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70 - Judicial Departments. - § 70. Judicial departments. The state is hereby divided into...
71 - Designations by Governor of Justices of Appellate Division. - § 71. Designations by governor of justices of appellate division....
72 - Revocation of Designation of Justice of Appellate Division. - § 72. Revocation of designation of justice of appellate division....
75 - Location of Appellate Court in Each Department. - § 75. Location of appellate court in each department. The...
76 - Appellate Division May Compel Sheriff to Attend to Room in Which Court Is Held. - § 76. Appellate division may compel sheriff to attend to...
77 - Courthouse of Appellate Division in First Department. - § 77. Courthouse of appellate division in first department. The...
78 - Justices of Appellate Division in First Department May Make Rules for Management of Law Libraries and Court-Houses of Appellate Division and Supreme C - § 78. Justices of appellate division in first department may...
79 - Appointment of Terms of Appellate Division in Each Department. - § 79. Appointment of terms of appellate division in each...
80 - Time for Appointment of Terms of Appellate Division in the First Department. - § 80. Time for appointment of terms of appellate division...
81 - Associate Justice of Appellate Division to Preside in Absence of Presiding Justice. - § 81. Associate justice of appellate division to preside in...
82 - Quorum and Number Necessary to a Sitting and Decision of Appellate Division. - § 82. Quorum and number necessary to a sitting and...
85 - Power of Appellate Division as to Calendars and Administration of Justice. - § 85. Power of appellate division as to calendars and...
86 - Designation by Appellate Division of Special and Trial Terms of the Supreme Court. - § 86. Designation by appellate division of special and trial...
88 - Designation by Presiding Justice of Appellate Division of Justice to Hold Term of Supreme Court. - § 88. Designation by presiding justice of appellate division of...
89 - Disposition of Records, Books and Papers; Rules. - § 89. Disposition of records, books and papers; rules. 1....
90 - Admission to and Removal From Practice by Appellate Division; Character Committees. - § 90. Admission to and removal from practice by appellate...
91 - Designation and Compensation of Papers in First, Second, Tenth and Eleventh Judicial Districts for Publication of Calendars and Notices. - § 91. Designation and compensation of papers in first, second,...
92 - General Powers Conferred Upon Presiding Justice and Appellate Division in First Department. - § 92. General powers conferred upon presiding justice and appellate...
93 - Appointment of Clerks and Deputy Clerks of the Appellate Divisions. - § 93. Appointment of clerks and deputy clerks of the...
94 - Appointment of Clerical and Other Assistants of Appellate Division in First Department. - § 94. Appointment of clerical and other assistants of appellate...
95 - Appointment of Clerical and Other Assistants of Appellate Division in Second Department. - § 95. Appointment of clerical and other assistants of appellate...
97 - Appointment of Consultation Clerks in Third and Fourth Departments. - § 97. Appointment of consultation clerks in third and fourth...
98 - Appointment of Confidential Stenographer and Assistant Deputy Clerk in Third and Fourth Judicial Departments. - § 98. Appointment of confidential stenographer and assistant deputy clerk...
99 - Appointment of Attendants by Justices of the Appellate Division. - § 99. Appointment of attendants by justices of the appellate...
99-A - Appointment of Employees of Appellate Divisions in the Third and Fourth Departments. - § 99-a. Appointment of employees of appellate divisions in the...
100 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division of First Department to Appoint Confidential Clerk of the Appellate Term. - § 100. Power of justices of appellate division of first...
101 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division of Second Department to Appoint Clerical and Other Personnel of the Appellate Term. - § 101. Power of justices of appellate division of second...
102 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Appoint Special Deputy Clerks for Each Part or Term of the Supreme Court in the First J - § 102. Power of justices of appellate division in first...
103 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Designate Supreme Court Jury Clerk. - § 103. Power of justices of appellate division in first...
104 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Appoint Stenographers for the Supreme Court. - § 104. Power of justices of appellate division in first...
105 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Appoint Typists. - § 105. Power of justices of appellate division in first...
106 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Appoint Interpreters for Supreme Court. - § 106. Power of justices of appellate division in first...
107 - Power of Justices of Appellate Division in First Department to Regulate Attendance and Duties of Officers of Supreme Court in First District. - § 107. Power of justices of appellate division in first...
108 - Retirement of Officers and Employees by the Justices of the Appellate Division, First Department. - § 108. Retirement of officers and employees by the justices...
109 - Appointment of a Calendar Clerk in the Ninth Judicial District. - § 109. Appointment of a calendar clerk in the ninth...