Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 333 - Purchasing: State
NRS 333.330 - Bids on more than one item in same notice: Itemization and price; requirements for submission.

1. All bids on more than one item on which bids are called for by the same notice must be itemized and give a price for each item.
2. All bids must:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in NRS 333.313, be in writing and signed.
(b) Be sealed or, if the bid is submitted electronically, secured by an electronic equivalent of a seal, as approved by the Purchasing Division.
[22:333:1951]—(NRS A 1963, 1057; 1997, 486; 2001, 1320; 2019, 780)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 333 - Purchasing: State

NRS 333.010 - Short title.

NRS 333.020 - Definitions.

NRS 333.030 - Administration of chapter.

NRS 333.060 - Qualifications of Administrator of Purchasing Division.

NRS 333.100 - Assistants: Number; qualifications.

NRS 333.105 - General Counsel: Appointment; classification; qualifications; private practice of law restricted.

NRS 333.110 - Offices of Purchasing Division.

NRS 333.120 - State Purchasing Fund: Creation; amount; use.

NRS 333.125 - Temporary transfers from State General Fund to State Purchasing Fund.

NRS 333.130 - Supervision of administrative and technical activities of Purchasing Division; regulations.

NRS 333.135 - Regulations establishing procedures for awarding contracts.

NRS 333.140 - Policy of securing best value.

NRS 333.150 - Purchases or contracts for rental or lease for using agencies.

NRS 333.155 - Regulations concerning purchase of new equipment: Consideration of renting equipment and contracting for service to maintain equipment.

NRS 333.160 - Methods of supplying needs of using agencies.

NRS 333.162 - Methods of obtaining a contract; regulations.

NRS 333.165 - Contracts for services: Duty of Administrator to act on behalf of using agency; authority of using agency to contract; requests for assistance by using agency.

NRS 333.175 - Administrator may exempt purchases by Department of Corrections from Offenders’ Store Fund from provisions of chapter.

NRS 333.177 - Duty of Purchasing Division to report to Office of Economic Development concerning local emerging small businesses.

NRS 333.180 - Collection, classification and maintenance of information concerning commodities and suppliers.

NRS 333.182 - Program to certify vendors that pay employees equal pay for equal work without regard to gender: Establishment; regulations.

NRS 333.184 - Program to certify vendors that pay employees equal pay for equal work without regard to gender: Use of certification by Purchasing Division and vendor.

NRS 333.186 - Program to certify vendors that pay employees equal pay for equal work without regard to gender: Penalties for fraudulent acts in self-certifying; review of decision.

NRS 333.188 - Program to certify vendors that pay employees equal pay for equal work without regard to gender: Annual report to Governor and Legislature.

NRS 333.190 - Inspection of purchased commodities; equipment, material, supply or service found to be defective or not as specified; receiving reports.

NRS 333.195 - Donation of certain supplies, materials and equipment to certain organizations.

NRS 333.200 - Inventory of supplies and materials stored centrally: Duties; records.

NRS 333.210 - Standards and specifications.

NRS 333.220 - Personal property of using agencies: Classification; identification; records; list of lost, excess, forfeited or donated property; transfers; inventories; regulations relating to condemnation and sale; determination of value; refurbishm...

NRS 333.230 - Central supply services.

NRS 333.250 - Classification of commodities; schedules of purchases by classes.

NRS 333.260 - Estimates of requirements.

NRS 333.270 - Determination of quantity to be purchased of each commodity after receipt of estimate of requirements.

NRS 333.280 - Contract for furnishing supplies, materials and equipment: Period and form; extension.

NRS 333.290 - Use of materials, supplies or products of state institutions: Contents of advertisement for bids.

NRS 333.300 - Notices of proposed purchases; purchase by formal contract; solicitation; preferences; emergency purchases.

NRS 333.310 - Advertisements for bids or proposals: Contents and publication.

NRS 333.311 - Request for proposals to include minimum requirements for awarding contract and notice of certain written certification; award of contract to noncomplying bidder prohibited.

NRS 333.313 - On-line bidding.

NRS 333.315 - Cost of providing service to be determined including all costs related to contract, including monitoring or reviewing private contractor.

NRS 333.320 - Specification for bids for supplying state institutions: Requirements.

NRS 333.330 - Bids on more than one item in same notice: Itemization and price; requirements for submission.

NRS 333.333 - Proprietary information regarding trade secret: Confidentiality; disclosure.

NRS 333.335 - Proposals: Evaluation; relative weight and scoring of factors disclosed in request for proposals; confidentiality.

NRS 333.3351 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Definitions.

NRS 333.3352 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: "Nevada-based business" defined.

NRS 333.3353 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: "State purchasing contract" defined.

NRS 333.3354 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Amount of preferences.

NRS 333.3355 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Penalties for fraudulent acts committed in applying for preference or failing to comply with requirements; review of decision.

NRS 333.3356 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by Nevada-based business: Regulations.

NRS 333.3361 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Definitions.

NRS 333.3362 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: "Business owned and operated by a veteran with a service-connected disability" defined.

NRS 333.3363 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: "Local business" defined.

NRS 333.3364 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: "State purchasing contract" defined.

NRS 333.3365 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: "Veteran with a service-connected disability" defined.

NRS 333.3366 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Amount of preference.

NRS 333.3367 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Effect of material misrepresentation or other fraudulent act committed in applying for preference; review of de...

NRS 333.3368 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Duty of Purchasing Division to report to Legislature.

NRS 333.3369 - Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned and operated by veteran with service-connected disability: Regulations.

NRS 333.33695 - Inverse preference for bid or proposal submitted by person with principal place of business in another state; exceptions.

NRS 333.337 - Duties of persons authorized to enter into contracts pursuant to this chapter.

NRS 333.338 - Prohibition on entering contract with company without written certification relating to certain boycotts of Israel; regulations.

NRS 333.339 - Prohibition against entering or renewing certain contracts.

NRS 333.340 - Award of contract or order for goods: Determination of lowest responsible bidder; written statement to be provided if contract or order is not awarded to lowest bidder.

NRS 333.350 - Contracts for separate items or portions or groups of items or for portions or groups of portions of project; rejection of all bids or proposals; necessary open market purchases; withdrawal of bid or proposal; records of bids and propos...

NRS 333.355 - Administrator of Purchasing Division may request check or bond to accompany bid or proposal.

NRS 333.360 - Performance bonds; Administrator of Purchasing Division may require check or bond before entering into contract.

NRS 333.365 - Breach of contract: Penalties.

NRS 333.370 - Appeal by person making unsuccessful bid or proposal.

NRS 333.372 - Regulations concerning forms of security to be submitted with notice of appeal.

NRS 333.375 - Award of certain contracts to nonprofit organization or agency whose primary purpose is training and employment of persons with mental or physical disabilities.

NRS 333.380 - Rules of Administrator to provide procedure for unscheduled or emergency purchases and purchases with money from State Purchasing Fund.

NRS 333.390 - Authorization for using agency to purchase items not available directly from state contract; records.

NRS 333.395 - Contracts with certificated interstate or intrastate carriers of persons or property; informal quotations of rates.

NRS 333.400 - Purchase of commodities out of schedule: Quotations to be obtained; exceptions.

NRS 333.410 - Quotations to be secured from state institutions; preference to products.

NRS 333.420 - Delivery of supplies, material and equipment: Memoranda of shipments and invoices to be transmitted by seller.

NRS 333.430 - Cooperation of two or more departments in securing supplies: Distribution of expense.

NRS 333.435 - Purchase of prescription drugs, pharmaceutical services or medical supplies by using agency; maintenance of records.

NRS 333.450 - Payment of claims for supplies, materials, equipment and services; annual assessment of fee for procurement and inventory services provided to using agencies; assessment of administrative fee on vendors for supplies, materials, equipmen...

NRS 333.460 - Payment by using agency by transfer or warrant.

NRS 333.4603 - Definitions.

NRS 333.4606 - Administrator of Purchasing Division to revise specifications for procuring goods and products; preference to purchase recycled products; conditions under which bidder whose product contains postconsumer waste deemed lowest bidder.

NRS 333.4609 - Regulations to give preference to purchase of recycled paper products; purchase of recycled paper products by Administrator of Purchasing Division.

NRS 333.4611 - Regulations establishing standards for devices that use electricity, natural gas, propane or oil; exceptions.

NRS 333.469 - Use of facilities of Purchasing Division by Legislative and Judicial Departments and Civil Air Patrol to obtain supplies, materials and equipment.

NRS 333.470 - Use of facilities of Purchasing Division by Nevada System of Higher Education, local governments and districts to obtain supplies, materials and equipment.

NRS 333.475 - Entering into contract pursuant to solicitation for bid or proposal by other governmental entities.

NRS 333.480 - Purchase and acquisition of supplies, materials or equipment from vendor who has entered into agreement with General Services Administration or certain other federal agencies; prohibition if contractor’s license required for agreement.

NRS 333.490 - Procurement and distribution of federal surplus property to eligible institutions and organizations; creation of Surplus Property Administration Account.

NRS 333.495 - Authorizations to secure transfer of federal surplus property to state departments, agencies or political subdivisions.

NRS 333.700 - Definition; contracts for services; regulations.

NRS 333.705 - Contracts for services: Limitations and requirements; approval by State Board of Examiners; emergencies; reports to Interim Finance Committee; exceptions. [Effective through December 31, 2025.] Contracts for services: Limitations and re...

NRS 333.710 - Contracts for security services when personnel of Capitol Police Division not available; use of independent contractors by Supreme Court.

NRS 333.800 - Prohibited acts by bidders before award of contract; penalty.

NRS 333.810 - Purchases and contracts made contrary to provisions of chapter void; liability of state officers and employees; exception.

NRS 333.820 - Purchase of information system or system of communication for use by response agency prohibited unless complies with state plan.