Ohio constitution
Article II: legislative
Section 1a

The first aforestated power reserved by the people
is designated the initiative, and the signatures of ten
per centum of the electors shall be required upon a
petition to propose an amendment to the constitution.
When a petition signed by the aforesaid required number
of electors, shall have been filed with the secretary
of state, and verified as herein provided, proposing an
amendment to the constitution, the full text of which
shall have been set forth in such petition, the secretary
of state shall submit for the approval or rejection of
the electors, the proposed amendment, in the manner
hereinafter provided, at the next succeeding regular or
general election in any year occurring subsequent to
one hundred twenty-five days after the filing of such
petition. The initiative petitions, above described,
shall have printed across the top thereof: “Amendment
to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition to
be Submitted Directly to the Electors.