Effective - 28 Aug 1951
64.560. Not to affect strip mining — commercial structures permitted, where (second and third class counties). — That nothing herein shall affect the recovery of natural resources by strip or open cut mining; provided that commercial structures shall be permitted in all districts except those zoned for residential or recreational use.
(L. 1951 p. 406 § 18)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Chapter 64 - County Planning — Zoning — Recreation — Natural Streams and Waterways
Section 64.001 - Drainage and levee districts subject to flood plain management, when.
Section 64.002 - Sawmill or planing mill included in agricultural or horticultural classification.
Section 64.008 - Home-based work — limitation on zoning restrictions.
Section 64.010 - County planning commission authorized (first class charter counties).
Section 64.030 - Planning commission — rules — employees — contracts (certain first class counties).
Section 64.050 - Approval of improvements (certain first class counties).
Section 64.060 - Regulations governing subdivision of land — bond (certain first class counties).
Section 64.070 - Approval of plats (certain first class counties).
Section 64.110 - Further regulation of districts — hearing — order (first class counties).
Section 64.130 - Regulations shall govern, when (first class counties).
Section 64.140 - Amendment of regulations — protests (certain first class counties).
Section 64.150 - Enforcement officer — duties (first class counties).
Section 64.160 - Violation a misdemeanor (first class counties).
Section 64.190 - Building commission — powers — exception (first and second class counties).
Section 64.196 - Nationally recognized building code adopted, when.
Section 64.200 - Violation a misdemeanor (first and second class counties).
Section 64.205 - Applicability of sections 64.170 to 64.200 (first and second class counties).
Section 64.211 - Creation of county planning board — election — ballot form.
Section 64.212 - Termination of county planning, election — ballot form.
Section 64.221 - Planning board, rules of procedure — records (noncharter first class counties).
Section 64.261 - Zoning districts, creation, regulations (noncharter first class counties).
Section 64.330 - Board of park commissioners — appointment — duties (first class counties).
Section 64.360 - Recreational lands — powers of county commissions (second class counties).
Section 64.450 - County parks — acquisition and maintenance.
Section 64.451 - County parks, taxes for establishment and maintenance — levy and collection.
Section 64.463 - Dumping in unlicensed area prohibited.
Section 64.467 - Application for dumping ground fee.
Section 64.473 - Revocation of license, notice and hearing.
Section 64.480 - Law not applicable, when.
Section 64.483 - Law inoperative until county commission orders — notice and hearing.
Section 64.487 - Violation of law, misdemeanor.
Section 64.490 - Second, third and fourth class counties authorized to operate dumping grounds.
Section 64.580 - Regulations governing subdivision of land — bond (second and third class counties).
Section 64.590 - Approval of plats (second and third class counties).
Section 64.600 - Setback lines on major highways (second and third class counties).
Section 64.670 - Amendment of regulations — hearings — protests (second and third class counties).
Section 64.680 - Regulations to supersede laws or ordinances (second and third class counties).
Section 64.800 - Creation of county planning commission — election.
Section 64.805 - County planning commission — members — terms — expenses — chairman.
Section 64.815 - Master plan of county — contents — hearings — adoption.
Section 64.825 - Regulation of subdivisions in unincorporated areas — procedure — bonds.
Section 64.830 - Approval of plats.
Section 64.835 - Setback line on major highways.
Section 64.840 - Powers of board of adjustment — hearing on regulations on setback lines.
Section 64.845 - Creation of county zoning program — election.
Section 64.850 - County commission may prescribe zoning regulations.
Section 64.863 - Plan or regulations not to be changed without notice and hearing.
Section 64.865 - Enforcement officer — buildings subject to his approval.
Section 64.875 - Amendment of regulations — hearings — protests.
Section 64.880 - Zoning regulations to prevail over other laws, regulations.
Section 64.885 - Creation of county planning and zoning program — election.
Section 64.890 - Building and land use restrictions — exemptions — limitations on use of powers.
Section 64.895 - Violations constitute misdemeanors — enforcement of zoning regulations.
Section 64.900 - Termination or continuation of county planning, zoning — election.
Section 64.906 - Clay County planning and zoning commission, rulemaking authority.
Section 64.920 - County sports complex authority authorized.
Section 64.930 - Sports complex commissioners — terms — vacancies — compensation and expenses.
Section 64.940 - Powers of the authority.
Section 64.950 - Law not to impair powers of other political subdivisions — annual report.