New York Laws
Article 12 - District and Special Improvements
190 - Establishment or Extension of Improvement Districts.

ยง 190. Establishment or extension of improvement districts. Upon a
petition as hereinafter provided, the town board of any town may
establish or extend in said town a sewer, drainage, water, water quality
treatment, park, public parking, lighting, snow removal, water supply,
sidewalk, a fallout shelter district or refuse and garbage district,
aquatic plant growth control district, ambulance district, watershed
protection improvement district, and in any town bordering upon or
containing within its boundaries any navigable waters of this state, a
harbor improvement district, a public dock district, or beach erosion
control district, and provide improvements or services, or both, in any
such district, wholly at the expense of the district; but no water
supply district shall be established or extended to include lands
situate within the boundaries of a water district. No such district
shall be established or extended in a city or in an incorporated village
provided, however, that such a district may be established or extended
wholly or partly within an incorporated village on consent of the
village expressed in a local law, ordinance or resolution, subject to a
referendum on petition under section twenty-four of the municipal home
rule law or a permissive referendum under article nine of the village
law, as the case may be, and except, in the case of a water quality
treatment district, on consent of a village expressed in a local law or
by resolution of the board of trustees and not subject to any

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

TWN - Town

Article 12 - District and Special Improvements

190 - Establishment or Extension of Improvement Districts.

190-A - Water Storage and Distribution Districts.

190-B - Sewage Disposal Districts.

190-C - Preparation of Maps and Plans.

190-D - Procedure for Establishment of a Sewage Disposal District.

190-E - Wastewater Disposal Districts.

190-F - Additional Powers of Sewer Districts.

190-G - Water Quality Treatment Districts.

191 - Petition.

191-A - Preparation of Maps and Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage and Water Districts Before Petition.

192 - Maps and Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage and Water Districts.

192-A - Provision for Excess Sewer, Drainage or Water Facilities.

193 - Notice of Hearing on Petition; Cost to Typical Property; Definitions.

194 - Establishment or Extension of Districts.

194-A - Powers of Town Boards With Respect to Certain Contracts.

195 - Recording of Determination; Review by Certiorari.

196 - Modification of Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage, Water or Water Quality Treatment Districts.

197 - Performance of the Work.

197-A - Contracts by Water Districts or Town Water Storage and Distribution Districts With Water Authorities.

198 - Powers of Town Boards With Respect to Improvement Districts.

198-A - Special Districts for Disposal of Duck Waste in Suffolk County.

199 - Proceedings for Lateral Sewers, Drains or Water Mains.

200 - Petition for Street Improvement and Proceedings Thereon.

200-A - Construction and Repair of Sidewalks Pursuant to Order of Town Board.

201 - Sewer and Water Connections.

202 - Expenses of Improvement; How Raised.

202-A - Expense of Maintenance.

202-B - Increase or Improvement of Facilities.

202-C - Dissolution and Diminishing Area of Certain Districts.

202-D - Increase of Maximum Amount to Be Expended.

202-E - Acquisition and Improvement of Additional Property in Park Districts.

202-F - Construction or Installation of Certain Improvements in State Highways and County Roads.

203 - Existing Districts Preserved.

204 - Transition to Benefit Basis Levy of Assessments in Existing Lighting Districts.

207 - Re-Establishment of Certain Water Supply Districts as Water Districts.

208 - Joint Administration and Operation of Special or Improvement Districts With Town Functions.

208-A - Acquisition of Land for Proposed District.

208-B - Dissolution of Lighting or Public Parking Districts; Town of Oyster Bay.