North Carolina General Statutes
Article 26 - Offenses Against Public Morality and Decency.
§ 14-184 - Fornication and adultery.

14-184. Fornication and adultery.
If any man and woman, not being married to each other, shall lewdly and lasciviously associate, bed and cohabit together, they shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor: Provided, that the admissions or confessions of one shall not be received in evidence against the other. (1805, c. 684, P.R.; R.C., c. 34, s. 45; Code, s. 1041; Rev., s. 3350; C.S., s. 4343; 1969, c. 1224, s. 9; 1993, c. 539, s. 119; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 14 - Criminal Law

Article 26 - Offenses Against Public Morality and Decency.

§ 14-177 - Crime against nature.

§ 14-178 - Incest.

§ 14-183 - Bigamy.

§ 14-184 - Fornication and adultery.

§ 14-186 - Opposite sexes occupying same bedroom at hotel for immoral purposes; falsely registering as husband and wife.

§ 14-188 - Certain evidence relative to keeping disorderly houses admissible; keepers of such houses defined; punishment.

§ 14-190.1 - Obscene literature and exhibitions.

§ 14-190.4 - Coercing acceptance of obscene articles or publications.

§ 14-190.5 - Preparation of obscene photographs, slides and motion pictures.

§ 14-190.5A - Disclosure of private images; civil action.

§ 14-190.6 - Employing or permitting minor to assist in offense under Article.

§ 14-190.7 - Dissemination to minors under the age of 16 years.

§ 14-190.8 - Dissemination to minors under the age of 13 years.

§ 14-190.9 - Indecent exposure.

§ 14-190.13 - Definitions for certain offenses concerning minors.

§ 14-190.14 - Displaying material harmful to minors.

§ 14-190.15 - Disseminating harmful material to minors; exhibiting harmful performances to minors.

§ 14-190.16 - First degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

§ 14-190.17 - Second degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

§ 14-190.17A - Third degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

§ 14-190.20 - Warrants for obscenity offenses.

§ 14-196 - Using profane, indecent or threatening language to any person over telephone; annoying or harassing by repeated telephoning or making false statements over telephone.

§ 14-196.3 - (Effective until January 1, 2023) Cyberstalking.

§ 14-199 - Obstructing way to places of public worship.

§ 14-202 - (Effective until January 1, 2023) Secretly peeping into room occupied by another person.

§ 14-202.1 - Taking indecent liberties with children.

§ 14-202.2 - Indecent liberties between children.

§ 14-202.3 - Solicitation of child by computer or certain other electronic devices to commit an unlawful sex act.

§ 14-202.4 - Taking indecent liberties with a student.

§ 14-202.5 - Ban online conduct by high-risk sex offenders that endangers children.

§ 14-202.5A - Liability of commercial social networking sites.

§ 14-202.6 - Ban on name changes by sex offenders.