§ 203. Right of representation. Public employees shall have the right
to be represented by employee organizations, to negotiate collectively
with their public employers in the determination of their terms and
conditions of employment, and the administration of grievances arising
Structure New York Laws
Article 14 - Public Employees' Fair Employment Act
203 - Right of Representation.
204 - Recognition and Certification of Employee Organizations.
204-A - Agreements Between Public Employers and Employee Organizations.
205 - Public Employment Relations Board.
206 - Procedures for Determination of Representation Status of Local Employees.
207 - Determination of Representation Status.
208 - Rights Accompanying Certification or Recognition.
209 - Resolution of Disputes in the Course of Collective Negotiations.
209-A - Improper Employer Practices; Improper Employee Organization Practices; Application.
211 - Application for Injunctive Relief.
212 - Local Government Procedures.
213 - Judicial Review and Enforcement.
214 - Management and Confidential Employees; Membership and Office in Employee Organizations.