New Mexico Statutes
Section 66-7-308 - Drive on right side of roadway; exceptions.

A. Upon all roadways of sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway, and where practicable, entirely to the right of the center thereof, except as follows:
(1) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing such movement;
(2) when the right half of a roadway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair;
(3) upon a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic under the rules applicable thereon; or
(4) upon a roadway designated and signposted for one-way traffic.
B. Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another car proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
History: 1953 Comp., § 64-7-308, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 412.
Cross references. — For the penalty assessment for violation, see 66-8-116 NMSA 1978.
Provision does not apply to one-car accident. — The legislature did not explicitly state whom it sought to protect in Sections 64-18-8, 1953 Comp. (similar to this section) and 64-18-16, 1953 Comp. (similar to Section 66-7-317 NMSA 1978); it is doubtful that the provision could have been intended by the legislature to apply to a one-car accident of unknown cause in which driver and passenger were killed (regardless of the fact that evidence showed the car crossed into the left-hand lane before its final plunge). The district court properly refused to submit a negligence per se instruction based on these provisions to the jury. Archibeque v. Homrich, 1975-NMSC-066, 88 N.M. 527, 543 P.2d 820.
No violation when on left side to avoid accident. — Where inference possible from the testimony was that motorcyclist either slammed on the brakes which threw his motorcycle to the left because of slippery street or else that he attempted to turn with the other vehicle to avoid the impact, it does not follow that he had been traveling on the left side of the street. White v. Montoya, 1942-NMSC-031, 46 N.M. 241, 126 P.2d 471.
Violation in dense fog is negligence per se. — It is negligence per se for a motorist to drive on left side of highway in a dense fog. Silva v. Waldie, 1938-NMSC-048, 42 N.M. 514, 82 P.2d 282.
Driving on wrong side on steep incline reckless. — Inadvertently allowing an automobile to encroach upon the wrong side of the road while going up an incline so steep cars beyond its crest may not be seen constitutes a reckless, willful and wanton disregard of consequences to others, and will support conviction for manslaughter if one be killed as a result thereof. State v. Rice, 1954-NMSC-037, 58 N.M. 205, 269 P.2d 751.
Evidence of lack of due care. — Evidence that the northbound car traveled from the wrong side of the road, back to the right side, and then across to the wrong side again was evidence of lack of due care. Pavlos v. Albuquerque Nat'l Bank, 1971-NMCA-096, 82 N.M. 759, 487 P.2d 187, 56 A.L.R. 3d 558.
Violation not proximate cause of injury as matter of law. — A violation of Section 64-18-8, 1953 Comp. (similar to this section) does not necessarily justify the trial court in ruling as a matter of law that the violation was the proximate cause of the injury. Martin v. Gomez, 1961-NMSC-090, 69 N.M. 1, 363 P.2d 365.
Violation is negligence as matter of law unless justified. — Where there are facts showing a violation of Section 64-18-8, 1953 Comp. (similar to this section), such a violation is negligence as a matter of law where the violation was neither excused nor justified. Paddock v. Schuelke, 1970-NMCA-099, 81 N.M. 759, 473 P.2d 373.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 7A Am. Jur. 2d Automobiles and Highway Traffic § 260.
Reciprocal rights, duties, and liabilities where motor vehicle, passing on left of other vehicle proceeding in same direction, cuts back to the right, 48 A.L.R.2d 232.
What amounts to reckless driving of motor vehicle within statute making such a criminal offense, 52 A.L.R.2d 1337.
Driving on wrong side of road with insufficient or no lights as contributory negligence, 67 A.L.R.2d 118, 62 A.L.R.3d 560, 62 A.L.R.3d 771, 62 A.L.R.3d 844.
60A C.J.S. Motor Vehicles §§ 274 to 283.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 66 - Motor Vehicles

Article 7 - Traffic Laws; Signs, Signals and Markings; Accidents; Weight and Size; Traffic Safety


Section 66-7-301 - Speed regulation.

Section 66-7-302 - Repealed.

Section 66-7-302.1 - Speed limit; conviction; use limited.

Section 66-7-302.2 - Certain speeding convictions to be disregarded in the development or application of a point system.

Section 66-7-303 - Establishment of speed zones.

Section 66-7-303.1 - Construction zones; traffic control devices; penalty.

Section 66-7-304 - County roads; authority to regulate speed limits.

Section 66-7-305 - Minimum speed regulation.

Section 66-7-306 - Special speed limitations.

Section 66-7-307 - Charging violations; rule in civil actions.

Section 66-7-308 - Drive on right side of roadway; exceptions.

Section 66-7-309 - Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite direction [directions].

Section 66-7-310 - Overtaking a vehicle on the left.

Section 66-7-311 - When overtaking on the right is permitted.

Section 66-7-312 - Limitations on overtaking on the left.

Section 66-7-313 - Further limitations on driving to left of center of roadway.

Section 66-7-314 - Movement of hazardous vehicle; escort may be required.

Section 66-7-315 - No-passing zones.

Section 66-7-316 - One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands.

Section 66-7-317 - Driving on roadways laned for traffic.

Section 66-7-318 - Following too closely.

Section 66-7-318 - Following too closely. (Effective July 1, 2022.)

Section 66-7-319 - Driving on divided highways.

Section 66-7-320 - Restricted access.

Section 66-7-321 - Restrictions on use of controlled-access roadway.

Section 66-7-322 - Required position and method of turning at intersections.

Section 66-7-323 - Turning on curve or crest or [of] grade prohibited.

Section 66-7-324 - Starting parked vehicle.

Section 66-7-325 - Turning movements and required signals.

Section 66-7-326 - Signals by hand and arm or signal device.

Section 66-7-327 - Method of giving hand and arm signals.

Section 66-7-328 - Vehicle approaching or entering intersection.

Section 66-7-329 - Vehicles turning left at intersection.

Section 66-7-330 - Vehicles entering stop or yield intersection.

Section 66-7-331 - Vehicle entering highway from private road or driveway.

Section 66-7-332 - Operation of vehicles on approach of moving authorized emergency vehicles; operation of vehicles on approach of certain stationary vehicles.

Section 66-7-332.1 - Approach of oncoming vehicle; yield right of way.

Section 66-7-333 - Pedestrians subject to traffic regulations.

Section 66-7-334 - Pedestrians' right of way in crosswalks.

Section 66-7-335 - Crossing at other than crosswalks.

Section 66-7-336 - School crossings.

Section 66-7-337 - Drivers to exercise due care.

Section 66-7-338 - Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalk.

Section 66-7-339 - Pedestrians on roadways.

Section 66-7-340 - Pedestrians soliciting rides or business.

Section 66-7-341 - Railroad-highway grade crossing violations; all drivers.

Section 66-7-342 - All vehicles must stop at certain railroad grade crossings.

Section 66-7-343 - Railroad-highway grade crossing violations; certain vehicles required to always stop; exceptions.

Section 66-7-344 - Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossings.

Section 66-7-345 - Authority to designate through highways and stop and yield intersections.

Section 66-7-346 - Stop before emerging from alley or private driveway.

Section 66-7-347 - Overtaking and passing school bus.

Section 66-7-348 - Special lighting equipment on school buses.

Section 66-7-349 - Stopping, standing or parking outside of business or residence districts.

Section 66-7-350 - Officers authorized to remove illegally stopped vehicles.

Section 66-7-351 - Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places.

Section 66-7-352 - Additional parking regulations.

Section 66-7-352.1 - Short title.

Section 66-7-352.2 - Legislative intent.

Section 66-7-352.3 - Repealed.

Section 66-7-352.4 - Parking lots; standards.

Section 66-7-352.5 - Unauthorized use; penalties.

Section 66-7-352.6 - Enforcement.

Section 66-7-353 - Unattended motor vehicle.

Section 66-7-354 - Limitation on backing.

Section 66-7-355 - Riding on motorcycles.

Section 66-7-356 - Mandatory use of protective helmets.

Section 66-7-357 - Obstruction to driver's view or driving mechanism.

Section 66-7-358 - Restriction on use of video screens in motor vehicles.

Section 66-7-359 - Driving on mountain highways.

Section 66-7-360 - Coasting prohibited.

Section 66-7-361 - Following fire apparatus and driving through safety zone prohibited.

Section 66-7-362 - Crossing fire hose.

Section 66-7-363 - Animals on highway; highway fencing.

Section 66-7-363.1 - Department of transportation; agreements with owners or lessees of highway frontage; provisions.

Section 66-7-364 - Putting injurious material or trash on highway prohibited.

Section 66-7-365 - Recompiled.

Section 66-7-366 - Occupied moving house trailer.

Section 66-7-367 - Improper opening of doors.

Section 66-7-368 - Purpose [of child restraint device provisions].

Section 66-7-369 - Child passenger restraint; enforcement.

Section 66-7-370 - Short title.

Section 66-7-371 - Repealed.

Section 66-7-372 - Safety belt use required; exception.

Section 66-7-373 - Enforcement programs.

Section 66-7-374 - Texting while driving.

Section 66-7-375 - Use of a handheld mobile communication device while driving a commercial motor vehicle.