Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 385 - Credit Insurance and Service Contracts
Section 385.200 - Definitions.

Effective - 14 Oct 2016, 3 histories
*385.200. Definitions. — As used in sections 385.200 to 385.220, the following terms mean:
(1) "Administrator", the person other than a provider who is responsible for the administration of the service contracts or the service contracts plan or for any filings required by sections 385.200 to 385.220;
(2) "Business entity", any partnership, corporation, incorporated or unincorporated association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, joint stock company, reciprocal, syndicate, or any similar entity;
(3) "Consumer", a natural person who buys other than for purposes of resale any tangible personal property that is distributed in commerce and that is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes and not for business or research purposes;
(4) "Dealers", any motor vehicle dealer or boat dealer licensed or required to be licensed under the provisions of sections 301.550 to 301.573;
(5) "Director", the director of the department of commerce and insurance;
(6) "Maintenance agreement", a contract of limited duration that provides for scheduled maintenance only;
(7) "Manufacturer", any of the following:
(a) A person who manufactures or produces the property and sells the property under the person's own name or label;
(b) A subsidiary or affiliate of the person who manufacturers or produces the property;
(c) A person who owns one hundred percent of the entity that manufactures or produces the property;
(d) A person that does not manufacture or produce the property, but the property is sold under its trade name label;
(e) A person who manufactures or produces the property and the property is sold under the trade name or label of another person;
(f) A person who does not manufacture or produce the property but, under a written contract, licenses the use of its trade name or label to another person who sells the property under the licensor's trade name or label;
(8) "Mechanical breakdown insurance", a policy, contract, or agreement issued by an authorized insurer who provides for the repair, replacement, or maintenance of a motor vehicle or indemnification for repair, replacement, or service, for the operational or structural failure of a motor vehicle due to a defect in materials or workmanship or to normal wear and tear;
(9) "Motor vehicle extended service contract" or "service contract", a contract or agreement for a separately stated consideration and for a specific duration to perform the repair, replacement, or maintenance of a motor vehicle or indemnification for repair, replacement, or maintenance, for the operational or structural failure due to a defect in materials, workmanship, or normal wear and tear, with or without additional provision for incidental payment of indemnity under limited circumstances, including but not limited to towing, rental, and emergency road service. The term shall also include a contract or agreement for a separately stated consideration and for a specific duration that provides for any of the following:
(a) The repair or replacement of tires or wheels on a motor vehicle damaged as a result of coming into contact with road hazards;
(b) The removal of dents, dings, or creases on a motor vehicle that can be repaired using the process of paintless dent removal without affecting the existing paint finish and without replacing vehicle body panels, sanding, bonding, or painting;
(c) The repair of chips or cracks in, or the replacement of, motor vehicle windshields as a result of damage caused by road hazards;
(d) The replacement of a motor vehicle key or key fob in the event that the key or key fob becomes inoperable or is lost or stolen; and
(e) If not inconsistent with other provisions of this section or section 385.206, 385.300, or 385.306, any other services approved by the director.
­­The term shall not include mechanical breakdown insurance or maintenance agreements;
(10) "Nonoriginal manufacturer's parts", replacement parts not made for or by the original manufacturer of the property, commonly referred to as after-market parts;
(11) "Person", an individual, partnership, corporation, incorporated or unincorporated association, joint stock company, reciprocal, syndicate, or any similar entity or combination of entities acting in concert;
(12) "Premium", the consideration paid to an insurer for a reimbursement insurance policy;
(13) "Producer", any business entity or individual person selling, offering, negotiating, or soliciting a motor vehicle extended service contract and required to be licensed as a producer under subsection 1 of section 385.206;
(14) "Provider", a person who is contractually obligated to the service contract holder under the terms of a motor vehicle extended service contract;
(15) "Provider fee", the consideration paid for a motor vehicle extended service contract by a service contract holder;
(16) "Reimbursement insurance policy", a policy of insurance issued to a provider and under which the insurer agrees, for the benefit of the motor vehicle extended service contract holders, to discharge all of the obligations and liabilities of the provider under the terms of the motor vehicle extended service contracts in the event of nonperformance by the provider. All obligations and liabilities include, but are not limited to, failure of the provider to perform under the motor vehicle extended service contract and the return of the unearned provider fee in the event of the provider's unwillingness or inability to reimburse the unearned provider fee in the event of termination of a motor vehicle extended service contract;
(17) "Road hazard", a hazard encountered while driving a motor vehicle that includes, but is not limited to, potholes, rocks, wood debris, metal parts, glass, plastic, curbs, or composite scraps;
(18) "Service contract holder" or "contract holder", a person who is the purchaser or holder of a motor vehicle extended service contract;
(19) "Warranty", a warranty made solely by the manufacturer, importer, or seller of property or services without charge, that is not negotiated or separated from the sale of the product and is incidental to the sale of the product, that guarantees indemnity for defective parts, mechanical or electrical breakdown, labor, or other remedial measures, such as repair or replacement of the property or repetition of services.
(L. 2007 H.B. 221, A.L. 2011 S.B. 132, A.L. 2016 H.B. 1976)
*Effective 10-14-16, see § 21.250. H.B. 1976 was vetoed July 1, 2016. The veto was overridden on September 14, 2016.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions

Chapter 385 - Credit Insurance and Service Contracts

Section 385.010 - Purpose clause.

Section 385.015 - Scope of law.

Section 385.020 - Definitions.

Section 385.025 - Credit life and accident insurance, form in which it shall be issued.

Section 385.030 - Amount of insurance permitted — payments, amount of, limited.

Section 385.035 - Term of policy, prepayment of debt, effect of.

Section 385.040 - Policy or group certificate, contents of, delivery required — policy or certificate not delivered, effect of.

Section 385.045 - Filings required to be made with director — disapproval by director, effect of — rules, procedure.

Section 385.050 - Revision of premium schedules, procedure for — refunds paid, when — limit on charge for credit life.

Section 385.055 - Who may issue credit life insurance.

Section 385.060 - Reporting and settlement of claims — who may adjust claims.

Section 385.065 - Debtor to be informed of his option to use existing policies of insurance as security — policy may be obtained from any licensed insurer.

Section 385.070 - Rates presumed reasonable, when — criteria to be met — policy may be cancelled, when — compensation to creditor for sale of coverage, maximum allowed.

Section 385.075 - Regulatory powers of director.

Section 385.080 - Credit life, accident and health insurance must be placed directly in companies holding a certificate of authority to do business in this state.

Section 385.200 - Definitions.

Section 385.202 - Issuance of contracts, criteria — registration required — duties of providers — exemption from state licensure.

Section 385.204 - Reimbursement insurance policies, requirements.

Section 385.205 - Delivery within commercially feasible time period — copy of contract to be delivered to consumer, when — violation, penalty.

Section 385.206 - Sale of contracts, prohibited acts--dealers not to be used as fronting companies--required contract contents--violations, penalty.

Section 385.207 - Business entity producer and individual producer licenses required — application requirements — issuance, renewal — rulemaking authority.

Section 385.208 - Deceptive practices.

Section 385.209 - Licensure sanctioning, when — notification by director, when — producer to notify director, when.

Section 385.210 - Record-keeping requirements.

Section 385.211 - Register of business entity producers to be maintained — inspection of list — updating of registry, when.

Section 385.212 - Termination, notice required.

Section 385.214 - Providers considered agents of insurer, when — indemnification and subrogation.

Section 385.216 - Investigations, administrative orders.

Section 385.218 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 385.220 - Inapplicability.

Section 385.300 - Definitions.

Section 385.302 - Registration required, fee — administrator authorized — provider requirements.

Section 385.304 - Reimbursement insurance policy requirements.

Section 385.306 - Contract requirements, contents.

Section 385.308 - Deceptive practices.

Section 385.310 - Record-keeping requirements.

Section 385.312 - Termination, notice required.

Section 385.314 - Providers considered agents of insurer, when — indemnification and subrogation.

Section 385.316 - Investigations, administrative orders.

Section 385.318 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 385.320 - Inapplicability.

Section 385.321 - Effective date for certain sections.

Section 385.400 - Citation of law.

Section 385.403 - Definitions.

Section 385.406 - Applicability, exceptions.

Section 385.409 - Registration required — records, content — fee — notice for failure to register.

Section 385.412 - Vehicle protection products, no offer for sale unless warrantor ensures adequate performance.

Section 385.415 - Warranty reimbursement insurance policy requirements.

Section 385.418 - Warranty requirements.

Section 385.421 - Warranty to contain cancellation terms and conditions — written notice of cancellation required.

Section 385.424 - Prohibited use of names and terms.

Section 385.427 - Record-keeping requirements.

Section 385.430 - Enforcement authority — administrative orders permitted.

Section 385.433 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 385.436 - Admissibility of failure to comply evidence.

Section 385.450 - Motor clubs — definitions — fees not subject to premium tax — inapplicability of certain insurance laws.