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Section 74-4-1 - Short title. - Chapter 74, Article 4 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 74-4-2 - Purpose. - The purpose of the Hazardous Waste Act is to help...
Section 74-4-3 - Definitions. - As used in the Hazardous Waste Act: A. "above ground...
Section 74-4-3.1 - Application of act. - Nothing in the Hazardous Waste Act shall be construed to...
Section 74-4-3.2 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1989, ch. 4, § 1 repealed 74-4-3.2...
Section 74-4-3.3 - Hazardous wastes of other states. - In addition to the meaning of hazardous waste as defined...
Section 74-4-4 - Duties and powers of the board. - A. The board shall adopt rules for the management of...
Section 74-4-4.1 - Hazardous agricultural waste; duties and responsibilities of the department of agriculture. - A. The department of agriculture shall be responsible for the...
Section 74-4-4.2 - Permits; issuance; denial; modification; suspension; revocation. - A. An application for a permit pursuant to the Hazardous...
Section 74-4-4.3 - Entry; availability of records. - A. For purposes of developing or assisting in the development...
Section 74-4-4.4 - Storage tanks; registration; installer certification; tester certification; fees. - A. By rule, the board shall require an owner of...
Section 74-4-4.5 - Hazardous waste fund created; appropriation. - A. There is created in the state treasury the "hazardous...
Section 74-4-4.6 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1989, ch. 322, § 17 repealed 74-4-4.6...
Section 74-4-4.7 - Permit applicant disclosure. - A. Every applicant for a permit pursuant to the Hazardous...
Section 74-4-4.8 - Storage tank fund created; appropriation. - A. There is created in the state treasury the "storage...
Section 74-4-5 - Adoption of regulations; notice and hearing. - A. No regulation shall be adopted, amended or repealed until...
Section 74-4-6 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1981 (1st S.S.), ch. 8, § 12,...
Section 74-4-7 - Containment and cleanup of hazardous substance incidents; division powers. - The division may: A. take any action necessary or appropriate...
Section 74-4-8 - Emergency fund. - The "hazardous waste emergency fund" is created in the state...
Section 74-4-9 - Existing hazardous waste facilities; interim status. - Any person owning or operating a hazardous waste facility who...
Section 74-4-10 - Enforcement; compliance orders; civil penalties. - A. Whenever on the basis of any information the secretary...
Section 74-4-10.1 - Hazardous waste monitoring, analysis and testing. - A. If the director determines, upon receipt of any information,...
Section 74-4-11 - Penalty; criminal. - A. No person: (1) shall knowingly transport or cause to...
Section 74-4-12 - Penalty; civil. - Any person who violates any provision of the Hazardous Waste...
Section 74-4-13 - Imminent hazards; authority of director; penalties. - A. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Hazardous Waste Act,...
Section 74-4-14 - Administrative actions; judicial review. - A. Any person who is or may be affected by...