ยง 190-d. Procedure for establishment of a sewage disposal district.
All of the provisions of section one hundred ninety-c of this chapter,
relating to the preparation of maps and plans and establishment of a
water storage and distribution district, shall apply to the preparation
of maps and plans and establishment of a sewage disposal district,
except that in the case of a sewage disposal district, the map and plan
shall show the mode of constructing the proposed sewer facilities and
the location thereof, including trunk, interceptor and outfall sewers,
pumping stations and sewage treatment and disposal works.
Structure New York Laws
Article 12 - District and Special Improvements
190 - Establishment or Extension of Improvement Districts.
190-A - Water Storage and Distribution Districts.
190-B - Sewage Disposal Districts.
190-C - Preparation of Maps and Plans.
190-D - Procedure for Establishment of a Sewage Disposal District.
190-E - Wastewater Disposal Districts.
190-F - Additional Powers of Sewer Districts.
190-G - Water Quality Treatment Districts.
192 - Maps and Plans for Sewer, Wastewater Disposal, Drainage and Water Districts.
192-A - Provision for Excess Sewer, Drainage or Water Facilities.
193 - Notice of Hearing on Petition; Cost to Typical Property; Definitions.
194 - Establishment or Extension of Districts.
194-A - Powers of Town Boards With Respect to Certain Contracts.
195 - Recording of Determination; Review by Certiorari.
197 - Performance of the Work.
198 - Powers of Town Boards With Respect to Improvement Districts.
198-A - Special Districts for Disposal of Duck Waste in Suffolk County.
199 - Proceedings for Lateral Sewers, Drains or Water Mains.
200 - Petition for Street Improvement and Proceedings Thereon.
200-A - Construction and Repair of Sidewalks Pursuant to Order of Town Board.
201 - Sewer and Water Connections.
202 - Expenses of Improvement; How Raised.
202-A - Expense of Maintenance.
202-B - Increase or Improvement of Facilities.
202-C - Dissolution and Diminishing Area of Certain Districts.
202-D - Increase of Maximum Amount to Be Expended.
202-E - Acquisition and Improvement of Additional Property in Park Districts.
202-F - Construction or Installation of Certain Improvements in State Highways and County Roads.
203 - Existing Districts Preserved.
204 - Transition to Benefit Basis Levy of Assessments in Existing Lighting Districts.
207 - Re-Establishment of Certain Water Supply Districts as Water Districts.
208 - Joint Administration and Operation of Special or Improvement Districts With Town Functions.
208-A - Acquisition of Land for Proposed District.
208-B - Dissolution of Lighting or Public Parking Districts; Town of Oyster Bay.