Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 58 - Coroners and Inquests
Section 58.780 - Cooperation with procurement organization required — postmortem examination requirements — removal of body parts permitted, when.

Effective - 28 Aug 2008
58.780. Cooperation with procurement organization required — postmortem examination requirements — removal of body parts permitted, when. — 1. A coroner or medical examiner shall cooperate with a procurement organization to maximize the opportunity to recover anatomical gifts for the purpose of transplantation, therapy, research, or education.
2. If a coroner or medical examiner receives notice from a procurement organization that an anatomical gift might be available or was made with respect to a decedent whose body is under the jurisdiction of the coroner or medical examiner and a postmortem examination is going to be performed, unless the coroner or medical examiner denies recovery in accordance with section 58.785, the coroner or medical examiner or designee shall conduct a postmortem examination of the body or the part in a manner and within a time period compatible with its preservation for the purposes of the gift.
3. A part may not be removed from the body of a decedent under the jurisdiction of a coroner or medical examiner for transplantation, therapy, research, or education unless the part is the subject of an anatomical gift. The body of a decedent under the jurisdiction of the coroner or medical examiner may not be delivered to a person for research or education unless the body is the subject of an anatomical gift. This subsection does not preclude a coroner or medical examiner from performing the medicolegal investigation upon the body or parts of a decedent under the jurisdiction of the coroner or medical examiner.
(L. 2008 S.B. 1139)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government

Chapter 58 - Coroners and Inquests

Section 58.010 - Office of coroner (certain counties).

Section 58.020 - Coroner, election — term of office (certain counties).

Section 58.030 - Qualifications.

Section 58.035 - Coroner standards and training commission, members, terms, chairperson, meetings — duties — rulemaking authority — report.

Section 58.040 - Vacancy filled by governor.

Section 58.050 - Oath — bond.

Section 58.060 - Bond — sufficiency, how determined (certain counties).

Section 58.070 - Failure to give bond — office vacated.

Section 58.090 - Salary in lieu of fees (certain second class counties).

Section 58.095 - Compensation of county coroner — training program, attendance required, when, expenses, compensation (noncharter counties).

Section 58.096 - Compensation of deputy coroner, additional — training program, certification.

Section 58.100 - Fees (third and fourth class counties).

Section 58.120 - Travel expense (counties of third and fourth classification).

Section 58.160 - Deputies, appointment, compensation.

Section 58.180 - To be conservator of the peace.

Section 58.190 - To execute process when sheriff disqualified.

Section 58.200 - Coroner to perform duties of sheriff when office is vacant — additional compensation, when.

Section 58.205 - Sheriff or chief deputy to perform coroner's duties, when.

Section 58.206 - Special deputy coroner or special deputy medical examiner may be appointed, when — record-keeping requirements.

Section 58.208 - Death certificate fees, deposit in training fund — use of moneys — fund created — state of emergency or disaster, request for reimbursement.

Section 58.215 - Coroner to file death certificates with registrar of vital statistics, when — compensation for extra duty.

Section 58.260 - Coroner may issue warrant to summon coroner's jury, when.

Section 58.270 - Sheriff to execute warrant.

Section 58.280 - Failure to execute warrant — penalty.

Section 58.290 - Failure of juror to appear — penalty.

Section 58.300 - Coroner to administer an oath to the jurors.

Section 58.310 - Charge to be given to jury by coroner.

Section 58.320 - Jury to remain together — exception.

Section 58.330 - Coroner to issue subpoenas.

Section 58.340 - Coroner to administer oath to witnesses.

Section 58.350 - Evidence to be reduced to writing.

Section 58.360 - Jury to deliver verdict in writing.

Section 58.370 - Death by felony — duty of coroner.

Section 58.375 - Reports of coroner (certain counties) — solicitation regarding funeral arrangements prohibited — embalming of body required, when.

Section 58.380 - Coroner to issue a writ of attachment for witnesses, when.

Section 58.390 - Attachment, how served — fees to be paid, by whom.

Section 58.400 - Sheriff unable to execute duties, warrant may be directed to householder.

Section 58.410 - Witnesses — discharged, when — may be fined or imprisoned, when.

Section 58.420 - Coroner to notify witnesses to appear.

Section 58.430 - Witness attached may be discharged on bail.

Section 58.440 - Refusal to testify — penalty.

Section 58.445 - Deaths due to motor vehicle or motorized watercraft accidents — report required when — tests for alcohol and drugs, when.

Section 58.449 - Test results, how used, released, when.

Section 58.451 - Death to be reported and investigated by coroner, certain counties, procedure — place of death, two counties involved, how determined — efforts to accommodate organ donation.

Section 58.452 - Child's death under age eighteen, notice to coroner by persons having knowledge — referral to child fatality review panel, when — procedure for nonsuspicious death, form, duties — autopsy, child death pathologist, when — disagreement...

Section 58.455 - Death certificate, how furnished, form, where filed, when (certain counties).

Section 58.457 - Penalty for failure to report death (certain counties).

Section 58.460 - Disposition of body a duty of coroner, when.

Section 58.470 - Death by poisoning — coroner may have analysis and examination made.

Section 58.490 - Unclaimed money or property found on deceased, turned over to public administrator by coroner.

Section 58.500 - Duty of public administrator on receipt of money or property.

Section 58.520 - Fees of coroners.

Section 58.530 - Additional fees, when allowed.

Section 58.540 - Compensation for taking testimony.

Section 58.550 - Liability for costs.

Section 58.560 - Surgeon's fee for postmortem examination, how paid.

Section 58.570 - Coroner to certify costs to county commission.

Section 58.580 - Costs and fees, when not allowed.

Section 58.590 - When costs to be paid by relatives.

Section 58.600 - Fraudulent charges — penalty.

Section 58.610 - Costs, when paid in advance.

Section 58.620 - Coroner's duties as to costs.

Section 58.700 - Medical examiner appointed, certain counties — option for certain counties with elected office of coroner to retain coroner or appoint a medical examiner, procedure, compensation.

Section 58.705 - Qualifications, tenure — vacancy, how filled (certain counties).

Section 58.710 - Assistant examiners and employees — appointment, compensation (certain counties).

Section 58.715 - Duties of medical examiner — prosecuting attorney to act as sheriff, when (certain counties).

Section 58.720 - Medical examiner to investigate, certain counties, procedure — death certificate issued, when — place of death — two counties involved, how determined — efforts to accommodate organ donation.

Section 58.722 - Child's death under age eighteen, notice to medical examiner by persons having knowledge — referral to child fatality review panel, when — procedure for nonsuspicious death, form, duties — autopsy, child death pathologist, when — dis...

Section 58.725 - Autopsy, when — performed by whom — report filed (certain counties).

Section 58.730 - Law enforcement officers to cooperate with medical examiner (certain counties).

Section 58.735 - Dead body, how disposed of (certain counties).

Section 58.740 - Records, contents, how kept (certain counties)

Section 58.745 - Oaths, shall administer — examinations — affidavits (certain counties).

Section 58.750 - Penalty for failing to supply information (certain counties).

Section 58.760 - Election to adopt, when — form of ballot — transition provisions (certain counties).

Section 58.765 - Two or more counties may contract for medical examiner to serve them jointly (certain counties).

Section 58.770 - Pituitary gland to be retained when autopsy is performed unless decedent or next of kin has indicated a contrary intention.

Section 58.775 - Applicability of definitions.

Section 58.780 - Cooperation with procurement organization required — postmortem examination requirements — removal of body parts permitted, when.

Section 58.785 - Release of decedent information to procurement organizations, when — medicolegal examination permitted — recovery of body parts, requirements.