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Title 1 - Violations of the Elective Franchise
17-100 - Definitions. - § 17-100. Definitions. 1. The word "election" as used in...
17-102 - Misdemeanors At, or in Connection With, Primary Elections, Caucuses, Enrollment in Political Parties, Committees, and Conventions. - § 17-102. Misdemeanors at, or in connection with, primary elections,...
17-104 - False Registration. - § 17-104. False registration. Any person who: 1. Registers or...
17-106 - Misconduct of Election Officers. - § 17-106. Misconduct of election officers. Any election officer who...
17-108 - False Affidavits; Mutilation, Destruction or Loss of Registry List or Affidavits. - § 17-108. False affidavits; mutilation, destruction or loss of registry...
17-110 - Misdemeanors Concerning Police Commissioners or Officers or Members of Any Police Force. - § 17-110. Misdemeanors concerning police commissioners or officers or members...
17-112 - Soliciting Media Support. - § 17-112. Soliciting media support. Any person who solicits from...
17-114 - Failure to Furnish Information; False Information. - § 17-114. Failure to furnish information; false information. 1. Any...
17-116 - Removal, Mutilation or Destruction of Election Booths, Supplies, Poll-Lists or Cards of Instruction. - § 17-116. Removal, mutilation or destruction of election booths, supplies,...
17-118 - Refusal to Permit Employees to Attend Election. - § 17-118. Refusal to permit employees to attend election. A...
17-120 - Misconduct in Relation to Certificate of Nomination and Official Ballot. - § 17-120. Misconduct in relation to certificate of nomination and...
17-122 - Misconduct in Relation to Petitions. - § 17-122. Misconduct in relation to petitions. Any person who:...
17-124 - Failure to Deliver Official Ballots. - § 17-124. Failure to deliver official ballots. Any person who...
17-126 - Misconduct of Election Officers. - § 17-126. Misconduct of election officers. Any election officer who:...
17-128 - Violations of Election Law by Public Officer or Employee. - § 17-128. Violations of election law by public officer or...
17-130 - Misdemeanor in Relation to Elections. - § 17-130. Misdemeanor in relation to elections. Any person who:...
17-132 - Illegal Voting. - § 17-132. Illegal voting. Any person who: 1. Knowingly votes...
17-134 - Unlawful Use of Pasters. - § 17-134. Unlawful use of pasters. An election officer or...
17-136 - False Returns; Unlawful Acts Respecting Returns. - § 17-136. False returns; unlawful acts respecting returns. An inspector...
17-140 - Furnishing Money or Entertainment to Induce Attendance at Polls. - § 17-140. Furnishing money or entertainment to induce attendance at...
17-142 - Giving Consideration for Franchise. - § 17-142. Giving consideration for franchise. Except as allowed by...
17-144 - Receiving Consideration for Franchise. - § 17-144. Receiving consideration for franchise. Except as allowed by...
17-146 - Offender a Competent Witness; Witnesses' Immunity. - § 17-146. Offender a competent witness; witnesses' immunity. 1. A...
17-148 - Bribery or Intimidation of Elector in Military Service of United States. - § 17-148. Bribery or intimidation of elector in military service...
17-150 - Duress and Intimidation of Voters. - § 17-150. Duress and intimidation of voters. Any person or...
17-152 - Conspiracy to Promote or Prevent Election. - § 17-152. Conspiracy to promote or prevent election. Any two...
17-154 - Pernicious Political Activities. - § 17-154. Pernicious political activities. It shall be unlawful for...
17-156 - Political Assessments. - § 17-156. Political assessments. Any officer or employee of the...
17-160 - Procuring Fraudulent Documents in Order to Vote. - § 17-160. Procuring fraudulent documents in order to vote. 1....
17-162 - Judicial Candidates Not to Contribute. - § 17-162. Judicial candidates not to contribute. No candidate for...
17-164 - Political Contributions by Owners of Polling Places Prohibited. - § 17-164. Political contributions by owners of polling places prohibited....
17-166 - Penalty. - § 17-166. Penalty. Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under...
17-168 - Crimes Against the Elective Franchise Not Otherwise Provided For. - § 17-168. Crimes against the elective franchise not otherwise provided...
17-170 - Destroying or Delaying Election Returns. - § 17-170. Destroying or delaying election returns. A messenger appointed...
Title 2 - John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of New York
17-200 - Legislative Purpose and Statement of Public Policy. - § 17-200. Legislative purpose and statement of public policy. In...
17-202 - Interpretation of Laws Related to the Elective Franchise. - § 17-202. Interpretation of laws related to the elective franchise....
17-204 - Definitions. - § 17-204. Definitions. For the purposes of this title: 1....
17-206 - Prohibitions on Voter Disfranchisement. - (b) A violation of paragraph (a) of this subdivision shall...
17-208 - Assistance for Language-Minority Groups. - (a) more than two percent, but in no instance fewer...
17-210 - Preclearance. - (a) Method of election; (b) Form of government; (c) Annexation...
17-212 - Prohibition Against Voter Intimidation, Deception or Obstruction. - (b) A violation of paragraph (a) this subdivision shall be...
17-214 - Authority to Issue Subpoenas. - § 17-214. Authority to issue subpoenas. In any action or...
17-216 - Expedited Judicial Proceedings and Preliminary Relief. - § 17-216. Expedited judicial proceedings and preliminary relief. Because of...
17-218 - Attorneys' Fees. - § 17-218. Attorneys' fees. In any action to enforce any...
17-220 - Applicability. - § 17-220. Applicability. The provisions of this title shall apply...
17-222 - Severability. - § 17-222. Severability. If any provision of this title or...