A. If the director determines, upon receipt of any information, that:
(1) the presence of any hazardous waste at a facility or site at which hazardous waste is or has been stored, treated or disposed of; or
(2) the release of any such waste from such facility or site may present a substantial hazard to human health or the environment, he may issue an order requiring the owner or operator of such facility to conduct such monitoring, testing, analysis and reporting with respect to such facility or site as the director deems reasonable to ascertain the nature and extent of such hazard.
B. In the case of any facility or site not in operation at the time a determination is made under Subsection A of this section with respect to the facility or site, if the director finds that the owner of such facility or site could not reasonably be expected to have actual knowledge of the presence of hazardous waste at such facility or site and of its potential for release, the director may issue an order requiring the most recent previous owner or operator of such facility or site who could reasonably be expected to have actual knowledge to carry out the provisions referred to in Subsection A of this section.
C. Any order under Subsection A or B of this section shall require the person to whom such order is issued to submit to the director, within thirty days from the issuance of such order, a proposal for carrying out the required monitoring, testing, analysis and reporting. The director may, after providing such person with an opportunity to confer with the director respecting such proposal, require such person to carry out such monitoring, testing, analysis and reporting in accordance with such proposal and such modifications in such proposal as the director deems reasonable to ascertain the nature and extent of the hazard.
D. (1) If the director determines that no owner or operator referred to in Subsection A or B of this section is able to conduct monitoring, testing, analysis or reporting satisfactory to the director, if the director deems any such action carried out by an owner or operator to be unsatisfactory or if the director cannot initially determine that there is an owner or operator referred to in Subsection A or B of this section who is able to conduct such monitoring, testing, analysis or reporting, the division may:
(a) conduct monitoring, testing or analysis, or any combination thereof, which he deems reasonable to ascertain the nature and extent of the hazard associated with the site concerned; or
(b) authorize a local authority or other person to carry out any such action; and
(c) in either event the director may require, by order, the owner or operator referred to in Subsection A or B of this section to reimburse the division or other authority or person for the costs of such activity. Any reimbursement to the division pursuant to this subparagraph shall be deposited to the credit of the hazardous waste fund.
(2) No order may be issued under this subsection requiring reimbursement of the costs of any action carried out by the division which confirms the results of an order issued under Subsection A or B of this section.
(3) For purposes of carrying out this subsection, the director or any authority or other person authorized under Paragraph (1) of this subsection may exercise the authorities set forth in Section 74-4-4.3 NMSA 1978.
E. The director may commence a civil action against any person who fails or refuses to comply with an order issued under this section. Such action shall be brought in the district court of the county in which the defendant is located, resides or is doing business. Such court shall have jurisdiction to require compliance with such order and to assess a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each day during which such failure or refusal occurs.
History: 1978 Comp., § 74-4-10.1, enacted by Laws 1989, ch. 322, § 13.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 74 - Environmental Improvement
Section 74-4-3.1 - Application of act.
Section 74-4-3.3 - Hazardous wastes of other states.
Section 74-4-4 - Duties and powers of the board.
Section 74-4-4.2 - Permits; issuance; denial; modification; suspension; revocation.
Section 74-4-4.3 - Entry; availability of records.
Section 74-4-4.4 - Storage tanks; registration; installer certification; tester certification; fees.
Section 74-4-4.5 - Hazardous waste fund created; appropriation.
Section 74-4-4.7 - Permit applicant disclosure.
Section 74-4-4.8 - Storage tank fund created; appropriation.
Section 74-4-5 - Adoption of regulations; notice and hearing.
Section 74-4-7 - Containment and cleanup of hazardous substance incidents; division powers.
Section 74-4-8 - Emergency fund.
Section 74-4-9 - Existing hazardous waste facilities; interim status.
Section 74-4-10 - Enforcement; compliance orders; civil penalties.
Section 74-4-10.1 - Hazardous waste monitoring, analysis and testing.
Section 74-4-11 - Penalty; criminal.
Section 74-4-12 - Penalty; civil.
Section 74-4-13 - Imminent hazards; authority of director; penalties.