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Section 72-12-1 - Underground waters declared to be public; applications for livestock watering, domestic and temporary uses of water. - The water of underground streams, channels, artesian basins, reservoirs or...
Section 72-12-1.1 - Underground waters; domestic use; permit. - A person, firm or corporation desiring to use public underground...
Section 72-12-1.2 - Underground public waters; livestock well permits. - A person, firm or corporation desiring to use public underground...
Section 72-12-1.3 - Underground public waters; temporary uses. - If a person, firm, corporation or the state desires to...
Section 72-12-2 - [Right to use waters.] - Beneficial use is the basis, the measure and the limit...
Section 72-12-3 - Application for use of underground water; publication of notice; permit. - A. Any person, firm or corporation or any other entity...
Section 72-12-3.1 - Certain ground water; finding; grant of permits; stay; exceptions. - A. The state of New Mexico recognizes that with respect...
Section 72-12-4 - [Existing water rights recognized.] - Existing water rights based upon application to beneficial use are...
Section 72-12-5 - [Declaration of beneficial use; verification; recording.] - Any person, firm or corporation claiming to be the owner...
Section 72-12-6 - [Former declarations valid.] - Declarations heretofore filed in substantial compliance with Section 5 [72-12-5...
Section 72-12-7 - Change of location of well; change in use on application; temporary change. - A. The owner of a water right may change the...
Section 72-12-8 - Water right forfeiture. - A. When for a period of four years the owner...
Section 72-12-9 - Fees and costs. - The state engineer shall, by regulations, establish the fees to...
Section 72-12-10 - [Appeal to district court.] - The decision of the state engineer shall be final in...
Section 72-12-11 - [Violations declared misdemeanors; penalty.] - That any person using or appropriating water without a permit,...
Section 72-12-12 - License required to drill water well from "underground source.". - It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation...
Section 72-12-13 - Application; information required; fee; surety bond for drilling operation. - Any person desiring to engage in the drilling of one...
Section 72-12-14 - [Suspension or revocation of license; appeal; damage suits.] - Any license issued under the provisions of this act [72-12-12...
Section 72-12-15 - [Unauthorized drilling; illegal application of water; injunction or other relief.] - No person owning or controlling lands shall permit the drilling...
Section 72-12-16 - [Violation of act or rules and regulations; penalty.] - Any person violating any provision of this act [72-12-12 to...
Section 72-12-17 - [Repealing and saving clause; bond; maximum.] - Chapter 149 of the 1947 New Mexico Session Laws, and...
Section 72-12-18 - Underground waters declared to be public. - For the purposes of Sections 72-12-18 through 72-12-21 NMSA 1978,...
Section 72-12-19 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1983, ch. 2, § 7, repeals 72-12-19...
Section 72-12-20 - When appropriation without permit allowed. - No permit and license to appropriate underground waters for in-state...
Section 72-12-21 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1983, ch. 2, § 7, repeals 72-12-21...
Section 72-12-22 - Replacement well within one hundred feet. - A. The owner of a water right may drill and...
Section 72-12-23 - Replacement well over one hundred feet from original well. - A. The owner of a water right may drill and...
Section 72-12-24 - Supplemental well. - A. The owner of a water right may drill and...
Section 72-12-25 - Declaration of basin; nonpotable deep aquifers. - A. An undeclared underground water basin having reasonably ascertainable boundaries...
Section 72-12-26 - [Proposal to drill wells or recomplete existing wells; notice; depth and location.] - Any person proposing to drill wells or recomplete existing wells...
Section 72-12-27 - [Information required by state engineer; metering of water produced; quarterly analysis.] - The state engineer may require pertinent data to be filed...
Section 72-12-28 - [Relief from impairment of existing water rights due to nonpotable water; parties to action.] - Any person may bring an action in the district court...