Effective: April 6, 2017
Latest Legislation: House Bill 216 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The medicaid program shall include coverage of inpatient care and follow-up care for a mother and her newborn as follows:
(1) The medicaid program shall cover a minimum of forty-eight hours of inpatient care following a normal vaginal delivery and a minimum of ninety-six hours of inpatient care following a cesarean delivery. Services covered as inpatient care shall include medical, educational, and any other services that are consistent with the inpatient care recommended in the protocols and guidelines developed by national organizations that represent pediatric, obstetric, and nursing professionals.
(2) The medicaid program shall cover a physician-directed source of follow-up care or a source of follow-up care directed by an advanced practice registered nurse. Services covered as follow-up care shall include physical assessment of the mother and newborn, parent education, assistance and training in breast or bottle feeding, assessment of the home support system, performance of any medically necessary and appropriate clinical tests, and any other services that are consistent with the follow-up care recommended in the protocols and guidelines developed by national organizations that represent pediatric, obstetric, and nursing professionals. The coverage shall apply to services provided in a medical setting or through home health care visits. The coverage shall apply to a home health care visit only if the health care professional who conducts the visit is knowledgeable and experienced in maternity and newborn care.
When a decision is made in accordance with division (B) of this section to discharge a mother or newborn prior to the expiration of the applicable number of hours of inpatient care required to be covered, the coverage of follow-up care shall apply to all follow-up care that is provided within forty-eight hours after discharge. When a mother or newborn receives at least the number of hours of inpatient care required to be covered, the coverage of follow-up care shall apply to follow-up care that is determined to be medically necessary by the health care professionals responsible for discharging the mother or newborn.
(B) Any decision to shorten the length of inpatient stay to less than that specified under division (A)(1) of this section shall be made by the physician attending the mother or newborn, except that if a certified nurse-midwife is attending the mother in collaboration with a physician, the decision may be made by the certified nurse-midwife. Decisions regarding early discharge shall be made only after conferring with the mother or a person responsible for the mother or newborn. For purposes of this division, a person responsible for the mother or newborn may include a parent, guardian, or any other person with authority to make medical decisions for the mother or newborn.
(C) The department of medicaid, in administering the medicaid program, may not do either of the following:
(1) Terminate the provider agreement of a health care professional or health care facility solely for making recommendations for inpatient or follow-up care for a particular mother or newborn that are consistent with the care required to be covered by this section;
(2) Establish or offer monetary or other financial incentives for the purpose of encouraging a person to decline the inpatient or follow-up care required to be covered by this section.
(D) This section does not do any of the following:
(1) Require the medicaid program to cover inpatient or follow-up care that is not received in accordance with the program's terms pertaining to the health care professionals and facilities from which a medicaid recipient is authorized to receive health care services.
(2) Require a mother or newborn to stay in a hospital or other inpatient setting for a fixed period of time following delivery;
(3) Require a child to be delivered in a hospital or other inpatient setting;
(4) Authorize a certified nurse-midwife to practice beyond the authority to practice nurse-midwifery in accordance with Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code;
(5) Establish minimum standards of medical diagnosis, care, or treatment for inpatient or follow-up care for a mother or newborn. A deviation from the care required to be covered under this section shall not, on the basis of this section, give rise to a medical claim or derivative medical claim, as those terms are defined in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5164 | Medicaid State Plan Services
Section 5164.01 | Definitions.
Section 5164.02 | Rules to Implement Chapter.
Section 5164.03 | Mandatory and Optional Services.
Section 5164.05 | Coverage of Services Provided by Outpatient Health Facilities.
Section 5164.06 | Medicaid Coverage of Occupational Therapy Services.
Section 5164.061 | Chiropractic Services.
Section 5164.07 | Coverage of Inpatient Care and Follow-Up Care for a Mother and Her Newborn.
Section 5164.08 | Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening.
Section 5164.09 | Equivalent Coverage for Orally and Intravenously Administered Cancer Medications.
Section 5164.091 | Coverage for Opioid Analgesics.
Section 5164.10 | Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Medications and Services.
Section 5164.14 | Medicaid Coverage for Health Care Service Provided by Pharmacist.
Section 5164.15 | Mental Health Services.
Section 5164.16 | Coverage of One or More State Plan Home and Community-Based Services.
Section 5164.17 | Medicaid Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Services.
Section 5164.20 | Medicaid Not to Cover Drugs for Erectile Dysfunction.
Section 5164.26 | Healthcheck Component.
Section 5164.29 | Revised Medicaid Provider Enrollment System.
Section 5164.291 | Provider Credentialing Committee.
Section 5164.30 | Provider Agreement With Department Required.
Section 5164.301 | Medicaid Provider Agreements for Physician Assistants.
Section 5164.31 | Funding for Implementing the Provider Screening Requirements.
Section 5164.32 | Expiration of Medicaid Provider Agreements.
Section 5164.33 | Denying, Terminating, and Suspending Provider Agreements.
Section 5164.34 | Criminal Records Check of Provider Personnel, Owners and Officers.
Section 5164.341 | Criminal Records Check by Independent Provider.
Section 5164.342 | Criminal Records Checks by Waiver Agencies.
Section 5164.35 | Provider Offenses.
Section 5164.37 | Suspension of Provider Agreement Without Notice.
Section 5164.38 | Adjudication Orders of Department.
Section 5164.39 | Hearing Not Required Unless Timely Requested.
Section 5164.44 | Employee Status of Independent Provider.
Section 5164.45 | Contracts for Examination, Processing, and Determination of Medicaid Claims.
Section 5164.46 | Electronic Claims Submission Process; Electronic Fund Transfers.
Section 5164.47 | Contracting for Review and Analysis, Quality Assurance and Quality Review.
Section 5164.471 | Summary Data Regarding Perinatal Services.
Section 5164.48 | Medicaid Payments Made to Organization on Behalf of Providers.
Section 5164.55 | Final Fiscal Audits.
Section 5164.56 | Lien for Amount Owed by Provider.
Section 5164.57 | Recovery of Medicaid Overpayments.
Section 5164.58 | Agency Action to Recover Overpayment to Provider.
Section 5164.59 | Deduction of Incorrect Payments.
Section 5164.60 | Interest on Medicaid Provider Excess Payments.
Section 5164.61 | Scope of Available Remedies for Recovery of Excess Payments.
Section 5164.70 | Limitations on Medicaid Payments for Services.
Section 5164.71 | Payments for Freestanding Medical Laboratory Charges.
Section 5164.72 | Limitations on Payments for Inpatient Hospital Care.
Section 5164.721 | Claims by Freestanding Birthing Centers.
Section 5164.73 | Division of Payments Between Physician or Podiatrist and Nurse.
Section 5164.74 | Reimbursement of Graduate Medical Education Costs.
Section 5164.741 | Payment for Graduate Medical Education Costs to Noncontracting Hospitals.
Section 5164.75 | Medicaid Payment for a Drug Subject to a Federal Upper Reimbursement Limit.
Section 5164.751 | State Maximum Allowable Cost Program.
Section 5164.752 | Determining Maximum Dispensing Fee.
Section 5164.753 | Dispensing Fee.
Section 5164.754 | Agreement for Multiple-State Drug Purchasing Program.
Section 5164.755 | Supplemental Drug Rebate Program.
Section 5164.757 | E-Prescribing Applications.
Section 5164.759 | Outpatient Drug Use Review Program.
Section 5164.7510 | Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.
Section 5164.7511 | Medication Synchronization for Medicaid Recipients.
Section 5164.7512 | Definitions for Sections 5164.7512 to 5164.7514.
Section 5164.7514 | Step Therapy Exemption Process.
Section 5164.7515 | Annual Benchmark for Prescribed Drug Spending Growth.
Section 5164.761 | Beta Testing of Updates to Billing Codes or Payment Rates.
Section 5164.78 | Medicaid Payment Rates for Certain Neonatal and Newborn Services.
Section 5164.80 | Public Notice for Changes to Payment Rates for Medicaid Assistance.
Section 5164.82 | Payment for Provider-Preventable Condition.
Section 5164.85 | Enrolling in Group Health Plan.
Section 5164.86 | Qualified State Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program.
Section 5164.88 | Coordinated Care Through Health Homes.
Section 5164.881 | Health Home Services.
Section 5164.89 | Case Management of Nonemergency Transportation Services.
Section 5164.90 | Transition of Medicaid Recipients to Community Settings.
Section 5164.91 | Integrated Care Delivery System.
Section 5164.911 | Integrated Care Delivery System Evaluation.
Section 5164.912 | Integrated Care Delivery System Standardized Claim Form.
Section 5164.92 | Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Services Coverage Under Medicaid Program.
Section 5164.93 | Incentive Payments for Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Record Technology.
Section 5164.94 | Delivery of Services in Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Manners.
Section 5164.95 | Standards for Payments for Telehealth Services; Eligible Practitioners.
Section 5164.951 | Standards for Medicaid Payments for Services Provided Through Teledentistry.