Declarations heretofore filed in substantial compliance with Section 5 [72-12-5 NMSA 1978] hereof shall be recognized as of the same force and effect as if filed after the taking effect of this act [72-12-1 to 72-12-10 NMSA 1978].
History: Laws 1931, ch. 131, § 6; 1941 Comp., § 77-1106; 1953 Comp., § 75-11-6.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 12 - Underground Waters
Section 72-12-1.1 - Underground waters; domestic use; permit.
Section 72-12-1.2 - Underground public waters; livestock well permits.
Section 72-12-1.3 - Underground public waters; temporary uses.
Section 72-12-2 - [Right to use waters.]
Section 72-12-3 - Application for use of underground water; publication of notice; permit.
Section 72-12-3.1 - Certain ground water; finding; grant of permits; stay; exceptions.
Section 72-12-4 - [Existing water rights recognized.]
Section 72-12-5 - [Declaration of beneficial use; verification; recording.]
Section 72-12-6 - [Former declarations valid.]
Section 72-12-7 - Change of location of well; change in use on application; temporary change.
Section 72-12-8 - Water right forfeiture.
Section 72-12-9 - Fees and costs.
Section 72-12-10 - [Appeal to district court.]
Section 72-12-11 - [Violations declared misdemeanors; penalty.]
Section 72-12-12 - License required to drill water well from "underground source.".
Section 72-12-13 - Application; information required; fee; surety bond for drilling operation.
Section 72-12-14 - [Suspension or revocation of license; appeal; damage suits.]
Section 72-12-16 - [Violation of act or rules and regulations; penalty.]
Section 72-12-17 - [Repealing and saving clause; bond; maximum.]
Section 72-12-18 - Underground waters declared to be public.
Section 72-12-20 - When appropriation without permit allowed.
Section 72-12-22 - Replacement well within one hundred feet.
Section 72-12-23 - Replacement well over one hundred feet from original well.
Section 72-12-24 - Supplemental well.
Section 72-12-25 - Declaration of basin; nonpotable deep aquifers.