New York Laws
Article 4 - Appellate Division
99-A - Appointment of Employees of Appellate Divisions in the Third and Fourth Departments.

ยง 99-a. Appointment of employees of appellate divisions in the third
and fourth departments. The justices of the appellate division of the
supreme court in the third and fourth departments, or a majority of
them, are authorized to appoint and at pleasure remove not more than two
additional employees, than are employed at the time this act takes
effect, to prescribe the duties and fix the salaries thereof. Except as
provided in the state finance law, such salaries shall be certified by
the appropriate presiding justice of each such appellate division to the
state comptroller who shall audit the same. The state department of
taxation and finance shall pay such salaries in equal semi-monthly
instalments, and shall apportion the total amount thereof among the
counties comprising the appropriate judicial department. Such counties
shall reimburse the state for such salaries. The time and method of such
apportionment and the time and method of such reimbursement shall be as
specified in section seventy-four of this chapter.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

JUD - Judiciary

Article 4 - Appellate Division

70 - Judicial Departments.

71 - Designations by Governor of Justices of Appellate Division.

72 - Revocation of Designation of Justice of Appellate Division.

75 - Location of Appellate Court in Each Department.

76 - Appellate Division May Compel Sheriff to Attend to Room in Which Court Is Held.

77 - Courthouse of Appellate Division in First Department.

78 - Justices of Appellate Division in First Department May Make Rules for Management of Law Libraries and Court-Houses of Appellate Division and Supreme C

79 - Appointment of Terms of Appellate Division in Each Department.

80 - Time for Appointment of Terms of Appellate Division in the First Department.

81 - Associate Justice of Appellate Division to Preside in Absence of Presiding Justice.

82 - Quorum and Number Necessary to a Sitting and Decision of Appellate Division.

85 - Power of Appellate Division as to Calendars and Administration of Justice.

86 - Designation by Appellate Division of Special and Trial Terms of the Supreme Court.

88 - Designation by Presiding Justice of Appellate Division of Justice to Hold Term of Supreme Court.

89 - Disposition of Records, Books and Papers; Rules.

90 - Admission to and Removal From Practice by Appellate Division; Character Committees.

91 - Designation and Compensation of Papers in First, Second, Tenth and Eleventh Judicial Districts for Publication of Calendars and Notices.

92 - General Powers Conferred Upon Presiding Justice and Appellate Division in First Department.

93 - Appointment of Clerks and Deputy Clerks of the Appellate Divisions.

94 - Appointment of Clerical and Other Assistants of Appellate Division in First Department.

95 - Appointment of Clerical and Other Assistants of Appellate Division in Second Department.

97 - Appointment of Consultation Clerks in Third and Fourth Departments.

98 - Appointment of Confidential Stenographer and Assistant Deputy Clerk in Third and Fourth Judicial Departments.

99 - Appointment of Attendants by Justices of the Appellate Division.

99-A - Appointment of Employees of Appellate Divisions in the Third and Fourth Departments.

100 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division of First Department to Appoint Confidential Clerk of the Appellate Term.

101 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division of Second Department to Appoint Clerical and Other Personnel of the Appellate Term.

102 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Appoint Special Deputy Clerks for Each Part or Term of the Supreme Court in the First J

103 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Designate Supreme Court Jury Clerk.

104 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Appoint Stenographers for the Supreme Court.

105 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Appoint Typists.

106 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Appoint Interpreters for Supreme Court.

107 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Regulate Attendance and Duties of Officers of Supreme Court in First District.

108 - Retirement of Officers and Employees by the Justices of the Appellate Division, First Department.

109 - Appointment of a Calendar Clerk in the Ninth Judicial District.