Effective - 28 Aug 2002
58.330. Coroner to issue subpoenas. — Every coroner shall be empowered to issue his or her summons for witnesses, and such evidence, documents, and materials of substance, commanding them to come before him or her to be examined, and to declare their knowledge concerning the matter in question.
(RSMo 1939 § 13238, A.L. 2002 H.B. 2002 merged with S.B. 1113)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11619; 1919 § 5927; 1909 § 2932
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Chapter 58 - Coroners and Inquests
Section 58.010 - Office of coroner (certain counties).
Section 58.020 - Coroner, election — term of office (certain counties).
Section 58.030 - Qualifications.
Section 58.040 - Vacancy filled by governor.
Section 58.060 - Bond — sufficiency, how determined (certain counties).
Section 58.070 - Failure to give bond — office vacated.
Section 58.090 - Salary in lieu of fees (certain second class counties).
Section 58.096 - Compensation of deputy coroner, additional — training program, certification.
Section 58.100 - Fees (third and fourth class counties).
Section 58.120 - Travel expense (counties of third and fourth classification).
Section 58.160 - Deputies, appointment, compensation.
Section 58.180 - To be conservator of the peace.
Section 58.190 - To execute process when sheriff disqualified.
Section 58.205 - Sheriff or chief deputy to perform coroner's duties, when.
Section 58.260 - Coroner may issue warrant to summon coroner's jury, when.
Section 58.270 - Sheriff to execute warrant.
Section 58.280 - Failure to execute warrant — penalty.
Section 58.290 - Failure of juror to appear — penalty.
Section 58.300 - Coroner to administer an oath to the jurors.
Section 58.310 - Charge to be given to jury by coroner.
Section 58.320 - Jury to remain together — exception.
Section 58.330 - Coroner to issue subpoenas.
Section 58.340 - Coroner to administer oath to witnesses.
Section 58.350 - Evidence to be reduced to writing.
Section 58.360 - Jury to deliver verdict in writing.
Section 58.370 - Death by felony — duty of coroner.
Section 58.380 - Coroner to issue a writ of attachment for witnesses, when.
Section 58.390 - Attachment, how served — fees to be paid, by whom.
Section 58.400 - Sheriff unable to execute duties, warrant may be directed to householder.
Section 58.410 - Witnesses — discharged, when — may be fined or imprisoned, when.
Section 58.420 - Coroner to notify witnesses to appear.
Section 58.430 - Witness attached may be discharged on bail.
Section 58.440 - Refusal to testify — penalty.
Section 58.449 - Test results, how used, released, when.
Section 58.455 - Death certificate, how furnished, form, where filed, when (certain counties).
Section 58.457 - Penalty for failure to report death (certain counties).
Section 58.460 - Disposition of body a duty of coroner, when.
Section 58.470 - Death by poisoning — coroner may have analysis and examination made.
Section 58.500 - Duty of public administrator on receipt of money or property.
Section 58.520 - Fees of coroners.
Section 58.530 - Additional fees, when allowed.
Section 58.540 - Compensation for taking testimony.
Section 58.550 - Liability for costs.
Section 58.560 - Surgeon's fee for postmortem examination, how paid.
Section 58.570 - Coroner to certify costs to county commission.
Section 58.580 - Costs and fees, when not allowed.
Section 58.590 - When costs to be paid by relatives.
Section 58.600 - Fraudulent charges — penalty.
Section 58.610 - Costs, when paid in advance.
Section 58.620 - Coroner's duties as to costs.
Section 58.705 - Qualifications, tenure — vacancy, how filled (certain counties).
Section 58.710 - Assistant examiners and employees — appointment, compensation (certain counties).
Section 58.725 - Autopsy, when — performed by whom — report filed (certain counties).
Section 58.730 - Law enforcement officers to cooperate with medical examiner (certain counties).
Section 58.735 - Dead body, how disposed of (certain counties).
Section 58.740 - Records, contents, how kept (certain counties)
Section 58.745 - Oaths, shall administer — examinations — affidavits (certain counties).
Section 58.750 - Penalty for failing to supply information (certain counties).