Effective - 28 Aug 1965
64.895. Violations constitute misdemeanors — enforcement of zoning regulations. — 1. Any owner, lessee or tenant of land located within any unincorporated area covered or affected by any official master plan or part thereof, or by any regulations or orders relating to subdivisions of land, or by any zoning plan, or by any regulations relating to building or setback lines on major highways, or by any regulations and restrictions of buildings, structures, lots and lands, or other planning or zoning regulations and restrictions or other regulations and restrictions made and adopted under the provisions of sections 64.800 to 64.845 or 64.850 to 64.880, who shall lay out and improve any subdivision of land, or who shall construct, reconstruct, alter, relocate or maintain any building or other structure, or use the land in violation of the provisions of sections 64.800 to 64.845 or 64.850 to 64.880, or of order, regulation or restriction made and adopted under the provisions of sections 64.800 to 64.845 or 64.850 to 64.880, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
2. In the event any subdivision of land is begun or made in violation of sections 64.800 to 64.845, or of any official master plan or part thereof, or of any planning or zoning order, regulation or restriction made and adopted under the provisions of sections 64.800 to 64.845 or 64.850 to 64.880, or in the event any building or structure is constructed, reconstructed, relocated or maintained, or any building, structure, lot or land is used in violation of sections 64.800 to 64.845 or 64.850 to 64.880, or of any planning or zoning plan, regulation, restriction or order made and adopted by authority conferred under the provisions of sections 64.800 to 64.845 or 64.850 to 64.880, the county commission, the county planning commission, the county zoning commission, the prosecuting attorney, or any officer or official appointed or designated under the provisions of section 64.865, or the owner of any private property or any public body the property of whom or which is or may be affected by any such violation, may institute in the circuit court of the county, any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent the unlawful subdivision development or erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, relocation or maintenance or use, or to restrain, abate or correct the violation, or to prevent the occupancy of the building or structure or unlawful use of land, and to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about the premises.
3. The officer or official appointed or designated under the provisions of section 64.865 shall have power to cause any land, building, structure, place or premises to be inspected and examined and to order in writing the remedying of any condition found to exist therein or thereat in violation of any of the regulations or orders adopted or made under the provisions of sections 64.850 to 64.880.
4. Any owner, lessee or tenant who, having been served with an order in writing signed by the officer or official to correct or remove any such violations, shall fail to comply with the order within ten days after service, or who shall continue to violate any of the regulations or orders made under the authority of sections 64.850 to 64.880 in the respect named in the order, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
5. The owner or general agent of any land, building, structure or premises where a violation of any orders, regulations or restrictions has been committed or shall exist, or the lessee or tenant of any entire building or entire premises where the violation has been committed or shall exist, or the owner, general agent, lessee or tenant of any part of the building or premises in which the violation has been committed or shall exist, or the owner, general agent, architect, builder or contractor or any other person who knowingly commits, takes part or assists in the violation, or who maintains any building or premises in which any violation exists, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(L. 1965 p. 178 § 20)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Chapter 64 - County Planning — Zoning — Recreation — Natural Streams and Waterways
Section 64.001 - Drainage and levee districts subject to flood plain management, when.
Section 64.002 - Sawmill or planing mill included in agricultural or horticultural classification.
Section 64.008 - Home-based work — limitation on zoning restrictions.
Section 64.010 - County planning commission authorized (first class charter counties).
Section 64.030 - Planning commission — rules — employees — contracts (certain first class counties).
Section 64.050 - Approval of improvements (certain first class counties).
Section 64.060 - Regulations governing subdivision of land — bond (certain first class counties).
Section 64.070 - Approval of plats (certain first class counties).
Section 64.110 - Further regulation of districts — hearing — order (first class counties).
Section 64.130 - Regulations shall govern, when (first class counties).
Section 64.140 - Amendment of regulations — protests (certain first class counties).
Section 64.150 - Enforcement officer — duties (first class counties).
Section 64.160 - Violation a misdemeanor (first class counties).
Section 64.190 - Building commission — powers — exception (first and second class counties).
Section 64.196 - Nationally recognized building code adopted, when.
Section 64.200 - Violation a misdemeanor (first and second class counties).
Section 64.205 - Applicability of sections 64.170 to 64.200 (first and second class counties).
Section 64.211 - Creation of county planning board — election — ballot form.
Section 64.212 - Termination of county planning, election — ballot form.
Section 64.221 - Planning board, rules of procedure — records (noncharter first class counties).
Section 64.261 - Zoning districts, creation, regulations (noncharter first class counties).
Section 64.330 - Board of park commissioners — appointment — duties (first class counties).
Section 64.360 - Recreational lands — powers of county commissions (second class counties).
Section 64.450 - County parks — acquisition and maintenance.
Section 64.451 - County parks, taxes for establishment and maintenance — levy and collection.
Section 64.463 - Dumping in unlicensed area prohibited.
Section 64.467 - Application for dumping ground fee.
Section 64.473 - Revocation of license, notice and hearing.
Section 64.480 - Law not applicable, when.
Section 64.483 - Law inoperative until county commission orders — notice and hearing.
Section 64.487 - Violation of law, misdemeanor.
Section 64.490 - Second, third and fourth class counties authorized to operate dumping grounds.
Section 64.580 - Regulations governing subdivision of land — bond (second and third class counties).
Section 64.590 - Approval of plats (second and third class counties).
Section 64.600 - Setback lines on major highways (second and third class counties).
Section 64.670 - Amendment of regulations — hearings — protests (second and third class counties).
Section 64.680 - Regulations to supersede laws or ordinances (second and third class counties).
Section 64.800 - Creation of county planning commission — election.
Section 64.805 - County planning commission — members — terms — expenses — chairman.
Section 64.815 - Master plan of county — contents — hearings — adoption.
Section 64.825 - Regulation of subdivisions in unincorporated areas — procedure — bonds.
Section 64.830 - Approval of plats.
Section 64.835 - Setback line on major highways.
Section 64.840 - Powers of board of adjustment — hearing on regulations on setback lines.
Section 64.845 - Creation of county zoning program — election.
Section 64.850 - County commission may prescribe zoning regulations.
Section 64.863 - Plan or regulations not to be changed without notice and hearing.
Section 64.865 - Enforcement officer — buildings subject to his approval.
Section 64.875 - Amendment of regulations — hearings — protests.
Section 64.880 - Zoning regulations to prevail over other laws, regulations.
Section 64.885 - Creation of county planning and zoning program — election.
Section 64.890 - Building and land use restrictions — exemptions — limitations on use of powers.
Section 64.895 - Violations constitute misdemeanors — enforcement of zoning regulations.
Section 64.900 - Termination or continuation of county planning, zoning — election.
Section 64.906 - Clay County planning and zoning commission, rulemaking authority.
Section 64.920 - County sports complex authority authorized.
Section 64.930 - Sports complex commissioners — terms — vacancies — compensation and expenses.
Section 64.940 - Powers of the authority.
Section 64.950 - Law not to impair powers of other political subdivisions — annual report.