North Carolina General Statutes
Article 26 - Offenses Against Public Morality and Decency.
§ 14-190.15 - Disseminating harmful material to minors; exhibiting harmful performances to minors.

14-190.15. Disseminating harmful material to minors; exhibiting harmful performances to minors.
(a) Disseminating Harmful Material. - A person commits the offense of disseminating harmful material to minors if, with or without consideration and knowing the character or content of the material, he:
(1) Sells, furnishes, presents, or distributes to a minor material that is harmful to minors; or
(2) Allows a minor to review or peruse material that is harmful to minors.
(b) Exhibiting Harmful Performance. - A person commits the offense of exhibiting a harmful performance to a minor if, with or without consideration and knowing the character or content of the performance, he allows a minor to view a live performance that is harmful to minors.
(c) Defenses. - Except as provided in subdivision (3), a mistake of age is not a defense to a prosecution under this section. It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this section that:
(1) The defendant was a parent or legal guardian of the minor.
(2) The defendant was a school, church, museum, public library, governmental agency, medical clinic, or hospital carrying out its legitimate function; or an employee or agent of such an organization acting in that capacity and carrying out a legitimate duty of his employment.
(3) Before disseminating or exhibiting the harmful material or performance, the defendant requested and received a driver's license, student identification card, or other official governmental or educational identification card or paper indicating that the minor to whom the material or performance was disseminated or exhibited was at least 18 years old, and the defendant reasonably believed the minor was at least 18 years old.
(4) The dissemination was made with the prior consent of a parent or guardian of the recipient.
(d) Punishment. - Violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. (1985, c. 703, s. 9; 1993, c. 539, s. 126; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 14 - Criminal Law

Article 26 - Offenses Against Public Morality and Decency.

§ 14-177 - Crime against nature.

§ 14-178 - Incest.

§ 14-183 - Bigamy.

§ 14-184 - Fornication and adultery.

§ 14-186 - Opposite sexes occupying same bedroom at hotel for immoral purposes; falsely registering as husband and wife.

§ 14-188 - Certain evidence relative to keeping disorderly houses admissible; keepers of such houses defined; punishment.

§ 14-190.1 - Obscene literature and exhibitions.

§ 14-190.4 - Coercing acceptance of obscene articles or publications.

§ 14-190.5 - Preparation of obscene photographs, slides and motion pictures.

§ 14-190.5A - Disclosure of private images; civil action.

§ 14-190.6 - Employing or permitting minor to assist in offense under Article.

§ 14-190.7 - Dissemination to minors under the age of 16 years.

§ 14-190.8 - Dissemination to minors under the age of 13 years.

§ 14-190.9 - Indecent exposure.

§ 14-190.13 - Definitions for certain offenses concerning minors.

§ 14-190.14 - Displaying material harmful to minors.

§ 14-190.15 - Disseminating harmful material to minors; exhibiting harmful performances to minors.

§ 14-190.16 - First degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

§ 14-190.17 - Second degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

§ 14-190.17A - Third degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

§ 14-190.20 - Warrants for obscenity offenses.

§ 14-196 - Using profane, indecent or threatening language to any person over telephone; annoying or harassing by repeated telephoning or making false statements over telephone.

§ 14-196.3 - (Effective until January 1, 2023) Cyberstalking.

§ 14-199 - Obstructing way to places of public worship.

§ 14-202 - (Effective until January 1, 2023) Secretly peeping into room occupied by another person.

§ 14-202.1 - Taking indecent liberties with children.

§ 14-202.2 - Indecent liberties between children.

§ 14-202.3 - Solicitation of child by computer or certain other electronic devices to commit an unlawful sex act.

§ 14-202.4 - Taking indecent liberties with a student.

§ 14-202.5 - Ban online conduct by high-risk sex offenders that endangers children.

§ 14-202.5A - Liability of commercial social networking sites.

§ 14-202.6 - Ban on name changes by sex offenders.