The Administrator, in all his or her purchasing and property control activities, shall pursue a policy of securing the best value for supplies, materials, equipment and services.
[10:333:1951]—(NRS A 1963, 1052; 2003, 548)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 333 - Purchasing: State
NRS 333.030 - Administration of chapter.
NRS 333.060 - Qualifications of Administrator of Purchasing Division.
NRS 333.100 - Assistants: Number; qualifications.
NRS 333.110 - Offices of Purchasing Division.
NRS 333.120 - State Purchasing Fund: Creation; amount; use.
NRS 333.125 - Temporary transfers from State General Fund to State Purchasing Fund.
NRS 333.135 - Regulations establishing procedures for awarding contracts.
NRS 333.140 - Policy of securing best value.
NRS 333.150 - Purchases or contracts for rental or lease for using agencies.
NRS 333.160 - Methods of supplying needs of using agencies.
NRS 333.162 - Methods of obtaining a contract; regulations.
NRS 333.195 - Donation of certain supplies, materials and equipment to certain organizations.
NRS 333.200 - Inventory of supplies and materials stored centrally: Duties; records.
NRS 333.210 - Standards and specifications.
NRS 333.230 - Central supply services.
NRS 333.250 - Classification of commodities; schedules of purchases by classes.
NRS 333.260 - Estimates of requirements.
NRS 333.280 - Contract for furnishing supplies, materials and equipment: Period and form; extension.
NRS 333.310 - Advertisements for bids or proposals: Contents and publication.
NRS 333.313 - On-line bidding.
NRS 333.320 - Specification for bids for supplying state institutions: Requirements.
NRS 333.333 - Proprietary information regarding trade secret: Confidentiality; disclosure.
NRS 333.3351 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Definitions.
NRS 333.3356 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Regulations.
NRS 333.337 - Duties of persons authorized to enter into contracts pursuant to this chapter.
NRS 333.339 - Prohibition against entering or renewing certain contracts.
NRS 333.365 - Breach of contract: Penalties.
NRS 333.370 - Appeal by person making unsuccessful bid or proposal.
NRS 333.372 - Regulations concerning forms of security to be submitted with notice of appeal.
NRS 333.400 - Purchase of commodities out of schedule: Quotations to be obtained; exceptions.
NRS 333.410 - Quotations to be secured from state institutions; preference to products.
NRS 333.430 - Cooperation of two or more departments in securing supplies: Distribution of expense.
NRS 333.460 - Payment by using agency by transfer or warrant.
NRS 333.700 - Definition; contracts for services; regulations.
NRS 333.800 - Prohibited acts by bidders before award of contract; penalty.