Rule 3022. Remedy for defective verification. A defectively verified
pleading shall be treated as an unverified pleading. Where a pleading
is served without a sufficient verification in a case where the adverse
party is entitled to a verified pleading, he may treat it as a nullity,
provided he gives notice with due diligence to the attorney of the
adverse party that he elects so to do.
Structure New York Laws
CVP - Civil Practice Law and Rules
Article 30 - Remedies and Pleading
3002 - Actions and Relief Not Barred for Inconsistency.
3004 - Where Restoration of Benefits Before Judgment Unnecessary.
3005 - Relief Against Mistake of Law.
3012 - Service of Pleadings and Demand for Complaint.
3012-A - Certificate of Merit in Medical, Dental and Podiatric Malpractice Actions.
3012-B - Certificate of Merit in Certain Residential Forclosure Actions.
3013 - Particularity of Statements Generally.
R3015 - Particularity as to Specific Matters.
R3016 - Particularity in Specific Actions.
3019 - Counterclaims and Cross-Claims.
R3021 - Form of Affidavit of Verification.
R3022 - Remedy for Defective Verification.
R3023 - Construction of Verified Pleading.
R3024 - Motion to Correct Pleadings.
R3025 - Amended and Supplemental Pleadings.
3031 - Simplified Procedure for Court Determination of Disputes--Action Without Pleadings.
R3032 - Contents of Statement.
3033 - Contracts to Submit; Enforcement of Submission.
R3034 - Motion Procedure to Settle Statement Terms.
3035 - Simplified Procedure Authorized.
3041 - Bill of Particulars in Any Case.
R3042 - Procedure for Bill of Particulars.
R3043 - Bill of Particulars in Personal Injury Actions.
3044 - Verification of Bill of Particulars.
3045 - Arbitration of Damages in Medical, Dental or Podiatric Malpractice Actions.