Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5164 | Medicaid State Plan Services
Section 5164.94 | Delivery of Services in Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Manners.

Effective: March 20, 2014
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 206 - 130th General Assembly
The medicaid director shall implement within the medicaid program a system that encourages medicaid providers to provide medicaid services to medicaid recipients in culturally and linguistically appropriate manners.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 51 | Public Welfare

Chapter 5164 | Medicaid State Plan Services

Section 5164.01 | Definitions.

Section 5164.02 | Rules to Implement Chapter.

Section 5164.03 | Mandatory and Optional Services.

Section 5164.05 | Coverage of Services Provided by Outpatient Health Facilities.

Section 5164.06 | Medicaid Coverage of Occupational Therapy Services.

Section 5164.061 | Chiropractic Services.

Section 5164.07 | Coverage of Inpatient Care and Follow-Up Care for a Mother and Her Newborn.

Section 5164.08 | Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening.

Section 5164.09 | Equivalent Coverage for Orally and Intravenously Administered Cancer Medications.

Section 5164.091 | Coverage for Opioid Analgesics.

Section 5164.10 | Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Medications and Services.

Section 5164.14 | Medicaid Coverage for Health Care Service Provided by Pharmacist.

Section 5164.15 | Mental Health Services.

Section 5164.16 | Coverage of One or More State Plan Home and Community-Based Services.

Section 5164.17 | Medicaid Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Services.

Section 5164.20 | Medicaid Not to Cover Drugs for Erectile Dysfunction.

Section 5164.25 | Recipient With Developmental Disability Who Is Eligible for Medicaid Case Management Services.

Section 5164.26 | Healthcheck Component.

Section 5164.29 | Revised Medicaid Provider Enrollment System.

Section 5164.291 | Provider Credentialing Committee.

Section 5164.30 | Provider Agreement With Department Required.

Section 5164.301 | Medicaid Provider Agreements for Physician Assistants.

Section 5164.31 | Funding for Implementing the Provider Screening Requirements.

Section 5164.32 | Expiration of Medicaid Provider Agreements.

Section 5164.33 | Denying, Terminating, and Suspending Provider Agreements.

Section 5164.34 | Criminal Records Check of Provider Personnel, Owners and Officers.

Section 5164.341 | Criminal Records Check by Independent Provider.

Section 5164.342 | Criminal Records Checks by Waiver Agencies.

Section 5164.35 | Provider Offenses.

Section 5164.36 | Credible Allegation of Fraud or Disqualifying Indictment; Suspension of Provider Agreement.

Section 5164.37 | Suspension of Provider Agreement Without Notice.

Section 5164.38 | Adjudication Orders of Department.

Section 5164.39 | Hearing Not Required Unless Timely Requested.

Section 5164.44 | Employee Status of Independent Provider.

Section 5164.45 | Contracts for Examination, Processing, and Determination of Medicaid Claims.

Section 5164.46 | Electronic Claims Submission Process; Electronic Fund Transfers.

Section 5164.47 | Contracting for Review and Analysis, Quality Assurance and Quality Review.

Section 5164.471 | Summary Data Regarding Perinatal Services.

Section 5164.48 | Medicaid Payments Made to Organization on Behalf of Providers.

Section 5164.55 | Final Fiscal Audits.

Section 5164.56 | Lien for Amount Owed by Provider.

Section 5164.57 | Recovery of Medicaid Overpayments.

Section 5164.58 | Agency Action to Recover Overpayment to Provider.

Section 5164.59 | Deduction of Incorrect Payments.

Section 5164.60 | Interest on Medicaid Provider Excess Payments.

Section 5164.61 | Scope of Available Remedies for Recovery of Excess Payments.

Section 5164.70 | Limitations on Medicaid Payments for Services.

Section 5164.71 | Payments for Freestanding Medical Laboratory Charges.

Section 5164.72 | Limitations on Payments for Inpatient Hospital Care.

Section 5164.721 | Claims by Freestanding Birthing Centers.

Section 5164.73 | Division of Payments Between Physician or Podiatrist and Nurse.

Section 5164.74 | Reimbursement of Graduate Medical Education Costs.

Section 5164.741 | Payment for Graduate Medical Education Costs to Noncontracting Hospitals.

Section 5164.75 | Medicaid Payment for a Drug Subject to a Federal Upper Reimbursement Limit.

Section 5164.751 | State Maximum Allowable Cost Program.

Section 5164.752 | Determining Maximum Dispensing Fee.

Section 5164.753 | Dispensing Fee.

Section 5164.754 | Agreement for Multiple-State Drug Purchasing Program.

Section 5164.755 | Supplemental Drug Rebate Program.

Section 5164.756 | Drug Rebate Agreement or Supplemental Drug Rebate Agreement for Medicaid Program Not Subject to Public Records Law.

Section 5164.757 | E-Prescribing Applications.

Section 5164.758 | Adoption of Rules for Implementation of Coordinated Services Program for Medicaid Users Who Abuse Prescription Drugs.

Section 5164.759 | Outpatient Drug Use Review Program.

Section 5164.7510 | Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.

Section 5164.7511 | Medication Synchronization for Medicaid Recipients.

Section 5164.7512 | Definitions for Sections 5164.7512 to 5164.7514.

Section 5164.7514 | Step Therapy Exemption Process.

Section 5164.7515 | Annual Benchmark for Prescribed Drug Spending Growth.

Section 5164.76 | Manner of Payment for Community Mental Health Service Providers or Facilities and Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services.

Section 5164.761 | Beta Testing of Updates to Billing Codes or Payment Rates.

Section 5164.78 | Medicaid Payment Rates for Certain Neonatal and Newborn Services.

Section 5164.80 | Public Notice for Changes to Payment Rates for Medicaid Assistance.

Section 5164.82 | Payment for Provider-Preventable Condition.

Section 5164.85 | Enrolling in Group Health Plan.

Section 5164.86 | Qualified State Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program.

Section 5164.88 | Coordinated Care Through Health Homes.

Section 5164.881 | Health Home Services.

Section 5164.89 | Case Management of Nonemergency Transportation Services.

Section 5164.90 | Transition of Medicaid Recipients to Community Settings.

Section 5164.91 | Integrated Care Delivery System.

Section 5164.911 | Integrated Care Delivery System Evaluation.

Section 5164.912 | Integrated Care Delivery System Standardized Claim Form.

Section 5164.92 | Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Services Coverage Under Medicaid Program.

Section 5164.93 | Incentive Payments for Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Record Technology.

Section 5164.94 | Delivery of Services in Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Manners.

Section 5164.95 | Standards for Payments for Telehealth Services; Eligible Practitioners.

Section 5164.951 | Standards for Medicaid Payments for Services Provided Through Teledentistry.