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Section 66-8-1 - Fraudulent applications. - Any person who fraudulently uses a false or fictitious name...
Section 66-8-1.1 - Fraud related to the issuance of documents by the department; penalties. - A. It is a felony for a department employee or...
Section 66-8-2 - Improper use of evidences of registration. - No person shall lend to another any certificate of title,...
Section 66-8-3 - False evidences of title and registration. - It is a felony for any person to commit any...
Section 66-8-3.1 - Motor vehicle brokering; exceptions. - A. No person shall broker a motor vehicle unless: (1)...
Section 66-8-4 - Authority of division to suspend or revoke a registration. - The division may suspend or revoke the registration of a...
Section 66-8-5 - Suspending or revoking certificate or special plates of a manufacturer, dealer or auto recycler. - The division may suspend or revoke a certificate or the...
Section 66-8-6 - Owner to return evidences of registration upon cancellation, suspension or revocation. - Whenever the division cancels, suspends or revokes the registration of...
Section 66-8-7 - Penalty for misdemeanor. - A. It is a misdemeanor for any person to violate...
Section 66-8-8 - Sunday actions. - Judicial proceedings under any provision of the Motor Vehicle Code...
Section 66-8-9 - Penalty for felony. - Any person convicted of violating any provision of the Motor...
Section 66-8-10 - Duplicate or replacement registration plate; citation; failure to comply. - Any motor vehicle owner who has been issued a citation...
Section 66-8-101 - Homicide by vehicle; great bodily harm by vehicle. - A. Homicide by vehicle is the killing of a human...
Section 66-8-101.1 - Injury to pregnant woman by vehicle. - A. Injury to pregnant woman by vehicle is injury to...
Section 66-8-102 - Driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs; aggravated driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs; penalties. - A. It is unlawful for a person who is under...
Section 66-8-102.1 - Guilty pleas; limitations. - Where the complaint or information alleges a violation of Section...
Section 66-8-102.2 - Municipal and county ordinances; unlawful alcohol concentration level for driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. - No municipal or county ordinance prohibiting driving while under the...
Section 66-8-102.3 - Imposing a fee; interlock device fund created. - A. A fee is imposed on a person convicted of...
Section 66-8-102.4 - Uniform police reports and procedures for DWI arrests. - A. The department of public safety, in collaboration with the...
Section 66-8-102.5 - Driving while intoxicated with a minor in the vehicle; penalty. - A. Driving while intoxicated with a minor in the vehicle...
Section 66-8-103 - [Blood-alcohol tests directed by police, judicial or probation officer; persons qualified to perform tests; relief from civil and criminal liability.] - Only a physician, licensed professional or practical nurse or laboratory...
Section 66-8-104 - Blood-alcohol tests; police, judicial or probation officer unauthorized to make arrest or direct test except in performance of official duties authorized by law. - Nothing in Sections 66-8-103 or 66-8-104 NMSA 1978 is intended...
Section 66-8-105 - Implied Consent Act; short title. - Sections 66-8-105 through 66-8-112 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 66-8-106 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1990, ch. 120, § 45 repealed 66-8-106...
Section 66-8-107 - Implied consent to submit to chemical test. - A. Any person who operates a motor vehicle within this...
Section 66-8-108 - Consent of person incapable of refusal not withdrawn. - Any person who is dead, unconscious or otherwise in a...
Section 66-8-109 - Administration of chemical test; payment of costs; additional tests. - A. Only the persons authorized by Section 66-8-103 NMSA 1978...
Section 66-8-110 - Use of tests in criminal actions or civil actions; levels of intoxication; mandatory charging. - A. The results of a test performed pursuant to the...
Section 66-8-111 - Refusal to submit to chemical tests; testing; grounds for revocation of license or privilege to drive. - A. If a person under arrest for violation of an...
Section 66-8-111.1 - Law enforcement officer agent for department; written notice of revocation and right to hearing. - A. On behalf of the department, a law enforcement officer...
Section 66-8-112 - Revocation of license or privilege to drive; notice; effective date; hearing; hearing costs; review. - A. The effective date of revocation pursuant to Section 66-8-111...
Section 66-8-113 - Reckless driving. - A. Any person who drives any vehicle carelessly and heedlessly...
Section 66-8-114 - Careless driving. - A. Any person operating a vehicle on the highway shall...
Section 66-8-115 - Racing on highways; exception. - A. Unless written permission setting out pertinent conditions is obtained...
Section 66-8-116 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; definition; schedule of assessments. - A. As used in the Motor Vehicle Code and the...
Section 66-8-116.1 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; oversize load. - As used in the Motor Vehicle Code [66-1-1 NMSA 1978]...
Section 66-8-116.2 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; Motor Carrier Act. - As used in the Motor Vehicle Code [66-1-1 NMSA 1978]...
Section 66-8-116.3 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; additional fees. - In addition to the penalty assessment established for each penalty...
Section 66-8-117 - Penalty assessment misdemeanors; option; effect. - A. Unless a warning notice is given, at the time...
Section 66-8-118 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1981, ch. 360, § 21, repealed 66-8-118...
Section 66-8-119 - Penalty assessment revenue; disposition. - A. The division shall remit all penalty assessment receipts, except...
Section 66-8-120 - Parties to a crime. - Every person who commits, attempts to commit, conspires to commit...
Section 66-8-121 - Offenses by persons owning or controlling vehicles. - It is unlawful for the owner, or any other person,...
Section 66-8-122 - Immediate appearance before magistrate. - Whenever any person is arrested for any violation of the...
Section 66-8-123 - Conduct of arresting officer; notices by citation. - A. Except as provided in Section 66-8-122 NMSA 1978, unless...
Section 66-8-124 - Arresting officer to be in uniform. - A. No person shall be arrested for violating the Motor...
Section 66-8-125 - Arrest without warrant. - A. Members of the New Mexico state police, sheriffs and...
Section 66-8-126 - Failure to obey notice to appear. - A. It is a penalty assessment misdemeanor for a person...
Section 66-8-127 - Procedure not exclusive. - Sections 66-8-122 through 66-8-125 NMSA 1978 govern all police officers...
Section 66-8-128 - Uniform traffic citation. - A. The department shall prepare a uniform traffic citation containing...
Section 66-8-129 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1990, ch. 120, § 44 repealed 66-8-129...
Section 66-8-130 - All traffic citations to conform; municipalities may pass ordinance to establish similar program. - A. The uniform traffic citation, in paper or electronic form,...
Section 66-8-131 - Uniform traffic citation is complaint. - The uniform traffic citation used as a notice to appear...
Section 66-8-132 - Records of citations issued. - The chief administrative officer of every state and local traffic-enforcement...
Section 66-8-133 - Disposition of citations. - A. Every state and local traffic-enforcement officer issuing a uniform...
Section 66-8-134 - Illegal cancellation; audit of citation records. - A. Any person who cancels or solicits the cancellation of...
Section 66-8-135 - Record of traffic cases. - A. Every trial court judge shall keep a record of...
Section 66-8-136 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1995, ch. 135, § 29 repealed 66-8-136...
Section 66-8-137 - Compensation of judges and officers; defenses to prosecution. - A. No municipality or other political subdivision of this state...
Section 66-8-137.1 - Nonresident Violator Compact; form. - The "Nonresident Violator Compact" is enacted into law and entered...
Section 66-8-137.2 - Nonresident Violator Compact; definitions. - As used in the Nonresident Violator Compact: A. "jurisdiction executive"...
Section 66-8-137.3 - Compact administrator; compensation. - The compact administrator for New Mexico, appointed by the governor,...
Section 66-8-137.4 - Bilateral agreements; noncompact jurisdictions; authority. - A. In addition to the Nonresident Violator Compact, it is...
Section 66-8-138 - Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages in open containers in a motor vehicle prohibited; exceptions. - A. No person shall knowingly drink any alcoholic beverage while...
Section 66-8-139 - Penalties. - A. Whoever is guilty of a second or subsequent violation...
Section 66-8-140 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1990, ch. 120, § 45 repealed 66-8-140...
Section 66-8-141 - Dishonored checks; civil penalty. - A. Any person who pays any fee pursuant to the...