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190 - Establishment or Extension of Improvement Districts. - § 190. Establishment or extension of improvement districts. Upon a...
190-A - Water Storage and Distribution Districts. - § 190-a. Water storage and distribution districts. In the manner...
190-B - Sewage Disposal Districts. - § 190-b. Sewage disposal districts. In the manner hereinafter provided,...
190-C - Preparation of Maps and Plans. - § 190-c. Preparation of maps and plans. 1. Upon a...
190-D - Procedure for Establishment of a Sewage Disposal District. - § 190-d. Procedure for establishment of a sewage disposal district....
190-E - Wastewater Disposal Districts. - § 190-e. Wastewater disposal districts. 1. The town board of...
190-F - Additional Powers of Sewer Districts. - § 190-f. Additional powers of sewer districts. Notwithstanding any other...
190-G - Water Quality Treatment Districts. - § 190-g. Water quality treatment districts. 1. The town board...
191 - Petition. - § 191. Petition. Except as otherwise provided in the case...
191-A - Preparation of Maps and Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage and Water Districts Before Petition. - § 191-a. Preparation of maps and plans for sewer, wastewater...
192 - Maps and Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage and Water Districts. - § 192. Maps and plans for sewer, wastewater disposal, drainage...
192-A - Provision for Excess Sewer, Drainage or Water Facilities. - § 192-a. Provision for excess sewer, drainage or water facilities....
193 - Notice of Hearing on Petition; Cost to Typical Property; Definitions. - (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph one of this paragraph,...
194 - Establishment or Extension of Districts. - (b) whether all the property and property owners within the...
194-A - Powers of Town Boards With Respect to Certain Contracts. - § 194-a. Powers of town boards with respect to certain...
195 - Recording of Determination; Review by Certiorari. - § 195. Recording of determination; review by certiorari. 1. The...
196 - Modification of Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage, Water or Water Quality Treatment Districts. - § 196. Modification of plans for sewer, wastewater disposal, drainage,...
197 - Performance of the Work. - § 197. Performance of the work. If the town board...
197-A - Contracts by Water Districts or Town Water Storage and Distribution Districts With Water Authorities. - § 197-a. Contracts by water districts or town water storage...
198 - Powers of Town Boards With Respect to Improvement Districts. - (b) contract with any person or corporation, municipal or otherwise,...
198-A - Special Districts for Disposal of Duck Waste in Suffolk County. - § 198-a. Special districts for disposal of duck waste in...
199 - Proceedings for Lateral Sewers, Drains or Water Mains. - (a) May construct lateral sewers, drains or water mains, respectively,...
200 - Petition for Street Improvement and Proceedings Thereon. - § 200. Petition for street improvement and proceedings thereon. 1....
200-A - Construction and Repair of Sidewalks Pursuant to Order of Town Board. - § 200-a. Construction and repair of sidewalks pursuant to order...
201 - Sewer and Water Connections. - § 201. Sewer and water connections. Whenever the town board...
202 - Expenses of Improvement; How Raised. - § 202. Expenses of improvement; how raised. 1. The expense...
202-A - Expense of Maintenance. - § 202-a. Expense of maintenance. After the improvement is constructed...
202-B - Increase or Improvement of Facilities. - § 202-b. Increase or improvement of facilities. 1. Whenever it...
202-C - Dissolution and Diminishing Area of Certain Districts. - (b) The lands authorized to be deleted from the Westerlo...
202-D - Increase of Maximum Amount to Be Expended. - § 202-d. Increase of maximum amount to be expended. 1....
202-E - Acquisition and Improvement of Additional Property in Park Districts. - § 202-e. Acquisition and improvement of additional property in park...
202-F - Construction or Installation of Certain Improvements in State Highways and County Roads. - § 202-f. Construction or installation of certain improvements in state...
203 - Existing Districts Preserved. - § 203. Existing districts preserved. Districts now existing shall continue...
204 - Transition to Benefit Basis Levy of Assessments in Existing Lighting Districts. - (b) If such petition was filed and after the referendum...
207 - Re-Establishment of Certain Water Supply Districts as Water Districts. - § 207. Re-establishment of certain water supply districts as water...
208 - Joint Administration and Operation of Special or Improvement Districts With Town Functions. - § 208. Joint administration and operation of special or improvement...
208-A - Acquisition of Land for Proposed District. - § 208-a. Acquisition of land for proposed district. Upon the...
208-B - Dissolution of Lighting or Public Parking Districts; Town of Oyster Bay. - § 208-b. Dissolution of lighting or public parking districts; town...