Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 58 - Coroners and Inquests
Section 58.722 - Child's death under age eighteen, notice to medical examiner by persons having knowledge — referral to child fatality review panel, when — procedure for nonsuspicious death, form, duties — autopsy, child death pathologist, when — dis...

Effective - 28 Aug 1994
58.722. Child's death under age eighteen, notice to medical examiner by persons having knowledge — referral to child fatality review panel, when — procedure for nonsuspicious death, form, duties — autopsy, child death pathologist, when — disagreement on need for autopsy, procedure — violation by medical examiner, penalty. — 1. When any person dies within a county having a medical examiner and there are reasonable grounds to believe that such person was less than eighteen years of age, who was eligible to receive a certificate of live birth, the police, sheriff, law enforcement officer or official, or any person having knowledge of such a death shall immediately notify the medical examiner of the known facts concerning the time, place, manner and circumstances of the death. The medical examiner shall notify the division of the child's death pursuant to section 210.115. The medical examiner shall immediately evaluate the necessity for child fatality review and shall immediately notify the chairman of the child fatality review panel. The child fatality review panel shall be activated within twenty-four hours of such notice to review any death which includes one or more of the suspicious circumstances described in the protocol developed by the department of social services, state technical assistance team pursuant to section 210.194.
2. If the medical examiner determines that the death of the person under age eighteen years, who is eligible to receive a certificate of live birth, does not include any suspicious circumstances listed in the protocol, the medical examiner shall complete a nonsuspicious child death form provided by the department of social services, state technical assistance team, have the form cosigned by the chairman of the child fatality review panel and forward the original to the department of social services, state technical assistance team within forty-eight hours of receiving notice of the child's death.
3. When a child under the age of eighteen years, who is eligible to receive a certificate of live birth, dies, the medical examiner shall notify a certified child death pathologist to determine the need for an autopsy. The certified child death pathologist, in conjunction with the medical examiner, shall determine the need for an autopsy. If there is disagreement concerning the need for the autopsy, the certified child death pathologist shall make the determination unless the child fatality review panel, within twelve hours, decides against the certified child death pathologist.
4. When there is a disagreement regarding the necessity for an autopsy, the certified child death pathologist shall file a report with the chairman of the child fatality review panel indicating the basis for the disagreement. The pathologist's report on the disagreement shall be included in the report to the department of social services, state technical assistance team. If an autopsy is determined necessary, the autopsy shall be performed by a certified child death pathologist within twenty-four hours of receipt of the body by the pathologist or within twenty-four hours of the agreement by the pathologist to perform the autopsy, whichever occurs later.
5. Knowing failure by a medical examiner to refer a suspicious death of a child under the age of eighteen years, who is eligible to receive a certificate of live birth, to a child fatality review panel or to a certified child death pathologist is a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 1991 H.B. 185, A.L. 1994 S.B. 595)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government

Chapter 58 - Coroners and Inquests

Section 58.010 - Office of coroner (certain counties).

Section 58.020 - Coroner, election — term of office (certain counties).

Section 58.030 - Qualifications.

Section 58.035 - Coroner standards and training commission, members, terms, chairperson, meetings — duties — rulemaking authority — report.

Section 58.040 - Vacancy filled by governor.

Section 58.050 - Oath — bond.

Section 58.060 - Bond — sufficiency, how determined (certain counties).

Section 58.070 - Failure to give bond — office vacated.

Section 58.090 - Salary in lieu of fees (certain second class counties).

Section 58.095 - Compensation of county coroner — training program, attendance required, when, expenses, compensation (noncharter counties).

Section 58.096 - Compensation of deputy coroner, additional — training program, certification.

Section 58.100 - Fees (third and fourth class counties).

Section 58.120 - Travel expense (counties of third and fourth classification).

Section 58.160 - Deputies, appointment, compensation.

Section 58.180 - To be conservator of the peace.

Section 58.190 - To execute process when sheriff disqualified.

Section 58.200 - Coroner to perform duties of sheriff when office is vacant — additional compensation, when.

Section 58.205 - Sheriff or chief deputy to perform coroner's duties, when.

Section 58.206 - Special deputy coroner or special deputy medical examiner may be appointed, when — record-keeping requirements.

Section 58.208 - Death certificate fees, deposit in training fund — use of moneys — fund created — state of emergency or disaster, request for reimbursement.

Section 58.215 - Coroner to file death certificates with registrar of vital statistics, when — compensation for extra duty.

Section 58.260 - Coroner may issue warrant to summon coroner's jury, when.

Section 58.270 - Sheriff to execute warrant.

Section 58.280 - Failure to execute warrant — penalty.

Section 58.290 - Failure of juror to appear — penalty.

Section 58.300 - Coroner to administer an oath to the jurors.

Section 58.310 - Charge to be given to jury by coroner.

Section 58.320 - Jury to remain together — exception.

Section 58.330 - Coroner to issue subpoenas.

Section 58.340 - Coroner to administer oath to witnesses.

Section 58.350 - Evidence to be reduced to writing.

Section 58.360 - Jury to deliver verdict in writing.

Section 58.370 - Death by felony — duty of coroner.

Section 58.375 - Reports of coroner (certain counties) — solicitation regarding funeral arrangements prohibited — embalming of body required, when.

Section 58.380 - Coroner to issue a writ of attachment for witnesses, when.

Section 58.390 - Attachment, how served — fees to be paid, by whom.

Section 58.400 - Sheriff unable to execute duties, warrant may be directed to householder.

Section 58.410 - Witnesses — discharged, when — may be fined or imprisoned, when.

Section 58.420 - Coroner to notify witnesses to appear.

Section 58.430 - Witness attached may be discharged on bail.

Section 58.440 - Refusal to testify — penalty.

Section 58.445 - Deaths due to motor vehicle or motorized watercraft accidents — report required when — tests for alcohol and drugs, when.

Section 58.449 - Test results, how used, released, when.

Section 58.451 - Death to be reported and investigated by coroner, certain counties, procedure — place of death, two counties involved, how determined — efforts to accommodate organ donation.

Section 58.452 - Child's death under age eighteen, notice to coroner by persons having knowledge — referral to child fatality review panel, when — procedure for nonsuspicious death, form, duties — autopsy, child death pathologist, when — disagreement...

Section 58.455 - Death certificate, how furnished, form, where filed, when (certain counties).

Section 58.457 - Penalty for failure to report death (certain counties).

Section 58.460 - Disposition of body a duty of coroner, when.

Section 58.470 - Death by poisoning — coroner may have analysis and examination made.

Section 58.490 - Unclaimed money or property found on deceased, turned over to public administrator by coroner.

Section 58.500 - Duty of public administrator on receipt of money or property.

Section 58.520 - Fees of coroners.

Section 58.530 - Additional fees, when allowed.

Section 58.540 - Compensation for taking testimony.

Section 58.550 - Liability for costs.

Section 58.560 - Surgeon's fee for postmortem examination, how paid.

Section 58.570 - Coroner to certify costs to county commission.

Section 58.580 - Costs and fees, when not allowed.

Section 58.590 - When costs to be paid by relatives.

Section 58.600 - Fraudulent charges — penalty.

Section 58.610 - Costs, when paid in advance.

Section 58.620 - Coroner's duties as to costs.

Section 58.700 - Medical examiner appointed, certain counties — option for certain counties with elected office of coroner to retain coroner or appoint a medical examiner, procedure, compensation.

Section 58.705 - Qualifications, tenure — vacancy, how filled (certain counties).

Section 58.710 - Assistant examiners and employees — appointment, compensation (certain counties).

Section 58.715 - Duties of medical examiner — prosecuting attorney to act as sheriff, when (certain counties).

Section 58.720 - Medical examiner to investigate, certain counties, procedure — death certificate issued, when — place of death — two counties involved, how determined — efforts to accommodate organ donation.

Section 58.722 - Child's death under age eighteen, notice to medical examiner by persons having knowledge — referral to child fatality review panel, when — procedure for nonsuspicious death, form, duties — autopsy, child death pathologist, when — dis...

Section 58.725 - Autopsy, when — performed by whom — report filed (certain counties).

Section 58.730 - Law enforcement officers to cooperate with medical examiner (certain counties).

Section 58.735 - Dead body, how disposed of (certain counties).

Section 58.740 - Records, contents, how kept (certain counties)

Section 58.745 - Oaths, shall administer — examinations — affidavits (certain counties).

Section 58.750 - Penalty for failing to supply information (certain counties).

Section 58.760 - Election to adopt, when — form of ballot — transition provisions (certain counties).

Section 58.765 - Two or more counties may contract for medical examiner to serve them jointly (certain counties).

Section 58.770 - Pituitary gland to be retained when autopsy is performed unless decedent or next of kin has indicated a contrary intention.

Section 58.775 - Applicability of definitions.

Section 58.780 - Cooperation with procurement organization required — postmortem examination requirements — removal of body parts permitted, when.

Section 58.785 - Release of decedent information to procurement organizations, when — medicolegal examination permitted — recovery of body parts, requirements.