ยง 17-120. Misconduct in relation to certificate of nomination and
official ballot. A person who:
1. Falsely makes or makes oath to, or fraudulently defaces or destroys
a certificate of nomination or any part thereof; or,
2. Files or receives for filing a certifiate of nomination, knowing
that any part thereof was falsely made; or,
3. Suppresses a certificate of nomination which has been duly filed,
or any part thereof; or,
4. Forges or falsely makes the official indorsement of any ballot; or,
5. Having charge of official ballots, destroys, conceals or suppresses
them, except as provided by the law. is guilty of a felony.
Structure New York Laws
Article 17 - Protecting the Elective Franchise
Title 1 - Violations of the Elective Franchise
17-106 - Misconduct of Election Officers.
17-108 - False Affidavits; Mutilation, Destruction or Loss of Registry List or Affidavits.
17-110 - Misdemeanors Concerning Police Commissioners or Officers or Members of Any Police Force.
17-112 - Soliciting Media Support.
17-114 - Failure to Furnish Information; False Information.
17-118 - Refusal to Permit Employees to Attend Election.
17-120 - Misconduct in Relation to Certificate of Nomination and Official Ballot.
17-122 - Misconduct in Relation to Petitions.
17-124 - Failure to Deliver Official Ballots.
17-126 - Misconduct of Election Officers.
17-128 - Violations of Election Law by Public Officer or Employee.
17-130 - Misdemeanor in Relation to Elections.
17-134 - Unlawful Use of Pasters.
17-136 - False Returns; Unlawful Acts Respecting Returns.
17-140 - Furnishing Money or Entertainment to Induce Attendance at Polls.
17-142 - Giving Consideration for Franchise.
17-144 - Receiving Consideration for Franchise.
17-146 - Offender a Competent Witness; Witnesses' Immunity.
17-148 - Bribery or Intimidation of Elector in Military Service of United States.
17-150 - Duress and Intimidation of Voters.
17-152 - Conspiracy to Promote or Prevent Election.
17-154 - Pernicious Political Activities.
17-156 - Political Assessments.
17-160 - Procuring Fraudulent Documents in Order to Vote.
17-162 - Judicial Candidates Not to Contribute.
17-164 - Political Contributions by Owners of Polling Places Prohibited.
17-168 - Crimes Against the Elective Franchise Not Otherwise Provided For.