Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 385 - Credit Insurance and Service Contracts
Section 385.050 - Revision of premium schedules, procedure for — refunds paid, when — limit on charge for credit life.

Effective - 28 Aug 2008
385.050. Revision of premium schedules, procedure for — refunds paid, when — limit on charge for credit life. — 1. Any insurer may revise its schedules of premium rates from time to time and shall file the revised schedules with the director. No insurer shall issue any credit life insurance policy or credit accident and sickness insurance policy for which the premium rate exceeds that determined by the schedules of the insurer as then approved by the director.
2. Each individual policy or group certificate shall provide that in the event of termination of the insurance prior to the scheduled maturity date of the indebtedness, any refund of an amount paid by the debtor for insurance shall be paid or credited promptly to the person entitled thereto; provided, however, that no refund of less than one dollar need be made. The formula to be used in computing the refund shall be the actuarial method of calculating refunds which produces a refund equal to the original premium multiplied by the ratio of the sum of the remaining insured balances divided by the sum of the original insured balances. In determining the number of months for which a premium is earned, the first month's premium may be considered as earned on the first day of coverage and for all successive months' premiums, on the coverage anniversary date in each successive month.
3. If a creditor requires a debtor to make any payment for credit life insurance or credit accident and sickness insurance and an individual policy or group certificate of insurance is not issued, the creditor shall immediately give written notice to the debtor and shall promptly make an appropriate credit to the account.
4. The amount charged to a debtor for any credit life or credit accident and sickness insurance shall not exceed the premiums charged by the insurer, as computed at the time the charge to the debtor is determined.
5. Nothing in sections 385.010 to 385.080 shall be construed to authorize any payments for insurance now prohibited under any statute, or rule thereunder, governing credit transactions.
(L. 1977 H.B. 610 § 9, A.L. 2002 S.B. 895, A.L. 2008 H.B. 1893 merged with S.B. 1168)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions

Chapter 385 - Credit Insurance and Service Contracts

Section 385.010 - Purpose clause.

Section 385.015 - Scope of law.

Section 385.020 - Definitions.

Section 385.025 - Credit life and accident insurance, form in which it shall be issued.

Section 385.030 - Amount of insurance permitted — payments, amount of, limited.

Section 385.035 - Term of policy, prepayment of debt, effect of.

Section 385.040 - Policy or group certificate, contents of, delivery required — policy or certificate not delivered, effect of.

Section 385.045 - Filings required to be made with director — disapproval by director, effect of — rules, procedure.

Section 385.050 - Revision of premium schedules, procedure for — refunds paid, when — limit on charge for credit life.

Section 385.055 - Who may issue credit life insurance.

Section 385.060 - Reporting and settlement of claims — who may adjust claims.

Section 385.065 - Debtor to be informed of his option to use existing policies of insurance as security — policy may be obtained from any licensed insurer.

Section 385.070 - Rates presumed reasonable, when — criteria to be met — policy may be cancelled, when — compensation to creditor for sale of coverage, maximum allowed.

Section 385.075 - Regulatory powers of director.

Section 385.080 - Credit life, accident and health insurance must be placed directly in companies holding a certificate of authority to do business in this state.

Section 385.200 - Definitions.

Section 385.202 - Issuance of contracts, criteria — registration required — duties of providers — exemption from state licensure.

Section 385.204 - Reimbursement insurance policies, requirements.

Section 385.205 - Delivery within commercially feasible time period — copy of contract to be delivered to consumer, when — violation, penalty.

Section 385.206 - Sale of contracts, prohibited acts--dealers not to be used as fronting companies--required contract contents--violations, penalty.

Section 385.207 - Business entity producer and individual producer licenses required — application requirements — issuance, renewal — rulemaking authority.

Section 385.208 - Deceptive practices.

Section 385.209 - Licensure sanctioning, when — notification by director, when — producer to notify director, when.

Section 385.210 - Record-keeping requirements.

Section 385.211 - Register of business entity producers to be maintained — inspection of list — updating of registry, when.

Section 385.212 - Termination, notice required.

Section 385.214 - Providers considered agents of insurer, when — indemnification and subrogation.

Section 385.216 - Investigations, administrative orders.

Section 385.218 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 385.220 - Inapplicability.

Section 385.300 - Definitions.

Section 385.302 - Registration required, fee — administrator authorized — provider requirements.

Section 385.304 - Reimbursement insurance policy requirements.

Section 385.306 - Contract requirements, contents.

Section 385.308 - Deceptive practices.

Section 385.310 - Record-keeping requirements.

Section 385.312 - Termination, notice required.

Section 385.314 - Providers considered agents of insurer, when — indemnification and subrogation.

Section 385.316 - Investigations, administrative orders.

Section 385.318 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 385.320 - Inapplicability.

Section 385.321 - Effective date for certain sections.

Section 385.400 - Citation of law.

Section 385.403 - Definitions.

Section 385.406 - Applicability, exceptions.

Section 385.409 - Registration required — records, content — fee — notice for failure to register.

Section 385.412 - Vehicle protection products, no offer for sale unless warrantor ensures adequate performance.

Section 385.415 - Warranty reimbursement insurance policy requirements.

Section 385.418 - Warranty requirements.

Section 385.421 - Warranty to contain cancellation terms and conditions — written notice of cancellation required.

Section 385.424 - Prohibited use of names and terms.

Section 385.427 - Record-keeping requirements.

Section 385.430 - Enforcement authority — administrative orders permitted.

Section 385.433 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 385.436 - Admissibility of failure to comply evidence.

Section 385.450 - Motor clubs — definitions — fees not subject to premium tax — inapplicability of certain insurance laws.