ยง 17-128. Violations of election law by public officer or employee. A
public officer or employee who knowingly and wilfully omits, refuses or
neglects to perform any act required of him by this chapter or who
knowingly and wilfully refuses to permit the doing of any act authorized
by this chapter or who knowingly and wilfully hinders or delays or
attempts to hinder or delay the performance of such an act is, if not
otherwise provided by law, guilty of a felony.
Structure New York Laws
Article 17 - Protecting the Elective Franchise
Title 1 - Violations of the Elective Franchise
17-106 - Misconduct of Election Officers.
17-108 - False Affidavits; Mutilation, Destruction or Loss of Registry List or Affidavits.
17-110 - Misdemeanors Concerning Police Commissioners or Officers or Members of Any Police Force.
17-112 - Soliciting Media Support.
17-114 - Failure to Furnish Information; False Information.
17-118 - Refusal to Permit Employees to Attend Election.
17-120 - Misconduct in Relation to Certificate of Nomination and Official Ballot.
17-122 - Misconduct in Relation to Petitions.
17-124 - Failure to Deliver Official Ballots.
17-126 - Misconduct of Election Officers.
17-128 - Violations of Election Law by Public Officer or Employee.
17-130 - Misdemeanor in Relation to Elections.
17-134 - Unlawful Use of Pasters.
17-136 - False Returns; Unlawful Acts Respecting Returns.
17-140 - Furnishing Money or Entertainment to Induce Attendance at Polls.
17-142 - Giving Consideration for Franchise.
17-144 - Receiving Consideration for Franchise.
17-146 - Offender a Competent Witness; Witnesses' Immunity.
17-148 - Bribery or Intimidation of Elector in Military Service of United States.
17-150 - Duress and Intimidation of Voters.
17-152 - Conspiracy to Promote or Prevent Election.
17-154 - Pernicious Political Activities.
17-156 - Political Assessments.
17-160 - Procuring Fraudulent Documents in Order to Vote.
17-162 - Judicial Candidates Not to Contribute.
17-164 - Political Contributions by Owners of Polling Places Prohibited.
17-168 - Crimes Against the Elective Franchise Not Otherwise Provided For.