North Carolina General Statutes
Article 15 - North Carolina Consumer Finance Act.
§ 53-167 - Expenses of supervision.

53-167. Expenses of supervision.
For the purpose of defraying necessary expenses of the Office of Commissioner of Banks for supervision, each licensee shall pay to the Commissioner an assessment not to exceed eighteen dollars ($18.00) per one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) of assets, or fraction thereof, plus a fee of three hundred dollars ($300.00) per office; provided, however, a consumer finance licensee shall pay a minimum annual assessment of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00). The assessment shall be determined on a consumer finance licensee's total assets as shown on its report of condition made to the Commissioner as of December 31 of each year, or the date most nearly approximating that date. If the Commissioner determines that the financial condition or manner of operation of a consumer finance licensee warrants further examination or an increased level of supervision, the licensee may be subject to assessment not to exceed the amount determined in accordance with the schedule set forth in this section. (1955, c. 1279; 1957, c. 1429, s. 1; 1961, c. 1053, s. 1; 2012-56, s. 11.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 53 - Regulation of Financial Services

Article 15 - North Carolina Consumer Finance Act.

§ 53-164 - Title.

§ 53-165 - Definitions.

§ 53-166 - Scope of Article; evasions; penalties; loans in violation of Article void.

§ 53-167 - Expenses of supervision.

§ 53-168 - License required; showing of convenience, advantage and financial responsibility; investigation of applicants; hearings; existing businesses; contents of license; transfer; posting.

§ 53-169 - Application for license.

§ 53-170 - Locations; change of ownership or management.

§ 53-171 - Revocation, suspension or surrender of license.

§ 53-172 - Conduct of other business in same office.

§ 53-173 - Computation of interest; application of payments; limitation on interest after judgment; limitation on interest after maturity of the loan.

§ 53-175 - Fee for returned checks.

§ 53-176 - Rates, maturities and amounts.

§ 53-177 - Fees.

§ 53-177.1 - Electronic transaction fees.

§ 53-178 - No further charges; no splitting contracts; certain contracts void.

§ 53-180 - Limitations and prohibitions on practices and agreements.

§ 53-180.1 - Military service members limitation.

§ 53-181 - Statements and information to be furnished to borrowers; power of attorney or confession of judgment prohibited.

§ 53-182 - Payment of loans; receipts.

§ 53-183 - Advertising, broadcasting, etc., false or misleading statements.

§ 53-184 - Securing of information; records and reports; allocations of expense.

§ 53-185 - Rules and regulations by Banking Commission and Commissioner.

§ 53-186 - Commissioner to issue subpoenas, conduct hearings, give publicity to investigations, etc.

§ 53-187 - Injunctive powers; receivers.

§ 53-188 - Review of regulations, order or act of Commission or Commissioner.

§ 53-189 - Insurance.

§ 53-190 - Loans made elsewhere.

§ 53-191 - Businesses exempted.