Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5124 | Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities Services
Section 5124.02 | Assumption of Powers and Duties Regarding Medicaid Program's Coverage of Icf/iid Services.

Effective: September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
The department of medicaid shall enter into a contract with the department of developmental disabilities under section 5162.35 of the Revised Code that provides for the department of developmental disabilities to assume the powers and duties of the department of medicaid with regard to the medicaid program's coverage of ICF/IID services. The contract shall include a schedule for the assumption of the powers and duties. The contract may provide for the department of medicaid to perform one or more duties of the department of developmental disabilities under sections 5124.50 to 5124.53 of the Revised Code. Except as otherwise authorized by the United States secretary of health and human services, no provision of the contract may violate a federal law or regulation governing the medicaid program.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 51 | Public Welfare

Chapter 5124 | Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities Services

Section 5124.01 | Definitions.

Section 5124.02 | Assumption of Powers and Duties Regarding Medicaid Program's Coverage of Icf/iid Services.

Section 5124.03 | Rules.

Section 5124.05 | Scope of Coverage.

Section 5124.06 | Eligibility to Enter Into Provider Agreements.

Section 5124.07 | Department Provider Agreements; Contents.

Section 5124.071 | Agreements With More Than One Icf/iid.

Section 5124.072 | Revalidation of Agreements.

Section 5124.08 | Provider Agreements With Icf/iid Providers.

Section 5124.081 | Resident's Cause of Action for Breach.

Section 5124.10 | Cost Reports.

Section 5124.101 | Cost Reports for Downsized or Partially Converted Provider.

Section 5124.102 | Fines Paid Excluded From Reports.

Section 5124.103 | Form of Cost Reports.

Section 5124.104 | Duties of Department.

Section 5124.105 | Addendum for Disputed Costs.

Section 5124.106 | Failure to Timely File Report; Consequences.

Section 5124.107 | Amendments to Reports.

Section 5124.108 | Desk Review.

Section 5124.109 | Audits.

Section 5124.15 | Amount of Payments.

Section 5124.151 | Initial Rates for Services Provided by a New Icf/iid.

Section 5124.152 | Payment Rate for Service Provided by Outlier Icf/iid or Unit.

Section 5124.153 | Payment Rate for Services Provided to Resident Who Meets Criteria for Admission to Outlier Icf/iid or Unit.

Section 5124.154 | Computing Rate for Services Provided by Developmental Centers.

Section 5124.17 | Icf/iid's per Medicaid Day Capital Component Rate.

Section 5124.19 | Icf/iid's per Medicaid Day Direct Care Costs Component Rate.

Section 5124.191 | Definition of Icf/iid Resident; Assessment of Residents.

Section 5124.192 | Acuity Groups for Purpose of Assigning Case-Mix Scores.

Section 5124.193 | Quarterly Determination of Case-Mix Scores.

Section 5124.194 | Changes to Instructions, Guidelines, or Methodology.

Section 5124.21 | Per Medicaid Day Indirect Care Costs Component Rate.

Section 5124.23 | Per Medicaid Day Other Protected Costs Component Rate.

Section 5124.24 | Determination of per Medicaid Day Quality Incentive Payment.

Section 5124.25 | Payment of Medicaid Rate Add-on for Outlier Services Provided for Ventilator-Dependent Residents.

Section 5124.26 | Payment of Medicaid Rate Add-on for Outlier Icf/iid Services.

Section 5124.29 | Limiting Compensation of Owners, Their Relatives, Administrators, and Resident Meals Outside Facility.

Section 5124.30 | Costs of Goods Furnished by Related Party.

Section 5124.31 | Adjustment of Payment Rates.

Section 5124.32 | Reduction in Rate Not Permitted.

Section 5124.33 | No Payment for Day of Discharge.

Section 5124.34 | Payment for Reserving Beds.

Section 5124.35 | Timing of Payments After Involuntary Termination.

Section 5124.37 | Timing of Payments; Calculations.

Section 5124.38 | Process for Reconsideration of Rates.

Section 5124.39 | Recoupment in Case of Delay in Downsizing.

Section 5124.40 | Adjustment of Rates.

Section 5124.41 | Redetermination of Rates.

Section 5124.42 | Additional Penalties.

Section 5124.43 | Determination of Interest Rate.

Section 5124.44 | Deductions.

Section 5124.45 | Deposits to General Revenue Fund.

Section 5124.46 | Adjudications Under the Administrative Procedure Act.

Section 5124.50 | Notice of Facility Closure or Voluntary Termination.

Section 5124.51 | Notice of Change of Operator.

Section 5124.511 | Agreements With Entering Operators Effective on Date of Change of Operator.

Section 5124.512 | Agreements With Entering Operators Effective at a Later Date.

Section 5124.513 | Entering Operator Duties Under Provider Agreement.

Section 5124.514 | Exiting Operator Deemed Operator Pending Change.

Section 5124.515 | Provider Agreement With Operator Not Complying With Prior Agreement.

Section 5124.516 | Medicaid Reimbursement Adjustments; Change of Operator.

Section 5124.517 | Determination That a Change of Operator Has or Has Not Occurred; Effect.

Section 5124.52 | Overpayment Amounts Determined Following Notice of Closure, Etc.

Section 5124.521 | Withholding From Medicaid Payment Due Exiting Operator.

Section 5124.522 | Cost Report by Exiting Operator; Waiver.

Section 5124.523 | Failure to File Cost Report; Payments Deemed Overpayments.

Section 5124.524 | Final Payment Withheld Pending Receipt of Cost Reports.

Section 5124.525 | Determination of Debt of Exiting Operator; Summary Report.

Section 5124.526 | Release of Amount Withheld Less Amounts Owed.

Section 5124.527 | Release of Amount Withheld on Postponement of Change of Operator.

Section 5124.528 | Disposition of Amounts Withheld From Payment Due an Exiting Operator.

Section 5124.53 | Adoption of Rules for Implementation of Sections 5124.50 to 5124.53.

Section 5124.60 | Conversion of Beds to Home and Community-Based Services.

Section 5124.61 | Conversion of Beds in Acquired Icf/iid.

Section 5124.62 | Request for Federal Approval of Conversion of Beds.

Section 5124.65 | Reconversion of Beds to Icf/iid Use.

Section 5124.68 | Admission as Resident in an Icf/iid With Medicaid-Certified Capacity Exceeding Eight.

Section 5124.69 | Informational Pamphlet.

Section 5124.70 | Maximum Number of Residents per Sleeping Room.

Section 5124.99 | Penalty for Violation of Cost Reporting Provisions.