Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 50 - County Finances, Budget and Retirement Systems
Section 50.333 - Salary commission, duties of clerk or court administrator, meetings, notice of, members, duties, report, form, failure to meet, effect of — mileage allowance — maximum compensation allowable, defined (noncharter counties).

Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories
50.333. Salary commission, duties of clerk or court administrator, meetings, notice of, members, duties, report, form, failure to meet, effect of — mileage allowance — maximum compensation allowable, defined (noncharter counties). — 1. There shall be a salary commission in every nonchartered county.
2. The clerk or court administrator of the circuit court of the judicial circuit in which such county is located shall set a date, time and place for the salary commission meeting and serve as temporary chairman of the salary commission until the members of the commission elect a chairman from their number. Upon written request of a majority of the salary commission members the clerk or court administrator of the circuit court shall forthwith set the earliest date possible for a meeting of the salary commission. The circuit clerk or court administrator shall give notice of the time and place of any meeting of the salary commission. Such notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in such county at least five days prior to such meeting. Such notice shall contain a general description of the business to be discussed at such meeting.
3. The members of the salary commission shall be:
(1) The recorder of deeds if the recorder's office is separate from that of the circuit clerk;
(2) The county clerk;
(3) The prosecuting attorney;
(4) The sheriff;
(5) The county commissioners;
(6) The collector or treasurer ex officio collector;
(7) The treasurer or treasurer ex officio collector;
(8) The assessor;
(9) The auditor;
(10) The public administrator; and
(11) The coroner.
­­Members of the salary commission shall receive no additional compensation for their services as members of the salary commission. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 610.021 and 610.022, all meetings of a county salary commission shall be open meetings and all votes taken at such meetings shall be open records. Any vote taken at any meeting of the salary commission shall be taken by recorded yeas and nays.
5. In every county, the salary commission shall meet at least once before November thirtieth of each odd-numbered year and may meet in any even-numbered year. The salary commission may meet as many times as it deems necessary and may meet after November thirtieth and prior to December fifteenth of any odd-numbered year if the commission has met at least once prior to November thirtieth of that year. At any meeting of the salary commission, the members shall elect a chairman from their number. The county clerk shall present a report on the financial condition of the county to the commission once the chairman is elected, and shall keep the minutes of the meeting.
6. For purposes of this section, the 1988 base compensation is the compensation paid on September 1, 1987, plus the same percentage increase paid or allowed, whichever is greater, to the presiding commissioner or the sheriff, whichever is greater, of that county for the year beginning January 1, 1988. Such increase shall be expressed as a percentage of the difference between the maximum allowable compensation and the compensation paid on September 1, 1987. At its meeting in 1987 and at any meeting held in 1988, the salary commission shall determine the compensation to be paid to every county officer holding office on January 1, 1988. The salary commission shall establish the compensation for each office at an amount not greater than that set by law as the maximum compensation. If the salary commission votes to increase compensation, but not to pay the maximum amount authorized by law for any officer or office, then the increase in compensation shall be the same percentage increase for all officers and offices and shall be expressed as a percentage of the difference between the maximum allowable compensation and the compensation being received at the time of the vote. If two-thirds of the members of the salary commission vote to decrease the compensation being received at the time of the vote below that compensation, all officers shall receive the same percentage decrease. The commission may vote not to increase or decrease the compensation and that compensation shall continue to be the salary of such offices and officers during the subsequent term of office.
7. For the year 1989 and every second year thereafter, the salary commission shall meet in every county as many times as it deems necessary on or prior to November thirtieth of any such year for the purpose of determining the amount of compensation to be paid to county officials. For each year in which the commission meets, the members shall elect a chairman from their number. The county clerk shall present a report on the financial condition of the county to the commission once the chairman is elected, and shall keep minutes of the meeting. The salary commission shall then consider the compensation to be paid for the next term of office for each county officer to be elected at their next general election. If the commission votes not to increase or decrease the compensation, the salary being paid during the term in which the vote was taken shall continue as the salary of such offices and officers during the subsequent term of office. If the salary commission votes to increase the compensation, all officers or offices whose compensation is being considered by the commission at that time shall receive the same percentage of the maximum allowable compensation. However, for any county in which all offices' and officers' salaries have been set at one hundred percent of the maximum allowable compensation, the commission may vote to increase the compensation of all offices except that of full-time prosecuting attorneys at that or any subsequent meeting of the salary commission without regard to any law or maximum limitation established by law. Such increase shall be expressed as a percentage of the compensation being paid during the term of office when the vote is taken, and each officer or office whose compensation is being established by the salary commission at that time shall receive the same percentage increase over the compensation being paid for that office during the term when the vote is taken. This increase shall be in addition to any increase mandated by an official's salary schedule because of changes in assessed valuation during the current term. If the salary commission votes to decrease the compensation, a vote of two-thirds or more of all the members of the salary commission shall be required before the salary or other compensation of any county office shall be decreased below the compensation being paid for the particular office on the date the salary commission votes, and all officers and offices shall receive the same percentage decrease.
8. The salary commission shall issue, not later than December fifteenth of any year in which it meets, a report of compensation to be paid to each officer and the compensation so set shall be paid beginning with the start of the subsequent term of office of each officer. The report of compensation shall be certified to the clerk of the county commission for the county and shall be in substantially the following form:
The salary commission for _________ County hereby certifies that it has met pursuant to law to establish compensation for county officers to be paid to such officers during the next term of office for the officers affected. The salary commission reports that there shall be (no increase in compensation) (an increase of _________ percent) (a decrease of _________ percent) (county officer's salaries set at _________ percent of the maximum allowable compensation).
­­Salaries shall be adjusted each year on the official's year of incumbency for any change in the last completed assessment that would affect the maximum allowable compensation for that office.
9. For the meeting in 1989 and every meeting thereafter, in the event a salary commission in any county fails, neglects or refuses to meet as provided in this section, or in the event a majority of the salary commission is unable to reach an agreement and so reports or fails to certify a salary report to the clerk of the county commission by December fifteenth of any year in which a report is required to be certified by this section, then the compensation being paid to each affected office or officer on such date shall continue to be the compensation paid to the affected office or officer during the succeeding term of office.
10. Other provisions of law notwithstanding, in every instance where an officer or employee of any county is paid a mileage allowance or reimbursement, the county commission shall allow or reimburse such officers or employees out of the county treasury at the highest rate paid to any county officer for each mile actually and necessarily traveled in the performance of their official duties. The county commission of any county may elect to pay a mileage allowance for any county commissioner for travel going to and returning from the place of holding commission meetings and for all other necessary travel on official county business in the personal motor vehicle of the commissioner presenting the claim. The governing body of any county of the first classification not having a charter form of government may provide by order for the payment of mileage expenses of elected and appointed county officials by payment of a certain amount monthly which would reflect the average monthly mileage expenses of such officer based on the amount allowed pursuant to state law for the payment of mileage for state employees. Any order entered for such purpose shall not be construed as salary, wages or other compensation for services rendered.
11. The term "maximum allowable compensation" as used in this section means the highest compensation which may be paid to the specified officer or office in the particular county based on the salary schedule established by law for the specified officer or office. If the salary commission at its meeting in 1987 voted for one hundred percent of the maximum allowable compensation and does not change such vote at its meeting held within thirty days after May 13, 1988, as provided in subsection 6 of this section, the one hundred percent shall be calculated on the basis of the total allowable compensation permitted after May 13, 1988.
12. At the salary commission meeting which establishes the percentage rate to be applied to county officers during the next term of office, the salary commission may authorize the further adjustment of such officers' compensation as a cost-of-living component and effective January first of each year, the compensation for county officers may be adjusted by the county commission, and if the adjustment of compensation is authorized, the percentage increase shall be the same for all county officers, not to exceed the percentage increase given to the other county employees. The compensation for all county officers may be set as a group, although the change in compensation will not become effective until the next term of office for each officer.
13. At the salary commission meeting in 1997 which establishes the salaries for those officers to be elected at the general election in 1998, the salary commission of each noncharter county may provide salary increases for associate county commissioners elected in 1996. This one-time increase is necessitated by the change from two- to four-year terms for associate commissioners pursuant to house bill 256*, passed by the first regular session of the eighty-eighth general assembly in 1995.
(L. 1987 S.B. 65, et al. § 7, A.L. 1988 S.B. 431, A.L. 1990 S.B. 525 merged with S.B. 580, A.L. 1995 H.B. 274 & 268, A.L. 1996 S.B. 719, A.L. 1997 S.B. 11, A.L. 1998 S.B. 819, A.L. 2005 S.B. 210, A.L. 2018 S.B. 568)
*See section 49.020.
(2000) In determining amount of annual compensation to be paid to public administrators, more specific provisions of section 473.739 apply. State ex rel. Pate v. Mooney, 22 S.W.3d 766 (Mo.App.E.D.).
(2000) Section does not authorize salary commission to provide for automatic increase in assessor's compensation based on unknown future increases in county's assessed valuation. Day v. Wright County, 69 S.W.3d 485 (Mo.App.S.D.).

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government

Chapter 50 - County Finances, Budget and Retirement Systems

Section 50.010 - Fiscal year in counties.

Section 50.020 - Transfer of county funds.

Section 50.030 - Section 50.020 construed.

Section 50.032 - Mediation of disputes necessary for receipt of state funds.

Section 50.040 - County commission may invest school funds, when and how.

Section 50.050 - County treasurer to report.

Section 50.055 - Accounts of county may be audited (counties of the second classification).

Section 50.057 - Audit, when, by whom (certain counties of the first classification).

Section 50.059 - Counties with federal highways, or weigh stations to receive additional funds, allocation.

Section 50.060 - County commission may borrow money — amount (first and second class counties).

Section 50.065 - Borrowing by first class counties authorized, limitations on — tax anticipation warrants, procedure for issue and redemption.

Section 50.070 - Tax anticipation notes may be issued in counties of first, third and fourth class.

Section 50.080 - Tax anticipation notes — how made, signed and attested.

Section 50.090 - Estimate of county revenue to be basis for issuing anticipated notes.

Section 50.095 - Notes not to issue until revenue estimate made — limitation on amount issued — form of note (first class counties).

Section 50.100 - Note provisions.

Section 50.110 - Board of estimate of anticipated revenue.

Section 50.120 - County treasurer to sell notes — publication — private sale.

Section 50.130 - Registration of notes.

Section 50.140 - Proceeds from sale of notes to be deposited in county treasury — used only to pay warrants — use of surplus.

Section 50.150 - County warrants may be pledged — for what purpose — redemption.

Section 50.160 - Powers of county commission — auditing and enforcement of claims of county — refusal to testify, penalty.

Section 50.166 - Clerk may fill in warrant for expenses — form, negotiable instrument — county treasurer access to financially relevant documents.

Section 50.172 - Documents approved by commission to be preserved — destruction of documents, method — replacement of lost or destroyed checks, procedure.

Section 50.320 - Penalty for clerk or treasurer violating section 50.160, 50.166 or 50.172.

Section 50.327 - Base salary schedules for county officials — salary commission responsible for computation of county official salaries, except for charter counties — salary increases, when.

Section 50.330 - Salaries of county officers and assistants, how paid.

Section 50.332 - Certain counties may perform certain duties for municipalities, when — compensation for, paid how, to whom.

Section 50.333 - Salary commission, duties of clerk or court administrator, meetings, notice of, members, duties, report, form, failure to meet, effect of — mileage allowance — maximum compensation allowable, defined (noncharter counties).

Section 50.334 - Recorders of deeds, compensation — classroom instruction required, when, expenses shall be reimbursed, when (certain counties).

Section 50.337 - Governing body may provide for pension plan for county employees (first class counties).

Section 50.338 - Compensation for loss of commissions by reduction of school operating levy, loss offset procedure.

Section 50.339 - Cole County and Cape Girardeau salary commission authorized to equalize salaries on a one-time basis.

Section 50.340 - Officers compensated by salaries only — exceptions — to collect fees and turn over to treasury — report to county commission (first class counties).

Section 50.343 - Compensation of certain officers, how computed (St. Charles, Clay, Jefferson, Greene and certain other counties).

Section 50.350 - Salaried officer to collect fees (second class counties).

Section 50.360 - Pay money to county treasurer — monthly report concerning paid and unpaid fees — duty of county commission.

Section 50.370 - Officers to file monthly report with county commission (third and fourth class counties).

Section 50.380 - Penalty.

Section 50.390 - Officers to settle with county commission.

Section 50.400 - Refusal to settle — commission may estimate amount due.

Section 50.410 - Penalty of defaulting officer.

Section 50.420 - Damages against delinquents.

Section 50.430 - Commission determination final, when — interest — misdemeanor.

Section 50.440 - Penalties may be remitted, when.

Section 50.450 - County clerk to make abstract of settlement — record of.

Section 50.460 - Abstract to be a lien, when — execution.

Section 50.470 - Officers to keep an account of fees collected for others.

Section 50.480 - Duty of officer to pay fees belonging to others to county treasurer and take receipts.

Section 50.490 - Treasurer to keep an account of such fees.

Section 50.510 - Books and fees to be turned over to successor.

Section 50.515 - County governing body may impose administrative service fee, when, rate — limit on fee in counties of the third classification.

Section 50.525 - County budget law.

Section 50.527 - Revenue defined.

Section 50.530 - Definitions.

Section 50.535 - County sheriff's revolving fund established — fees deposited into, use of moneys — no prior approval for expenditures required—authorized payment of certain expenses — excess funds, use of.

Section 50.540 - Offices to prepare estimates of expenditures and revenues — duties of budget officer — hearings.

Section 50.550 - Annual budget shall present a complete financial plan — county law enforcement restitution fund authorized.

Section 50.565 - County law enforcement restitution fund may be established, proceeds designated for deposit in, use of moneys — audit of fund.

Section 50.590 - Budget document — contents.

Section 50.600 - Form of budget documents — public hearing.

Section 50.610 - Commission may revise budget — adoption and appropriation order.

Section 50.620 - Appropriations (first and second class counties).

Section 50.622 - Amendment of annual budget by any county during fiscal year receiving additional funds, procedure — decrease permitted, when.

Section 50.630 - County commissions shall have power to authorize the transfer of any unencumbered appropriation balance.

Section 50.640 - Estimate of circuit court or circuit clerk, changed, how — disagreement with county, escrow account equal to difference established — resolved, how.

Section 50.641 - Estimates — contents — covering circuit judges, associate circuit judges, staffs, juvenile officers and juvenile court personnel.

Section 50.642 - Presiding judge of circuit court to meet with county budget officer and county commission to discuss budget before filing estimate.

Section 50.650 - Liability of certain officers.

Section 50.660 - Rules governing contracts.

Section 50.740 - Commission to revise and amend estimates (counties of the third and fourth classification).

Section 50.745 - State auditor to develop, approve forms (third and fourth class counties).

Section 50.750 - Missouri products to be purchased by officers.

Section 50.753 - Purchasing agent, how appointed, compensation, assistants.

Section 50.755 - Purchasing agent to investigate need for supplies requested by officers.

Section 50.757 - Purchasing agent, duties — bids rejected, when.

Section 50.760 - Advertisement for bids, procedure for — purchase at public auctions — purchase order required (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 50.770 - Supplies defined (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 50.780 - Commissions may permit officers to purchase supplies direct — liability therefor — preference in bids — waiver, when (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 50.783 - Waiver of competitive bid requirements, when — rescission of waiver, when — single feasible source purchases — exception for Boone and Greene counties.

Section 50.784 - Procurement authority delegation permitted, when — accepting department's duties.

Section 50.790 - Duties of commissioners — violation of law — penalty (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 50.815 - Financial statement of county, when published, contents — falsely certifying, penalty.

Section 50.820 - Statement, how published — duties of state auditor.

Section 50.850 - Counties reimbursed for expense of prosecuting crimes committed within state correctional facilities, how computed, limitation.

Section 50.853 - Counties, third and fourth class, reimbursed for expenses of prosecution in capital cases, requirements of negative financial situation — funding.

Section 50.1000 - Definitions.

Section 50.1010 - Fund authorized, management — apportionment of benefits.

Section 50.1020 - Source of funds, delinquent tax penalties — county assessor, duties — deposit of funds — payroll deduction.

Section 50.1030 - Board of directors, election, appointment by the governor, term, powers, duties — chairman, secretary, meetings — advisors — audits — compensation, costs — record — annual review.

Section 50.1031 - Benefit adjustments, required assets-to-liability ratio — frequency of adjustments — effective date of adjustments.

Section 50.1032 - Board to adopt rules for administration of retirement system.

Section 50.1034 - Correction of errors — false statements — benefits not paid to survivor or beneficiary who intentionally kills member.

Section 50.1036 - Errors, false statements, false records, consequences.

Section 50.1038 - Survivor or beneficiary charged with intentional killing of member, benefits suspended — conviction, benefits to cease — no conviction, effect.

Section 50.1040 - Membership in system — payroll deduction for nonLAGERS members — opting out prohibited, exceptions — opting in, when.

Section 50.1050 - Normal annuity, qualifications.

Section 50.1060 - Normal annuity, amount, limitation — board to recommend adjustments to formula.

Section 50.1070 - Increase in benefits, limitation — determination — waiver of increase.

Section 50.1080 - What calculators apply.

Section 50.1090 - Creditable service — special consultant, duty, compensation — limitation — verification of records — refund of contributions, when.

Section 50.1100 - Retirement, application, payment of annuity, restriction — exception, part-time work for county member may receive annuity, part-time work not to affect annuity.

Section 50.1110 - Options in lieu of normal annuity, election — survivorship benefit.

Section 50.1120 - Death of beneficiary, reversion of normal annuity.

Section 50.1130 - Death benefit.

Section 50.1140 - Termination of employment, forfeit of rights, refund — deferred annuity permanent, when — payment of accumulated contributions — restoration of creditable service.

Section 50.1150 - Law not to affect certain rights — discrimination prohibited.

Section 50.1160 - Effect upon eligibility for other retirement systems.

Section 50.1170 - Applicability.

Section 50.1175 - Pension benefits and retirement allowances, exempt from attachment, garnishment and other processes — exception, child support and maintenance.

Section 50.1180 - Law not to apply to certain political subdivisions.

Section 50.1190 - Recorder of deeds, extra fees, deposit.

Section 50.1200 - Ex officio collector, fees, deposit.

Section 50.1210 - Contribution accounts established, board and nonLAGERS members to contribute to accounts.

Section 50.1220 - NonLAGERS member contribution, amount.

Section 50.1230 - Matching contributions by board, when, rules — matching contributions by county, when.

Section 50.1240 - Bookkeeping account established.

Section 50.1250 - Forfeiture of contributions, when — reversion of forfeitures — distribution of contribution account, when — death of a member, effect of.

Section 50.1260 - Direct rollover permitted, when.

Section 50.1300 - Deferred compensation plan authorized — consolidation permitted, when.