New Mexico Statutes
Section 66-8-116.3 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; additional fees.

In addition to the penalty assessment established for each penalty assessment misdemeanor, there shall be assessed:
A. in a county without a metropolitan court, twenty dollars ($20.00) to help defray the costs of local government corrections;
B. a court automation fee of ten dollars ($10.00);
C. a traffic safety fee of three dollars ($3.00), which shall be credited to the traffic safety education and enforcement fund;
D. a judicial education fee of three dollars ($3.00), which shall be credited to the judicial education fund;
E. a jury and witness fee of five dollars ($5.00), which shall be credited to the jury and witness fee fund;
F. a juvenile adjudication fee of one dollar ($1.00), which shall be credited to the juvenile adjudication fund;
G. a brain injury services fee of five dollars ($5.00), which shall be credited to the brain injury services fund;
H. a court facilities fee as follows:
in a county with a metropolitan court $24.00;
in any other county 10.00;and
I. until May 31, 2014, a magistrate courts operations fee of four dollars ($4.00), which shall be credited to the magistrate courts operations fund.
History: 1978 Comp., § 66-8-116.3, enacted by Laws 1989, ch. 318, § 35, Laws 1989, ch. 319, § 14 and Laws 1989, ch. 320, § 5; 1990, ch. 57, § 2; 1993, ch. 273, § 6; 1996, ch. 41, § 8; 1997, ch. 242, § 5; 1997, ch. 247, § 2; 1998 (1st S.S.), ch. 6, § 4; 2000, ch. 5, § 7; 2003, ch. 424, § 4; 2009, ch. 244, § 1; 2009, ch. 245, § 5; 2010, ch. 7, § 2; 2011, ch. 173, § 3.
Cross references. — For payment in foreign currency under the Motor Vehicle Code, see 66-6-36 NMSA 1978.
For traffic safety education and enforcement fund, see 66-7-512 NMSA 1978.
For brain injury services fund, see 24-1-24 NMSA 1978.
For the court automated fund, see 34-9-10 NMSA 1978.
The 2011 amendment, effective July 1, 2011, in Subsection A, inserted a comma after "court".
The 2010 amendment, effective May 19, 2010, added Subsection I.
2009 amendments. — Laws 2009, ch. 244, § 1 and Laws 2009, ch. 245, § 5 both amended 66-8-116.3 NMSA 1978. The section is set out as amended by Laws 2009, ch. 245, § 5. See 12-1-8 NMSA 1978.
Laws 2009, ch. 245, § 5, effective July 1, 2009, in Subsection D, changed the fee from $2.00 to $3.00 and added a new Subsection E that provided for a jury and witness fee of $5.00 to be credited to the jury and witness fee fund.
Laws 2009, ch. 244, § 1, effective June 19, 2009, also amended the section as follows: in Subsection D, changed $2.00 to $3.00; and added a new Subsection E that provided for a juvenile adjudication fee of $1.00 to be credited to the juvenile adjudication fund.
The 2003 amendment, effective July 1, 2003, in Subsection A, increased the assessment from ten to twenty dollars; in Subsection D, increased the fee from one dollar to two dollars.
The 2000 amendment, effective February 15, 2000, in Subsection A, inserted "in a county without a metropolitan court" and, in Subsection F, substituted "24.00" for "14.00".
The 1998 amendment, effective July 1, 1998, added Subsection F and made minor related stylistic changes.
The 1997 amendment, effective July 1, 1997, added Subsection E.
The 1996 amendment, effective May 15, 1996, substituted "ten dollars (10.00)" for "three dollars ($3.00)" in Subsection B.
The 1993 amendment, effective July 1, 1993, substituted "fees" for "fee" in the section heading; deleted "a penalty assessment fee of" from the end of the introductory language; and added Subsection D, making related grammatical changes.
The 1990 amendment, effective July 1, 1990, added Subsection C and made a minor stylistic change.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 66 - Motor Vehicles

Article 8 - Crimes, Penalties and Procedure


Section 66-8-101 - Homicide by vehicle; great bodily harm by vehicle.

Section 66-8-101.1 - Injury to pregnant woman by vehicle.

Section 66-8-102 - Driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs; aggravated driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs; penalties.

Section 66-8-102.1 - Guilty pleas; limitations.

Section 66-8-102.2 - Municipal and county ordinances; unlawful alcohol concentration level for driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs.

Section 66-8-102.3 - Imposing a fee; interlock device fund created.

Section 66-8-102.4 - Uniform police reports and procedures for DWI arrests.

Section 66-8-102.5 - Driving while intoxicated with a minor in the vehicle; penalty.

Section 66-8-103 - [Blood-alcohol tests directed by police, judicial or probation officer; persons qualified to perform tests; relief from civil and criminal liability.]

Section 66-8-104 - Blood-alcohol tests; police, judicial or probation officer unauthorized to make arrest or direct test except in performance of official duties authorized by law.

Section 66-8-105 - Implied Consent Act; short title.

Section 66-8-106 - Repealed.

Section 66-8-107 - Implied consent to submit to chemical test.

Section 66-8-108 - Consent of person incapable of refusal not withdrawn.

Section 66-8-109 - Administration of chemical test; payment of costs; additional tests.

Section 66-8-110 - Use of tests in criminal actions or civil actions; levels of intoxication; mandatory charging.

Section 66-8-111 - Refusal to submit to chemical tests; testing; grounds for revocation of license or privilege to drive.

Section 66-8-111.1 - Law enforcement officer agent for department; written notice of revocation and right to hearing.

Section 66-8-112 - Revocation of license or privilege to drive; notice; effective date; hearing; hearing costs; review.

Section 66-8-113 - Reckless driving.

Section 66-8-114 - Careless driving.

Section 66-8-115 - Racing on highways; exception.

Section 66-8-116 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; definition; schedule of assessments.

Section 66-8-116.1 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; oversize load.

Section 66-8-116.2 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; Motor Carrier Act.

Section 66-8-116.3 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; additional fees.

Section 66-8-117 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; option; effect.

Section 66-8-118 - Repealed.

Section 66-8-119 - Penalty assessment revenue; disposition.

Section 66-8-120 - Parties to a crime.

Section 66-8-121 - Offenses by persons owning or controlling vehicles.

Section 66-8-122 - Immediate appearance before magistrate.

Section 66-8-123 - Conduct of arresting officer; notices by citation.

Section 66-8-124 - Arresting officer to be in uniform.

Section 66-8-125 - Arrest without warrant.

Section 66-8-126 - Failure to obey notice to appear.

Section 66-8-127 - Procedure not exclusive.

Section 66-8-128 - Uniform traffic citation.

Section 66-8-129 - Repealed.

Section 66-8-130 - All traffic citations to conform; municipalities may pass ordinance to establish similar program.

Section 66-8-131 - Uniform traffic citation is complaint.

Section 66-8-132 - Records of citations issued.

Section 66-8-133 - Disposition of citations.

Section 66-8-134 - Illegal cancellation; audit of citation records.

Section 66-8-135 - Record of traffic cases.

Section 66-8-136 - Repealed.

Section 66-8-137 - Compensation of judges and officers; defenses to prosecution.

Section 66-8-137.1 - Nonresident Violator Compact; form.

Section 66-8-137.2 - Nonresident Violator Compact; definitions.

Section 66-8-137.3 - Compact administrator; compensation.

Section 66-8-137.4 - Bilateral agreements; noncompact jurisdictions; authority.

Section 66-8-138 - Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages in open containers in a motor vehicle prohibited; exceptions.

Section 66-8-139 - Penalties.

Section 66-8-140 - Repealed.

Section 66-8-141 - Dishonored checks; civil penalty.