Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 333 - Purchasing: State
NRS 333.480 - Purchase and acquisition of supplies, materials or equipment from vendor who has entered into agreement with General Services Administration or certain other federal agencies; prohibition if contractor’s license required for agreement.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Administrator may purchase or acquire on behalf of the State of Nevada, and all officers, departments, institutions, boards, commissions, schools and other agencies in the Executive Department of the State Government, volunteer fire departments, local governments as defined in NRS 354.474, conservation districts or irrigation districts of the State of Nevada, any supplies, materials or equipment of any kind required or deemed advisable for the state officers, departments, institutions, boards, commissions, schools, volunteer fire departments and other agencies or local governments as defined in NRS 354.474, conservation districts or irrigation districts that may be available pursuant to an agreement with a vendor who has entered into an agreement with the General Services Administration or another federal agency dealing in supplies, materials, equipment or donable surplus material if:
(a) The prices for the supplies, materials or equipment negotiated in the agreement that the Administrator enters into with the vendor are substantially similar to the prices for those supplies, materials or equipment that the vendor had negotiated with the General Services Administration or other federal agency; and
(b) The Administrator determines that such an agreement would be in the best interests of the State.
2. The Administrator shall not enter into an agreement pursuant to subsection 1 if a contractor’s license issued pursuant to chapter 624 of NRS is required for any portion of the agreement.
[42:333:1951; A 1953, 585]—(NRS A 1963, 49, 489, 1285; 1975, 249; 1989, 2145; 2001, 1320; 2013, 69; 2019, 785)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 333 - Purchasing: State

NRS 333.010 - Short title.

NRS 333.020 - Definitions.

NRS 333.030 - Administration of chapter.

NRS 333.060 - Qualifications of Administrator of Purchasing Division.

NRS 333.100 - Assistants: Number; qualifications.

NRS 333.105 - General Counsel: Appointment; classification; qualifications; private practice of law restricted.

NRS 333.110 - Offices of Purchasing Division.

NRS 333.120 - State Purchasing Fund: Creation; amount; use.

NRS 333.125 - Temporary transfers from State General Fund to State Purchasing Fund.

NRS 333.130 - Supervision of administrative and technical activities of Purchasing Division; regulations.

NRS 333.135 - Regulations establishing procedures for awarding contracts.

NRS 333.140 - Policy of securing best value.

NRS 333.150 - Purchases or contracts for rental or lease for using agencies.

NRS 333.155 - Regulations concerning purchase of new equipment: Consideration of renting equipment and contracting for service to maintain equipment.

NRS 333.160 - Methods of supplying needs of using agencies.

NRS 333.162 - Methods of obtaining a contract; regulations.

NRS 333.165 - Contracts for services: Duty of Administrator to act on behalf of using agency; authority of using agency to contract; requests for assistance by using agency.

NRS 333.175 - Administrator may exempt purchases by Department of Corrections from Offenders’ Store Fund from provisions of chapter.

NRS 333.177 - Duty of Purchasing Division to report to Office of Economic Development concerning local emerging small businesses.

NRS 333.180 - Collection, classification and maintenance of information concerning commodities and suppliers.

NRS 333.182 - Program to certify vendors that pay employees equal pay for equal work without regard to gender: Establishment; regulations.

NRS 333.184 - Program to certify vendors that pay employees equal pay for equal work without regard to gender: Use of certification by Purchasing Division and vendor.

NRS 333.186 - Program to certify vendors that pay employees equal pay for equal work without regard to gender: Penalties for fraudulent acts in self-certifying; review of decision.

NRS 333.188 - Program to certify vendors that pay employees equal pay for equal work without regard to gender: Annual report to Governor and Legislature.

NRS 333.190 - Inspection of purchased commodities; equipment, material, supply or service found to be defective or not as specified; receiving reports.

NRS 333.195 - Donation of certain supplies, materials and equipment to certain organizations.

NRS 333.200 - Inventory of supplies and materials stored centrally: Duties; records.

NRS 333.210 - Standards and specifications.

NRS 333.220 - Personal property of using agencies: Classification; identification; records; list of lost, excess, forfeited or donated property; transfers; inventories; regulations relating to condemnation and sale; determination of value; refurbishm...

NRS 333.230 - Central supply services.

NRS 333.250 - Classification of commodities; schedules of purchases by classes.

NRS 333.260 - Estimates of requirements.

NRS 333.270 - Determination of quantity to be purchased of each commodity after receipt of estimate of requirements.

NRS 333.280 - Contract for furnishing supplies, materials and equipment: Period and form; extension.

NRS 333.290 - Use of materials, supplies or products of state institutions: Contents of advertisement for bids.

NRS 333.300 - Notices of proposed purchases; purchase by formal contract; solicitation; preferences; emergency purchases.

NRS 333.310 - Advertisements for bids or proposals: Contents and publication.

NRS 333.311 - Request for proposals to include minimum requirements for awarding contract and notice of certain written certification; award of contract to noncomplying bidder prohibited.

NRS 333.313 - On-line bidding.

NRS 333.315 - Cost of providing service to be determined including all costs related to contract, including monitoring or reviewing private contractor.

NRS 333.320 - Specification for bids for supplying state institutions: Requirements.

NRS 333.330 - Bids on more than one item in same notice: Itemization and price; requirements for submission.

NRS 333.333 - Proprietary information regarding trade secret: Confidentiality; disclosure.

NRS 333.335 - Proposals: Evaluation; relative weight and scoring of factors disclosed in request for proposals; confidentiality.

NRS 333.3351 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Definitions.

NRS 333.3352 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: "Nevada-based business" defined.

NRS 333.3353 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: "State purchasing contract" defined.

NRS 333.3354 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Amount of preferences.

NRS 333.3355 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Penalties for fraudulent acts committed in applying for preference or failing to comply with requirements; review of decision.

NRS 333.3356 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Regulations.

NRS 333.3361 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Definitions.

NRS 333.3362 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: "Business owned and operated by a veteran with a service-connected disability" defined.

NRS 333.3363 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: "Local business" defined.

NRS 333.3364 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: "State purchasing contract" defined.

NRS 333.3365 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: "Veteran with a service-connected disability" defined.

NRS 333.3366 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Amount of preference.

NRS 333.3367 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Effect of material misrepresentation or other fraudulent act committed in applying for preference; review of de...

NRS 333.3368 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Duty of Purchasing Division to report to Legislature.

NRS 333.3369 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Regulations.

NRS 333.33695 - Inverse preference for bid or proposal submitted by person with principal place of business in another state; exceptions.

NRS 333.337 - Duties of persons authorized to enter into contracts pursuant to this chapter.

NRS 333.338 - Prohibition on entering contract with company without written certification relating to certain boycotts of Israel; regulations.

NRS 333.339 - Prohibition against entering or renewing certain contracts.

NRS 333.340 - Award of contract or order for goods: Determination of lowest responsible bidder; written statement to be provided if contract or order is not awarded to lowest bidder.

NRS 333.350 - Contracts for separate items or portions or groups of items or for portions or groups of portions of project; rejection of all bids or proposals; necessary open market purchases; withdrawal of bid or proposal; records of bids and propos...

NRS 333.355 - Administrator of Purchasing Division may request check or bond to accompany bid or proposal.

NRS 333.360 - Performance bonds; Administrator of Purchasing Division may require check or bond before entering into contract.

NRS 333.365 - Breach of contract: Penalties.

NRS 333.370 - Appeal by person making unsuccessful bid or proposal.

NRS 333.372 - Regulations concerning forms of security to be submitted with notice of appeal.

NRS 333.375 - Award of certain contracts to nonprofit organization or agency whose primary purpose is training and employment of persons with mental or physical disabilities.

NRS 333.380 - Rules of Administrator to provide procedure for unscheduled or emergency purchases and purchases with money from State Purchasing Fund.

NRS 333.390 - Authorization for using agency to purchase items not available directly from state contract; records.

NRS 333.395 - Contracts with certificated interstate or intrastate carriers of persons or property; informal quotations of rates.

NRS 333.400 - Purchase of commodities out of schedule: Quotations to be obtained; exceptions.

NRS 333.410 - Quotations to be secured from state institutions; preference to products.

NRS 333.420 - Delivery of supplies, material and equipment: Memoranda of shipments and invoices to be transmitted by seller.

NRS 333.430 - Cooperation of two or more departments in securing supplies: Distribution of expense.

NRS 333.435 - Purchase of prescription drugs, pharmaceutical services or medical supplies by using agency; maintenance of records.

NRS 333.450 - Payment of claims for supplies, materials, equipment and services; annual assessment of fee for procurement and inventory services provided to using agencies; assessment of administrative fee on vendors for supplies, materials, equipmen...

NRS 333.460 - Payment by using agency by transfer or warrant.

NRS 333.4603 - Definitions.

NRS 333.4606 - Administrator of Purchasing Division to revise specifications for procuring goods and products; preference to purchase recycled products; conditions under which bidder whose product contains postconsumer waste deemed lowest bidder.

NRS 333.4609 - Regulations to give preference to purchase of recycled paper products; purchase of recycled paper products by Administrator of Purchasing Division.

NRS 333.4611 - Regulations establishing standards for devices that use electricity, natural gas, propane or oil; exceptions.

NRS 333.469 - Use of facilities of Purchasing Division by Legislative and Judicial Departments and Civil Air Patrol to obtain supplies, materials and equipment.

NRS 333.470 - Use of facilities of Purchasing Division by Nevada System of Higher Education, local governments and districts to obtain supplies, materials and equipment.

NRS 333.475 - Entering into contract pursuant to solicitation for bid or proposal by other governmental entities.

NRS 333.480 - Purchase and acquisition of supplies, materials or equipment from vendor who has entered into agreement with General Services Administration or certain other federal agencies; prohibition if contractor’s license required for agreement.

NRS 333.490 - Procurement and distribution of federal surplus property to eligible institutions and organizations; creation of Surplus Property Administration Account.

NRS 333.495 - Authorizations to secure transfer of federal surplus property to state departments, agencies or political subdivisions.

NRS 333.700 - Definition; contracts for services; regulations.

NRS 333.705 - Contracts for services: Limitations and requirements; approval by State Board of Examiners; emergencies; reports to Interim Finance Committee; exceptions. [Effective through December 31, 2025.] Contracts for services: Limitations and re...

NRS 333.710 - Contracts for security services when personnel of Capitol Police Division not available; use of independent contractors by Supreme Court.

NRS 333.800 - Prohibited acts by bidders before award of contract; penalty.

NRS 333.810 - Purchases and contracts made contrary to provisions of chapter void; liability of state officers and employees; exception.

NRS 333.820 - Purchase of information system or system of communication for use by response agency prohibited unless complies with state plan.