Effective - 28 Aug 2001
431.181. Payments for the transportation of property to be made within thirty days after delivery, when — warranty repair work, reimbursement, rates. — 1. Any person who enters into a contract with a transportation of property provider or an agent acting for a transportation of property provider for the transportation of property shall, after the property has been delivered in good condition by the transportation provider to the agreed-upon destination within the agreed-upon time limitation, make all scheduled payments pursuant to the terms of the contract or within thirty days if no time is specified in the contract.
2. Any person who has not been paid in accordance with subsection 1 of this section may bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction against any person who has failed to pay.
3. Retailers who sell and service industrial, maintenance and construction power equipment or outdoor power equipment as defined in section 407.850 and who do warranty repair work for a consumer under provisions of a manufacturer's express warranty, shall be reimbursed by the manufacturer for the warranty work at an hourly labor rate that is the same or greater than the hourly labor rate the retailer currently charges consumers for nonwarranty repair work.
(L. 2001 S.B. 244)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXVIII - Contracts and Contractual Relations
Chapter 431 - General Provisions as to Contracts
Section 431.010 - Private seals abolished.
Section 431.020 - Instrument of writing to import consideration — due and payable as specified.
Section 431.030 - Provisions limiting time for bringing suits prohibited.
Section 431.040 - Fraud in sale of nursery stock — damages recoverable.
Section 431.050 - Failure of nurserymen to deliver at proper time and season, contract voidable.
Section 431.055 - Persons competent to contract when eighteen years of age.
Section 431.061 - Consent to surgical or medical treatment, who may give, when.
Section 431.063 - Implied consent, when valid — lack of consent, when excused — emergency defined.
Section 431.065 - Minor spouse or parent may give consent, when.
Section 431.067 - Contracts of minors to borrow money for higher education — validity.
Section 431.070 - Contracts with counties, effect.
Section 431.080 - Suit may be instituted thereon.
Section 431.090 - County commission may appoint agent to contract for county.
Section 431.100 - Claims against county for work and labor.
Section 431.110 - Joint contracts to be construed as joint and several.
Section 431.120 - Joint debt shall survive, against whom.
Section 431.130 - Survival of debt, against whom.
Section 431.140 - Joint obligations — suit brought against whom.
Section 431.150 - Creditor may compound with one of several debtors — release — what sums.
Section 431.160 - Assignor shall not release demand, when — title of assignee.
Section 431.170 - Action against assignor by assignee, when.
Section 431.202 - Employment covenants enforceable, when — reasonability presumption.