemption Process.

Section 5164.7515 | Annual Benchmark for Prescribed Drug Spending Growth.

Section 5164.76 | Manner of Payment for Community Mental Health Service Providers or Facilities and Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services.

Section 5164.761 | Beta Testing of Updates to Billing Codes or Payment Rates.

Section 5164.78 | Medicaid Payment Rates for Certain Neonatal and Newborn Services.

Section 5164.80 | Public Notice for Changes to Payment Rates for Medicaid Assistance.

Section 5164.82 | Payment for Provider-Preventable Condition.

Section 5164.85 | Enrolling in Group Health Plan.

Section 5164.86 | Qualified State Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program.

Section 5164.88 | Coordinated Care Through Health Homes.

Section 5164.881 | Health Home Services.

Section 5164.89 | Case Management of Nonemergency Transportation Services.

Section 5164.90 | Transition of Medicaid Recipients to Community Settings.

Section 5164.91 | Integrated Care Delivery System.

Section 5164.911 | Integrated Care Delivery System Evaluation.

Section 5164.912 | Integrated Care Delivery System Standardized Claim Form.

Section 5164.92 | Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Services Coverage Under Medicaid Program.

Section 5164.93 | Incentive Payments for Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Record Technology.

Section 5164.94 | Delivery of Services in Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Manners.

Section 5164.95 | Standards for Payments for Telehealth Services; Eligible Practitioners.

Section 5164.951 | Standards for Medicaid Payments for Services Provided Through Teledentistry.