New York Laws
Article 12 - District and Special Improvements
192 - Maps and Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage and Water Districts.

ยง 192. Maps and plans for sewer, wastewater disposal, drainage and
water districts. Every petition for the establishment or extension of a
sewer, wastewater disposal, drainage or water district shall be
accompanied by a map and plan prepared by a competent engineer, duly
licensed by the state of New York, showing the boundaries of the
proposed district and a general plan of the proposed sewer, wastewater
disposal, drainage or water system, as the case may be. If a sewer or
drainage district is proposed, such map shall show all outlets and the
terminus and course of each proposed main sewer or drain together with
the location and a general description of all sewage disposal plants,
pumping stations and other public works, if any, and shall be consistent
with, so far as possible, any comprehensive plan for sewers developed
and maintained pursuant to section ninety-nine-f of the general
municipal law. If a water district is proposed, said map and plan shall
show the source of water supply and a description of the lands, streams,
water or water rights to be acquired therefor, the mode of constructing
the proposed water works and the location thereof, including reservoirs,
water purification or treatment works, water mains, distributing pipes
and hydrants, and shall be consistent with, so far as possible, any
comprehensive plan for public water supply systems developed and
maintained pursuant to section ninety-nine-f of the general municipal
law. If, however, the petition shall specify that the supply of water to
be used in said water district shall be purchased from a municipal or
other corporation, or any person, then said map and plan shall set forth
and show only the water mains, distributing pipes, hydrants, reservoirs,
if any, and location of each. Before any sewer system is constructed in
any such district, the town board shall cause a copy of the map and plan
of the proposed sewer system and sewage disposal plant or proposed
extension thereto to be submitted to the state department of health,
and, if approved, it shall be filed in the office of the state
department of health and the town clerk. The state department of health
may require profiles to be submitted for any sewers or drains shown on
such map and plan. Such map and plan may be amended with the approval of
the state department of health, and if approved, it shall be filed in
the office of the state department of health and the town clerk.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

TWN - Town

Article 12 - District and Special Improvements

190 - Establishment or Extension of Improvement Districts.

190-A - Water Storage and Distribution Districts.

190-B - Sewage Disposal Districts.

190-C - Preparation of Maps and Plans.

190-D - Procedure for Establishment of a Sewage Disposal District.

190-E - Wastewater Disposal Districts.

190-F - Additional Powers of Sewer Districts.

190-G - Water Quality Treatment Districts.

191 - Petition.

191-A - Preparation of Maps and Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage and Water Districts Before Petition.

192 - Maps and Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage and Water Districts.

192-A - Provision for Excess Sewer, Drainage or Water Facilities.

193 - Notice of Hearing on Petition; Cost to Typical Property; Definitions.

194 - Establishment or Extension of Districts.

194-A - Powers of Town Boards With Respect to Certain Contracts.

195 - Recording of Determination; Review by Certiorari.

196 - Modification of Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage, Water or Water Quality Treatment Districts.

197 - Performance of the Work.

197-A - Contracts by Water Districts or Town Water Storage and Distribution Districts With Water Authorities.

198 - Powers of Town Boards With Respect to Improvement Districts.

198-A - Special Districts for Disposal of Duck Waste in Suffolk County.

199 - Proceedings for Lateral Sewers, Drains or Water Mains.

200 - Petition for Street Improvement and Proceedings Thereon.

200-A - Construction and Repair of Sidewalks Pursuant to Order of Town Board.

201 - Sewer and Water Connections.

202 - Expenses of Improvement; How Raised.

202-A - Expense of Maintenance.

202-B - Increase or Improvement of Facilities.

202-C - Dissolution and Diminishing Area of Certain Districts.

202-D - Increase of Maximum Amount to Be Expended.

202-E - Acquisition and Improvement of Additional Property in Park Districts.

202-F - Construction or Installation of Certain Improvements in State Highways and County Roads.

203 - Existing Districts Preserved.

204 - Transition to Benefit Basis Levy of Assessments in Existing Lighting Districts.

207 - Re-Establishment of Certain Water Supply Districts as Water Districts.

208 - Joint Administration and Operation of Special or Improvement Districts With Town Functions.

208-A - Acquisition of Land for Proposed District.

208-B - Dissolution of Lighting or Public Parking Districts; Town of Oyster Bay.