Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 431 - General Provisions as to Contracts
Section 431.060 - Contracts by persons under eighteen years of age — ratification necessary — how made.

Effective - 07 Jan 1975
431.060. Contracts by persons under eighteen years of age — ratification necessary — how made. — No action shall be maintained whereby to charge any person upon any debt contracted before such person becomes eighteen years of age, unless such person shall have ratified the same by some other act than a verbal promise to pay the same; and the following acts on the part of such person after he becomes eighteen years of age shall constitute a ratification of such debt:
(1) An acknowledgment of, or promise to pay such debt, made in writing;
(2) A partial payment upon such debt;
(3) A disposal of part or all of the property for which such debt was contracted;
(4) A refusal to deliver property in his possession or under his control, for which such debt was contracted, to the person to whom the debt is due, on demand therefor made in writing.
(RSMo 1939 § 3358, A.L. 1974 2d Ex. Sess. S.B. 3)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 2971; 1919 § 2173; 1909 § 2786
Effective 1-07-75
Contracts for attorney fees and expenses of suit, 507.182 to 507.186
(1955) Where infant, on misrepresentation of his age, negotiated loan and mortgage from bank, he was precluded from recovering from bank deposits which the bank had applied on his loan after it became due and unpaid. Infancy, however, held defense to counterclaims of bank for the difference between infant's loans and his deposits. Byers v. Lemay Bank & Trust Co., 365 Mo. 341, 282 S.W.2d 512.
(1959) Infant who induces another to contract with him by misrepresenting to adults that he is of age, resulting in injury, is liable in tort and probate court record of guardianship is not constructive notice that minor is not of age. Royal Finance Co. v. Schaefer (A.), 330 S.W.2d 129.
(1961) In action by landlord against married minor for rent and damages to premises landlord could not recover on ground housing constituted necessity in absence of showing that minor was not supplied with suitable housing by his parent or guardian or of reasonable rental value of rooms occupied. Johnson v. Horton (A.), 343 S.W.2d 653, cert. denied 82 S.Ct. 529.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXVIII - Contracts and Contractual Relations

Chapter 431 - General Provisions as to Contracts

Section 431.010 - Private seals abolished.

Section 431.020 - Instrument of writing to import consideration — due and payable as specified.

Section 431.030 - Provisions limiting time for bringing suits prohibited.

Section 431.040 - Fraud in sale of nursery stock — damages recoverable.

Section 431.050 - Failure of nurserymen to deliver at proper time and season, contract voidable.

Section 431.055 - Persons competent to contract when eighteen years of age.

Section 431.056 - Minor's ability to contract for certain purposes — conditions — immunity from liability, when.

Section 431.058 - Relative caregiver may consent to immunization of child, when — definitions — parental decision supercedes relative caregiver — notice when child stops living with relative caregiver — limitations on liability, when — affidavit requ...

Section 431.060 - Contracts by persons under eighteen years of age — ratification necessary — how made.

Section 431.061 - Consent to surgical or medical treatment, who may give, when.

Section 431.062 - Minor cannot disaffirm contract, when — parents or guardian not liable, exception — disclosure by physician authorized, when.

Section 431.063 - Implied consent, when valid — lack of consent, when excused — emergency defined.

Section 431.064 - Experimental treatment, tests, and drugs, consent to administer by third party — life-threatening emergencies, consent by whom.

Section 431.065 - Minor spouse or parent may give consent, when.

Section 431.066 - Insurance benefits payable directly to minor, when — validity of receipt — disaffirmance prohibited.

Section 431.067 - Contracts of minors to borrow money for higher education — validity.

Section 431.068 - Persons seventeen or older may donate blood — written permission required for sixteen-year-olds.

Section 431.069 - Acquiring human tissues declared to be rendition of a service — transfusions or transplants declared not a sale — implied warranties, how limited.

Section 431.070 - Contracts with counties, effect.

Section 431.080 - Suit may be instituted thereon.

Section 431.090 - County commission may appoint agent to contract for county.

Section 431.100 - Claims against county for work and labor.

Section 431.110 - Joint contracts to be construed as joint and several.

Section 431.120 - Joint debt shall survive, against whom.

Section 431.130 - Survival of debt, against whom.

Section 431.140 - Joint obligations — suit brought against whom.

Section 431.150 - Creditor may compound with one of several debtors — release — what sums.

Section 431.160 - Assignor shall not release demand, when — title of assignee.

Section 431.170 - Action against assignor by assignee, when.

Section 431.180 - Contract for private design or construction work, scheduled payments — action for failure to pay, interest — arbitration — application.

Section 431.181 - Payments for the transportation of property to be made within thirty days after delivery, when — warranty repair work, reimbursement, rates.

Section 431.183 - Payment contingent upon payment from third party, not a defense to enforcement of lien.

Section 431.202 - Employment covenants enforceable, when — reasonability presumption.