New York Laws
Title 1 - Violations of the Elective Franchise
17-154 - Pernicious Political Activities.

ยง 17-154. Pernicious political activities. It shall be unlawful for
any person to: 1. Intimidate, threaten or coerce, or to attempt to
intimidate, threaten or coerce, any other person for the purpose of
interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he
may choose, or for the purpose of causing such other person to vote for,
or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of governor,
lieutenant-governor, attorney-general, comptroller, judge of any court,
member of the senate, or member of the assembly at any election held
solely or in part for the purpose of selecting a governor,
lieutenant-governor, attorney-general, comptroller, any judge or any
member of the senate or any member of the assembly; or,

2. Directly or indirectly, promise any employment, position, work,
compensation, or other benefit, provided for or made possible in whole
or in part by any act of congress or of the legislature appropriating
funds for work relief or relief purposes, to any person as
consideration, favor or reward for any political activity or for the
support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party in any
nominating convention or in any election; or,

3. Deprive, attempt to deprive or threaten to deprive, by any means,
any person of any employment, position, work, compensation or other
benefit provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any act of
congress or of the legislature appropriating funds for the work relief
or relief purposes, on account of any political activity or on account
of support for or opposition to any candidate or any political party in
any nominating convention or election; or

4. Solicit or receive or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or
receiving any assessment, subscription or contribution for any political
purpose whatever from any person known by him to be entitled to or
receiving compensation, employment or other benefit provided for or made
possible by any act of congress or of the legislature appropriating, or
authorizing the appropriation of, funds for work relief or relief
purposes; or

5. Furnish or to disclose, or to aid or assist in furnishing or
disclosing, any list or names of persons receiving compensation,
employment or benefits provided for or made possible by any act of
congress or of the legislature appropriating or authorizing the
appropriation of, funds for work relief or relief purposes, to a
political candidate, committee, campaign manager, or to any person for
delivery to a political candidate, committee or campaign manager, and it
shall be unlawful for any person to receive any such list or names for
political purposes.

No part of any appropriation made by any act of congress or of the
legislature, heretofore or hereafter enacted, making appropriations for
work relief, relief, or otherwise to increase employment by providing
loans and grants for public works projects, shall be used, and no
authority conferred by any such act upon any person shall be exercised
or administered, for the purpose of interfering with, restraining or
coercing any individual in the exercise of his right to vote and to vote
as he may choose at any election.

Any person who violates any of the foregoing provisions of this
section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

ELN - Election

Article 17 - Protecting the Elective Franchise

Title 1 - Violations of the Elective Franchise

17-100 - Definitions.

17-102 - Misdemeanors At, or in Connection With, Primary Elections, Caucuses, Enrollment in Political Parties, Committees, and Conventions.

17-104 - False Registration.

17-106 - Misconduct of Election Officers.

17-108 - False Affidavits; Mutilation, Destruction or Loss of Registry List or Affidavits.

17-110 - Misdemeanors Concerning Police Commissioners or Officers or Members of Any Police Force.

17-112 - Soliciting Media Support.

17-114 - Failure to Furnish Information; False Information.

17-116 - Removal, Mutilation or Destruction of Election Booths, Supplies, Poll-Lists or Cards of Instruction.

17-118 - Refusal to Permit Employees to Attend Election.

17-120 - Misconduct in Relation to Certificate of Nomination and Official Ballot.

17-122 - Misconduct in Relation to Petitions.

17-124 - Failure to Deliver Official Ballots.

17-126 - Misconduct of Election Officers.

17-128 - Violations of Election Law by Public Officer or Employee.

17-130 - Misdemeanor in Relation to Elections.

17-132 - Illegal Voting.

17-134 - Unlawful Use of Pasters.

17-136 - False Returns; Unlawful Acts Respecting Returns.

17-140 - Furnishing Money or Entertainment to Induce Attendance at Polls.

17-142 - Giving Consideration for Franchise.

17-144 - Receiving Consideration for Franchise.

17-146 - Offender a Competent Witness; Witnesses' Immunity.

17-148 - Bribery or Intimidation of Elector in Military Service of United States.

17-150 - Duress and Intimidation of Voters.

17-152 - Conspiracy to Promote or Prevent Election.

17-154 - Pernicious Political Activities.

17-156 - Political Assessments.

17-160 - Procuring Fraudulent Documents in Order to Vote.

17-162 - Judicial Candidates Not to Contribute.

17-164 - Political Contributions by Owners of Polling Places Prohibited.

17-166 - Penalty.

17-168 - Crimes Against the Elective Franchise Not Otherwise Provided For.

17-170 - Destroying or Delaying Election Returns.